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[1.4] SpaceY Expanded, v1.5 (2018-04-02)


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I'm not sure if this has been reported, but for me all versions of the Penguin engine in version 1.1.2 are producing a constant blue exhaust plume, regardless of what fuel they are set to and regardless of whether the engines are active or not. I also have CryoEngines installed, and I was able to fix the problem by renaming SpaceY_CryoEngines.cfg to SpaceY_CryoEngines.txt.

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3 hours ago, Shyster said:

I'm not sure if this has been reported, but for me all versions of the Penguin engine in version 1.1.2 are producing a constant blue exhaust plume, regardless of what fuel they are set to and regardless of whether the engines are active or not. I also have CryoEngines installed, and I was able to fix the problem by renaming SpaceY_CryoEngines.cfg to SpaceY_CryoEngines.txt.

OK cool. The configs try to use the CryoEngines particle emitters, but if the one that the Penguins are using has been changed or removed, then that would certainly happen. It looks like the emitter is still there in the most recent CryoEngines, so I'm not sure why it would fail unless you have a corrupted copy (or else I've overlooked something else). I'll have to install and test.


EDIT: I think I see the problem. I changed how the emitters worked at one point, and didn't sufficiently change the config for CryoEngines support. I'll have a fix out soon.


Edited by NecroBones
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I've installed the mod along with moduleManager and the heavy lifters pack with ckan, however the 7.5m size items are just the protector, heat shield and guidance system, is that correct?

I've installed Module manager v2.6.17, spacey heavy lifters 1.8.1, spacey expanded 1.1.3 and stagerecovery 1.6.2

UPDATE: nvm, lol, forgot I have to research them!

Edited by alex88
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

One more tweak: CryoEngines's latest revision burns 15 units of LqdHydrogen for 1 unit of Oxidizer (1.5 to 0.1).

I don't actually have any configs for alternate fuels in SpaceY directly. CryoEngines applies its own changes as far as I know.

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28 minutes ago, NecroBones said:

I don't actually have any configs for alternate fuels in SpaceY directly. CryoEngines applies its own changes as far as I know.

I mean the patches for the Penguins ("SpaceY_CryoEngines.cfg") -- they burn LH2 and Oxidizer at a "unit-metric" ratio of 10:1, but CryoEngines 0.2.0 has its engines and tanks using 15:1 now.

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9 hours ago, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

I mean the patches for the Penguins ("SpaceY_CryoEngines.cfg") -- they burn LH2 and Oxidizer at a "unit-metric" ratio of 10:1, but CryoEngines 0.2.0 has its engines and tanks using 15:1 now.


Oh! I forgot about that part. OK, I'll update that. Thanks!

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  • 5 weeks later...

you know what would be really cool? more variants of the interstage adaptors. i mean,you could have 1.85, 1.5, and 0.9375 meter adaptor variants (1.875meter is used by bluedog parts, and others, and 1.5 and 0.9375 meter is also used by bluedog parts) and you could also have mk2 adaptor, mk 3 adapter, etc.

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1 hour ago, eberkain said:

Anyone had problems with parts turning pink?  I know its caused by Active Texture Management, not sure how to prevent it. If I try launching the game without ATM installed, it crashes during texture loading.  Linux x64. 



I have some troubleshooting info on the main SpaceY Lifters OP, near the download link. It can be caused by a variety of things. Make sure you have ModuleManager installed (yes, sometimes people forget this), as well as SpaceY lifters, since it provides many of the textures. You may also need to delete "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" since MM doesn't always notice new mods immediately. Also, ATM doesn't really help much anymore since most mods are using DDS textures, but there's a newer mod from the same author called Dynamic Texture Loader which may work better for you.



53 minutes ago, 123nick said:

you know what would be really cool? more variants of the interstage adaptors. i mean,you could have 1.85, 1.5, and 0.9375 meter adaptor variants (1.875meter is used by bluedog parts, and others, and 1.5 and 0.9375 meter is also used by bluedog parts) and you could also have mk2 adaptor, mk 3 adapter, etc.


Yeah, the mk2 and mk3 adapters are something I want to do, definitely. I'm cautious about other non-standard sizes, but then again, that's partly what this Expanded pack is for, is to add the things that are less mainstream than what goes into SpaceY Lifters.



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2 hours ago, eberkain said:

Anyone had problems with parts turning pink?  I know its caused by Active Texture Management, not sure how to prevent it. If I try launching the game without ATM installed, it crashes during texture loading.  Linux x64.

Are you SURE you need ATM? What mods are you using that are not .dds textured?... If only a couple or a few, with not too many total textures, AND the textures are not hard-coded into any .dlls, I would try using the DDS4KSP program to convert them all, then dump ATM...

