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In the stock game it isn't possible to dock two different docking ports. In a previous KSP version Fusty created a mod which overcame this problem. His mod consisted of four differently sized docking ports which all could dock with the other three ports. With the demise of the Kerbal Space Port the mod no longer is available. With this small mod i'm trying to fill the gap somewhat.

This mod consists of two configuration files one of which combines the three stock docking ports into one port. The other one combines the two smallest docking ports into one port (multiport-&). As expected both multiports are quite similar to the stock ports. All combinations of multiport-a, multiport-b and stock docking port Jr. will dock.


The parts were created with the help of UbioZur's welding mod after which i modified the part.cfg's until they were usuable for every stock user. Multiport-a and -b are surface attachable and don't require an additional plugin.

As the mod uses the models of stock parts, the original idea was Fusty's and it was created with UbioZur's brilliant mod, i claim no rights whatsoever.

Published under BSD 2-clause “Simplified†License.

Download at Spacedock

Edited by TheCardinal
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No pics, no clicks.

Oops, I can't even click because there's no download. There is a reason you can't dock the same types of docking ports together.Kip Engineering has docking ports like Fusty's that work with all other sizes.

Wow those docking ports look good.

EDIT: You probably should write out the post fully and then post it, instead of making just the description and going back to edit it.

Edited by _Augustus_
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Oddly enough, I just looked at my gamedata directory and noticed I still have that old mod installed. I just don't do nearly enough docking procedures to see if it still works.

Now, what would make this even better would be if the docking ports were remodeled for the appearance that the smaller docking ports would open up along with the larger port's "doors" (so to speak) when the docking procedure was complete. Also, if one could activate a docking mode for each of those specific sizes that would be accompanies with an animation where, if the size of the port was smaller than the others, it would animate outwards both providing a bit more clearance from the rest of the docking structure and visually differentiating itself from the rest of the possible ports on the part.

But that's just me dreaming again...

Edited by Gaalidas
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  _Augustus_ said:
No pics, no clicks.

Oops, I can't even click because there's no download.

Also there is a reason you can't dock the same types of docking ports together. And Kip Engineering has docking ports like Fusty's that work with all other sizes.

You both were a bit (too) quick to react. I wasn't done editing the first post.

Thanks for the link. I didn't know that Kip Engineering had such a mod. Still, you don't need a plugin with this mod.

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  • 1 month later...
  TheCardinal said:
Frankly, i don't know. Personally i don't use Connected Living Spaces. I presume that the multiports are unpassable when used in conjunction with C L S.

As such, could you make a multiport that includes only clampatron and clampatron sr.? So that it could be reasonable for it to be passable?

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Thanx for this...I've been using Kip's ports, but after installing it and AdaptiveDockingNodes on 1.0.2, I got all sorts of weird docking issues...So I'll give this a try also...

- - - Updated - - -

  qm3ster said:
As such, could you make a multiport that includes only clampatron and clampatron sr.? So that it could be reasonable for it to be passable?


x2 ... I hardly ever using the Jr at all, and also mostly need a port that can handle 2.5m & 1.25m WITH crew passage... Combining THESE two into one with CLS compatability would SERIOUSLY improve my parts count & simplify/streamline my ship/station design and layout.

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I pruned stock docking ports and only use yours anymore.

Works perfect. Thanks for that.

  TheCardinal said:
Here's Multiport-c.

Add the cfg file to the gamedata directory.

Title tag in cfg should be "title = Multiport-c".

I added cfg to the Multiport folder for "cosmetical" reason.

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  TheCardinal said:
Here's Multiport-c. It will only dock with itself and the clampotron.

Add the cfg file to the gamedata directory.

Understood the syntax, don't understand the following: How does the bigger port give better stability than the small one? Is it all in the mass of the part? Or does the model actually play a role?

OR, is it inferred from the ModuleDockingNode nodeType? (In which these are only as stable as the smallest port?)

Have you concidered releasing your light-weight stock-transform models using this module instead - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79128-1-0-AdaptiveDockingNode-1-7-Make-Your-Awesome-Docking-Port-Models-Universal%21 ?

You could even just put it down as suggested in CKAN and add an MM config that adds the additional (bigger) sizes to your ports if it's installed!

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  • 2 weeks later...


im glad i found your mod, is exaclty what i was looking to solve my problem

but the thing is, my game seems to ignore it

i cant find your multiports in game

downloaded and extracted the Multiport folder in gamedata as normal

im using ksp 1.0.4, recently updated it (like a week a go)

appreciate any help

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something I wouldn't mind seeing in the title post, so as not to lead others astray as I was: This doesn't come with it's own models, so DON'T DELETE SQUAD'S DOCKING PORTS! As I often do with parts that seem to replace stock parts (b9 wings, procedural parts, etc) I delete the squad equivelants to save RAM.

Now that I know how the mod works, I realize that wouldn't save any ram, but I deleted the original files at first, and wouldn't you know it, the mod didnt work! :P

Two: I have the mulitport that has all three on it as the main docking ports to my Space hotel (or Shotel, as I call it) and it doesn't seem to accept normal, non-multiport, medium size clampotron. I will try the medium size multiport tonight, but I wasted a trip up there with a stock docking port :(

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  Venusgate said:
Something I wouldn't mind seeing in the title post, so as not to lead others astray as I was: This doesn't come with it's own models, so DON'T DELETE SQUAD'S DOCKING PORTS! As I often do with parts that seem to replace stock parts (b9 wings, procedural parts, etc) I delete the squad equivelants to save RAM.

Now that I know how the mod works, I realize that wouldn't save any ram, but I deleted the original files at first, and wouldn't you know it, the mod didnt work! :P

Two: I have the mulitport that has all three on it as the main docking ports to my Space hotel (or Shotel, as I call it) and it doesn't seem to accept normal, non-multiport, medium size clampotron. I will try the medium size multiport tonight, but I wasted a trip up there with a stock docking port :(

I'm sorry things didn't work out for you so well. I thought things would be clear with notifications like "This mod consists of two configuration files one of ...." and "All combinations of multiport-a, multiport-b and stock docking port Jr. will dock." in the first post.

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