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[1.3.x] CONTARES 1.8.9 closed


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15 hours ago, hraban said:

PPTS is named as FEDERAZIJA in contares. CTV-II is closer to the first and last PPTS studies but without the landing leg's.


The RIVER launcher craft file you can find in the craft-files download and a blueprint / building description in the contares 'illustrated construction book'

Ok thx cause the FEDERAZIJA is the coolest spacecraft ever!

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New and vintage tweakable satellite BUS systems. Thank you to BDB and Coatl for the nice and helpfull created science experiments!

KERBUS1000 for IridiumNEXT satellite


DT-001 BUS for small and medium optical instruments


Vintage style BBBP-001


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More pictures from COSMOS III



Launch of SAR LUPE recon satellite


Now that there is no nice and usable light weight truss, this part has been designed which can guide up to 4 liquid or gaseous substances.  On the picture a CONTARES 4 way RCS is mounted.


Edited by hraban
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36 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

What does this statement mean? It's meant to have ranks attached to it?

There is nothing technical behind it. Visually, 4 different colored tubes are visible within the supporting structure. The part has full crossfeed.

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17 minutes ago, hraban said:

There is nothing technical behind it. Visually, 4 different colored tubes are visible within the supporting structure. The part has full crossfeed.

Ah, didn't understand that part. Makes sense. :) And they nicely also work as power conduits if the use of the part doesn't imply some other form of resource transfer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on a Boeing Lander concept, Contares build a version vor 4 Kerbals with potential to land and restart from every moon without atmosphere - and duna - in the stock system.


VAB view with KVV


on the Mun


Landing and restart from Duna






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Doing log cleanup, saw these, one part appears to be broken, and there are a couple complaints about invalid floatcurves. Also thanks for all your work here, I am having lots of fun playing with a massive number of new options :)


[LOG 20:49:16.020] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124m_1500/RK-Z-0124m_1500'
[ERR 20:49:16.023] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
  at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator66.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[ERR 20:49:16.024] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part

[LOG 20:49:16.025] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1250/RK-Z-0124_1250'
[ERR 20:49:16.035] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[LOG 20:49:16.044] PartLoader: Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1250/RK-Z-0124_1250' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:49:16.051] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'RK-Z-0124.1250'
[EXC 20:49:16.059] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p)
    PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName)
    DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p)
    Part+<Start>c__Iterator3A.MoveNext ()
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
[LOG 20:49:16.132] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1875/RK-Z-0124_1875'
[ERR 20:49:16.145] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'


Edited by vossiewulf
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5 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Doing log cleanup, saw these, one part appears to be broken, and there are a couple complaints about invalid floatcurves. Also thanks for all your work here, I am having lots of fun playing with a massive number of new options :)

  Hide contents

[LOG 20:49:16.020] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124m_1500/RK-Z-0124m_1500'
[ERR 20:49:16.023] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
  at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator66.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[ERR 20:49:16.024] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part

[LOG 20:49:16.025] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1250/RK-Z-0124_1250'
[ERR 20:49:16.035] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[LOG 20:49:16.044] PartLoader: Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1250/RK-Z-0124_1250' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:49:16.051] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'RK-Z-0124.1250'
[EXC 20:49:16.059] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p)
    PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName)
    DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p)
    Part+<Start>c__Iterator3A.MoveNext ()
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
[LOG 20:49:16.132] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Contares/Parts/FENIKS/RK-Z-0124_1875/RK-Z-0124_1875'
[ERR 20:49:16.145] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'


Thank you for the log-part. The shown errors was fixed. Next release comes out when all requirde mods are on 1.3.1.

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From workbench:

MORGENROT Type 2 (inspired by Big-Soyuz) holds max. 5 Kerbonauts. With ~ 9.5 tonns the possible launcher is the NEUTRON-M (inspired by PROTON-M). TheZIRP-M (inspired by Breeze-M / Briz-M) has now todorial tanks to fit on 2.5m and 1.875m diameter launcher.




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The light version of NEUTRON has 4 the 6 RK-Z-275M engines on the fist stage. Enough power to transport with the former 3rd stage of NEUTRON as 2nd stage and ZIRP-M as third stage to safely transport MORGENROT Type 2 into an LKO.


