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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Deep Space Exploration Vessels - Build NASA Inspired Ships In KSP

Angelo Kerman

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DSEV 2.5.0: Odyssey Three, is now available:

Odyssey Three delivers new parts to make the Estonian, a craft inspired by the iconic Mars Excursion Module (MEM). It is not a replica; there's no lab module or spindly ascent stage. Instead, the Estonian is built to be modular and configurable. With a full fuel load, the baseline craft can SSTO to and from Duna orbit. With Pathfinder installed, it can hold a small base, then drop the lander portion and launch into orbit. You can even integrate Duna tanks into its design for extra resource or payload capacity.

Additionally, this release adds some new station parts and a new engine- the Trinity Tri-Modal Engine.

New parts

- Mk3-1 Estonian (Composites): This versatile size 3 command pod seats 8. Think of it as a kerbalized Orion space capsule.

- ED-3 Cargo Drone (Composites): Derived from the Mk3-1 Estonian, this cargo drone carries cargo instead of crew.

- Mk3-1 Heat Shield (Advanced Landing): This fashionable Size 3 heat shield has a crew hatch in the underside to support crew transfers.

- Mk3-1 EDL Tank (Composites): This configurable storage tank also serves as an adapter for the Mk3-1 EDL Frame. NOTE: The bottom of the tank has TWO attachment nodes- one for the EDL Frame, and one for an engine (the stock T-1 "Dart" works well).

- Mk3-1 EDL Frame (Composites): Designed for Entry Descent and Landing, the EDL Frame can be configured for a variety of different resources. It also has a significant amount of KIS inventory storage space (with KIS installed). It is specially designed to fit onto the bottom of the EDL Tank, and has a built-in decoupler for two-stage operations.

- Mk3-1 Heat Shield Cap (Composites): Fitted to the bottom of the EDL Frame, this part shields engines from the fiery heat of atmospheric entry.

- Mk3-1 Landing Leg (Composites): This landing leg is designed to fit into the Estonian EDL Frame.

- S-1 Orbital Command Pod (Station Modules): This Size 1 cupola doubles as a 1-kerbal command pod.

- Mk2 "Zen" Greenhouse Module (Station Modules): This Size 2 greenhouse provides a place to grow food for your life support needs.

- Omni Hub (Station Modules): The Omni Hub lets you create corners and intersections just by attaching parts to the appropriate nodes.

- Structural Spacer (Station Modules): Just as it sounds, the structural spacer puts space between your parts. It also generates some torque.

- SPF-50 Solar Aray: This is a single-axis radially/stack-mounted solar array taken straight from the Solar Hex Truss.

- Kerbodyne DMB0 "Trinity" Tri-Modal Engine (Advanced Nuclear Engines): In addition to generating ElectricCharge with its built-in nuclear reactor, the Trinity is a Size 2 engine that can switch between LiquidFuel/Oxidizer and Explodium (a.k.a. nuclear salt water). The Explodium Sea is aptly named...

NOTE: The Trinity uses NuclearSaltWater when Far Future Technologies is installed.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- The Duna Decoupler now has an additional attachment node for 2.5m parts.
- Fixed missing resource icons.
- TAC-LS balancing- thanks Space Kadet! :)

Reference Designs
- Estonian Crew Taxi: Built to fly up to 8 kerbals into LKO, the crew taxi is powered by a solid fuel first stage and a liquid fuel upper stage.
- Estonian Duna Lander: Inspired by the iconic North American Mars Excursion Module, the Duna Lander is a two-stage craft that can also SSTO if configured properly.
- Duna Base Camp: Inspired by Lockheed Martin's Mars Base Camp, the Duna Base Camp is a mobile space station.

Edited by Angel-125
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When I rebranded Nuclear Engines into Deep Space Exploration Vessels back in October 2015, I envisioned making the Discovery II, Copernicus, NAUTILUS-X, and the Mars Excursion Module, along with NASA's Deep Space Habitat. Fast forward to today, and the only thing missing is NAUTILUS-X. So, for DSEV's final parts update, The Final Odyssey, I'm making the parts for NAUTILUS-X.

In order to keep to my schedule of having DSEV feature complete by the end of the year, that also means that I will not be making parts for the ISV Venture Star.

You've already seen the Hex Hangars, and they're nearly done; I just need to make the front and back adapter cones. I also realized that the Automated Construction Hangar can also make individual parts if you have OSE Workshop installed; the mod makes it possible to have workshops that don't require crew. So you could have a vessel that (slowly) makes individual parts and shoots them to another vessel if you have one of Pathfinder's orbital Pipelines on the craft.

Anyway, Here's where I'm at with the kerbalized Nautilus:


This is the -K variant; the Nautilus-N reference design is powered by a trio of Trinity engines.

Closeup of the radially-attached (only) orbital command pod:


Like the Clydesdale and Danube Delta, the S-2 Nautilus  O.C.P. has decks at different angles to maximize use of the space. It'll need a custom IVA, which I'm working on later this week.

Here's a look at the Nautilus Airlock:


This part is done; though I might make the MMOD panels smaller. I am using the IVA from the Quantum Leap Airlock. The Nautilus airlock has an extendable "porch" like you see from this video. You can use it to attach EVA items like jet packs and such.

Since I'm completing the Nautilus, I'm also making a rotating habitat ring. I don't have the design finalized, but  it'll look more like the centrifuge from The Martian's Hermes than NASA's donut. I'll be getting to that next month.

So happy belated anniversary to DSEV, you're almost done!

Edited by Angel-125
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On 27/11/2017 at 4:19 AM, Angel-125 said:

That is definitely a decision of art versus realism, something I'm learning to do. It's supposed to be reminiscent of this:


The nuclear saltwater rocket is described by Atomic Rockets as a continuous nuclear explosion... :)

Earth-Shattering Kaboom?


