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[1.3.1][Kopernicus] Uncharted Lands v0.5.4 [26Dec17]


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What is Uncharted Lands?

A re-imagining of the stock planets, Uncharted Lands strives to create both beautiful and interesting worlds possible.

Featuring an entirely new layout of planets and moons, Uncharted Lands offers a fresh start and new challenges for the Kerbol system.

Uncharted Lands is a procedurally created stock overhaul for KSP's planets. The aim of this mod is to create the most beautiful and interesting system possible with NO HEIGHTMAPS OR EXTERNAL FILES AT ALL.

Every Single texture used in game for Uncharted Lands is either included in the stock game, or generated solely from PQSMods used on the planets. This new and exciting creation method can create an entirely different result to the standard heightmaps used by most other mods.




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Download from Github

Download from Curse



Sigma Binary

 (not a full dependency, but you'll be missing out if you dont use SB)


Install Instructions:

Please ensure you delete ALL files from previous version when updating, or else serious issues can and will occur. A fresh KSP install is recommended if you are unsure what files need to be removed.

Simply Download the .zip file and merge the contents into your KSP game directory.

The base Windows 64-bit version of the game is functional for most kopernicus planet packs, this included. However please do not report bugs involving 64-bit, and only report them if they are replicated on the 32-bit game.



Flag Pack by GregroxMun

Nations Map by GregroxMun


Included Mod Support:

Distant Object Enhancement



Multiple Planet packs

  • Galactic Neighbourhood
  • Sentar Expansion
  • Jungis Planet Pack
  • Kronkus
  • Outer Planets Mod
  • Trans-Keptunian
  • Asclepius
  • Sido's Urania System


Planned Mod Support:

Rescource Support



Incompatible Mods:

StarSystems: Not compatible with Kopernicus

PlanetFactory CE: Not compatible with Kopernicus

KopernicusTech: Not compatible with Kopernicus


Known Bugs:

Kerbin PQSCity mods are still in their original position (island airfields, old ksc, pyramids, etc.) so there is some major distortion where they are, as the terrain is significantly different.



-Just a quick polish to Kerbin's atmosphere coloring that I wasn't happy with



Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager

Kcreator for making KittopiaTech

Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins

BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on.

Thomas P (again) for all his amazing work and support

Sigma88 for his help when I got stuck

GregroxMun for his support and feedback in the dev stage




Uncarted Lands by KillAshley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

It incorporates & redistributes the following mods:

ModuleManager CC share-alike license

SigmaBinary CC share-alike license


Edited by KillAshley
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Some of these look really cool. And that is a brilliant name for the mod I have to say.

My favorite is Bop. Kerbin looks cool too. Shame Kittopia/Kopernicus can't create good normal maps on its own, because I think that's really one of the big things that makes some planet packs unattractive.

The best part of this is that these look far more diverse (and stockalike) than anything you could have Space Engine print out for you. What's the possibility of doing a bit of an overhaul on some of your New Horizons planets? Unless I am mistaken, all or most of them use texture maps.

Edited by GregroxMun
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As a showcase of what PQS mods can do, this is awesome work. As what I'd want the planets to look like, not so much.

Regarding one specific case, I feel that on the Mun the density of small craters should relate to the polygonal terrain, ie less/more craters in the light areas than in the dark. At the moment there's this strong contrast but then it feels compromised by the small craters being uniform everywhere.

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@ GregroxMun actually all the normals are made with kittopia too, it actually depends on your output resolution to how good it is.

As for a NH conversion...probably not any time soon, but it has crossed my mind.

@cantab yeah Mun still needs it's VoronoiCrater curves tweaked, as I said most things in the photos are still very early WIP :wink:

@Sigma88 oops I'll fix those

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  CommanderSpock said:
Is it possible to procedurally generate a full galaxy?
Not with Kopernicus, the limitation is that KSP loads everything at once. A few dozen planets is possible. Maybe even a couple of hundred with 64-bit KSP. But not a galaxy on the scale of Space Engine or Elite Dangerous without another mod to dynamically load and unload the stars and planets.
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Love this idea. Believe it or not, I had an idea similar to this a few days ago where a mod would procedurally generate exoplanet systems: distances, sizes, and everything. I'll probably turn that into mod someday in the near future.

EDIT: Is there a download available?

Edited by ibuckshot5
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Ok guys, so the general principle behind the pack was originally to do exactly what you think, the generation of different properties of each planet automated through a script. However because of the major hang time involved in the exporting of color & normal maps this idea is simply not feasible when it comes to the planetary bodies themselves. The planetary terrain itself is procedural just you will always get the same seed in each game (exactly how quite a few of the stock planets are created - Minmus, Pol, etc.), however for the time being everything else is hand-set, this includes everything from orbits to descriptions. There are always ways to expand the pack more, however I myself have no experience in coding in the slightest...all I'm good for is creating the planets :wink:

I'm open to some good ideas about the system and whether people actually want some sort of randomizer to tweak properties such as gravity, orbits etc., however be aware that the bodies terrain won't be editable. In the current set-up I have been tweaking things into a new orbital alignment, involving everything I ever wanted to see in a system, from decent barycenters to comets.

My ultimate goal is to have this as an "example" pack. To show to people exactly what kopernicus is capable of, and that people don't need to use cheap SE exports to create beautiful and interesting worlds.

@Gregroxmun yes my plan for Jool was to use a tiny blank color map and use the procedural gas giant clouds expansion to generate the clouds the way i want them.

@ibuckshot5 no downloads yet. Although I'm sure it won't be long before people find the configs.....

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  mariohm1311 said:
Don't know. Maybe it's because I play with these things on Blender, but the noise and Voronoi fractures are too noticeable. Is it just me?

agreed, but you can't escape the noise without dedicated maps - it is also quite visible for some of the stock planets. KSP can do quite a few things with regards to terrain, but it's no match for dedicated terrain generation programs.

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  123nick said:
oh, so your using kittopia to modify each planet, indgame? or is the mod itself gonna change some kittopia variables or something to make slightly different planets, each time?
Uhh, this doesn't use the old PF Kittopia, the new Kittopia is still in heavy dev.

This uses Kopernicus.

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Have you done any testing with this method at larger than stock radii? If so how does it compare to the regular texture map method? Does the terrain come out any nicer or less flattened? Really interesting development either way.

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  MrChumley said:
These look great!

The videos are very helpful too :D

Is the LandClass Modifier tool a part of kittopia tech?

Yes, the new version of kittopia that is being developed. When adding new PQS mods into kittopia any PQSMods with a wrapper (such as a noise wrapper) need to be input into the .cfg first so they can editable.

  Svm420 said:
Have you done any testing with this method at larger than stock radii? If so how does it compare to the regular texture map method? Does the terrain come out any nicer or less flattened? Really interesting development either way.

Well the new Tylo is about 850km radius and still has half decent terrain, I haven't actually tried going higher than that. I might look into it though, as it shouldn't be too hard as long as you tweak the frequency and other values correctly.

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