EDIT: You must have a lot of non-.dds textures, actually... Thats probably why you crash WITHOUT ATM... You're probably pushing your RAM limit...

If you really DO need ATM, there are instructions, IIRC, in the ATM README on how to edit or make an ATM .cfg, where you tell ATM what folders to IGNORE... Those would be the mod folders giving you the pink textures... Should only be a couple lines, and very easy to do, even if you havent messed with .cfgs before... rbray did a good job on the instructions and examples...

Edited by Stone Blue
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8 minutes ago, NecroBones said:

Yeah, the mk2 and mk3 adapters are something I want to do, definitely. I'm cautious about other non-standard sizes, but then again, that's partly what this Expanded pack is for, is to add the things that are less mainstream than what goes into SpaceY Lifters.

I'd like to add my support for this, particularly for 1.875m parts, either in SpaceY expanded or MRS. I use Tweakscale and Procedural Parts, but I can't figure out how to get Tweakscale to play well with Modular Fuel Tanks (internal volumes don't change with scaling when MFT is installed), and Procedural Parts has difficulty in the "pretty" department. This would definitely fill a niche for me.

I have three large separate installs: RSS and RO, New Horizons, as well as the stock solar system. Burger Mod is probably the only one of yours I don't have installed somewhere. :)

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52 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

Are you SURE you need ATM? What mods are you using that are not .dds textured?... If only a couple or a few, with not too many total textures, AND the textures are not hard-coded into any .dlls, I would try using the DDS4KSP program to convert them all, then dump ATM...

EDIT: You must have a lot of non-.dds textures, actually... Thats probably why you crash WITHOUT ATM... You're probably pushing your RAM limit...

If you really DO need ATM, there are instructions, IIRC, in the ATM README on how to edit or make an ATM .cfg, where you tell ATM what folders to IGNORE... Those would be the mod folders giving you the pink textures... Should only be a couple lines, and very easy to do, even if you havent messed with .cfgs before... rbray did a good job on the instructions and examples...

Well I have a GTX 970 and 16GB of system ram, running the Linux 64bit version.   Without ATM installed I CTD in about 5 seconds of loading, the log is always in the middle of loading textures.   I am currently going through my mods one by one and trying to determine if there is a specific mod that is causing it.  I agree, its a weird problem, I was thinking I would leave it be, buts its bothering me too much, so im still fooling with it.  

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@eberkain , well, actually, I just looked at THIS mod (SpaceY Expanded), and interestingly I see mixed textures... Most seem to be .dds, but there also seem to be quite a few specular .mbms still used... I dont know if thats why ATM might be giving the pink textures or not... What parts ARE you getting the pink on? Are they all ONLY from SpaceY?

Have you looked thru your Player.log yet to see what might be going on?

Thats pretty weird you're crashing with 16GB of RAM, and a GTX970... I'm running Lubuntu with the 64bit KSP, on a GT630M and only 6GB of RAM, HEAVILY modded, and havent had ANY loading crashes...EVER... (yet...knock on wood...lol)

Not that this could really be connected, but are you sure you have a good, proprietary Nvidia driver?... I know the Nouveau drivers for Nvidia are crap, and can cause issues with KSP... ??? It took me a couple tries to select the right proprietary driver when I first installed Lubuntu, to replace the default Nouveau driver... (I think the Software Updater listed 4 or 5 different Nvidia drivers, besides the Nouveau...)

Edited by Stone Blue
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@Stone Blue

I am using Ubuntu 15.10, I managed to get this PPA to work to install video drivers.


I get the Nvidia X Server Settings app and it shows my video card, seems ok, but I dunno.  Honestly, I'm completely lost when it comes to Linux.  I was just so frustrated with the memory cap on windows 32 that I finally setup the dual boot.  

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11 hours ago, DedTheros said:

enjoy the mods, and just curious but is there an issue with the textures on the fuel tanks?  I seem to have texture issues.


Check out the Troubleshooting section on the SpaceY Lifters original post:     (I may add it to this thread's OP as well)




10 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

@eberkain , well, actually, I just looked at THIS mod (SpaceY Expanded), and interestingly I see mixed textures... Most seem to be .dds, but there also seem to be quite a few specular .mbms still used...


The MBMs still in use are just the placeholders for texture reassignment. This is where the pink color actually comes from. One of the quirks of how KSP works is that a texture of the correct name has to exist in the folder with the part's model, even if you're reassigning it in the CFG, or else the part won't load, and KSP may hang altogether while starting up. So if you look at these images, you'll see that they're less than 1k in size, and thus it's not always worth converting those to DDS. In this case, the MBM placeholders remain about half the size of the DDS counterpart, but since they're all only a few hundred bytes at most anyway, the difference is negligible.





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