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ASET Avionics Pack v 2.1 (for the modders who create IVA)


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  On 2/12/2017 at 10:47 AM, alexustas said:

right before release


Then it's not CKAN.  

I just loaded it up, and, again, this isn't exhaustive, but:

  • The old Alcor IVA patch, is missing, and it doesn't appear that it's been incorporated anywhere.  I've looked in all the files.
  • The patch for the MK1-2_ASETinternal-patch is also missing.  This was in the directory MK1-2_InternalsASET

When I copied over the MK1-2_InternalsASET, the internals replacement for the MK1-2 worked.

When I copied over the directory ALCOR_IVA_Patch, the internals replacement for the ALCOR pod worked.

and I think I found the problem, looks like I referenced a wrong file in the netkan, I'll get it fixed, and the ALCOR Advanced IVA is missing, i'll get that added



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I've run into a Problem while making an ASET-Build of a stock pod (the Mk2 Lander)

Some Props don't spawn in Unity, in this case the X-PointerModeSelector-01. 

The console response following:

Cannot clone model 'ASET/ASET_Props/Control/SwitchRotary/model/Switch_Rotary_Model' as model does not exist
Cannot clone model 'ASET/ASET_Props/Control/SwitchRotary/model/Switch_Rotary_DoubleCollider_L-R' as model does not exist
Cannot clone model 'ASET/ASET_Props/Control/SwitchRotary/model/Switch_Rotary_4_Marks' as model does not exist
Model was not compiled correctly
Cannot create prop
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

In fact it seems to happen with all Rotary Switches in the '[number]_pos' folders

Does anyone knows a solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance for your help. :)

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1.  Similar error message as with Rotary Switches

Cannot clone model 'Squad/Props/IndicatorPanel/model' as model does not exist
Model was not compiled correctly
Cannot create prop
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

2. The  small lander spawns correctly

3. The error message is from ASET_ALT_WARN_Dial.

all RB-switches
all switch_B_buttons
all switch_tumblers
all switch_tumblers_v3

File error:
Out of memory
  at <0x00000> <unknown method>
  at System.Array.Resize[TextureDummy] (.TextureDummy[]& array, Int32 length, Int32 newSize) [0x00028] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Array.cs:1929 
  at System.Array.Resize[TextureDummy] (.TextureDummy[]& array, Int32 newSize) [0x00000] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Array.cs:1913 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].set_Capacity (Int32 value) [0x00012] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:622 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].GrowIfNeeded (Int32 newCount) [0x00017] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:100 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Add (.T item) [0x00013] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:91 
  at KSPPartTools.PartReader+TextureDummyList.AddTextureDummy (Int32 textureID, UnityEngine.Material material, System.String shaderName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPPartTools.PartReader.ReadMaterialTexture (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Material mat, System.String textureName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPPartTools.PartReader.ReadMaterial (System.IO.BinaryReader br) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPPartTools.PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPPartTools.PartReader.Read (.UrlFile file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Cannot clone model from 'Control/NumInputDial_NoButton
Cannot create prop
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

+  the Rotary Switches form n_pos folders

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A question about the ASET HUD: Is there a way to get the 0deg in the pitch ladder to stick to the horizon? I recorded a short clip to show how it shifts with various speeds. In this clip I am using AtmosphereAutopilot to maintain the same altitude. As I accelerate, the 0deg attitude bar shifts more and more until it and sadly also the flight path marker along with it gets too far displaced to be of use. 

  Reveal hidden contents


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. This is very weird. I open KSP, with this installed, and it crashes. The log just says it's up to one of the Air Traffic Control sounds from the ModernPack. Sometimes it freezes, too. And the weird part is, is that when I manually go into the folder and open one, it fixes it. I am on Mac, but this is very weird.

Great mod, wish I could make my own IVA but Unity hates Mac with a passion, and I have no idea how to install because last time I used the part tools (1.0.5) they hadn't been updated since 0.90.0.

EDIT: Downloading Unity right now, but just wondering, what part tools should I use? And is it updated for 1.2.2?

EDIT 2: Currently I'm having trouble importing. I installed part tools as it should be installed, but when I try opening a .mu file it says its unable and to check external application preferences. How can I fix this? I installed both the new and old part tools, and I am using 5.5.2. Please help

Edited by >The Amazing Spy<
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Hey there, having some problems with what I can only assume to be either the ASET Props pack or the ASET Avionics pack. 

Currently, I cannot load the game with them in the mods folder, as I get stuck at this part:


I would gladly provide you a log file, but unfortunately after 20 minutes of loading the game has neither crashed nor loaded.

FYI I am crossposting this on the Avionics thread as well.

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  On 2/28/2017 at 2:27 PM, Dr. Eastwood said:

Hey there, having some problems with what I can only assume to be either the ASET Props pack or the ASET Avionics pack. 

