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If there were no limits - what would you make?


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  Starwhip said:
Eh, I'm not even an adult yet and I know who that is. :P I'd say it was one of the coolest robots I've seen. (TARS & CASE were the best ones by far, though)

I wouldn't really build much more than I already do, though I would certainly start recording more! Lag-free videos!

Heh, ok, we'll let's just say I remember seeing it when it came out. At least I was a kid though lol

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I would design HUGE star systems for players to play into. With an easy UI (no limits remember ?) I could make that happen.

Going strictly inside the actual game, but infinite resources, Really huge spaces stations (Like an ISS but for each planets/moon), with equally huge ships (as an example, a huge tanker with a lot of everything in it.

Also huge Moon bases on every moon. Think Tyler Raiz's colonization series on steroids.

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A bridge to the sun.

Yes. Yes. Or even better, bridges connecting every planet and moon in the solar system.


A space station that goes all the way around Kerbin.

Even better, a hollow spherical space station that completely SURROUNDS Kerbin. Or even better, the entire solar system. Although I suppose that could just be called a dyson sphere.


I would build a massive base on Duna or Minmus that is many square kilometers in size.

I would rather build bases that cover every square meter of land area on said planets. Or all of them.


Huge stations and huge interplanetary spaceships!

Now, what is your definition of 'interplanetary'? If the planets in KSP Unlimited weren't on rails, I'd want a spaceship that, rather than moving between planets, moves the planets themselves.


I would install the mod that adds other solar systems. Then build a mothership likely 15-20 kilometers long (picture a Titan from Eve Online) which would carry other motherships which carry smaller ships. Then I would go from system to system dropping off the smaller motherships which would explore and colonize each system. I would also have to be able to carry hundreds or thousands of Kerbals.

Great start. After doing that, I would create a mothership that carries those motherships, with a population of millions of kerbals. The mothership itself would act like a self-sufficient KSC, capable of hiring astronauts and scientists from the rotating colony modules, building, upgrading and repairing its own facilities, and doing everything a spacecraft or the KSC can do in the current game. The mothership would travel to every corner of the galaxy, droping off thousands of sub-motherships, each carrying hundreds of reconnaissance and exploration probes, terraformer vehicles, communications satellites, flag-planter craft, and huge colony ships


A planet miner. Also cities. I'd make Kerbin just like earth, with cities, farms, history, culture, FOOD, pizza, pizza, water, factories, pizza (I'm getting hungry)

I agree that Kerbin should have its own cities, history, plants and animals, culture, nations and everything else earth has. Right now it is completely uninhabited except for the KSC.


Seriously though, I would probably do a realistic long term colony mission to Laythe. Balancing for radiation shielding and full sized rockets to return from the surface. It would be like Avatar (blue people movie) in a nutshell. I would also make an entire video series based on it.

'Blue people movie' - Avera9eJoe, 2015.

But yeah, I would love to see something where you could colonise and terraform laythe, bringing visible greenery spreading over its landmasses and islands, while the Kerbals autonomously build their own cities and divide into their own nations.


I would build a space empire. Huge bases on every moon. With a large network of stations and outposts.

With AI Alien empires spread over the galaxy, creating an interstellar empire would be quite enjoyable. Since KSP Unlimited has a realistic (100s of billions) number of stars per galaxy, it would be good if a 'auto-expand' option came up, where the empire's colonies would autonomously build up their own populations and infrastructure before launching their own colonies. This, plus a lot of higher timewarp settings, would be perfect. You could just sit back and watch your empire expand through the galaxy, with separatist rebel colonies forming and reintegrating... until a notification comes up saying your first intergalactic mission has reached its target, or a new technology has been researched. And then the game would automatically drop back to real time.


Death Star. No wait! death System! NO WAIT! DEATH GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

Once you build enough antimatter factories in your empire, perhaps you could create planet-sized lumps of antimatter and launch them at your enemies. Once you have enough antimatter, you could perhaps even crate anti-stars with self-sufficient nuclear fusion of anti-hydrogen and anti-helium. A quick back-of the-envelope calculation suggests that if an anti-star were to collide with a normal star, in addition to informing every alien race in the universe of your existence and location, it would look really awesome.