The launcher is inspired by http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/East_Europe_2/Proton-KL/Description/Frame.htm

Pictures here: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/proton-light.html

Edited by hraban
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Three engine config issues leading to accidentally overpowered engines:

This one has a thrust of 468kN but the size and mass of a much smaller engine (mass .3t), makes it a killer 1.25m-1.875m lifter.


The next two are supposed to be LH2/LOX and have very high ISPs but are set as LF/OX.



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9 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

Three engine config issues leading to accidentally overpowered engines:

This one has a thrust of 468kN but the size and mass of a much smaller engine (mass .3t), makes it a killer 1.25m-1.875m lifter.


The next two are supposed to be LH2/LOX and have very high ISPs but are set as LF/OX.


The RK-Z-0233 (RD-0233/0234 from ROCKOT) is not overpowered. Almost all rocket engines in the mod contares have 1/4 the thrust of the terrestrial models. ISP is always adopted unchanged. Exceptions are formed by orbital engines which in some cases have up to 50% thrust of the terrestrial models.
Contares does not use any of the fuel variation mods. Model-true tanks for LH2/LOX stages have correspondingly less standard mass of LF/OX.
This makes things easier for beginners. 
In order to use any standard/stock tank as LH2/LOX in Contares, the fill level for LF/OX is set to 30%.

It is not excluded that there will be support for different fuels, but this is not planned for the near future.


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Ok, but 468kN at .3 tons is ~1/4 the mass of the next lightest engine I'm aware of that is capable of similar thrust, and I think I have almost all mods with engine parts. So at a minimum, I suggest moving it to later in the technology tree, I think it is placed at the 45 science level right now, that is very early in the tech tree. Otherwise it makes lots of other lifter engines obsolete.

Ok on the other two, but can you add that to the description? I don't remember having read that.



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@vossiewulf i will add the following comment to the OP:

50% scale means 1/2 of the size, 1/4 of the thrust, 1/8 of the weight.
Further adjustments are due to the physical properties of the Kerbal universe.

Fuel tanks designed for use with Contares LH2/LOX engines contain significantly less fuel. Fuel tanks which do not contain an entry for LH2/LOX in the description as well as all stock tanks should be set to 30% Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer when combined with Contares LH2/LOX engines.

Regarding the arrangement of parts in the techtree there is certainly still much to steer.  This work i am glad to leave to ambitious users because i personally have no interest in career or scientific mode.


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2 hours ago, hraban said:

@vossiewulf i will add the following comment to the OP:

50% scale means 1/2 of the size, 1/4 of the thrust, 1/8 of the weight.
Further adjustments are due to the physical properties of the Kerbal universe.

Fuel tanks designed for use with Contares LH2/LOX engines contain significantly less fuel. Fuel tanks which do not contain an entry for LH2/LOX in the description as well as all stock tanks should be set to 30% Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer when combined with Contares LH2/LOX engines.

Regarding the arrangement of parts in the techtree there is certainly still much to steer.  This work i am glad to leave to ambitious users because i personally have no interest in career or scientific mode.


@hraban your balance (apart from the 50%! :) ) is actually very close to what we use in BDB. 1/4 thrust for lower stage engines, 1/2 for upper stages (which actually keeps the relative thrusts roughly similar to the stock engine families - real life upper stages are super low thrust), real world ISPs. I never quite figured out what Jso does to figure out mass, I think that's how he adjusts the balance so all our dry masses are tweaked for engines.

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22 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

@hraban your balance (apart from the 50%! :) ) is actually very close to what we use in BDB. 1/4 thrust for lower stage engines, 1/2 for upper stages (which actually keeps the relative thrusts roughly similar to the stock engine families - real life upper stages are super low thrust), real world ISPs. I never quite figured out what Jso does to figure out mass, I think that's how he adjusts the balance so all our dry masses are tweaked for engines.

Apart from the crooked scale value used by BDB, your mod is already passable close to a usability under KSP conditions. It is a good thing that the introduction of simple mathematics to the calculation of masses, volumes and forces also with BDB has kept. :wink:

No other calculation system has ever been used for Contares. The mathematical foundations for this were already established hundreds of years ago.

The increased thrust force for orbital engines results from the considerably shorter time when a low orbit has to be reached at KSP.

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