Currently, I cannot load the game with them in the mods folder, as I get stuck at this part:


I would gladly provide you a log file, but unfortunately after 20 minutes of loading the game has neither crashed nor loaded.

FYI I am crossposting this on the Avionics thread as well.


As far as I can see you are stuck on NavInstruments load. Does the problem persist if you remove that mod? If yes, I think we should discuss it in the following thread:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Where are VOR-s and other navaids being defined, is there a config file or if there isnt  how easy it would be to make one?
I was thinking about adding navaids to Kerbinside runways and marking them on a chart.
Its for a airplane centered modpack and challenge im working on. 

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  On 3/28/2017 at 11:28 AM, lazar2222 said:

Where are VOR-s and other navaids being defined, is there a config file or if there isnt  how easy it would be to make one?
I was thinking about adding navaids to Kerbinside runways and marking them on a chart.
Its for a airplane centered modpack and challenge im working on. 


To create a new navaid facility, you need to do the following steps:

go to "\GameData\ASET\ASET_Avionics\ModernPack\ASET_NAV_1_Radio" folder and

1. declare the station by specifying its frequency, name and ID in the file "01-ASET_NAV_1_StationSelect_CUSTOMs.cfg

2. Add an entry of the latitude, longitude and altitude of the new station in files "02-ASET_NAV_1_StationLatitude_CUSTOMs.cfg" , "03-ASET_NAV_1_StationLongitude_CUSTOMs.cfg" and "04-ASET_NAV_1_StationAltitude_CUSTOMs.cfgrespectively

3. Depending on the type of station, add it to the list of NDB, VOR or ILS stations by adding an entry to the corresponding file ("08-ASET_NAV_1__NDBs_CUSTOMs.cfg"," 09-ASET_NAV_1__VORs_CUSTOMs.cfg" or "11-ASET_NAV_1__LOC_GP_CUSTOMs.cfg"  )

If required, repeat same steps for NAV2 radio. Please be aware that the NAV2 receiver is capable of receiving only NDB and DME signals

In order to add marker beacons to other runways, you need to add their description to a file "ASET_NAV__Markers_CUSTOMs.cfg" in the "\GameData\ASET\ASET_Avionics\ModernPack\ASET_NAV_1_Radio\"

Edited by alexustas
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  • 4 weeks later...

I get the following stuck on my screen when I load a cockpit I made myself in Unity that only contains the basic altimeter, VSI, heading, turn coordinator, HSI and speed (primary instruments)


It doesn't go away for a while, but doesn't spam the log either. I deleted and reinstalled both Avionics and Props from ASET, and I also deleted and reinstalled Rasterprop monitor v0.28.1

Seems like everything is functional except the speedometer, although I just dropped the plane from 1.6km so the engine was off, not sure if that matters at all. I only read the thread back to the latest release.

Output log

Also, you can see here I spawned an electric output gauge but its showing me the brake force. I tried the brake force and that also showed braking force, so they weren't switched.


I checked the config and you do have what is probably a copy/paste error in that ASET_Elec_Output.cfg the model texture is assigned to ASET_BrakeForcet_Diffuse but even tho I changed it to ASET_Elec_Output_Diffuse when I restarted Unity and spawned a new electric output gauge it still had the braking force texture. Same in the game as well. Switching the names of the textures themselves worked

I installed a Flaps handle but I can't get it to move up or down. If I change the flaps with the Part Access Window the handle doesn't change either.

And I see when placing any button like swPUSH_Lights it has the SAS button texture in Unity but the game has the proper texture. Is this just a limitation of the Unity editor in how these parts are setup?

I also can't figure out how to setup things like that interior lighting panel shown in the video after the v2.0 release post Oh I see now, some switches don't show text labels in Unity. Just have to figure out which is which. Found the instrument lights!

MasterAlarm looks just like AlarmSTALL and LowFuelIndicator but when I copied the component data to place it next to the other two it got all messed up. Surprised the same-looking models aren't rigged the same. I was able to copy/paste okay between AlarmSTALL and LowFuelIndicator. Really eases the placement. Never mind, I figured out what I was doing wrong - I have the instrument clusters grouped so I can move/scale them together and such. I was trying to paste the component data to the new control before putting it into the group. Once I put it into the group then paste the component data everything lines up as it should.

Looks like the Fuel Flow and Electric Generator gauges are not working either. I think it may be due to me using Kerbalism, which really messes with EC, and Advanced Jet Engine, which also uses its own modules. Will this just require some config tweaking?

I'm also able to adjust the frequencies for the Nav/Com radios but not swap or light them up Ah, so I had the instruments too far over to the left and they were beneath the transform you click on to look out the window

Last question for the night! Is there any way to manually position the readouts of the dials & gauges? Wondering if you did anything like that for debugging

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  On 5/2/2017 at 4:34 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I get the following stuck on my screen when I load a cockpit I made myself in Unity that only contains the basic altimeter, VSI, heading, turn coordinator, HSI and speed (primary instruments)


It doesn't go away for a while, but doesn't spam the log either. I deleted and reinstalled both Avionics and Props from ASET, and I also deleted and reinstalled Rasterprop monitor v0.28.1

Seems like everything is functional except the speedometer, although I just dropped the plane from 1.6km so the engine was off, not sure if that matters at all. I only read the thread back to the latest release.

