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[WIP][1.6.x_TEMPORARY FIX] NAS - Naval Artillery System 0.7.0 (BDAc Addon, WW2 Naval Weapons) - "Land of Dragon" - 2018/4/28


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A little delayed anyhow, we'll release these new parts in a day or two.

torpedos are just so tricky one idea would be if you could have the collision mesh above the water but the visible model below it. That would also help make hitting the ships easier. not sure how that could be done though

I'll suggest to try this and see if it helps

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Wait.....wait wait wait.......bombs, rockets, & missile are like every other part, right?

They all have impact tolerances!

So...would pulling a Fengist and making the torps have high impact tolerance work?

After all, BD Armory has a proximity fuse module.....

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BDA missiles explode in water once their engine has turned on.

EDIT: I know because I fiddled with this once. The torpedo had an impact tolerance of 700. Air dropped, surface and sub-surface drops all resulted in the detonation as soon as the engine kicked in.

Edited by FungusForge
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Ok in fact I think we have already made too many 5 inch guns and it's time to stop. According to the poll result we're now adding more items from US Navy.

As for recent reports such as "nothing works" or "no obvious ammo" or something, I'd say that we will try to repeat your bug, and bugs we can't repeat will be ignored or put into a preserved archive. We can't always tell what goes wrong without being able to copy your environment completely.

Remember that restarting and reinstalling can solve most KSP problems, and if they can't, wait for an update please.

Okay, maybe I'll try that. also, is there a special way to download nad install it? all I did was put the stuff from the zipped file into gamedata. it loads some of the guns, but no ammo. and they don't work. and the 20mm and 40mm, etc aren't there...

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Okay, maybe I'll try that. also, is there a special way to download nad install it? all I did was put the stuff from the zipped file into gamedata. it loads some of the guns, but no ammo. and they don't work. and the 20mm and 40mm, etc aren't there...

You. Need. CAL.

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There're some problems with some new parts and we're checking throughout all models and codes for anything wrong.

And good news is that torpedoes with my solution appeared to work well in our prototype tests.

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There're some problems with some new parts and we're checking throughout all models and codes for anything wrong.

And good news is that torpedoes with my solution appeared to work well in our prototype tests.

Any chance of some pics of the torp launchers, torps, ect. to build up some hype?

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0.2.5 update is available now! A lot of tweaks and new items added.

Updatelog 0.2.5 (IMPORTANT) - "Propellants & Electrons"

All parts have been sorted into directories of their own served naval forces.

Prepared a Textures folder for future features (empty now).

Any weapon needing ammo boxes includes its ammo type in descriptions now.

Added a stack node to M2 Browning Mount.

Corrected the name of 12.7 cm/50 3rd Year Type Naval Gun (which used to be described as Type 3, and short name stays the same).

Rescaled 20.3 cm SK/C 34 slightly to fit other turrets.

Recalculated cannonShellPower and cannonShellRadius of all cannons according to Acea's BDArmory approximate power equations.

[P = Power = 5.25 * m^(1/3) (Cannon Shells) / 5.75 * m^(1/3) (Bombs & Missiles) (m stands for the shell's TNT equivalent of bursting charge, kg) , R = Radius = 3.75 * P (AP) / 5.6 * P (HE) / K * P (Bombs & Missiles, K ranges from 1.25 to 1.75)]

Added 3 new parts:

- US Navy: 5"/38 cal Mk 12 Naval Gun Mark 28 Mod 0 Turret, Mk 25 Fire Control Radar

- Kriegsmarine: FuMO 61 Hohentwiel U Radar

Edited by Acea
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I know "this stuff is still under development" and I only want to help.

