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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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@mechanicH Use the Soyuz OM+DM+SM parts (maybe up the crew capacity in the DM to 3 seats, like the real TMA soyuz), and attach the escape tower to the OM. Attach a decoupler to the bottom of the SM and there is the Soyuz spacecraft done!
Next up, we make a small tank of diameter 1.875m and height variant 2x (as Blok-I has these rough proportions IRL) and attach underneath an RD-0110. Strap a decoupler under that and put on a tank of approx 6x length and use the Soyuz 3 nose, and then put an RD-108A on the bottom of that. Strap one radial tank on facing the door of the VAB on the cylindrical part of the first stage, and then put an RD-107 underneath that radial tank (This is so we don't have to mess around with the rotation tool :wink:). Reattach it on a 45 degree angle from last time and use 4x symmetry. Boom! Soyuz done, now all that's left is to fix colours as desired and check staging :D

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@T-10a Thank you so much...that was great....but  i noticed from the pictures that the 3rd stage fuel tank tapers open toward the SM and the 1st stage tank tips actually connects to the the taper portion. I hope that made sense  :P    but i got it to look just like it with a petal adapter.  So thank you once again.  Now i get to build the rest of the ISS.   

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if you guys dont mind...i just want to share my progress if the ISS build.  Using only SSTU parts and some stock. So far i got Zarya  up and STS-88 took Unity up and docked.  Up next Zvezda.   @Shadowmage Let me know if this is ok to keep posting about this. 


gonna try to do this...but  i think i will fail.....unreal how complicated the ISS was to build. 

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  On 6/22/2018 at 1:23 AM, DocRockwell said:

I changed a setting that make the recoloring GUI feature remember the last color scheme used. I'd like to set it back to default, but I can't remember where it's configured.


Should be in the TexturesUnlimited in-game settings, accessible from the space center options menu.

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  On 6/22/2018 at 1:37 AM, mechanicH said:

Zvezda up and Docked and Progress is too...

The truss is gonna be harder then i thought ....wish me luck  ...ill take advice  if you guys got any..



Nice work! Are your trying to use realish launch vehicles? I started something similar once, but I gave up on shuttle installations.

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  On 6/23/2018 at 2:07 AM, Nightside said:

realish launch vehicles


As much as I possibly can. Going through all the STS missions and also building the proton and Soyuz rockets in all their variations and progressions.  Oh ya   I got a mission update as well. Finally got the Z1 truss built and launched on sts 92.  And managed to get destiny up there as well on sts 98.  I’ll get some images up when I get back from work. One thing that’s been the hardest is to manipulate the Canada Arm and I have to admit I cheated a bit and used the Russian progress as a space tug. The docking ports act weird sometimes, as in I would mate them but they just won’t dock.  So I would spend 15 to 20 min wiggling and giggling and finally it docks.   But so far I haven’t damaged anything up there ...YET lol.   

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  On 6/23/2018 at 12:10 PM, mechanicH said:

As much as I possibly can. Going through all the STS missions and also building the proton and Soyuz rockets in all their variations and progressions.  Oh ya   I got a mission update as well. Finally got the Z1 truss built and launched on sts 92.  And managed to get destiny up there as well on sts 98.  I’ll get some images up when I get back from work. One thing that’s been the hardest is to manipulate the Canada Arm and I have to admit I cheated a bit and used the Russian progress as a space tug. The docking ports act weird sometimes, as in I would mate them but they just won’t dock.  So I would spend 15 to 20 min wiggling and giggling and finally it docks.   But so far I haven’t damaged anything up there ...YET lol.   


How is it cheating to use a Progress as a tug?

They use it that way IRL sometimes....

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  On 6/23/2018 at 9:36 PM, mechanicH said:

Well I thought the first one sent up was unmanned and used purely for resupply missions. I’ll read more about it, but Your probably right.   I think next thing to go up will be the Z0 truss and the harmony node. 


They occasionally use them to boost the ISS orbit and there was talk of using one to de-orbit the Pirs module ... I'm not sure that last has actually happened?

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ISS FINISHED.....!!!!!!!!!!      I am proud to say i am finished....it was a long journey...but i am victorious...even against the mighty KRAKEN   which did try to kill me and my station...but here it is in all its glory...please enjoy all.  And thank you once again @Shadowmage for making a grown man feel like a kid again.  I relished every second of this. 


And here is the Craft itself ...i had a replica in the hangar to simulate what i had to do and where to put all the node correct...and it turned out to be helpful and i can share it too...you can disassemble it and do what i did if you want  or just throw it up in space  with the edit. Either way  i hope you guys enjoy it.  



Thank you for enduring my obsession @Shadowmage   and letting me post.   I have a lot of passion toward space and space programs. You and this great community of people make it possible for me and others to enjoy and simulated reality of going to space the PROPER way.. :P    NASA  ya  right  ..they need to get you on the payroll ....anyways ...Thank you !   

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  On 6/28/2018 at 5:54 PM, mistergoblin said:

Nice truss sections


Thank you very much...that was actually the hardest part to do.  Took me a while to get it to look corrector or Some what presentable. 


Heres the sad part....i cant keep thing thing in orbit and play the game....its just to much a resource hog...600+ parts  just grinds my game to a halt.   sadly i have to hyper edit this back to Kerbin ...but it was fun putting it  up.  One day if KSP runs on all my CPU cores ill put it back up. 

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Get "Cx Station Parts" and use that truss, only a few parts.

I just use the saddle-truss modules, but I'm not too concerned about it looking like the real thing. I just want a station with big panels and that always ends up looking like the ISS for some reason :)

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@Jimbodiah,  thanks man  ...ill take a look at (you think it will work on 1.4.4). For some reason i went nuts on the Truss parts, but i think it was worth it for the look of them. They almost look like the real thing.


So It works on  1.4.4...but a Lot of the parts are missing... mainly Z0 Truss ...which is kind of the backbone of the whole ISS. 

update...ok  heres the updated version 2   with almost half the part size 200+ ...not as pretty  but will save the CPU from having a meltdown at 600+ parts. 


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