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[1.3.0] Solaris Hypernautics v0.5.5- latest virtual particle technology!


What should be put into the next updates?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be put into the next updates?

    • Bigger badder engines
    • More powerful resource parts
    • Tweak what's already there

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I'm going to be clear here: I don't like the Blutonium.

It generally mucks with parts which were perfectly fine before such as the scramjet and the reactors, on top of making a lot of things even more impractical than they already were. I used to like Solaris Hypernautics, but the Blutonium update killed it for me.

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Oh? I rather like it; it doesnt makes thing balanced but it does help IMO.

I've put a huge station in kerbin orbit with dust collectors to make xenon/blutonium/LF and act as a spaceport for the Kerbal Warp Fleet I'm building. It's rather nice. Also the Kamenev industrial center that churns out blutonimu just looks amazing!

Here's how it looks like with two warp ships docked


While I'm shamelessly posting screenshots, here is the Grasshopper.

A "perpetual" science gathering, neat looking (IMHO :wink: ) ship for low gravity atmosphere-less worlds.

Thanks to a nuclear generator on the tail it powers the four kanae engines and a virtual particles generator for infinite flight and exploration (but I use a life support mod so it's not that OP :) )


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@Gatrnerd I'm sorry to hear that the Blutonium update made the parts too impractical to use. I'm considering a bit of a rollback on some of the parts that added in Blutonium into their functionality, though the larger reactors going to stay. The flat reactors be returned to use Ore as a fuel source, though I'm still messing with the idea. Rebalancing the parts is big priority.

@DarkGod Yeah, the Blutonium update was meant as balancing / realism update, but the balancing part still seems to be all over the place. Very cool Spaceport and Warpships BTW! The Dual Maneuver Unit was originally going to use virtual particles, but I went with nuclear in the end to stick with the nuclear theme of the Blutonium update. Might change it in a future update.

And for everyone:

With the Blutonium update being out for a little while and a couple updates since then, its feedback time! I'm looking for everyone opinions on the parts balancing and issues with the application of Blutonium along with possible solutions. Currently one possible future implementation is the rollback of the inline flat reactors to Ore instead of Blutonium. Other parts may be also get the rollback treatment, but the inline reactors and zubrin drives are pretty much off-limits. Btw, please be specific with the balancing issues so I know what to actually fix instead of broadstroke measures.

So with that, tell me thoughts to properly balance Solaris Hypernautics. And thank you to everyone for downloading!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I made a Community Tech Tree config for the mod!


    @TechRequired = aerospaceComposites

    @TechRequired = nuclearPower

    @TechRequired = nuclearPower

    @TechRequired = largeNuclearPower

    @TechRequired = largeNuclearPower

    @TechRequired = advNuclearPower

    @TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion

    @TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion

    @TechRequired = exoticReactions

    @TechRequired = advEMSystems

    @TechRequired = experimentalRocketry

    @TechRequired = giganticRocketry

    @TechRequired = exoticReactions

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = plasmaPropulsion

    @TechRequired = aerospaceTech

    @TechRequired = expAircraftEngines

    @TechRequired = advEMSystems

    @TechRequired = advEMSystems

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = advAerospaceEngineering

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = advEMSystems

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = advEMSystems

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = specializedPlasmaGeneration

    @TechRequired = advIonPropulsion

    @TechRequired = exoticReactions

    @TechRequired = nuclearFuelSystems

    @TechRequired = nuclearFuelSystems

    @TechRequired = advSolarTech

    @TechRequired = specializedElectrics

    @TechRequired = experimentalElectrics

    @TechRequired = unifiedFieldTheory

    @TechRequired = unifiedFieldTheory

I only changed parts that I thought deserved to be a bit later or in a more logical place in the tech tree--all in all, there weren't any vanilla-to-vanilla changes except where CTT added a higher tier in a branch and I thought it appropriate that a part would go higher (thermal compjet, dustcc and dustring are the only examples of that).

