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MechJeb vs non MechJeb


MechJeb vs non MechJeb  

489 members have voted

  1. 1. MechJeb vs non MechJeb

    • Mechjeb
    • Mon MechJeb

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I do use mechjeb. Have launched/docked 100's of rockets manually, it is not that I can't do it without mechjeb. Just becomes a bit tedious to do the same thing over and over again. The goal in my game shifted to other things.

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I don't use mechjeb, I prefer to play the game myself rather than watch mechjeb do it for me.

I may not be the best pilot, but doing it myself means I am also learning how to play it better.

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What a terrible poll. I'm someone who thinks mechjeb is a great idea, but doesn't use it in their game anymore - how could I vote either way, really?

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-Instant Atmo-Drag values

-Instant Orbital period values

-Instant pork-chop selection for interplanetary transfer

-Orbital shape w/incl (no more back and forth to the map)


-Realtime TWR information

-Target distance at closest approach

-Time to AP,PE

-Target inclination (did I mention I don't have to go back and forth to the map?)

I've stopped using mechjeb for launches, never bothered with automating much else (i enjoy piloting); but the wealth of information it provides is as unparalleled as it is flexible. I also like that is a mass-less part, since information like the above should be stock when doing rocket science! IMO!

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If I know one thing it is that MechJeb would completely have spoiled the beginner/learning experience for me. Which is why I am glad I did not start playing the game with it and waited until I could do most of the maneuvers myself before installing it. That which I couldn't do myself at first, I looked up Scott Manley's tutorials on youtube :).

As a learning tool, MechJeb is vastly superior to tutorials or videos by the youtuber-with-less-annoying-voice-than-most. It makes learning faster, less frustrating, and more fun. There is just one caveat: you must be willing to learn, even though you already know an easier way of doing things.

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I use MJ for readouts, interplanetary transfer nodes and Smart A.S.S. The rest I do by hand.

Anything that flys the vessel for you is just plain cheating.

So using stock game is now cheating since pilots can hold node orientation like MJ. :confused:

Edited by theend3r
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Back in the Alpha days of KSP I used Mechjeb... Now, post 1.0, I don't anymore. I noticed that I tended to rely on mechjeb a bit too much. To me, manual piloting (seat of the pants technique) is just more fun despite being unrealistic.

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Bit of both... basically anything long enough to go make a cuppa, or which requires a lot of node tweaking and course plotting, gets left to MJ.

- rocket ascent = manual (usually designed for dead-stick past 200m/s anyway, but MJ is good for holding level while getting a perfectly circular orbit)

- rocket/capsule descent = manual (getting quite good at landing near KSC with estimates)

- spaceplane ascent = manual

- spaceplane descent = manual (KSC is just so easy to hit with a plane)

- docking = manual (I'm more efficient with the MP and usually don't need additional tanks of it)

- precision landing = MJ (e.g. expanding a ground base)

- interplanetary transfer planning = MJ

- rendezvous planning = MJ

- long burns = MJ

I prefer KER for data readouts, got those nice mini HUDs at all times :)

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Why would you use MechJeb for readouts when you could use KER?

Because mechjeb was the first info tool i installed and i am used to it, can't be bothered to install KER and learn how to use it

P.s. mechjeb doesn't fly my craft anymore, I do all my own piloting, maneuver planning and docking

i remove mechjeb from craft after building them unless its required for info displays on challenges

Edited by Gravaar
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I use Kerbal Engineer.

I do not think MechJeb is cheating.

Never used mechjeb, but I don't think it's cheating.


How can you "cheat" at a single-player game?? The only possible way is if they use mods/debug menu for Forum Challenges where the Challenge didn't explicitly allow them.

If people enjoy playing the game in different styles, so be it. End of.

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Why do people care what other people do in their single player game? The whole world could use Mechjeb and it still wouldn't have to concern you since nobody is forcing you to install it.

Secondly if you think that MechJeb is 'cheating' then do you also consider NASA or ESA to be organizations full of cheating alpacas? The amount of electronic and computerized help, autopiloting and autostabilization they use is staggering compared to even MechJeb. Read up on just how little manual control NASA uses and used during their space missions to get a feel for it.

Thirdly somehere over the several hundred hours I've spent on this game wrestling with the arcane, unfinished and seriously buggy stock flight and maneuver control UI stopped being fun and started being extremely tedious so any help is welcome.

I usually don't use it because I get by with KerbalEngineeer and PreciseNode but I chose MechJeb anyway simply because I think that what I do in my game doesn't need to concern any of you.

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MechJeb is brilliant and essential to my enjoyment of KSP. I can do all of the manoeuvres it does for me, although that wasn't true when I started with it, but docking the same craft for the 100th time is very boring so I let MJ do it. I've had many situations it couldn't handle (like landing on Duna starting with < 1 TWR and no parachutes) and it's crashed me many times (when initial conditions were not what it expected mostly) but I like it like that.

If you wanna use it - do, and ignore any snobbishness you see from time to time on these boards. (wish people could cut that out)

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Having tried it briefly a while ago I am back Non-Mechjeb. I like the sense of accomplishment I get wrestling my monstrosities to orbit; and also the enjoyment of launching and flying a thoughtfully designed craft.

I also didn't feel like trying to learn the vast array of windows, options and settings.

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I have no axe to grind with Mechjeb. I used it back in one edition. Pretty good. But I have eventually figured out how to do a lot of what Mechjeb does with vanilla controls, so these days I can't be bothered installing it. :)

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Launching crafts, specially the large ones who take forever and a half to get into orbit and require minimal output from me is boring (to me).

As such. mechjeb and I can go make a fresh pot of coffee and come back to send the craft wherever it needs to go.

Edit- Like Hazelnut I wasn't always able to do all the things Mech-Jeb can do when I started using it, but now I can (for the most part anyway...) I used it primarily as a learning tool, I watched how mechjeb did it, then I did it for myself, then I did it again cause I crashed, and eventually I got it down.

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I prefer not using Mechjeb. I love doing all the launching, orbit adjustment, landing. Of course I use stuff like Kerbal Engineer, Transfer Window Planner and Throttle Controlled Avionics, but I like to fly manually, not let the computer do it for me.

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So. About the whole caring if people cheat during single player. I'm not going to discount that opinion entirely. I can certainly see how someone could respect you more for beating Bloodborne without the reproduction glitch that was eventually patched out. It's an understanding of the playing field we're all on. Knowing the difficulties we're all facing.

That said, I still have no problem with MechJeb.

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