Output log

Also, you can see here I spawned an electric output gauge but its showing me the brake force. I tried the brake force and that also showed braking force, so they weren't switched.


I checked the config and you do have what is probably a copy/paste error in that ASET_Elec_Output.cfg the model texture is assigned to ASET_BrakeForcet_Diffuse but even tho I changed it to ASET_Elec_Output_Diffuse when I restarted Unity and spawned a new electric output gauge it still had the braking force texture


I remember having the same problem back in August, but I haven't seen it since. Of course, for some reason my Unity install won't import any textures, so I only see what things actually look like when I open up KSP.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 4:34 PM, Drew Kerman said:

And I see when placing any button like swPUSH_Lights it has the SAS button texture in Unity but the game has the proper texture. Is this just a limitation of the Unity editor in how these parts are setup?


Yes, PartTools ignore texture replacement setup and use default texture on spawn.

  On 5/2/2017 at 4:34 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I installed a Flaps handle but I can't get it to move up or down.


Flaps and Spoiler are require FAR mod



I highly recommend first carefully read the RPM Wiki to understand how all these things work




  On 5/2/2017 at 4:34 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Last question for the night! Is there any way to manually position the readouts of the dials & gauges?


I'm not really sure that I understand your question.

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  On 5/3/2017 at 12:41 PM, alexustas said:

Flaps and Spoiler are require FAR mod


I have FAR, like I said I set the flaps in the PAW and it didn't do anything. It's the latest v1.2.2 dev build though, so that might be why

  On 5/3/2017 at 12:41 PM, alexustas said:

I'm not really sure that I understand your question.


I'm wondering if there was any method you used to test if the gauges were working properly (feeding them data) other than just flying the aircraft

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  On 5/3/2017 at 1:49 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I have FAR, like I said I set the flaps


In earlier versions of KSP/FAR/RPM these features worked fine .

But the current version of the RPM may not work with FAR because..


Ferram Aerospace Research integration is not confirmed (FAR for KSP 1.2.x has not been released).



  On 5/3/2017 at 1:49 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I'm wondering if there was any method you used to test


no. In most cases I do test flights. As a small help, I bring the values of the variables I need to the MFD to have good, clear readout for control

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I don't want to be a pest, but does anyone have 1.3 status on this?

Considering that it's a prop pack it may or may not work out of box.

I know it needs the RPM update (now available) anything else? 
Should I take a look at the repository and give it a spin later or does @linuxgurugamer want to do the honor considering it seems to be his field of expertise.  (I'm better at finding and reporting bugs and general brainstorming.  If any modders want ideas for something, feel free to ask.)

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  On 7/31/2017 at 9:40 PM, Ruedii said:

I don't want to be a pest, but does anyone have 1.3 status on this?

Considering that it's a prop pack it may or may not work out of box.

I know it needs the RPM update (now available) anything else? 
Should I take a look at the repository and give it a spin later or does @linuxgurugamer want to do the honor considering it seems to be his field of expertise.  (I'm better at finding and reporting bugs and general brainstorming.  If any modders want ideas for something, feel free to ask.)


It's a props pack.  If you have the updated RPM, you should be fine.  alexustas continues to work on new props, but there's no pressing need to update the existing ones.

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  On 7/31/2017 at 9:44 PM, MOARdV said:

It's a props pack.  If you have the updated RPM, you should be fine.  alexustas continues to work on new props, but there's no pressing need to update the existing ones.


So basically the AVC file, and CKAN entry need to be updated on both this and the module manager file.

If any dlls are included they need to be updated from upstream.

I'm wondering if a practice of shipping "prerequisite packs" as a separate file should become common practice for these small DLLs to make manual installation easier.

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  On 7/31/2017 at 9:40 PM, Ruedii said:

I don't want to be a pest, but does anyone have 1.3 status on this?

Considering that it's a prop pack it may or may not work out of box.

I know it needs the RPM update (now available) anything else? 
Should I take a look at the repository and give it a spin later or does @linuxgurugamer want to do the honor considering it seems to be his field of expertise.  (I'm better at finding and reporting bugs and general brainstorming.  If any modders want ideas for something, feel free to ask.)


Go for it

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  On 7/31/2017 at 9:49 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Go for it


Module manager is acting up on my install, so I'll diagnose that first.  (I think it may actually just be the Airplane Plus cockpits I'm using, and is not actually RPM.)
It's hardly a pressing matter, although the ASET pack IVA enhancement mods are the best.  (Beating the generic ones hands down.)

I might just end up being on your modding team. :D

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