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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Deep Space Exploration Vessels - Build NASA Inspired Ships In KSP

Angelo Kerman

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1 hour ago, smotheredrun said:

Excitement increasing.... increasing.....


Definitely getting there! :) Got the docking port lighting working again, and re-textured the HexPort:


I'm also in the process of revising the config files for the ArcJet RCS thrusters and engine.. two years ago, I didn't have the tools in KSP that I do now, and I can get rid of some legacy code in the process. :) Not planning on doing much more pork-alike rework of the textures in this release, otherwise I'd never get the release out the door before the end of the month. I have a couple more parts to do first..

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1 hour ago, ISE said:

This thread gets me way too excited! :cool:  love how thing are shaping up @Angel-125 you continue to amaze me!

Thanks! :) I've been working hard for the past couple of months to finish up the parts needed for the Kerbal Discovery II. Once it's done, the last major release will be the parts needed to make NAUTILUS-X. It shouldn't be as bad; you will be able to fit the D2 hab, lab, greenhouse, and cryo shelter into the hex hangar, which doubles as the hex corridor on the Nautilus. I get to remake the Homestead module, and make an inflatable hab ring, radially attached command pod, and radially attached airlock. Those won't be as bad compared to the D2 parts. That will be a bit, I have some updates to do for Buffalo and Pathfinder first...

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New AE-35 Communications Array:


It combines an RA-100 with the stock M-700 survey scanner and stock orbital scanner. With SCANSat installed, it can be a multi spectral analysis scanner as well.

And, here is the completed Kerbal Discovery II Design Reference Mission Spacecraft:


When the next DSEV version is released, you'll find the completed craft as well as the individual sections in the ReferenceDesigns folder.

Speaking of releases, I'm on track for an end of the week release! :)

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22 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Thanks! :) I've been working hard for the past couple of months to finish up the parts needed for the Kerbal Discovery II. Once it's done, the last major release will be the parts needed to make NAUTILUS-X. It shouldn't be as bad; you will be able to fit the D2 hab, lab, greenhouse, and cryo shelter into the hex hangar, which doubles as the hex corridor on the Nautilus. I get to remake the Homestead module, and make an inflatable hab ring, radially attached command pod, and radially attached airlock. Those won't be as bad compared to the D2 parts. That will be a bit, I have some updates to do for Buffalo and Pathfinder first...

Im so glad to hear that! I can't even wait till you make the NAUTILUS-X! Its gonna look so good! :sticktongue:

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I'm in the home stretch at long last! I've refactored the Snacks processors and hit the Supernova with a nerf bat. And When We Left Kerbin continues...

Series title

When We Left Kerbin: Ordinary and Super-Bored


It is 34 days before the mid-course correction burn. With four pilots, two engineers, and three scientists aboard, most of the crew is bored. The pilots take turns running simulations- at least that's what they call their video games. The engineers argue over the performance tuning of the Supernova engine, and the scientists argue over which experiment to run next. Will the fully-loaded Discovery, with 9.5k delta-v at launch, be enough to reach Jool and refuel at Pol? Or too much? Maybe the Chief Designer shouldn't have hit the engine with a nerf bat...

Jonney, one of the scientists, is nervously watching plants grow, trying to ensure that the crew has enough snacks. Refactoring the greenhouse’s snack production goes well, and now provides a slight advantage over the snack grinder, but there still aren't enough resources to grow the snacks needed for the trip. The pilots aren't going to be happy about running out, so Jonney asks the engineers to cheat crank up the recyclers to 100%. Life support wasn't a concern for the shakedown cruise according to the Chief Designer, only delta-v was. They should've sent the Chief on this trip instead...


Eilxy decides to have a conversation with the onboard @Kuzzter Industries 9000, which is also busy running a ship-wide diagnostic to verify the latest snacks patch, binge watching three of its favorite shows simultaneously- and keeping up with all of them- and outlining an epic novel that it plans to write during the trip. The KI-9000 debates the pros and cons of fusion engines versus fission-based nuclear thermal rockets with its shipmate. It's a little biased, though...


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Getting closer to done! Today I finished the adapter part that bridges the classic hex truss with the newer D2 truss system:


I'm also play-testing the configurations and adjusting things where needed. It looks like I have some more work to do on the centrifuge IVA overlay, and it looks like the windows are too opaque. But at least I got all the textures converted over to dds...

And When We Left Kerbin continues...

When We Left Kerbin: It’s An Ice Cream Social Experiment



The plane-change burn was completed weeks ago. The mid-course correction maneuver is hours away. With not much to do, the engineering team volunteers to be test subjects for the zero-g ice cream experiment, now that the centrifuge has a built-in experiment lab.




