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What resolution do you play KSP at?


What monitor resolution do you play KSP at?  

349 members have voted

  1. 1. What monitor resolution do you play KSP at?

    • 1280x1024
    • 1280x720
    • 1366x768
    • 1440x900
    • 1600x900
    • 1920x1080 (1080p)
    • 2560x1440 (1440p)
    • 3840x2160 (4K/UHD)
    • Other

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Why is my resolution not on there? We must rise up and allow 800x600 to be taken seriously, for this gives me a stunning 40fps with 200 parts, performance unachievable by anyone in any other resolution. Absolutely disgusting. Respect my resolution or I will have to retaliate with peaceful murder. Thanks. :)

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I think I do 1280x1024 -- less if I'm using it in windowed mode.  I for one wish youtubers and streamers would kindly easy up on the rez -- the text gets darn fuzzy at 720p, when they're running much above it, and 1080p makes cheap american broadband derp out and skip like an old CD player on a middle school bus.

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