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[1.1.2] Super 100 Shooting Star & Super 67 Little Star Command Pods.


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I would love to use your command pods, but unfortunately there are some issues with your configs.

For example many of your file names contain spaces.

A major issue is also, that both heat shields for Super67 and Super100 have the same "name = Heatshield".

Could you rename those to eg Heatshield67 and Heatshield100?

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  Yemo said:

I would love to use your command pods, but unfortunately there are some issues with your configs.

For example many of your file names contain spaces.

A major issue is also, that both heat shields for Super67 and Super100 have the same "name = Heatshield".

Could you rename those to eg Heatshield67 and Heatshield100?

That is strange. I was just trying to tweak these into the SETI tech tree. Glad you have you eyes on this Yemo :wink:.

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I have just a couple small complaints. The custom heat-shields for these command modules do not show up in parts for me. Also, I would like to request that you add some sort of built-in ladders on the sides of the command-modules, as seen on stock units. Space-walks with no integrated way for them to hold onto the command-module are downright terrifying, to say the least.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I noticed the Little Star IVA is the Mk 1-2 IVA. ASET made an awesome IVA for the Mk 1-2. I don't really code or anything but I attempted to write a patch to use the ASET IVA for the Little Star using the framework of ASET's patch. I don't know exactly what i am doing so it didn't work. Still trying right now. Would you have any advice on how to do that if it is even possible? Your CM is my go to! This IVA would make it perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Problem with the Little Star. Its model in the game is positioned as if in "Force Roll 180°" when you select "Force Roll 0°" in MechJeb.

Noticed that when MechJeb is forcing a roll position of "heads up", the Little Star is positioned heads-down, in what should be the position matching with forced 180° roll.

- - - Updated - - -

  Courn Wallace said:
Nevermind, I got it. It looks awesome.

Can you please inform me how you got the LittleStar 67 to show the Mk1-2's ASET interior for IVAs?

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  • 2 months later...

Model of the Little star seems to be rotated 180° around the z axis. Doesn't affect playability, but is kind of annoying.

Awesome work on the mod, btw! I had to rearrange the Extras folder so the heatshields would show (downloaded via CKAN), but it couldn't be easier. Keep it up!

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  StevieC said:
Problem with the Little Star. Its model in the game is positioned as if in "Force Roll 180°" when you select "Force Roll 0°" in MechJeb.

Noticed that when MechJeb is forcing a roll position of "heads up", the Little Star is positioned heads-down, in what should be the position matching with forced 180° roll.

- - - Updated - - -

Can you please inform me how you got the LittleStar 67 to show the Mk1-2's ASET interior for IVAs?

Sorry for the late reply...

In your ASET folder you need to create a folder title Super67_InternalASET

In that folder you need to create a config with this and title it "Super67_ASETinternal-patch.cfg":





storedStrings = v|13.07.2015| Mark 1-2 Pod |ADVANCED LANDING CAPSULE|FOR ORBITAL RENDEZVOUS|SQD002002-A1|MK1-2| SQUAD & A.S.E.T.


@title = Super 67 Little Star



@name = Super67_ASETInternals







name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

storedStrings = v|13.07.2015| Mark 1-2 Pod |ADVANCED LANDING CAPSULE|FOR ORBITAL RENDEZVOUS|SQD002002-A1|MK1-2| SQUAD & A.S.E.T.


@title = Super 67 Little Star



@name = Super67_ASETInternals



Then you need to copy the "Spaces" folder from the Mk1-2_InternalsASET folder.

Rename the .png's and replace "Mk1-2" with "Super67".

Finally, copy the config that is in the "Spaces" folder of the Mk1-2 ASET IVA.

Find where it says "name = Mk1-2_ASETInternals"

Just replace "Mk1-2" with "Super67"

That should do it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone else feels like the engines 45º angle is too much? It's a 30% cosine loss. The SuperDraco is more like 25º, probably even less.

Is it possible to change the angle without editing the model? An MM patch?

Edited by lodestar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Please please please update for 1.0.5 these are my default command pods these days!

Also some ideas I had while playing with this thing that made me think "wouldn't it be cool if it had:

* A parachute cover for the top of the pod that includes space for a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port + parachutes specific to this pod (the stock radial chutes look bad on it). When staged, the cover would detatch (and carry the docking port with it) exposing the parachutes.

* A thin decoupler that sits between the pod and the heatshield. When staged, it decouples the heatshield and balloons inflate!

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  • 1 month later...
  On 12/28/2015 at 8:41 AM, Courn Wallace said:

I included a screenshot in my post. Do you want an IVA one too?


I had AdBlock Plus on, it is blocking imgur images.

Okey, I see the problem, both capsules share this problems, I don't think I can fix this on the config file, I have to install Unity, and search for the models.


Edited by RaptorHunterMz
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Capsule wrong orientation fixed

Balance Tweaks

Removed lights animation from the super 100

  On 12/28/2015 at 8:41 AM, Courn Wallace said:
  On 12/28/2015 at 8:41 AM, Courn Wallace said:

I included a screenshot in my post. Do you want an IVA one too?


I included a screenshot in my post. Do you want an IVA one too?


Problem should be fixed now.

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  On 12/28/2015 at 4:09 PM, RaptorHunterMz said:


Capsule wrong orientation fixed

Balance Tweaks

Removed lights animation from the super 100

Problem should be fixed now.


Awesome. I've been using these capsules since you released them. Glad this has finally been fixed. Thank you!

