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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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46 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

considering how many of these there are...some specifics would be appreciated.

It's easy if you use the search by manufacturer button. 

9 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

A thin white ring under Command.

But again: the Orion has SAS level 3 (cq a probe core) built in. Adding a probe core is not necessary.

Oh yeah, that too. All SSTU pods have integrated probe cores with MJ. Remember the point of SSTU is cutting down parts count. They also have heatshields, parachutes, RCS systems, antennas, batteries, and sometimes respectable OMS engines.

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4 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

ok, I cant get the core to size to the upper stage thats attached below the orion csm.


It would have helped if you might have given us some more information about what diameter your upper stage has under your CSM. Since the CSM and its autofairing is at 3.75m it makes sense to put an upper stage under it of 3.75m.

If you want to make an even bigger core stage below that you can adjust the upper tank bottom fairing to widen up (though I'd recommend to put a ullage / retro part under it.

tl;dr: it should be 3.75, give more info please.

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19 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

its the upper stage I've connected the remote to...hang on..I'll do you one better and supply a screenshot.

I cannot get the probe core diameter to match the upper stage at 4.00 meters. the probe core either goes to 3.75 or 4.38 meters. aka too big or too small.

see screenshot. 38526327466_cecf2b171c_n.jpgcore issues by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr

Why is the upper stage 4m?  It should be 3.75m for the Orion/SLS.

Or, can we git a pic a bit more zoomed out to see what the upper-stage -is-, and why it is 4m?


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zoomed out pic incoming. its the stock upper stage that came with the model.
26807440759_cc855b35e5_n.jpgcore issues 1 by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr

you're seeing two part info tips there, the one to the left is the custom probe core.
the one to the right is the upper stage that mounts to the bottom of the orion service module.
the problem I'm having is an inability to match the probe core to the diameter of the upper stage.

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14 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

zoomed out pic incoming. its the stock upper stage that came with the model.
26807440759_cc855b35e5_n.jpgcore issues 1 by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr

you're seeing two part info tips there, the one to the left is the custom probe core.
the one to the right is the upper stage that mounts to the bottom of the orion service module.
the problem I'm having is an inability to match the probe core to the diameter of the upper stage.

Thanks for providing the screenshot, was pretty much what I was expecting.

While I would still say 'your doing it wrong' if you are trying to make an SLS stack (re: the diameters you've selected; it is supposed to be 3.75m for the upper stage, yes there is supposed to be an inverted taper at the bottom of the SM fairing) -- if the probe core can't match one of the diameters for the fairings/etc, that would be a bug (or rather an inconsistently specified increment value). 

Please submit an issue ticket with that information (e.g.  "Probe Core/Decoupler Increments inconsistent with fairings"), and include one of those SS for reference.  (sadly, issue tickets are the only way I'll keep track of all the stuff going on in my mods... no ticket = no fix, as there is no way to keep track it of it all).


Ohh.. one other neat feature on that MUS -- there should be a button for 'toggle upper interstage node' or similar -- it will enable a node positioned inside the tank where the cylinder wall gives way to the dome -- with that, you can sit the SM directly onto the MUS (or rather, put the decoupler on the MUS upper-interstage-node, and then the SM on top of that).  Gives a slightly shorter rocket overall.  (though, this will still be problematic with the mismatched increments if you try and use 4m)

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22 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

zoomed out pic incoming. its the stock upper stage that came with the model.
26807440759_cc855b35e5_n.jpgcore issues 1 by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr

you're seeing two part info tips there, the one to the left is the custom probe core.
the one to the right is the upper stage that mounts to the bottom of the orion service module.
the problem I'm having is an inability to match the probe core to the diameter of the upper stage.

You know you can click inside the Diameter bar to adjust the size, right?



@Shadowmage, it works fine, he is only using the arrows, not the fine size control.

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15 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

ok, what do you need for the issue ticket? never submitted one before.

Ahh, see @tater's response above.  Was pretty sure that I had made them all consistent (but I've missed stuff in the past).  So don't worry about it in this case.


In the future, to submit bug-reports, you go here: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues and press the 'New Issue' button.  It will pop up a text box for the title/name, as well as a larger box to fill in some details.  You can drag-and-drop log files and screenshots directly into the description box and it will automatically upload them for you (no need of imgur/dropbox/pastebin when filing issue tickets).

Thanks for at least asking what it required to submit a ticket, kudos.  :)

1 minute ago, RaiderMan said:

....I can?

LoL, indeed :)  Give it a try  (click somewhere on the gray/green bar that displays the number, it'll increment to where the mouse-cursor is.. or should)

Edited by Shadowmage
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The above said, the 2 sets of arrows jump by > "standard" jumps, >> KSP stock jumps (right?).

Perhaps >> could jump by the standard increments (1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.125, etc), and the > arrow could jump by the minimum change permitted?

I sometimes forget that many of us are used to it. It's like in the stock game where I first got a rescue a kerbal mission, and could not figure out to use the "]" key to switch to him to control him---he was not MY astronaut, so it never occurred to me to use that key.

I think the > >> arrows sometimes have that sense to them. 

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5 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Ahh, see @tater's response above.  Was pretty sure that I had made them all consistent (but I've missed stuff in the past).  So don't worry about it in this case.


In the future, to submit bug-reports, you go here: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues and press the 'New Issue' button.  It will pop up a text box for the title/name, as well as a larger box to fill in some details.  You can drag-and-drop log files and screenshots directly into the description box and it will automatically upload them for you (no need of imgur/dropbox/pastebin when filing issue tickets).