In general speaking this mod is great, those cannons are wonderful and shoot like crazy, but so far it also have a major problem, due to the enormous weight for each gun he sink all my vessels with your canons, no matter how I build them

with your cannons that battleship have like 820 tons, without them, 60 tons

did some researches and saw USS Iowa 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 gun have like between 108 and 120 tons, here in this game your biggest gun mass should be at half of those numbers

maybe its just me, but I search on youtube to see if there is another guy who succeed to build a battleship using your mod and I didn't found it yet, and I bet there isn't because ppl tried and nobody succede to make it float, so I really hope you will fix this soon if you consider this need to be fixed

sorry for my kernglish language, hope you will understand something :D

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That's kind of weird because none of these troubles happen to me, right now. I'm using the same version downloaded from KerbalStuff.

I've checked my Ammo.cfg in CAL, modified on Oct 5th, which has clearly defined 37mmFlaKAmmo. My 3.7cm FlaK works as well.

Also weights of turrets, especially the very Type 94, are reasonable. I can say that because my platform, the exact one I used to test 38cm guns, floats just fine:


I haven't even tweaked the size (3x) and despite some wobbling, it stays on the surface nicely, with Better Buoyancy.

I just saw this...I bet i'm gonna need this mod right, Better Buoyancy v1.4 ?..but still, you add to much mass for guns compared with the biggest fuel tank from this game...450 tons vs 40

Edited by GERULA
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did some researches and saw USS Iowa 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 gun have like between 108 and 120 tons, here in this game your biggest gun mass should be at half of those numbers

Come on that's the weight of ONE gun. Only one barrel. Sounds crazy but that's the truth man, and I've cut weights of all guns to about a half already.

BTW according to my researches a 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 turret fitted with three guns should weigh around 1,701 to 1,708 tons, and a Yamato turret weighs 2,730.2 tons actually.

PS. The actual ship Admiral Hipper equipped with 20.3 cm SK C/34, which was a heavy cruiser, weighed 18,500 tons when fully loaded.

Edited by Acea
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I know "this stuff is still under development" and I only want to help.

In general speaking this mod is great, those cannons are wonderful and shoot like crazy, but so far it also have a major problem, due to the enormous weight for each gun he sink all my vessels with your canons, no matter how I build them


You're doing something wrong.

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Wow. I never thought of the whole 'these are way to heavy to put on something without it unintentionally becoming a submarine' thing. That never occurred to me. My sole thought was for landships and stuff. maybe some type of anti-aircraft platform covered in a mix of the BDArmory aa guns and CIWS and the AA guns in this that could be transported to somewhere near the KSC (or elsewhere if you have the patience to drive there at about one mile every five weeks/have no life or job or homework or need for food/sleep/bathroom.) and then be emplaced there. I just though, " Finally I can make something like the SMS Beowulf!/My landships can have dual mount weapons and guns bigger than the 120mm abrams turret!".

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PS, the SMS Beowulf is this: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS86vwzItdZfGILqqXsSAYZymaiC46A0JUjOGOPGJ555Qe2mFNm

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Come on that's the weight of ONE gun. Only one barrel. Sounds crazy but that's the truth man, and I've cut weights of all guns to about a half already.

BTW according to my researches a 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 turret fitted with three guns should weigh around 1,701 to 1,708 tons, and a Yamato turret weighs 2,730.2 tons actually.

PS. The actual ship Admiral Hipper equipped with 20.3 cm SK C/34, which was a heavy cruiser, weighed 18,500 tons when fully loaded.

aha I see now, was one gun

maybe its just me, but that battleship when I try to launch it make my runway to explode under her weight and its only 900 t

anyway, GREAT MOD!

- - - Updated - - -


You're doing something wrong.

there are nice in pictures as mine

I wish to see them float in videos :D

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aha I see now, was one gun

maybe its just me, but that battleship when I try to launch it make my runway to explode under her weight and its only 900 t

anyway, GREAT MOD!

- - - Updated - - -

there are nice in pictures as mine

I wish to see them float in videos :D

I don't have a screen recorder, but.....