Since we're on the topic of balancing, I found in the process of making this that much of the mod is OP as hell compared to many other mods. Note that I made the EC-to-VP converters require the "unified field theory" research node--one of the two final tier nodes, requiring 10,000 science each, a cost which in my current install is only shared by an alcubierre drive and a dumb little antigrav device I made as my first mod. I figure this is fair--it's basically infinite fuel, which is crazy. But with a tech name called "unified field theory", you'd damn well better be okay with crazy, ha. I made this config while testing my own mod--I was using the engines from this mod, noticed it didn't have a CTT config, noticed that it filled the exact niche my mod was holding (I only made an antigrav part for putting in the "unified field theory" node in the first place), so I just sorta stopped working on it and went to make this.

Anyway, yeah, I like this mod. I'll probably tweak it some to replace Blutonium with some community resource stuff, but that's only personal taste, not a suggestion at all.

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  On 8/1/2016 at 2:05 AM, Carbonjvd said:


With the Blutonium update being out for a little while and a couple updates since then, its feedback time! I'm looking for everyone opinions on the parts balancing and issues with the application of Blutonium along with possible solutions. Currently one possible future implementation is the rollback of the inline flat reactors to Ore instead of Blutonium. Other parts may be also get the rollback treatment, but the inline reactors and zubrin drives are pretty much off-limits. Btw, please be specific with the balancing issues so I know what to actually fix instead of broadstroke measures.

So with that, tell me thoughts to properly balance Solaris Hypernautics. And thank you to everyone for downloading!



I'll try to be honest with you.

You lost me with the implementation of Blutonium.

Please let me explain, i like it that the Reactors need a harder to get type of fuel. I'm totally ok with that.


But the fact that many engines need it too and most importantly the fact that you cannot store it in a central fuel container makes it unneccessarily complicated, because you have to keep track on how much blutonium there is on each individual part.

As i said i'm not against complex game mechanics, but it shouldn't make game play cumbersome or confusing.


I would have preferred that there was a more clearer chain of resource usage for all engines. Like Reactor (Blutonium) -> Virtual particle creator (Energy) -> Engine (Virtual particles + Ore), or something like that.



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I finally signed up here just to add in that I agree with the above. Blutonium's an interesting concept, but I feel like it's a little, overcomplicated right now.

I spent about ten minutes just now scouring the tech tree to see if I could find anything that would let me store the stuff, so I could actually start using some of the blutonium reactors and the like I've started unlocking. Ended up having to Google it, because I was wondering if something was broke on my game. It's not at all clear that what you get in the initial tank is all you can store, and I don't really understand why that's the case, especially since you can refuel - if they were intended as fire-and-forget then that'd make sense, but.

I like it conceptually, but I feel like you could have made things a lot easier by just doing what's been suggested above, bundling in that Community Resource pack that was mentioned and tying your engines and reactors to Uraninite. Boom. Refueling anywhere but on Kerbin requires mining or refining operations, stations get set up for supplying nuclear powered ships, and if someone wants to stock up for a long trip, they can, 'cause there's containers for extra reactor fuel.

Or if you don't want that, then remove the ability to refuel and just make them fire-and-forget and balance around that. As it is, the Manhattan reactor just seems pointless to me - 8k funds for less than 90 minutes of power generation just seems useless to me. Sure, it's high-throughput, but I can't think of a use-case for a reactor that can pull down 52ec/s for an hour and then it's functionally dead weight. If it did 1ec/s for 52 hours it'd be a lot more useful, and I might actually consider using it.

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Well this one was a fun one to do... the hopefully revitalizing update to fix Blutonium! Woah!! The two biggest changes of this update is the addition of three radial Blutonium fuel tanks and the roll-back of most of the Blutonium using parts. The radial Blutonium tanks are fairly large, so they can greatly extend the life of the reactors and other Blutonium parts. Nuclear jets now only use Compressed Atmosphere and Liquid Fuel, so its much simpler and doesn't use Blutonium anymore. Reactors, Zubrin engines, and Nuke RCS are the only three parts still using Blutonium, and the Nuke RCS still doesn't hold local Blutonium.