Thanks for at least asking what it required to submit a ticket, kudos.  :)

LoL, indeed :)  Give it a try  (click somewhere on the gray/green bar that displays the number, it'll increment to where the mouse-cursor is.. or should)

if I dont know how to do something..I ask those who do, thats just how I am. :)

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24 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

if I dont know how to do something..I ask those who do, thats just how I am. :)

No worry.

As you see, beside Shadowmage, there is many SSTU user that understand the system quite well. Fell free to ask. If its not Shadowmage that answer, it will be Jimbodiah, tater, Temeter or me. I am sure Shadowmage will appreciate fresh input from new user. For most of us UI and general workflow had become self evident, we just can't judge whats instinctive or not.

If I may add, once you have a good grip with SSTU. If you enjoy tweaking configs, I would suggest you to take a look at Jimbodiah patchwork. Good stuff and well made. 

PS: @Jimbodiah Its funny, while its much better executed than my personal patchwork and add some really good feature, your core patchwork does pretty much the same thing as mine! With minor tweak, I could use it to do a better version of mine. most of the difference come down to preference, but yours cover more ground. I will take a deeper look at it tonight if I can.

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:50 PM, MaeharaProjekt said:


yeaaaah...  after shadowmage's latest release this week, I've started unloading some older parts mods that while cool, are effectively orphaned and need a lot of TLC from someone who has the time and skill to make them skookum choochers once again. The loss of these won't break my current savegame.

@Shadowmage This is not a complaint - you've raised the bar again and, well, I've gotten tired enough lately to keep trying to see my reflection in some of these fuel tanks. My wife keeps asking me why I've got my face so close to the monitor. :D

Sounds like someone's been sittin around watchin ol' uncle bumble..err..eff playin with the angry pixies out in the garage

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20 hours ago, RedParadize said:

SSTU is not released yet. It have and will continue to break save once in a while. Anyways, all previous version are all available on Shadowmage Github.

I've actually not experienced a catastrophic break with SSTU yet. At least, not one that prevents me from launching a replacement. Or just oogling the replacements in LKO and then blowing them up with another replacement. HMmmmm....  blowing things up. <drool>

21 hours ago, Akira_R said:

Sounds like someone's been sittin around watchin ol' uncle bumble..err..eff playin with the angry pixies out in the garage

Why yes. Yes, I do. Between him, ToT, Scott Manley, Nurdrage, Clickspring, NileRed, Laura Kampf, Diresta, Tom Lipton, Abom, Cody, and Big Clive, it feels like I'm watching an entire team of Kerbals who are working on the biggest, awesome-st, overbuilt Laythe mission ever conceived in the dank, dripping dungeons of the mind of a canniblistic Kerbal underground dweller who hangs out in the bilge of my brain.

And then I ruin the horror show by using SSTU, Near Future Everything, and BDB to make it pretty.

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A solution to a problem I was running into when trying to do an 'unmanned-first' type game -- how to get science back to Kerbin?

The stock science-box should be the go-to solution.  But its huge (for a science return capsule).  The smallest parachute also weighs 2x what the science box does, which makes it unstable during re-entry, even with a heat-shield on it (parachute mass > heat-shield mass = pointy end will go forward and not the heat shield).



Introducing the Data Return Capsule -- (PC-DRC) - 0.625m single-part data return capsule.

  • 0.1t, 1500:funds:, unlocked at 'basic science'
  • Integrated science-box capability
  • Functional (and shielded) service bay (0.625m) for stashing small science equipment (thermo/baro/grav/sies).
  • Integrated parachutes - drogues (~30m/s) and main (~6m/s)
  • Integrated heat-shield, with the standard light/medium/heavy/ex-heavy options
  • Aerodynamically stable so that it can re-enter completely unguided/uncontrolled.
  • Integrated decouplers on both ends
  • Intended use is to be mounted at the nose of a rocket/probe, with optional nosecone on top of the heat-shield.  The flat bottom is mounted to the top of the rocket stack.
  • Contains no probe-cores, antenna, reaction wheels, or any form of control. 
  • Parachutes should be staged when the decouplers are activated, and they will automatically deploy when safe and in atmo (if they are not staged prior to it being jettisoned from the service-bus, they cannot be deployed afterwards and lithobraking is imminent).


Mostly just a concept / personalized part at this point.  Can certainly include it in future releases if there is any desire/need for it.  Otherwise it might end up in the 'optional patches' or even my person customization set.  (only consists of a single config file)

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I run with patches to allow realistic transmission of science, so i get 100% science value when transmitting the typical "measure stuff" experiments. The things i do have to return are experiments like the goo container, the materials bay and of course surface samples, so i usually use two 1.25m service bays with a heatshield and parachutes to return them. Science container/box functionality would be useful for the samples, i guess.

Edited by Mike`
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Hahaha, sick minds think alike.  I patched the stock science box into something the size of the seismic sensor plus also patched every manned pod to have one integrated into the capsule.


But what you are building sounds like a part for the Satellite Core of parts, together with the HECS prototype that is there now. I'd go one step further and make the inline storage into a all-in-one science unit that gains every new experiment once the techtree unlocks a new stock experiment (that is plugin work, or I'd have done it already with the radial version of your science bay).


and lithobraking is imminent)

You mean a RUD?

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