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[1.2.x] Aviator Arsenal - World War 2 aircraft weaponry (v1.3)


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So, I changed the fake COM, it worked on the past, the bombs probably just updated their orientations because we modified a few things.
The simpleCoD should fix it, but since in my testings with FAR the bombings were very precise, I don't consider this to be a major issue at moment.
Any changes to the bomb will be together with the next update which will come either fixing some problem or add something.

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The stabilizing thing was added recently, so it will in fact still stabilize in the wrong direction even if you change your CoD.

I can change the code so that it stabilizes in the correct direction depending on the CoD instead of the fwd Z axis, so that you won't need to change the orientation of the model in blender, just the CoD, but I'm sure there are other calculations in BDArmory code that rely on that standard orientation (decouple direction for one), so it would be safe to do it anyway.

Edited by BahamutoD
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@BahamutoD We are going to fix the bombs.
BAD-T is very close to being submitted, the engines configurations are ready and everything is set up smoothly.
The full modpack shouldn't take a significant amount of ram to run at all, it's a very short and diverse pack, just like on the previous BAD-T.
But what I like the most about this new tournament is going to be the points system, I want to see how people deal with it.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 5:02 AM, tetryds said:

Will talk to @VintageXP about it.
Do you rememeber which other things can be affected by this?
The bombs look so much cooler on the editor when they are facing up :P
Is there an easy way to change the display orientation?


Things that rely on z-forward missile orientation:

  • Missile rail (currently only used in the missile turrets - slides the missile along it's forward axis until it leaves the rail, then releases it)
  • Missile decouple direction - bomb impact prediction also takes decouple direction and speed into account so it can affect impact point slightly.
  • Clearance check
  • Heat and radar aiming/locking reticles and sensors
  • homing missile/bomb max-off-boresight/FOV
  • missile launch warnings
  • missile miss detection
  • bomb stability torque
  • missile anti-spin
  • AI steering for missile aiming
  • guided missile aerodynamics

So for unguided bombs, mostly just the direction it stabilizes, decouple direction, clearance check, and impact prediction.  The impact prediction isn't really affected that much though.

I'm not sure how to change only the display orientation :(


Looking forward to BAD-T.  I put out an update for BDA to fix some pilot and competition issues. Hope it helps.

Edited by BahamutoD
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  On 2/18/2016 at 5:34 PM, tetryds said:

@Aerolfos it breaks my heart to see you saying thay the value is arbitrary.

DMG_MULTIPLIER = 100 took me nearly a day of testing to define.

When BDArmory updated everything was overpowered and I tested the guns and gave values for baha to work with, also the DMG_MULTIPLIER value itself.

ROF, Power, reliability, two more and you name all of the stats of the mgs and cannons. Since cooldown and accuracy are doubtlesly important I can assume that the charts are 100% effective.

And at this point you probably figured out there is no "overall best" for any type of weapon :)


Well, arbitrary as in assigned without much correlation beyond "Higher numbers, more power". If it had been defined in a non-arbitrary way you wouldn't need to test to know what it meant. I have absolutely no doubt you know what it means and balanced accordingly of course. Because for instance I don't, and just go with what works.


I had suspected as much, but had to try nonetheless :P

Might be a few niche guns though, and general ones that work well with most anything, although not always the absolute best and most optimal choice. Or it's just I need an excuse to not spend hours testing every gun setup on everything I builf.

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Having fooled around with the weapons a fair amount, I can say that when it comes to niche weapons, the only one that I would consider as such would be the BK 7.5 75mm cannon. While I have managed to score a few kills with it, it really isn't suited for dogfighting. Due to its size and mass it more-or-less requires a purpose built aircraft to carry it, and once you have said custom aircraft, it then requires a specific set of circumstances to be able to score a kill with it.  And ammo. Lots and lots of heavy, heavy ammo.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 5:35 PM, Aerolfos said:

Or it's just I need an excuse to not spend hours testing every gun setup on everything I builf.


You nailed it.
Also, I thought you were talking about BDArmory's DMG_MULTIPLIER, not the damage on the charts, lol.
They are not really arbitrary but good to compare the weapons.

@SuicidalInsanity Yes, it's a FRIGGIN HOWITZER :D
I am surprised that you put enough time and effort on making an airplane that can actually score a kill with it, would love to see a video/gif.

