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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Buffalo: NASA Inspired Modular Space Exploration Vehicle

Angelo Kerman

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So I've been setting up a Munar base (Base Armstrong but AKA Hamster House due to how it looks with the tunnels connecting things) and I have a grabber jr. on the front of a Buffalo equipped with a Buffalo ISRU set for Ore>LF and Ox and two packs of the Buffalo drills.  The drills are stuck on harvesting alumina so the ISRU is missing ore.  When I attempt to change resources on the drills it says I need to unlock the Biome but I have no idea how to unlock the Biome.  I was just hoping the drills functioned like the stock drills do and harvesting ore was the default mode.  So how do I unlock the biome AND get the Buffalo drills to harvest ore?   I searched on "KSP how to unlock the biome for the buffalo drills" but didn't get any useful hits that helped here.


Edit:  So I just noticed the small "Ore" container I have under the Buffalo is filling up with "Ore" when the drills indicate they are harvesting "alumina".  The ISRU says it is missing "Ore".  So I assume the "Ore" in the container is actually "alumina" or else something is screwed up somewhere if it's actually "Ore" and the ISRU isn't utilizing it to make LF and Ox.    Any help here is greatly appreciated.

Edited by rnyboy
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  • 1 month later...

Greetings and salutations, @Angel-125!  I'm continually impressed with how much fun your mods add to the game!  I wanted to let you know that I recently found myself wanting to control the trim and ballast of unkerballed submersible ROVs without using the Buffalo's manned Guppy cab, so I hope you don't mind that I made the very first KSP mod of my own by modding your mod (strictly for personal use, of course - I certainly have no intention of distributing a personal remix of your work)!  I made a modified duplicate of the Auxiliary Electronic Navigator's cfg with the Guppy's dive computer module pasted into it, and I call it the Haddock ROV Core.

To reflect that the part has been engineered for aquatic use at depth, I increased its mass, cost, and battery size; I gave it an onboard science container like the HECS-2; I removed the reaction wheel module to make room for the science container and enforce reliance on thrusters and control surfaces for attitude control; and I doubled the auto-trim and vertical speed triggers in the WBIDiveComputer module to reflect a degree of remote control lag (assuming WBIDiveComputer works the way I suppose it does, at any rate).  I put the Haddock in the fieldScience tech node with the same max pressure the Guppy has after it's been upgraded once at that same node (8000kPA), with one further upgrade to 15000kPA at advScienceTech, which will hopefully be enough to get to the deepest places on Gael.  Its max pressure is rather higher than the Guppy's, but that makes sense to me for an ROV because it isn't trying to enclose a bubble of breathable atmosphere at kerbal-safe pressures.

I'm given to understand that I could have accomplished more or less the same thing by installing Sunkworks and slapping a Kommodore Sea 64 on any sub with a probe core, but I find I save myself a bunch of headaches if I let CKAN manage my mods and Sunkworks apparently hasn't made its way there yet, so I took matters into my own hands.  I've only just barely begun to get my feet wet (pun intended) with modding KSP myself, and scratching my itch for unkerballed ROVs by tweaking your Buffalo AuxEN probe core seemed like a good place to start.  If you like any of these ideas you are most welcome to assimilate, incorporate, remix and/or re-kerjigger them.  I may not be the only user of Buffalo who doesn't have Sunkworks installed yet, and if not, some of those others may find an underwater probe core with a built-in dive computer and experiment storage useful, too.



    name = WBI_Haddock_ROV
    module = Part
    author = Angel-125_remixed_by_Nizrael

        model = WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Assets/AuxEN
    rescaleFactor = 1
    CrewCapacity = 0
    node_stack_top = 0, 0, 0.1625, 0, 0, 1, 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, -0.1625, 0, 0, -1, 1
    node_stack_back = 0, 0.423, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
    node_stack_front = 0, -0.423, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
    node_stack_left = -0.423, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1
    node_stack_right = 0.423, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
    TechRequired = fieldScience
    entryCost = 15000
    cost = 5000
    category = Pods
    subcategory = 0
    title = Haddock ROV Core
    manufacturer = Wild Blue Industries
    description = The Haddock ROV Core is a specialized chassis segment that contains a probe core engineered for scientific use in aquatic environments.  The Haddock incorporates built-in science data storage and a dive computer for trim and ballast control, and when fully upgraded it can reach the deepest known depths of the oceans, but it also contains no reaction wheels, so be sure your ROV has thrusters for attitude control!  Simply orient the face of the box that says "Front" on it forward and bolt it to any underwater vehicle you'd like to pilot remotely.
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.25
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 40
    maxTemp = 1500
    explosionPotential = 0
    breakingForce = 50
    breakingTorque = 50
    bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
    vesselType = Probe
    maxPressure = 8000 //800m collapse depth.