Here's a later battle-cruiser design I made: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=527619870

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It's awesome to see how far this mod has come. I really like seeing these weapon systems complimenting BDArmory!

I have a few small suggestions

Staggered/Alternating fire for anti-aircraft weapons.

While volley fire (all barrels at once) makes sense for breach-loading cannons, Dual and quad-mounted anti-aircraft weapons should fire rapidly instead of all at once. It looks cooler, and that's how they were (mostly) used IRL. In particular, the 2cm Flak 30/38 and the Japanese triple-mount suffer from this. This might require shells originating from the center of the mount rather than the barrels, but that's something I can live with.


Again, less of an issue for main batteries, but anti-aircraft weapons should be overall less accurate. I'm not familiar enough with BDArmory's code, but I imagine this could be tweaked either in weapon settings or in the radar module settings. No more WW2 era AA guided by WW2 era radar swatting missiles and jets out of the sky (Unless they get lucky)

Improved Sounds

Behold, the Yamato's mighty 18 inch cannons. "Foop."

By no means are any of these criticisms, just suggestions!

Also I will personally blow you if you add the quad-mount Bofors and the famous flak 88

Also also, I'm not sure if this is just my rig, but some models cause the game to freeze for a second or two when creating them or snapping them. Particularly high-detailed models like the quad mount flak 30 (And the german radar). No issues once in-game and attached, though.

Edited by Muffinman840
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Staggered/Alternating fire for anti-aircraft weapons.

While volley fire (all barrels at once) makes sense for breach-loading cannons, Dual and quad-mounted anti-aircraft weapons should fire rapidly instead of all at once. It looks cooler, and that's how they were (mostly) used IRL. In particular, the 2cm Flak 30/38 and the Japanese triple-mount suffer from this. This might require shells originating from the center of the mount rather than the barrels, but that's something I can live with.

That's impossible. BDArmory cannot support this mode.


Again, less of an issue for main batteries, but anti-aircraft weapons should be overall less accurate. I'm not familiar enough with BDArmory's code, but I imagine this could be tweaked either in weapon settings or in the radar module settings. No more WW2 era AA guided by WW2 era radar swatting missiles and jets out of the sky (Unless they get lucky)

Radar module just doesn't provide the option of inaccuracy and I've adjusted the accuracies of AA guns. All right maybe we need less accurate flaks in the next version.

Improved Sounds

Behold, the Yamato's mighty 18 inch cannons. "Foop."

It's quite annoying that we can't make the sound effects work properly from the beginning, even with the same file format as BDArmory's.

Also I will personally blow you if you add the quad-mount Bofors and the famous flak 88

Also also, I'm not sure if this is just my rig, but some models cause the game to freeze for a second or two when creating them or snapping them. Particularly high-detailed models like the quad mount flak 30 (And the german radar). No issues once in-game and attached, though.

I've announced in this thread that we'll do optimization and consider varieties of existing weapons later. Thx for advices anyway.

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Then could you have them fire 1 shot, at a more rapid rate, from the center?

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(current rate/# of barrels)

Right, that was what I was trying to suggest. It makes sense that true alternating barrels would be impossible to implement, but having just one invisible barrel fire at 4x the speed would do the trick

This would of course cause tracers to appear in an odd location in the center of the gun, but again, I don't mind. One way to mitigate it would be to move the shell origin out away from the barrels a little bit, so it looks like the tracers are "igniting" in mid air and its harder to tell they're all coming from the center of the gun.

I know of other games that use this technique for multi-barrel turrets, and it doesn't look half bad.

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This would of course cause tracers to appear in an odd location in the center of the gun, but again, I don't mind. One way to mitigate it would be to move the shell origin out away from the barrels a little bit, so it looks like the tracers are "igniting" in mid air and its harder to tell they're all coming from the center of the gun.

I'll mind in every sense, and I've demonstrated that I don't like compromise solutions, unless they're necessary enough. Again thanks for your advices.

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