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3 hours ago, Abstract_Kerman said:

Oh so that's what explodium is for. Also could you give me the specs for the nuclear salt water rocket.

I'm not trying to be pushy but does the charged particle engine go with the venture star

There is no engine in DSEV that runs on ChargedParticles. The Tesla engine is the closest, it runs on ElectricCharge and LqdHydrogen.

The Trinity runs on LFO and Explodium.

LiquidFuel/Oxidizer mode: 1500kn (vacc), 650sec ISP

Explodium mode: 3000kn (vacc), 3000sec ISP

Known in game as LF+Ox and Nuclear Saltwater, respectively.

The Venture Star engine would have run on FusionPellets/Water/Antimatter and Explodium as it was going to be a dual mode engine.

Edited by Angel-125
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I think the tank error might be coming from CryoTanks. I just spent the last little while messing around with the MM config trying to get it to behave and no avail.
If I get it to not add to WBI tanks, it also doesn't configure the stock tanks. I want the stock tanks configured.
It's CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg

// Lifting tanks
	%LF = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$
	%OX = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$

	%totalCap = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$
	@totalCap += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$

	%massOffset = #$totalCap$
	@massOffset *= 0.000625 // standard dry mass per units of LF/OX
	@massOffset *= -1

	@LF *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LiquidFuel]/unitCost$
	@OX *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Oxidizer]/unitCost$

	%costOffset = #$LF$
	@costOffset += #$OX$
	@costOffset *= -1

	!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
	!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]] {}

		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = fuelSwitch
		switcherDescription = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_title
		baseVolume = #$../totalCap$
			name = LF/O
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lfox
			tankType = LFOX
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$

			name = LH2/O
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lh2ox
			tankType = LH2O
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name = LH2
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lh2
			tankType = LH2
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name = Oxidizer
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_ox
			tankType = OX
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name = LiquidFuel
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lf
			tankType = LF
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$

		name =  ModuleCryoTank
		CoolingCost = 0.09
		CoolingEnabled = False
			FuelName = LqdHydrogen
			// in % per hr
			BoiloffRate = 0.05
// ZBO tanks
	%LH2 = #$RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$

	%massOffset = #$LH2$
	@massOffset *= 0.00001417 // <- EDIT HERE (dry mass per unit LH2 capacity)
	@massOffset *= -1

	%costOffset = #$LH2$
	@costOffset *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LqdHydrogen]/unitCost$
	@costOffset *= -1

	!RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {}

		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = fuelSwitch
		switcherDescription = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_title
		baseVolume = #$../LH2$
		@baseVolume *= 0.1

			name = LH2/O
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lh2ox
			tankType = LH2OCryo
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name = LH2
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_lh2
			tankType = LH2Cryo
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name = Oxidizer
			title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_ox
			tankType = OX
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$


		name =  ModuleCryoTank
		// in Ec per 1000 units per second
		CoolingCost = 0.08
		CoolingEnabled = True
			FuelName = LqdHydrogen
			// in % per hr
			BoiloffRate = 0.05


I tried changing !MODULE[WBIResourceSwitcher] to !MODULE[WBIConvertibleStorage] . That fixes the problems with the patch being applied to the wrong tanks, but it seems to make it then not apply to any of the tanks. @Angel-125 @Nertea any ideas for MM magic?

Edit: Actually nevermind. That seems to be the fix. Possibly change the CFG for cryotanks?

Edited by helaeon
fixed it
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53 minutes ago, Kosmonaut said:

Omg I love love love love love the use of space there- with the zero-g designed cockpit. That's awesome and you should be proud. Is the rest of the space in there just airlock or is there going to be something else?

Thanks. :) Just like the Clydesdale and Danube Delta, the Nautilus OCP is designed for zero gee. The location not shown is a small observation/ meeting area. i’ Show that when I getmore done. Trying to finish the cockpit and move onto the centrifuge early in the month due to the holidays.

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@Angel-125, we have a problem with WB Tools I think, as I've experienced this problem with parts belonging to DSEV, MOLE, and Buffalo.

The problem is that when you "reconfigure storage" tanks between LFO and LF, you get what you wanted in the VAB/SPH editors but the opposite when you actually fly the rocket.  IOW, I have tanks that I set to LF only, and I know this to be true because I turned on tank decals and they show the LF decal, just as they did in the editor.  However, when the ship is in flight, it has LFO in the tank instead.  Conversely, I have tanks set for LFO but only the LF gets burned by LFO engines on ascent.

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2 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

@Angel-125, we have a problem with WB Tools I think, as I've experienced this problem with parts belonging to DSEV, MOLE, and Buffalo.

The problem is that when you "reconfigure storage" tanks between LFO and LF, you get what you wanted in the VAB/SPH editors but the opposite when you actually fly the rocket.  IOW, I have tanks that I set to LF only, and I know this to be true because I turned on tank decals and they show the LF decal, just as they did in the editor.  However, when the ship is in flight, it has LFO in the tank instead.  Conversely, I have tanks set for LFO but only the LF gets burned by LFO engines on ascent.

What other part switching mods or fuel switching mods do you have installed?

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40 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

What other part switching mods or fuel switching mods do you have installed?

Well, ther's B9PartSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch, and your stuff.  But nothing like this happened until I updated your stuff to the newest versions the other day.

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2 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Well, ther's B9PartSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch, and your stuff.  But nothing like this happened until I updated your stuff to the newest versions the other day.

IFS and B9 stomp on WildBlue's resource switching. That's why you're seeing what you're seeing. They need to be updated to exclude WBIConvertibleStorage because they impose their switchers on any part that holds resources.

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