In addition to the Blutonium roll-back, the reactors are now much more efficient, last far longer at high capacity. Besides a handful of parts tweaks, two new parts were also included: Passive Intakes that function to provide large amounts of compressed atmosphere for nuclear jets, and a Huge Docking Port that fills the 3.75 meter niche.

Really hoping this updates has fixed and properly balanced the mistakes of the previous updates. Let me know if I missed something, and have fun!


P.S. The next update after this will include the CTT integration, thanks @Putnam!

Edited by Carbonjvd
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Hi, I am looking for some help. 

How do you get magnetic charge from other parts into Theta-P Flux "Arcturus" Magnetic Drive Engine? I have magnetic charge stored up in other parts, but they wont transfer to the Arcturus engine, and the engine only has internal storage for 80 magnetic charge, and generates 1 magnetic charge per sec(I think), so how is someone supposed to make this engine work for longer than a couple seconds, before taking a while to recharge? I looked at every part a dozen times over and I cant seem to find anything the is used to "transfer" magnetic charge to the engines. Please help, I really like these engine!


Another question, are some of the engines intended to not make any sound?


Thanks for any help! I really love this mod,it is shaping up to be a must have for me :)

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  On 9/6/2016 at 2:39 AM, Chase842 said:

Hi, I am looking for some help. 

How do you get magnetic charge from other parts into Theta-P Flux "Arcturus" Magnetic Drive Engine? I have magnetic charge stored up in other parts, but they wont transfer to the Arcturus engine, and the engine only has internal storage for 80 magnetic charge, and generates 1 magnetic charge per sec(I think), so how is someone supposed to make this engine work for longer than a couple seconds, before taking a while to recharge? I looked at every part a dozen times over and I cant seem to find anything the is used to "transfer" magnetic charge to the engines. Please help, I really like these engine!


Another question, are some of the engines intended to not make any sound?


Thanks for any help! I really love this mod,it is shaping up to be a must have for me :)


I think it's supposed to be like that... :P

I'm not a fan of this mechanic either, but what i tried was to set the engine under 7 or 8 % power output, so the Magnetic charge doesn't get consumed because it regenerates just as fast. (at least that's how it worked a few patches back. I haven't played KSP for a while :blush: )

Hope this could help a bit.


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  On 9/6/2016 at 11:27 AM, Drelam said:

I think it's supposed to be like that... :P

I'm not a fan of this mechanic either, but what i tried was to set the engine under 7 or 8 % power output, so the Magnetic charge doesn't get consumed because it regenerates just as fast. (at least that's how it worked a few patches back. I haven't played KSP for a while :blush: )

Hope this could help a bit.



Thanks for the quick response!


Since the Development thread hasn't seen discussion in a long time, I hope it's ok that I post a suggestion here. I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on the dev thread.


   First off, I love this mod, and I don't know how I ever lived without it before. Hats off to ya!

   I'd to make a suggestion to change the magnetic "Arcturus" engine and its 3.75m variant(forgot the name), into a hybrid engine that uses electric charge, magnetic charge, and liquid fuel. While in it's liquid fuel hybrid mode, the engine should consume magnetic charge at the same rate at which it can be recharged, or allow for a part to transfer magnetic charge into the engine. I don't like the idea of having unlimited fuel, assuming you have the parts for generating virtual particles and magnetic charge, and I think there is a better way to balance it, instead of setting it so you can only use it for a few seconds before it has to recharge. You can leave that mode 

This engine looks way too cool to only be used for niche purposes. I'd like to see this engine see more uses through adding versatility or a completely new magnetic engine altogether(using the same model, and textures though).


