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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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On 7/22/2016 at 3:49 PM, Pak said:

@MrMeeb No worries. More shuttle stuff is good in my book.

How long is the extended bit? Would it still look good to just match the size of the CRG-100 plus a CRG 25, or would that be too big?


Also. does anyone have a request for what I should look at finishing next? Here's a review of my old plans with updates

Cargo Bay texture switches (including the back of the cockpit to match)

ET Decoupler

ELC pallet

A hybrid of the Spacelab style pallet and meshswitchable ICC-VLD pallet to create a modular way to partition the cargo bay. 

KrakenTech IUS mount

EDO supply module

Spacelab (MrMeeb might be doing this?)

something to mount small satellites onto

Assorted KIS tool boxes and other doodads



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6 minutes ago, Tristonwilson12 said:

make it have a animation thats really fast maybe?

have a flat disk that can be inserted between the booster and the payload, with spin rockets (or even invisible thrusters, as long as the make it spin) to give it the stabilization. Downside being that you can't spin up before deployment.

Apart from that, idk what can be done.

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On 22/07/2016 at 8:49 PM, Pak said:

Also. does anyone have a request for what I should look at finishing next? Here's a review of my old plans with updates

Cargo Bay texture switches (including the back of the cockpit to match)

ET Decoupler

ELC pallet

A hybrid of the Spacelab style pallet and meshswitchable ICC-VLD pallet to create a modular way to partition the cargo bay. 

KrakenTech IUS mount

EDO supply module

Spacelab (MrMeeb might be doing this?)

something to mount small satellites onto

Assorted KIS tool boxes and other doodads

whilst looking at my orbiter I had a thought, what about a drogue chute? the stock radial drogue chute is a little small for the shuttle, of course I don't know how easy or hard this would be to make. From the list I would vote for the satellite mount

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On 22.7.2016 at 9:49 PM, Pak said:

@MrMeeb No worries. More shuttle stuff is good in my book.

How long is the extended bit? Would it still look good to just match the size of the CRG-100 plus a CRG 25, or would that be too big?


Also. does anyone have a request for what I should look at finishing next? Here's a review of my old plans with updates

Cargo Bay texture switches (including the back of the cockpit to match)

ET Decoupler

ELC pallet

A hybrid of the Spacelab style pallet and meshswitchable ICC-VLD pallet to create a modular way to partition the cargo bay. 

KrakenTech IUS mount

EDO supply module

Spacelab (MrMeeb might be doing this?)

something to mount small satellites onto

Assorted KIS tool boxes and other doodads

Fist of all: very good work! I love to use this mod in stock ksp.

So i have an addition to your list:
In Realism Overhaul things are scaled up to match real world sizes.
Is it possible to add configs for the mod parts to work with RO scaleups? Or is it something that RO must provide?

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second option, unless the mod author wants to include these himself, something that the vast majority doesn't do, mainly because that means one more thing to take care of...

EDIT: also, it's not only scaling, it also changes mass, CoM, lift, fuel, fuel ratio, life support... a lot of changes are made to these parts

Edited by JoseEduardo
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34 minutes ago, Plexi said:

Fist of all: very good work! I love to use this mod in stock ksp.

So i have an addition to your list:
In Realism Overhaul things are scaled up to match real world sizes.
Is it possible to add configs for the mod parts to work with RO scaleups? Or is it something that RO must provide?

Some shuttle RO replicas already exist. This should remain stock (as the style is stockalike)

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2 hours ago, trooperMNG said:

Sure, I mean RO configs shouldn't be in the roadmap (or at least not before more important things)

Yeah... I think inter-mod support should be (if possible) discussed between the mod devs, and they can work out who ever has the time/dedication/know-how to develop the necessary patches/.cfgs/models/textures, to get it done, and add it to either mod... Or even have a 3rd party release it as an "add-on" mod or dependency...

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I won't be doing any RO configs. I was going to link over to CSS or some derivative of that, but it seems like they all died out around 1.0?

In any case, if someone really likes RO and shuttles and wants to mess with cfgs for days on end I'd be happy to link/host the results here and help out here and there if needed.


23 hours ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

I'm voting for KIS parts.

I snuck a KIS box in the last update with at least 2 more KIS parts on the way soonish

16 hours ago, macc92 said:

what about a drogue chute?

