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Do you ever get frustrated?


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Depends. Explosions are nice and even the occasional spectacularly ridiculous bug can be entertaining, but glitch-induced mission-ending structural failures at the last hurdle on a carefully planned, time consuming mission, suck to the extreme.

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Failure isn't an option, it's standard equipment. So there's no sense getting frustated :).

But I rarely have failures. I do a pretty good job designing stuff to take abuse and my stuff usually flies fine the 1st time. And it will usually do its intended job because I build it using dV maps, KER/MJ, countless tips from kind folks here, my own experience, and rigorous testing prior to committing to real launches. Thus, my main source of frustration is when I want to do something that isn't yet possible with either the game or mods. But this lasts only a little while, then I figure a workaround.

I don't mind (that much) when the Kraken eats a ship. In real life, oceangoing vessels are lost at a rate of nearly 1 per day worldwide so I have a much better record than that :).

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Space is hard. If you're not experiencing a glitch then yes. It's supposed to be a bit frustrating because you're trying to do something that is inherently difficult with many steps that can all fail if you don't keep sharp throughout the entire process. If you're experiencing a glitch then, sadly, no it's not supposed to be THAT hard. Make lots of quicksaves and don't feel bad in the least restoring from them.

And as always, ask here! We're a pretty friendly lot. Usually we fall over ourselves trying to answer questions.

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"Failure is not an option! It's part of the design process."

No, mission failures don't frustrate me. I might not like them but it's all part of the game. What does frustrate me are crashes due to shortcomings in the game-engine and/or mods. Little is more annoying than making a lengthy re-entry and flight with your spaceplane only to have the game crash with the runway in sight.

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I don't get frustrated at the things I do wrong, I get frustrated at the things the game does wrong. Bugs are a part of that but other annoyances as well, like the fact that you still can't launch a rescue craft without a Kerbal sneaking into the blasted cockpit while you aren't looking.

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I don't get frustrated at the things I do wrong, I get frustrated at the things the game does wrong. Bugs are a part of that but other annoyances as well, like the fact that you still can't launch a rescue craft without a Kerbal sneaking into the blasted cockpit while you aren't looking.

Start with a probe core (or make it the root part) and the cockpit stays empty.

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Start with a probe core (or make it the root part) and the cockpit stays empty.

I don't want a probe, I just want a pilot and an empty seat and the game should save that into the craft file so when I reload it will attempt to choose a pilot if available and leave the second seat empty. You know the phrase "it's not rocket science"? Why is it that rocket science is the only thing this game seems to get right?

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The only thing that frustrates me is the explore contracts, it bugs the heck out of me that getting them seems mostly luck and when you do they dictate how your space program should proceed but I'm too OCD to ignore them. Imo they should be automatic (I know I've said that before, once or twice)

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For me it's the possibility of failure and frustration that adds an edge of excitement that's hard to find in other games. I've launched some amazing ships, and made some amazing landings. But no matter how many times I do it, I still get nervous whenever I launch or land a new ship, because there's always that chance of something going terribly wrong. :0.0:

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I get frustrated when I mess up a rendezvous. I am good at it. or miss it because I'm watching tv at the same time. ugh!

I get frustrated when I can't figure out how to get the encounter I want. Sometimes I get it dead on.

I get frustrated when I get therma crashes on my computer, because of the video drive and it takes me a week to figure out.

I get frustrated when the game start acting weird.

It's normal. As much as I dislike it, it's life.

I step back. Take some time. Attack the problem from a different point of view.

I love a quote by Einstein that is something like " you can't solve a problem using the same think that created it."

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very interesting, i get frustrated when random crap happens that i think must only happen to me. e.g. Just docked my solar panel attachment to my minmus minimining base, it must be at least 30m wide, 20m deep only less than 10m height on any part. But upon docking the whole thing manages to flip vertical. Why me.

Or when spend 20 mins picking something up, orienting it then i let go of it 1/2m from the ground, and the landing legs go soft and launch it upwards. yup, where does that madness come from?

I mostly fail at this game but failing doesnt make me frustrated. nope :)

low fps frustrates me, but there is not alot now i can do about it :/

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There's a balance in this game between realism and fun. Too much realism and it's way too frustrating, not enough and there's no sense of accomplishment. Fortunately there's the quick-save and revert options, so you can keep trying until you get it right - then the sense of satisfaction makes all the cursing worthwhile.


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