     - For balancing and so the engine doesn't feel like cheating, I would suggest making the "Arcturus" engine and its 3.75m variant (again forgot the name) have an ASL of 800-1000(or close to the Ra engine) and roughly 5500 isp in a vacuum, wherever in liquid fuel hybrid mode.

     - Also for balancing while in hybrid mode, I think the Arcturus should have a bit more thrust than it currently has, but its 3.75m variant should have a lot less thrust.


   I love the way the Arcturus engine looks, it looks so great as my SSTO's main engines, but I never use this engine because it runs out of magnetic charge way to fast, and can't be replenished by other parts. I think it is too niche, and can be made into a more versatile and balanced engine. I can't remember right now(i'm at work) but I don't think it has sound, like most engines from this mod. If someone could give me a quick crash course on how to add sound, and knows some good sounds to go with these engines, I'll do that too! I'm a little obsessed with building my SSTO right now, and I think these changes would make this engine a greatSSTO engine.

   I know how to edit some XML stuff at a novice level(idk if it's an XML type thing or similar), so if you point me in the right direction and tell me a little what to do, I'm sure I can make this change for you if you'd like. Although I am pretty bad at balancing in games, so I would need someone to help me with the numbers.




     A separate suggestion is to make a smaller/more compact variant of the magnetic drag array(awesome idea btw). This way I could cleverly place them on an SSTO for EVE reentry with realistic atmospheres and FAR!



    Let me know what you think about my suggestions and if you could show me how to make the changes, I'll do the work and test it out to see if it's balanced!

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Ok, so I took a crack at trying to edit the Magnetic Flux "Arcturus" Engine's .cfg

I've never done anything like this without a guide holding my hand the entire way through, so I may have gotten some things wrong. Would someone please look over the changes I made and tell me if I did anything wrong? I'll copy and paste the section of the .cfg for the engine that I changed, and the .cfg for the resources folder(only the magnetic charge section)

I'm not sure I want to keep the atmosphere curve the way it is, and I had no idea how to determine the ratio for propellants. Any Help would be greatly appreciated!! ^_^

(The parts I changed or tweaked are in blue. I put the other stuff in, so you guys could see the format/context, in case i messed it up) 

Magnetic Flux Engine "Arcturus":

    name = MultiModeEngine
    primaryEngineID = LiquidFuelHybrid
    secondaryEngineID = MagneticFlux
    name = ModuleEnginesFX
    engineID = LiquidFuelHybrid
    directThrottleEffectName = running_hybrid
    runningEffectName = running_hybrid
    thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
    exhaustDamage = True
    ignitionThreshold = 0.7
    minThrust = 0
    maxThrust = 650
    heatProduction = 560
    fxOffset = 0, 0, 1
        name = MagneticCharge
                   ratio = 0.2
        DrawGauge = True
        name = LiquidFuel
        ratio = 0.5
        DrawGauge = True
        name = ElectricCharge
        ratio = 3
        key = 0 5500
        key = 1 800

    name = ModuleEnginesFX
    engineID = MagneticFlux
    directThrottleEffectName = running_magflux
    runningEffectName = running_magflux
    thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform

    exhaustDamage = True
    ignitionThreshold = 0.7
    minThrust = 0
    maxThrust = 410
    heatProduction = 560
    fxOffset = 0, 0, 1
        name = MagneticCharge
                   ratio = 0.2
        DrawGauge = True
        name = VirtualParticles
        ratio = 1.2
        DrawGauge = True
        key = 0 8000
        key = 1 185
        key = 2 0.001

       name = ModuleJettison
       jettisonName = ED250_Fairing
       bottomNodeName = bottom
       isFairing = True
       jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
       jettisonForce = 5
       jettisonDirection = 0 0 1

    name = ModuleAnimateHeat
    ThermalAnim = ED250FXheat

    name = ModuleGimbal
    gimbalTransformName = ED250_Pintel
    gimbalRange = 10
    useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
    gimbalResponseSpeed = 5

    name = ModuleGenerator
    isAlwaysActive = true
        name = ElectricCharge
        rate = 0.5
        name = MagneticCharge
        rate = 1.033

    name = MagneticCharge
    amount = 80
    maxAmount = 80



Resources .cfg

  name = MagneticCharge
  density = 0
  unitCost = 0
  hsp = 400
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  volume = 5





Also, I'd like to add sound to the engine, any advice is most welcome!

