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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Following up on your earlier remark for which Saturn parts seem to be lacking the right rim lighting settings. Hopefully this simplifies things and means you don't have to dig through all your old parts to see what has that issue.

S-IV 3.75m interstage
S-IV 3.75m instrument ring/probe core
S-IVB fuel tank (not the S-IVC extension)
S-IVB engine mount
The 3.75m SLA and SLA-derived payload fairing

That's all I've been able to find so far. Hope this makes things a bit easier.

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  On 12/1/2017 at 2:27 PM, TK-313 said:

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to make the launch towers not give the rocket a mighty kick? Because towers aren't really meant to be attached in symmetry, and without that, the rocket just gets kicked down.


Yes no and not really

THe launch towers you refer to are from FASA originally.   Frizzank (the creator) worked diligently to remove the side forces generated by the launch towers.   The result.  The towers stayed attached to the rocket.  This is a GAME MECHANIC and not something that can be altered without a pretty big plug-in.   Any plug-in developed to fix this would then require a re-export of the original FASA models linking it to the plug-in instead of the base game code.   All of this will be a lot of resources that are essentially wasted when instead you can stage the towers "smarter"

Here is how you can MITIGATE the issue.   Please note the issue will still exist but your rocket won't keel over on launch because of it.

  • Separate your bottom Launch clamps from the launch towers. in your staging menu  THe towers being in one staging group... The launch clamps being in a separate group above the towers
  • Stage the launch tower(s)
  • wait about 5 seconds for your rocket to re-stabilize.
  • Go for launch!

Oh and if your build of KSP will allow it Kerbal Joint reinforcement can help after staging the towers.  Since it conflicts with several mods on my build I have to make certain I auto-strut everything!

Edited by Pappystein
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Alright, first off, just stopping in to say I'm going to try and do another development stream this afternoon, starting around say noon eastern time. As always, you can find it on my Twitch channel. Come by for crappy lo-fi and occasionally interesting space history conversations. In the meantime, I want to answer the backlog of posts on the thread...


  On 11/29/2017 at 12:33 AM, Abrecan said:

Just want to post real quick and say that BDB + KSP 2.5x = LOVEEEEEEEEEEE

First time actually playing 2.5x (took a break) but now I'm gladly addicted again!


Glad to hear it! I have played with the 2.5x a bit for testing and I have to say that it does really feel a lot better.


  On 11/30/2017 at 2:29 AM, wallum61 said:

When using the rescale.cfg it appears that the Skylab parts are not rescaled equally... I think I've amended the config on my rig; shall I fork it on GH? Another point is that the H-1C/D engines do not have enough thrust to take off. Yet again, I think I've added a relevant fix. See previous question.


The rescale cfg isn't really 'supported', it is more a side project by Jso. I never really modeled the skylab parts with the intention of letting them be rescaled, but if you got it working yeah go ahead! The correct thing to do is fork the github, make the commit, and then submit a pull request which lets us review the changes and make the merge.

I'm not sure what you mean by the H-1 engines not having enough thrust? I can take off with a Saturn 1B just fine... the deltaV is a bit suspect but it was on the real one too (the Apollo fuel tanks were basically just fumes when it launched to save weight).


  On 12/1/2017 at 4:30 AM, planeguy868 said:

Following up on your earlier remark for which Saturn parts seem to be lacking the right rim lighting settings. Hopefully this simplifies things and means you don't have to dig through all your old parts to see what has that issue.

S-IV 3.75m interstage
S-IV 3.75m instrument ring/probe core
S-IVB fuel tank (not the S-IVC extension)
S-IVB engine mount
The 3.75m SLA and SLA-derived payload fairing

That's all I've been able to find so far. Hope this makes things a bit easier.


Thanks! I'll take a look at those.


  On 12/1/2017 at 2:27 PM, TK-313 said:

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to make the launch towers not give the rocket a mighty kick? Because towers aren't really meant to be attached in symmetry, and without that, the rocket just gets kicked down.


As others have said, I usually just stage them separately a second or two before liftoff so the rocket has a chance to settle. I don't really know anything about launch clamps so I don't know how to fix it.


  On 12/2/2017 at 4:35 AM, Third_OfFive said:

Uh oh, Cobaltwolf...

I don't know about you but I'm liking this Gemini capsule a whole lot...


I like it a lot too! That one even has accurate doors which is a nice touch. I wonder if there are two separate hatch colliders.


  On 12/3/2017 at 4:09 AM, planeguy868 said:

What is that? A crew extension for Skylab?

  On 12/3/2017 at 4:20 AM, zakkpaz said:

Apollo Venus flyby 


Yup! It occurred to me that the venus flyby would only take 1 (well, now 2) new parts. I view the endgame of BDB in sort of 3 distinct parts - LEO, Moon, Interplanetary. LEO being stations like Skylab/Spacelab (there are still new parts I can add for S-IVB derived stations, such as a S-II > S-IVB interstage adapter that is filled with stuff), Moon being AAP-based longer term moon sorties and even primitive bases (things like LEM Shelter), and Interplanetary being stuff like this. There are more complex designs I'd like to take on at some point, but for now I thought it would be fun to include just the most simple one in this update. Future ones would have things like active radiators that could prevent boiloff of LH2 like in Ares... well, just in general, the Ares interplanetary vehicle (not the MEM - @TiktaalikDreaming is already making a nice new one!) is on my 'todo' list.

But, for now, I need to finish this, finish the Saturn 1 revamp, put the last touches on Atlas, take care of all the issues people have logged on Github, and get this release out because it is going to be big.


  On 12/3/2017 at 11:00 AM, Drakenex said:

2 for the price of one! this + petal adapter with ejectable panels, I want to dance


Indeed. Now I'm wondering if it would be worth it to have mesh switching for the ejectable panels to make them also capable of being the full-nose type SLA...

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  On 12/3/2017 at 3:38 PM, CobaltWolf said:

LiIndeed. Now I'm wondering if it would be worth it to have mesh switching for the ejectable panels to make them also capable of being the full-nose type SLA...


While not required, since you have made a 3.75 procedural fairing it would be nice.  


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  On 12/4/2017 at 3:07 PM, DJ Reonic said:

I noticed something. The Spacelab panels, while being twice the size of the Skylab panels, put out the same EC. Is this intended?


It's probably not intended. But I would like to point out that they also have the same weight. And the same thing goes for Apollo antennas for Block 2, 3/4 and 5. They all have the same weight and range

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