It also functions as a Mobile Processing Lab, and of course as a greenhouse and life support recycling, so it is pretty versatile. The pilots stop playing games and volunteer to be ice cream test subjects too. The scientists all try to outdo each other to create the best ice cream in the solar system…



Days later, with the crew busy with their "experiments," the onboard Kuzzter Instruments 9000 easily handles the mid-course correction burn while simultaneously playing chess, keeping up with the news, reading TV Tropes, and writing its epic novel about a mission to Dres. There's more waiting around for the crew ahead, but the KI-9000 knows how to keep plenty busy...


Weeks later, the crew runs out of ResearchKits to make ice cream "experiments" with and is grumpy again. They start taking bets on how much delta-v they’ll have left after entering Jool orbit, and whether or not the ship’s engine will fail and the ship will sail on by the green gas giant…

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Bonus episode tonight, got more done than expected! :)

When We Left Kerbin: Corner Pocket



As Discovery enters Jool's SOI, the KI-9000 circularizes the ship's orbit and simultaneously comments on a journalist's point of view about aliens buzzing Kerbin, watches a claymation epic saga about the space program (and a space station!) and makes edits to its epic novel. The crew, meanwhile, is on strike. They hope their tweets will cause reputation hits and fines. Fortunately for the Chief Designer, they're in sandbox mode.


KSC wins the bet; the ship successfully made its capture burn, achieving an orbit at 189,730.5 km. The crew will have to pay up when they get home. The artificial intelligence evaluates the situation; a transfer burn to Pol would take an additional 360 days at the ship’s current altitude, but there’s a transfer window to Vall in about 4 hours.  This is fortuitous, the mysterious signals have been tracked to the moon.

The crew requests that the mining ship meet Discovery at Vall. Several minutes later, Gene responds by saying that they’re working on it. Time to make the burn.


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So close to being done! I partly re-textured the Supernova to be more pork-alike. It’s not the best, but better than it was before; there’s only so much I can do with a 2-year-old model. I’ve also nerfed the Supernova ISP, and upped the fusion pellet usage on the fusion reactors; you won’t see these changes on your existing craft. The update means that my reference design has enough delta-v to reach Jool and a moon or two before it needs refueling, just like in the NASA Discovery II mission.

I got detoured today and dusted off some old plans for a saddle truss system similar to the trusses found on NASA’s Copernicus. Here's a look at the three saddle trusses, they're the same size as the stock Mk3 cargo bays:


Once I get a couple of storage tanks done, they’ll be in the next DSEV release. In addition to the short, medium, and long trusses, you’ll have a landing frame. It has two configurations, one suited for engines and one suited for landing gear. I won’t have the inflatable hab module in the upcoming release, but at least you can use it as a cargo lander.

Finally, here’s the next installment of When We Left Kerbin: The Discovery II mission.

When We Left Kerbin: To Refuel or Not To Refuel


The Discovery enters a 215.321 km by 213.901 km polar orbit around Vall, with 4,214 m/s delta-v to spare. Starting with 9.5 m/s delta-v at launch, they had more than enough to reach the Joolian moon. The Chief Designer is pleased; the Supernova just needs a bit more tuning. 8.4k m/s for the reference design should be enough. Discovery’s crew readies the ship’s fuel tanks to undock for the trip to the surface, only to find out from Mission Control that the Chief Designer didn't bother to ship a refueling infrastructure out to Jool for the shakedown cruise.


The crew is livid, until the @Kuzzter Instruments computer takes a break from writing the second novel of its epic five novel mission to Dres to point out that Eilxy is an engineer, and can modify the Persistence. "You know, like that guy Bill, from that Kerbal space fleet odyssey," the KI-9000 says. The crew thinks that the A.I. is a few bits short of a byte, and goes back to arguing with Mission Control. Its attempt to motivate the crew having failed, the KI-9000 sighs and uses Hyperedit to refuel the ship.


The AE-35 Communications Array, with its combined planetary scanner, orbital resource scanner, and relay- which most certainly will not fail within 72 hours, thank you very much- has done a preliminary scan of Vall and verified that its resource scanner and KerbNet access are working. A quick install of SCANSat and a few days of scanning has tracked down the source of the signal on Vall…

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And the testing continues. Here you can see that the Buffalo rover has just enough room to clear the saddle truss:


You won't be able to stick bulky items on top, but an EVA and some work by an Engineer with KIS installed can solve that problem. Last couple of items for the K2 truss system are a drop tank and a storage wedge. Just 3 parts to go, and I'm done with this release of DSEV! :)

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18 minutes ago, smotheredrun said:

So that physics Kraken is specifically related to IR?  Hmm.  Interesting. ..

It also seems as if your crane system and Roverdude's crane system are both Physics-Vessel Loading Kraken free too....

I don't know anything about Roverdude's crane system, TBH. What I do know is that for the Heisenberg, I move the elevator by positioning the meshes instead of positioning the joints as is the case of Infernal Robotics. I'm also careful to not save the state of the elevator's position because I don't know what KSP will do when you leave the scene and come back. But my experience with the elevator might lead to a robot arm for the Nautilus... :)

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