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[Released] Free IVA Alpha v0.2.1 [1.12.x] (2022-11-24)


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Do u plan on adding a button where u can lock the view or position? It'll be very nice for IVA cinematics

You know, you only move when you press the pre-determined buttons. If you release the button, you won't move.

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Any plans on a sort of transfer tunnel that can be built between modules? or even attached like a strut? (I have no idea how you would make a working collision mesh or a procedural IVA but i bet you could somehow.)

Take a look at the Pathfinder pack. There's an EVA-placeable crew tunnel.

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Pizza... this right here is what is going to make cinematics infinitely more amazing... I'm sending you a PM on the one I have currently in planning. Your mod will add a lot of depth to many scenes.

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Do you think anywhere down the line there'd be someway of implementing any kind of rudimentary physics into this? So one would float and bounce off the walls while in 0G?

Yes, he's planning to do that.

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This is amazing.

I had some ideas after seeing this image:


First, what about adding a "glass" overlay on the top of it? that would make it easier to see the craft I think.

Also, what about having it a-la thesims mode, where you press a button and move the mouse to show the IVAs of what is by the mouse?

And what about also having internal views for parts like fuel tanks? this way you can have a full X-RAY view of your craft, the fuel tank view could show how much fuel it has if that is not too complicated.

There are so many possibilities, Kerbals moving around with an AI on a massive station, or even doing stuff, I can't wait to see what will come from this mod.

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Thanks for all the support and encouragement! I'm back from my time away and have resumed work. I'll be updating the imgur album in the first post as development continues.

Today I'm investigating identifying individual props in the IVA as a way to allow jumping into an empty seat without needing colliders to be added to each seat in the craft. To aid in this, I'm making a GUI to allow cycling through the various props and selectively hiding them. This may be useful for those developing IVAs or for creative use in video making.

EDIT: Pictures!


The handle is a separate prop within the IVA and can therefore be disabled. No more floating handle!


The new developer GUI for testing the seats and various internal props. The seat detection checks the InternalSeats in the craft, popping up the message if the camera is pointing at a 0.3m sphere centred on the seat's origin, within a distance of 1m (both soon to be configurable). The GUI can be used to browse through the renderers of the IVA and hide them. In future, this code could be developed to allow customising IVAs. This seat has no flight controls installed!

Oooooh! The cutaway shot gave me a great idea... You could render the IVA view to another texture, & use the alpha component on the textures for parts to render the insides using that texture (using screenpos co-ordinates in the pixel shader).

Painting internals onto externals! I like it!

Can we use the transparency effect for windows so that we can finally have see through glass in our craft to see the interior from the outside?

It's not transparent (the IVA is in front of the actual craft), but see above!

Is there away you could use something like Advanced Landing Capsule where you can open and close the hatch that would be great :)

That's the plan!

How are you going to handle various non-habitable parts that are supposed to be passable? Like that 6-node hub, big probe core with tunnel in middle, etc.? Ideally simple IVA should be modelled for each, but that would be very time consuming. MAube generate simple procedural cylinders with some details on edges? Like it is done in B9 procedural wings.

They'll all need their own IVAs developed. They are complicated and varied enough that a procedural system may be more effort than it saves. I'm not a 3D modeller myself, but I'm sure I can put something passable together. It's a long way off anyhow.

Do u plan on adding a button where u can lock the view or position? It'll be very nice for IVA cinematics

I've had to make something to lock the view already. It'll be in the next release as Shift + Y. It's very hard to see the results of clicking a GUI when your craft runs away when you move the mouse :P

Any plans on a sort of transfer tunnel that can be built between modules? or even attached like a strut? (I have no idea how you would make a working collision mesh or a procedural IVA but i bet you could somehow.)

Currently the plans are to only connect modules via hatches. Boring randomly through existing IVAs wouldn't be pretty, and your lab will have difficulty operating if you've just put a door through all the equipment!

That's true - it would be nice to have a 'docking mode' where the IJKLHN keys control the ship instead of the camera.

I plan to have the ship controls unavailable to you when you're physically away from them, but that option can be made available for those who need it both ways for video making or similar.

were can i download this mod? cant find the download link. and i really want to try this mod.

I'll add the link to the front page.

Do you think anywhere down the line there'd be someway of implementing any kind of rudimentary physics into this? So one would float and bounce off the walls while in 0G?

That's one of the goals of this project. While running around with noclip on can be fun, it doesn't make for much of a game.

This is amazing.

I had some ideas after seeing this image:


First, what about adding a "glass" overlay on the top of it? that would make it easier to see the craft I think.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Could you expand on this?

Also, what about having it a-la thesims mode, where you press a button and move the mouse to show the IVAs of what is by the mouse?

Check out Space Station Simulator that MK3424 posted about. It has lots of ideas for what could be done with IVA in KSP in a management sense. That's beyond what this mod will do, but I hope it opens the door for others to take things a step further.

And what about also having internal views for parts like fuel tanks? this way you can have a full X-RAY view of your craft, the fuel tank view could show how much fuel it has if that is not too complicated.

There are so many possibilities, Kerbals moving around with an AI on a massive station, or even doing stuff, I can't wait to see what will come from this mod.

It would make a nice perk for having an engineer on board! It's beyond the scope of this mod however. I haven't ventured into the realm of 3D modelling yet, and this idea would require a lot of it!

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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Today's goal: Allow getting into a different seat to the one you started out in. I've also been able to take control of the rocket away from a kerbal who is away from the rocket controls, so now the WASDQEShiftCtrl keys (or anything else) can be used for IVA movement.

Does ship acceleration affect what happens when you leave your seat? Otherwise, I'd suggest that the ship must not be accelerating while moving about in IVA.

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End results of today: Crew transfer is more complicated than expected, and right now it brings the whole house of cards crashing down. More work needed!

Does ship acceleration affect what happens when you leave your seat? Otherwise, I'd suggest that the ship must not be accelerating while moving about in IVA.

Technically you don't leave your seat until you're getting into a different one, as doing so kills the IVA camera. Your viewing position is overridden in order to be controllable. Acceleration will have to be grabbed from the craft and applied to the overridden viewing position in an appropriate manner.

Just a note: This is incompatible with Raster Prop Monitor transparent pods.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to check out what's getting confused there.

Can more than one kerbal besides the one you're controlling move around using AI? That would make this mod divine.

There is no AI in this mod, but someone could build an AI mod around this one.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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Oooooh! The cutaway shot gave me a great idea... You could render the IVA view to another texture, & use the alpha component on the textures for parts to render the insides using that texture (using screenpos co-ordinates in the pixel shader).
Painting internals onto externals! I like it!
Can we use the transparency effect for windows so that we can finally have see through glass in our craft to see the interior from the outside?
It's not transparent (the IVA is in front of the actual craft), but see above!

Unless I'm mistaken, would this be similar to the JSITransparentPod feature from JSI RPM?

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