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[1.05] KerbolBattles Parts Pack [1/2/16]


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  On 1/19/2016 at 12:46 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Sure. Have a teaser

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That Y-wing engine looks much too short...

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  On 1/20/2016 at 6:43 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@CommanderSpock; An X-Wing should be more or less possible come next update; though Infernal Robotics in some shape or form would be requred for moving parts.

@Avalon304: So noted. Its been lengthened it bit.


I dont know how long you made it, but it should be able half the length of the overall length of the engine nacelle. So probably the length of 2 Mk1 Fuselages. (If I had to guess).

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  • 1 month later...

This is an awesome mod, but I have a question. I saw Kottabosgames's review of this mod, and he was flying the fighter around the space center, cool. But when I try to do this, the fighter can hardly fly, why? I know the video was made a while ago, so I dont know if its because of updates. I really want to do what Kottabos did, so i can put weapons on it with Bdarmory. Is there a way I can do this? Thanks in advance!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

HI all.

I've had some speaks with @SuicidalInsanity regarding the continuation of this mod.   SO the question is how much interest is there in it's possible continuation, I'm looking for an excuse to have to go to space, as non of the published mods I own or maintain manage to get out of the atmosphere. SO user (better be more than one though)  of KERBOL BATTLES do you want this continued, I'm good either way, do let me know soon, before this years last "mod to be saved" space is gone.

More replies = more chance

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  On 9/9/2016 at 6:44 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

HI all.

I've had some speaks with @SuicidalInsanity regarding the continuation of this mod.   SO the question is how much interest is there in it's possible continuation, I'm looking for an excuse to have to go to space, as non of the published mods I own or maintain manage to get out of the atmosphere. SO user (better be more than one though)  of KERBOL BATTLES do you want this continued, I'm good either way, do let me know soon, before this years last "mod to be saved" space is gone.

More replies = more chance


Yiss pls. Also, I would love to see the mining expansion get updated as well.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Probably, like some other mods, this one will most likely be abandoned. However, since this mod is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, any other Modder can continue it. I am also very much looking forward to the continuation of this mod, and its like - Spacetackle's K. I. E. Fighter mod.

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It's a parts pack so everything should work (probably) in 1.9.x, but given my last update was apparently ~3.5 years ago for version 1.05, it's fairly safe to say this has become an abandoned mod; I ran out of energy and inclination to continue working on it, mainly due to inexperience at the time, and then just sort of forgot about it.
I might still have the in-progress stuff that never got released, but even if I can find it it would be so old I'd likely want to completely redo them just on principle. But does that I'll come back to this or resurrect it? I can't give a anything more than a definite, unambiguous 'maybe'.
While this would be an excuse to take a break from and move beyond Mkn space plane bits, resurrecting this would depend at least in part in how much interest there is for an updated KBPP. So, two things that would be helpful to know are (1 what level of interest there is, and dependent on 1, (2 are there any specific ships/vehicles people are particularly interested* in (since Star Wars being Star Wars there's thousands to choose from across all the movies/comics/games/etc), since part of the reason this mod died the first time was lack of a clear direction or desired parts wishlist.
*beyond the TIE-series + A/B/X/Y wing - those would be included by default in a resurrected KBPP.

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I have some ideas for this mod:

1. Change the texture details of this mod to more modern. When you look at this mod, it feels like you are looking at a cartoon of the 80-90s or a video from youtube of the 2000s-2010s.

2. There is a similar mod - Spacetackle's K. I. E Fighter mod, which also died, many users are waiting for its resurrection, and linuxgurugamer refused to resurrect it. This mod is more convenient to use, especially its cocpit, and a couple of other details. My suggestion: combine these two mods into one. Well, or create a third mod based on them. This will make it easier for everyone, both players and modders

3. Since I am interested in TIE-fighters, I can offer ideas for this type of aircraft: the mod lacks details for the wings, especially for such devices as TIE/sa, TIE/ad, TIE Advanced x1, TIE Advanced v1, TIE/fo (you can implement a texture change for the cabin and wings), TIE / sf (the same as for the previous one, + you need a place for the co-pilot), TIE/mg, TIE/vn (for this device, you need both engines and a new cabin). The best solution is to do it as in Spacetackle's K. I. E Fighter mod.

If possible, you can add weapons details to the mod, such as laser guns, rocket launchers, radar scanners, camouflage systems, and so on.

4. You can integrate the KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPIE) mod. In TIE-fighters, the Solar ionization reactor I-a2b is installed, which is, in fact, a thermonuclear reactor. You can create a part / patch to a part using the "InertialConfinementReactor" or "InterstellarTokamakFusionReactor" module that adds the reactor to the TIE-fighter.

The TIE-Defender has a hyperdrive installed. KSPIE has an AlcubierreDrive module that adds a Warp Engine

5. If there are people who can program, then point 5 for them: my suggestion-based on the mods GN drive (creating anti-gravity), Feline Utility Rovers (hovering engines + braking function in hover mode), Throttle Controlled Avionics, perhaps Kerbal Foundries (repulsors) to create a mod for maneuvering engines and repulsors.

