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[1.3/1.2/1.1] [Kopernicus] Other_Worlds star/planet pack - v1.0.2


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Keep up the great work Pk. I love the new textures in 0.2.

I landed on Vassa yesterday, forgot to take pictures though.

If you were me, There would be 10 photos only of the re-entry on the screenshots folder! XD

Also, Augustus, he just asked if I wanted some help, don't get crazy! (Although actually I don't need help)

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How big are the textures for this mod?

EDIT: I always crash with this mod installed.

The most are 2048x1024 png images, some are 1024x512 though.

How many RAM do you use with your KSP? Do you have OpenGL mode on?

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In my free time the past couple days, I wrote up a small ScienceDef config that you can use. It so far only has some CrewReports,EVAS, SurfaceSamples and gravity scans for now (planning on adding more later).

You can use what I have already if you want.


Pretty good science defs! Most of them are very good but very repetitive, altough I can make some changes. Thanks! (You'll be added in the mod crew list if they're added)

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Working on the Prima-Secunda binary thing:


A GIF at max stock time-warp: http://i.imgur.com/1oNS5zw.gif

Making Prima and Secunda a barycentric system can be done with SigmaBinary.

Also I want the craft file for your probe!


SigmaBinary can't do what You saw in this comment! Look at that madness!

The craft file: http://kerbalx.com/pkmniako/Koyager

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Are you still planning on adding a kerbin like planet to the Cercani system?

Do you see that System%20n3-0%25-lightgrey.svg on the signature? One of it's planets will be a terra.

This is some truly lovely work!

First - have rep. Second - let me add this to my twitch playthroughs :)


Just remember to backup saves! :)


So far I've tested this with my 85+ flight file, and it doesn't appear to have affected any orbits.


Edited by Pkmniako
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