Edited by Courn Wallace
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There i was (1.0.4)!!! After 100 days on Minmus and the Mun, Jeb,Bob, Bill and Valentina returning from their 10 mission. What have never failed did the parachutes were torn to shreds.  Thankfully, the super 100 landing engines (which jeb has never used) ignited in the nick of time bringing the crew to a safe splashdown.  After that Jeb insisted Super 100 was integrated to every rocket including his eagle lander... However jeb is sad that he can no longer find the super 100 on ckan as it is not coded as 1.0.5 compatible.  jeb wonders if it will be made available soon Happy holidays!

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A little RFStockalike patch for the pods, ignore the torque changing part...

		@*Torque,n = 10
			@rate = 0.25
		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 4600
		type = ServiceModule
    @name = ModuleEnginesRF
    @maxThrust = 250
    @heatProduction = 95
      @key,0 = 0 310
      @key,1 = 1 280
    !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
    !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
    !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH

    name = ModuleEngineConfigs
    type = ModuleEnginesRF
    techLevel = 7
    origTechLevel = 7
    engineType = O
    origMass = 8.5
    configuration = MMH+NTO(KS25)
    modded = false
      name = MMH+NTO(KS25)
      maxThrust = 250
      heatProduction = 95
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.0000
      IspV = 1.0000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
        useUllageSimulation = false
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

      name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen(KS25)
      maxThrust = 240
      heatProduction = 171
        name = LqdMethane
        ratio = 43.37355809528878
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = LqdOxygen
        ratio = 56.62644190471122
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.1000
      IspV = 1.1000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        useUllageSimulation = true
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

    @name = ModuleEnginesRF
    @maxThrust = 1250
    @heatProduction = 500
      @key,0 = 0 280
      @key,1 = 1 240
    !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
    !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
    !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH

    name = ModuleEngineConfigs
    type = ModuleEnginesRF
    techLevel = 7
    origTechLevel = 7
    engineType = O
    origMass = 8.5
    configuration = MMH+NTO(LES)
    modded = false
      name = MMH+NTO(LES)
      maxThrust = 1250
      heatProduction = 500
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.0000
      IspV = 1.0000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
        useUllageSimulation = false
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

      name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen(LES)
      maxThrust = 1170
      heatProduction = 171
        name = LqdMethane
        ratio = 43.37355809528878
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = LqdOxygen
        ratio = 56.62644190471122
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.1000
      IspV = 1.1000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        useUllageSimulation = true
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

  !MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
    ignitionsAvailable = 24
    autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
    ignitorType = Electric
    useUllageSimulation = true
      name = ElectricCharge
      amount = 0.04

	@mass = 4.2
		@*Torque,n = 5
			@rate = 0.1
		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 2300
		type = ServiceModule
    @name = ModuleEnginesRF
    @maxThrust = 150
    @heatProduction = 200
      @key,0 = 0 320
      @key,1 = 1 290
    !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
    !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
    !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH

    name = ModuleEngineConfigs
    type = ModuleEnginesRF
    techLevel = 7
    origTechLevel = 7
    engineType = O
    origMass = 4.2
    configuration = MMH+NTO(KS25)
    modded = false
      name = MMH+NTO(KS25)
      maxThrust = 150
      heatProduction = 200
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.0000
      IspV = 1.0000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
        useUllageSimulation = false
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

      name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen(KS25)
      maxThrust = 135
      heatProduction = 171
        name = LqdMethane
        ratio = 43.37355809528878
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = LqdOxygen
        ratio = 56.62644190471122
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.1000
      IspV = 1.1000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        useUllageSimulation = true
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

    @name = ModuleEnginesRF
    @maxThrust = 750
    @heatProduction = 500
      @key,0 = 0 290
      @key,1 = 1 260
    !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
    !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
    !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH

    name = ModuleEngineConfigs
    type = ModuleEnginesRF
    techLevel = 7
    origTechLevel = 7
    engineType = O
    origMass = 4.2
    configuration = MMH+NTO(LES)
    modded = false
      name = MMH+NTO(LES)
      maxThrust = 1250
      heatProduction = 500
        name = MMH
        ratio = 49.96554100620262
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = NTO
        ratio = 50.03445899379738
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.0000
      IspV = 1.0000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
        useUllageSimulation = false
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

      name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen(LES)
      maxThrust = 720
      heatProduction = 171
        name = LqdMethane
        ratio = 43.37355809528878
        DrawGauge = True
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
        name = LqdOxygen
        ratio = 56.62644190471122
        %ResourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
      IspSL = 1.1000
      IspV = 1.1000
      throttle = 0
        ignitionsAvailable = 24
        useUllageSimulation = true
        autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
        ignitorType = Electric
          name = ElectricCharge
          amount = 0.04

  !MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
    ignitionsAvailable = 24
    autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
    ignitorType = Electric
    useUllageSimulation = true
      name = ElectricCharge
      amount = 0.04

haven't tested yet, but it doesn't seems to have any problem.

 bugs occurs

Edited by 01010101lzy
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  • 4 weeks later...

Would it be possible to have the RasterPropMonitor IVA be a ModuleManager config that :NEEDS[JSI]

A file called something like RaptorAerospacial/Super100/S100_RPM.cfg containing this sort of thing:

		name = RasterPropMonitorComputer
		@name = IVA_S100RPM

And then rename RaptorAerospacial/Spaces/IVA_S100 to RaptorAerospacial/Spaces/IVA_S100RPM (and match up the files under it, including changing the "name =" in the .cfg) and move RaptorAerospacial/StockIVA/Spaces/IVA_S100 to RaptorAerospacial/Spaces/IVA_S100

Edited by politas
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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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