What I would like to see in this modification:

     1) The ability to take off and land an aircraft WITHOUT the help of main engines (as in the GN drive modification, only without the GNparticle resource + to implement the function of braking relative to the surface, as in the Feline Utility Rovers modification).

     2) Ability to automatically hold the location and altitude above the surface/sea level using the maneuvering engine/repulsors.

     3) Programmable flight / landing / docking capability using the maneuvering engine/repulsors.

     4) The ability to fix the position of the device, as in the Airpark modification (AirPark has a minus: when switching to another device in the range of physics, the device that was fixed with AirPark this fixation disappears, and it begins to fall. I would like to eliminate this.) You can integrate AirPark to this mod: after setting the location, the device is fixed in place, as if using a cheat, but repulsors / maneuvering engines consume resources, preferably in the background. If the resource runs out, repulsors / maneuvering engines are disabled and .... the cheat is disabled and the device begins to fall. You can add a "fuse" to the mod - when the number of resources for repulsors / maneuvering engines is critical, a notification will pop up on the screen. If the resource runs out, you can use another "fuse" - the engines are automatically activated (if they are on the device and there is enough fuel for them) and will try to keep the device in place, of course, if possible. 

To calculate resource consumption/production in the background, you can use life support mods such as Kerbalism.

I think many people would like to build their Cloud City on Eve, Joop, or any other planet where there is no surface or atmospheric pressure is too high for conventional engines to produce enough thrust for takeoff/flight.

Edited by Ilya_G
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	name = KBPP_TwinIonEngine
	module = Part
	author = SuicidalInsanity
	mesh = Model.mu
	rescaleFactor = 1
	node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2515783, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	TechRequired = ionPropulsion
	entryCost = 37000
	cost = 8000
	category = Engine
	subcategory = 0
	title = PS-5 "Screamer" Twin Ion Engine
	manufacturer = Industrial Props and Effects
	description = A precision engineered high efficiency ion propusion unit. Featuring twin maneuvering nozzles for enhanced maneuvarability and no moving parts for enhanced durability, this engine is an excellent go to propulsion unit for any light space craft. As an added bouns, the electrical feedback howl produced when the engine and radio are on at the same time is guaranteed to keep the crew awake and alert during long burns.
	attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
	mass = 0.25
	// heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default
	skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
	emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating.
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 2
	crashTolerance = 7
	maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
	bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		  	channel = Ship
		  	clip = KerbolBattlesPartsPack/Sounds/TIEScream2
		  	volume = 0.0 0.0 
		  	volume = 0.01 0.25
		  	volume = 0.5 0.5
		  	volume = 1.0 1.5
		  	pitch = 0.0 1.0
		  	pitch = 0.5 1.0
		  	pitch = 1.0 1.0
		  	loop = true
				modelName = KerbolBattlesPartsPack/FX/TIE_Plume
				transformName = thrustTransform
				emission = 0.0 0.0
				emission = 0.05 0.0
				emission = 0.075 0.25
				emission = 1.0 1.25
				speed = 0.0 0.5
				speed = 0.1 0.6
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_soft
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
				prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
				transformName = thrustTransform
				oneShot = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
		name = ModuleEnginesFX
		thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
		runningEffectName = running_closed
		exhaustDamage = False
		ignitionThreshold = 0.1
		minThrust = 0
		maxThrust = 50
		heatProduction = 44
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		EngineType = Electric
				name = ElectricCharge
				ratio = 0.001
				name = XenonGas
				DrawGauge = True
				ratio = 0.00001
				key = 0 999999
				key = 1 999999
				key = 8 0.001
		name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
		animationName = TIE_Glow
		dependOnEngineState = True
		responseSpeed = 0.5
		name = ModuleGimbal
		gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
		gimbalRange = 10

		name = ModuleTestSubject
		environments = 71
		useStaging = True
		useEvent = True

In the original version, the PS-5 "Screamer" Twin Ion Engine has a low specific impulse and low thrust + there is no possibility of changing the thrust vector. I slightly "modified" this detail to increase the thrust and efficiency + added a change in the thrust vector (although here you need more animation of the engine nozzle rotation, which I unfortunately can not do (I can not)).

Since I use Spacetackle's K. I. E Fighter mod, which I also like, the parameters thrust, specific impulse, resource consumption and atmosphereCurve are taken from this mod.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...


This mod does not contain weapons (tested personally), and your experience in 3d modeling and knowledge in the development of mods could help a lot. At least you're one of the best at it.
If you still refuse, could you suggest the person who can help? I think you know more competent people in this field. I would be happy to do this myself, but while I learn the basics of programming and 3d modeling, KSP 2 will be released, and maybe 3.

  On 11/27/2020 at 8:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

"Refused" is such a harsh word.  I prefer the word "declined".

I don't  do weapons mods.



Edited by Ilya_G
I forgot to specify the person to whom I am addressing
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  On 6/30/2021 at 9:52 PM, Ilya_G said:


This mod does not contain weapons (tested personally), and your experience in 3d modeling and knowledge in the development of mods could help a lot. At least you're one of the best at it.
If you still refuse, could you suggest the person who can help? I think you know more competent people in this field. I would be happy to do this myself, but while I learn the basics of programming and 3d modeling, KSP 2 will be released, and maybe 3.



I have no experience in 3d modeling, sorry

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