Edited by Chase842
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I am liking this mod alot, and I can understand a magnetic engine not making much sound... maybe a decently audible hum? BUT I really wish the huge, amazing, super powerful "Indominus" Thermonuclear Plasma Engine made some noise... it should be frickin LOUD.. with a plazma-like exhaust coming out of it....  Like... honestly, the "spark" has a bigger flame and makes more noise lol.

Edited by TheKurgan
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AH HA!! I have added sound to the huge, amazing, super powerful "Indominus" Thermonuclear Plasma Engine!!  I added this:


sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_hard = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout


Right after the line; fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout 


Line 17 I think...


Edited by TheKurgan
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  • 1 month later...

Just noticed this thread has not been updated since September. Is this mod on a break or just quietly being worked on, hopefully not RIP as I like playing around with its funky features.

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@Marrv "The tales of my mod's death have been greatly exaggerated." The correct answer to that one is "quietly being worked on", I'm still here. 4-5 months would be closer to the mod being on break.

Since it has been full month since my last check-in, here's what has been going on in development. Tweaking to fix some existing problems, working KSP v1.2 compatibility. Also have been working on CTT integration as of this week, but without CTT updated to KSP v1.2, its not of much use.

Took a look at the forums for more issues, the Indominus Plasma Engine now has sound and reworked particles (still being worked on). The total rebuild of the Attero and Acturus engines seems a bit overboard, but I'm willing to make them more practical within their current functionality. Magnetic charge stays the same cause I like some semblence of accuracy.

With the KSP v1.2 update came some new mechanics I'm working on adding in too, so be looking forward to upgradeable engines! Tried to get it to work with non-engine modules with no luck so far. If I do get it before launch, it'll be included in this next release.

I'll be releasing the update sometime between a couple days and perhaps a week, cause class and all. Hope this is a satisfying response to everyone, so have fun everyone!


Edited by Carbonjvd
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Just so everybody knows, Solaris Hypernautics is a parts pack, as in not plug-in dependent. So everything in it is already compatible with whatever new updates come out, as the parts all use built-in functions and modules to work. So the current version will work just fine in 1.2 despite being rated for up to 1.1.3, the only problem would be the lack of updated features that came with 1.2 which focuses mostly on communications and command parts.

TL;DR Feel free to use the current one for now until the official update comes out for 1.2


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/14/2016 at 9:34 PM, Warezcrawler said:

I know some things have changed to 1.2 of KSP, but have anybody tried the current version with it yet? Do they work together, or we have to wait for an update to use it.

This mod does not have plugins, so it could work as is... Right?


I seem to recall being in this situation with a timewarp mod a while back, and I have a similar answer: sort of. :)

It's a parts mod, so by default things should work from version to version. But I was getting a fair number of errors/exceptions in the editor (and I don't think they were all 1.2 new either) when I loaded in parts (or even just moused over them in the parts list). I would say maybe 85% of the mod is fine though, at least.

I had been planning on doing an update, as I think a lot of the parts are top notch and a lot of the configs are really cleverly done, but decided against it based on what I saw. This was in 1.2.1 Windows. Give it a try though if you want (with the debug option "display errors/exceptions on screen" turned on) in a sandbox game and you'll see what I mean.

If @Carbonjvd wants some examples, I can provide logs or screenshots.

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  • 1 month later...

Who's ready for an updated?!

Just checking in if people are still interested in the mod. Hopefully yes. If you are still hanging in there, yes I'm still around. Now that my college semester has finally ended, I'll be updating it within the next couple days to week.

Happy holidays and be on the look out your present!


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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