Yeah I could look into it. It's been requested before and I'm not opposed to it. Stock is a bit small and Ven's is a bit big for the shuttle.

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I don't know if it's something I've done but with version 1.1.31 of this mod I cant toggle the body piece to be the normal CRG-100 length, and when I do toggle the variant it seems to cause a 2nd version to pop into scene with the original variant still there as there is Z-fighting on the overlapping part



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On 7/24/2016 at 7:08 AM, gensiskiller96 said:

Has anyone added or linked a craft file for this mod yet?

You're right to post here and ask, but maybe also check www.KerbalX.com ? Its a craft hosting site, and handles modded crafts well, too... You can even search by mod, and see crafts people have submitted that use a specific mod...

Edited by Stone Blue
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50 minutes ago, macc92 said:

I don't know if it's something I've done but with version 1.1.31 of this mod I cant toggle the body piece to be the normal CRG-100 length, and when I do toggle the variant it seems to cause a 2nd version to pop into scene with the original variant still there as there is Z-fighting on the overlapping part



This is what happens when you try to get fancy.


I'll post a fix shortly


Edit: Should be fixed now with 1.1.31a

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Turns out I derped and missed the release that brought compatibility with my part a few days ago, but that's alright. I'm gonna release the CRG-150 now, so I hope people enjoy it! Included in the DL are the cargo bay and some scaled up versions of the BIG S Control Surfaces and Pak's edited wings to better suit the longer bay. This does mean that Comorant Aeronology is a requirement, but I think that's okay, seeing as it would be slightly odd to not use this mod, but be looking for shuttle parts. I'd also appreciate it if people were to take a look at how it scales with the DIRECT LV parts, seeing as @trooperMNG made a good point that it might be slightly off, and I haven't had time to look into it. I'm going to continue to camp in this thread for now, but I will eventually move my stuff into its own thread when I have enough of it. 

Shuttle Payload Technologies v0.1



v0.1 - Initial Release!

  • CRG-150 Added
  • Tiled Delta Wing Added
  • Tiled Wing Strake Added
  • Shuttle Inner Elevon Added
  • Shuttle Outer Elevon Added


Also, in terms of what I've done with Spacelab, it's getting there. In this picture you can see SpaceLab and a collection of tunnel sections, along with the Inline Airlock that accompanied this module. The modularity of the tunnel should hopefully allow various configurations to be possible, including ones where you'd fit one of Pak's Spacelab-esque pallets behind it. Currently unsure of course, as I don't know the exact sizes. We will see. 



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@Pak, I was wondering, would it be possible to have a stock-alike texture, with grey tiles instead of black? :)

@MrMeeb, since you're doing spacelab, does this interest you?


I found only this sketch and one with the regular airlock and the logistics module on the back like Shuttle-Mir, I believe it would be using the soviet probe and drogue docking port like ATV since it was meant for Salyut, not Mir/Kristall

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3 minutes ago, JoseEduardo said:

since you're doing spacelab, does this interest you?

Possibly. I suppose it was an early plan of US/USSR cooperation, seeing as the Shuttle was running for 5 years before the Mir Core Module was launched. If you can find any more information on it, can you PM it to me please?

Also, I added the supports! 


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I took a comparison screenshot for people to compare the sizes between MrMeeb's and the regular sized bay, when looking at the parts in the editor I thought the wings and control surfaces were massive, but looking at them as a whole piece they look good.

@MrMeeb do you know how the wings would affect flight performance at all or will that be on a craft by craft basis, as it's the only thing stopping me using it right away. 7keCNkJ.jpg(the little rover is just for a central camera angle)


with regard to the cargo capacity

MrMeeb's bay can almost fit an orange, a 1/2 size and a 1/8 size tank

whereas the regular bay fits an orange, a 1/4 size and an fl-t100 tank

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44 minutes ago, macc92 said:

 do you know how the wings would affect flight performance at all or will that be on a craft by craft basis, as it's the only thing stopping me using it right away. 

Thanks for the pictures and comparison of capacity, and I'm glad you think the wings look okay. 

When I was scaling up the parts, I did increase the amount of lift they generate, so that might affect flight performance, especially on reentry. When I looked at the craft I built (which is included in the DL actually...forgot to mention that), the CM and CoL were on top of each other, so that's not too bad. I've yet to actually fly it though

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