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[KSP 1.11.1][2021/03/01] Ventral Drill for Stock ISRU

Superfluous J

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I think the stock ISRU system is missing a critical part: The ventral (in-line) drill. This simple mod fixes that. It adds a ventral drill that in all other ways (Tech tree node, mass, usefulness) is the same as the stock radial drills.


Jeb Tested. Bill Approved!

I did not make the model. That credit goes to Nertea. It's the same model as the ventral drill from Karbonite, with a new name and stats so it can work on stock ore without having to install Karbonite. You should be able to install this along with Karbonite but there is no reason to.

I did not create the stats. All I did was copy the stats from the stock radial drills (for ISRU stuff) and the Karbonite drill (so it mounted and functioned correctly).

So in short, this is not my work. This is a simple retooling of two things to make a new thing.




ModuleManager. You probably have it already. NOTE: ModuleManager is a new dependency as of 1.9.1


The Zip file has a folder in it named VentralDrill, just put that folder into your GameData folder.

If you need to, also install Module Manager as per their instructions.

You should, on the next start of KSP, see a Ventral Drill in the same tech tree node as the stock radial drill and/or in the VAB ready to use.

It should work in CKAN as well. I don't use that though so no clue what's wrong if it doesn't.


To match the license of Karbonite and the original drill, this part is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Share-Alike Attribution Non-Commercial license.


Nertea for the drill model

Roverdude for Karbonite, and for the stock ISRU system.

Sarbian for Module Manager and Nyan Cats.


I do not need donations, but if you want to contribute, please donate to SpaceDock:


Edited by Superfluous J
Upgrade to 1.11.1
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  On 4/18/2017 at 8:50 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Does this work in 1.2+?


I had totally forgotten I had written this mod. It was quite an existential experience reading that first post with no actual memory of undertaking this endeavor.

Amusingly, several times in the years since this post, I've wanted a ventral stock drill :D

I have no idea if it works or not. I know of no changes to the stock ISRU system so I'd not be all that surprised if it does.

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  On 4/19/2017 at 12:15 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I had totally forgotten I had written this mod. It was quite an existential experience reading that first post with no actual memory of undertaking this endeavor.

Amusingly, several times in the years since this post, I've wanted a ventral stock drill :D

I have no idea if it works or not. I know of no changes to the stock ISRU system so I'd not be all that surprised if it does.


do you think you could test and update it?

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  On 4/19/2017 at 12:25 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

do you think you could test and update it?


It actually worked, though a lot had actually changed. I made all the required changes, tested it briefly on the launch pad, and claimed it good. I then went ahead and made it all official and stuff and put it up on Spacedock.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm envisioning a robotic probe landing with Mark 55 "Thud" radial engines on some body and using this drill to mine with. Come to think of it, this is rather impractical for asteroids, because the location where it normally is mounted (i.e. bottom of ship) is generally filled with Da Klaw. Suggestion for a new mod of yours: 2.5-meter wide AGU. 

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  On 6/21/2018 at 12:32 AM, ArmoredLipid said:

I'm envisioning a robotic probe landing with Mark 55 "Thud" radial engines on some body and using this drill to mine with. Come to think of it, this is rather impractical for asteroids, because the location where it normally is mounted (i.e. bottom of ship) is generally filled with Da Klaw. Suggestion for a new mod of yours: 2.5-meter wide AGU


Sadly I don't do modeling. I just took someone else's model and slapped the stock stats on it. If someone had a 2.5 meter AGU model, it'd probably already be available as a mod :)

One idea, radial AGU. No clue how that'd work but it's an interesting thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I have (finally) upgraded the Ventral Drill to 1.9.1, and this is a bigger update than normal. I added a requirement for Module Manager (which we probably all have installed anyway) and now the Ventral Drill automatically copies all relevant stats and modules from the stock game. This means not only less work for me (yay! :)) but also more likelihood that future versions of KSP will "just work" with the Ventral Drill.

Download et al on the top post. CKAN whenever they get around do it (aka don't bug me about it I did my part)

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