@BahamutoD Thanks, the bombs will be oriented on the right axis for the next update, since that is not critical I will wait for other changes to update the mod.
I recall it being hard to change the display orientation, but that's minor, I will let you know if I find a way to do it.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 8:12 PM, tetryds said:

You nailed it.
Also, I thought you were talking about BDArmory's DMG_MULTIPLIER, not the damage on the charts, lol.
They are not really arbitrary but good to compare the weapons.

@SuicidalInsanity Yes, it's a FRIGGIN HOWITZER :D
I am surprised that you put enough time and effort on making an airplane that can actually score a kill with it, would love to see a video/gif.


Indeed. I was talking about the damage value? Well, I don't have much experience beyond tweaking some weapons to make laser variants. And trying to make a HE machine gun/autocannon... that failed miserably, but was in at least 0.24 or earlier, now there are "proper" HE weapons.

Also... I did make an airplane with that. And scored a kill.

Now, you didn't specify anything about the kind. Kill was a random ground target. XD

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  On 2/19/2016 at 8:12 PM, tetryds said:


@SuicidalInsanity Yes, it's a FRIGGIN HOWITZER :D
I am surprised that you put enough time and effort on making an airplane that can actually score a kill with it, would love to see a video/gif.


@tetryds: I've built enough planes with FAR that at this point I just sort of instinctively know what sort of airframe will work best for a given situation, so it took maybe half an hour to build and tweak it to how I wanted it to perform.


1 shot, 1 kill (and 8 misses before that)

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@tetryds So I'm thinking of breaking the rules a bit for the next tourney.:cool: I'll be making nearly exact replicas of experimental WWII craft. May not use them, but many of the WWII Exp craft were viable, just turned up too late to be of use. I'll try to keep estimated flight time, mass, dimentions, and powerplant thrust as close as I can to the originals. I'll also be hosting them on KerbalX. Main thing I'll have to get used to is FAR, but I think it'll be fine since I'll be using real world designs that "did fly" at least once (and possible some that never got the chance to.)

Also, slightly off topic, where on kerbin do I find the Ferram Aerospace Research User Manual? I can't understand any of the data. :confused:


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@Gnoyze since I expect that many people do not understand how to use FAR I am resuming my work with the FAR tutorials just for this challenge.

Rules don't force anyone to build on a certain way, there is nothing on them that would prevent you from building a replica or something weird :D

People went super creative on the last BAD-T, I can't wait for what is next.

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  On 2/20/2016 at 3:33 PM, tetryds said:

@Gnoyze since I expect that many people do not understand how to use FAR I am resuming my work with the FAR tutorials just for this challenge.

Rules don't force anyone to build on a certain way, there is nothing on them that would prevent you from building a replica or something weird :D

People went super creative on the last BAD-T, I can't wait for what is next.


Thanks man.

So basically just guidelines? and one of the things I may build is one of those flying engine fighters XD

Are there videos from the last BAD-T?

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@Gnoyze You can find all of them on this playlist: 


Well, not all of them, one or two are missing because a couple of battles were kinda humiliating so I rather not upload them :P


No, not guidelines, there will be strict rules and no exceptions will be made, it's just that they don't interfere with your design too much, they are meant to keep things fair.

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Unfortunately, allowing you to simply stick weapons to the turret would be extremely complicated and would require writing a plugin code.
Remember that even making it so that you can put ammo on your turrets is complicated, it's the way KSP works.
But I will think about turrets, maybe adding a few more on the future.

The .50cal ball turret is already very powerful, by the way.

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How about a fixed ring-sight you can fit at the front of your pod to assist aiming if the BDA reticule disappears when you come out of map view? I know this is a very new problem that will likely be fixed with the next BDA update, but I think it would be cool for aesthetic purposes whilst in IVA.

Hell, if VintageXP could figure it out he could make a working gyro or reflector-sight prop that could be fitted into the internals of a cockpit.

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It doesn't really feel right using the ring antenna for this purpose.

Edited by MightyDarkStar
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  On 2/18/2016 at 4:24 AM, xiones11 said:

Why does the mg151 do less damage than a shvak and hispano? The german 20mm cannons had the minengesholb shell which had the largest HE filler out of any 20mm shell of the war. They were the most damaging shells! Russians used garbage fragmentation shells that didn't even come CLOSE to those things! WTH is this? Are all the german guns just garbage in terms of damage? How does that make sense?


Level 99 wehraboo detected, Hispanos were the best cannons of the war my dude.

Edited by marc defranco
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