If I had no limits, i would try to land the Mün(softly) on Kerbin. Work my way to having all but Jool landed on Kerbin. Maybe put Kerbin(plus landed planets) in Jool orbit as a moon. All with rockets. If I had no limits, if the planets weren't on rails. If I had absolutely no limits and with other stars? Attempt to equal a black hole using the same method but with stars.

New idea: moving every planet/asteroid/moon/comet into their stars habitable zone, and merging all bodies that are too small into a kerbin-sized body while breaking larger planets into kerbin-sized chunks. Congrats, infinite habitable worlds!


I'd build this out of stock parts:


And then I would fly it to ALL the modded-in star systems.

Please tell me where you got that from. I NEED IT!!!


Put the solar system inside of a spherical space station.

Even better: build a solid sphere thousands of light years in diameter. The gravity alone would be immense, but if we turned the gravity down we could also use billions of orbiting stars to 'terraform' the surface, and voila! a single habitable planet, almost as big as a small galaxy and with a surface area that makes the entire world of minecraft look like a speck of dust. And if we were to seed the planet with plants, animals and microbes, just imagine all the trillions of unique ecosystems pop up, some of which become intelligent civilizations who could live, consume resources and expand almost forever since their nearest rival is several light-years away. Since they have a near-infinite space to expand, it is likely they would be too spread out too quickly to kill themselves, and nothing they do (fossil fuel burning, nuclear war etc) will change the planets climate. They could expand so much that they each evolve into multiple different species, just because of the separation caused by the long travel times between different points in their former species' empire. And because of murphy's law, we will have billion-kilometer-long mountains dozens of kilometers high, oceans the size of solar systems with not a single point of land above 5000 meters below sea level, light-year-long rivers, hurricanes the size of supergiant stars, volcanoes that create million-light-year-wide lakes of lava, canyons that could hold the volume of entire stars with room to spare, and things we can't even imagine until we see it.


A Dyson Sphere :wink:


Inspirational image is inspirational.

- - - Updated - - -


Add 500 more modules to my space station.

Or a near-infinite space station labyrinth with trillions of modules.


Planning interstellar highway missions would also be cool.

Agreed. If we want to travel 15 billion kilometres in a grand-tour, doing it at a 'really fast' driving speed of 200km/h would take only 8556 years! At a half-walking-half-resting pace of 1km/h, the journey would take 1.711 million years, and this pace would get you to alpha centauri in around 4.7 billion years.


A bridge to connect KSC to the Island air field... :P

Now this is something I want in the actual game. A bridge of some kind connecting that island with the mainland.


Another Universe.

Why stop at 2? I want, like, TWENTY! (... thousand)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would go all Avatar on Laythe and build a massive colony hundreds of kilometers across, with a 3D printer building and a massive excavator mine.

And I'd build a sea colony too.

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  M0T0M said:
Space elevator.

I have done the calculations for a space elevator on earth and the main cable only weights 10 million lbs if made out of carbon fiber 127,000 lbs if made out of carbon nano tubes. I will have to see if I still have the matlab code I can plug in the numbers for Kerbin.

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I'd colonise Duna then terraform (Kerbiform?) it, then see if terraforming Laythe and/or Eve were practical and meanwhile build a sizable interstellar ark ship with the intent of colonising more solar systems with Kerbals.

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  imaspacestation said:
KSP MMO. Because playing alone gets boring sometimes.

Watch out for the players who spent all their resources building SM3 batteries to intercept launches.

On a more serious note, I was actually thinking the same thing and if done correctly that could be quite fun. Would make building giant colonies less tedious.

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Either a Dyson ring or an Omega-class destroyer from Babylon 5. I even started planning the destroyer when I started playing KSP, long before I knew the limits.

Although, a Dyson ring would have some awesome effects with KSP's physics system as well, since its center of mass would be in the center of the sun. It would orbit with nearly infinite velocity, break apart instantly and the debris would probably still be moving with an infinite velocity. The Kraken is nothing compared to this.

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