        name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
        minimumCrew = 1
        maxHops = 0
        showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true
                name__ = WBIFlightControl2
                description__ = Max Hops: 2
                maxHops = 2
                name__ = WBIFlightControl3
                description__ = Max Hops: 3
                maxHops = 3

        name = ModuleCommand
        minimumCrew = 0
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.05
        hasHibernation = True
        hibernationMultiplier = 0.004
        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 300
        maxAmount = 300
        isTweakable = true

        name = ModuleSAS
        SASServiceLevel = 1
        showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true
                name__ = WBIFlightControl2
                description__ = S.A.S. Level: 2
                SASServiceLevel = 2
                name__ = WBIFlightControl3
                description__ = S.A.S. Level: 3
                SASServiceLevel = 3

        name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
        MinimumFoV = 21
        MaximumFoV = 54
            Mode = Terrain
        showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true
                name__ = WBIFlightControl2
                description__ = Can now scan Biomes; Anomaly Detection: 6%
                AnomalyDetection = 0.06
                    Mode = Biome
                    Mode = Terrain

        name = ModuleDataTransmitter
        antennaType = INTERNAL
        packetInterval = 1.0
        packetSize = 2
        packetResourceCost = 12.0
        requiredResource = ElectricCharge
        antennaPower = 5000
        optimumRange = 2500
        packetFloor = .1
        packetCeiling = 5

    name = ModuleScienceContainer
    reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502201 //#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data
    storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
    evaOnlyStorage = True // i.e. can nearby regular vessels also do this, or EVA only
    storageRange = 2.7
    canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
    canTransferInVessel = True    

        name = WBIDiveComputer

        //Pitch angle that will trigger auto-trim. Level is 90-degrees, so +- the angle will trigger auto-trim.
        //Auto-trim won't engage if the player is maneuvering the vessel.
        autoTrimAngleTrigger = 3

        //If maintainDepth is enabled, then when the vertical speed reaches +- the speed trigger,
        //the boat will attempt to maintain depth.
        //Auto-depth control won't engage if the player is maneuvering the vessel.
        verticalSpeedTrigger = 0.02

            // Override maximum pressure in kPA. Parts have a default of 4000kPA, which gives them a collapse death of 400m.
            // This override gives you a way to alter that collapse depth without modifying individual parts. If multiple
            // dive computers are found on the boat, then the highest max pressure will be used.
        // If there is a mismatch between the part's maxPressure and the dive computer's maxPressureOverride, then both
        // will be set to the highest value.
        maxPressureOverride = 8000

        showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true

                name__ = wbiHaddock1
                description__ = Increased Maximum Pressure: 15000 kPA
                maxPressureOverride = 15000


        name = kOSProcessor
        diskSpace = 5000
        TechRequired = precisionEngineering
        needs = kOS

        name = FlightEngineerModule

        cube = Default, 0.2757,0.9459,0.443, 0.2757,0.9458,0.443, 0.2763,0.9461,0.4431, 0.2763,0.9461,0.4431, 0.7106,0.9748,0.3652, 0.7106,0.9748,0.3652, 4.202E-06,0,-9.914E-05, 0.846,0.8462,0.3261

    name = WBI_Haddock_ROV
    description = The Haddock's dive computer can keep a craft level in water as well as dive or surface, but to do so, the craft must have ballast tanks. Any of the Tundra tanks can be configured with the Ballast template, and there are specialized ballast tanks as well.

    name = wbiHaddock1
    partIcon = WBI_Haddock_ROV
    techRequired = advScienceTech
    entryCost = 12000
    cost = 0 // for display only; all parts implementing this will need a PartStatsUpgradeModule with cost = this.
    title = Haddock ROV Core Reinforcement
    basicInfo = Max Pressure: 15000 kPA
    manufacturer = Wild Blue Industries
    description = Improvements to materials and manufacturing have improved the Haddock's pressure resistance to the degree that it can now reach the ocean's deepest known depths unscathed.

    %MODULE[ModuleSPU] {
    %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive]    {
        %TechRequired = unmannedTech
        %OmniRange = 3000
        %TRANSMITTER {
            %PacketInterval = 0.3
            %PacketSize = 2
            %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        @name = SWDiveComputer

Pictures of the Haddock in testing:


L3vjpES.png The AuxEN already looks the part.

eUxhZhn.png A test craft; it needed moar ballast.


7R56gVY.png Now with moar ballast!

04tlKEd.png I got down below 650 meters on the Haddock's second dive!

hDFFt8V.png The Haddock works seamlessly with Buffalo ballast tanks and the NeapTide pumpjet.

lOcmU8c.png Back at the surface with the Gaelean Space Center on the horizon!

Edited by Nizrael
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2 hours ago, Nizrael said:

Greetings and salutations, @Angel-125!  I'm continually impressed with how much fun your mods add to the game!  I wanted to let you know that I recently found myself wanting to control the trim and ballast of unkerballed submersible ROVs without using the Buffalo's manned Guppy cab, so I hope you don't mind that I made the very first KSP mod of my own by modding your mod (strictly for personal use, of course - I certainly have no intention of distributing a personal remix of your work)!  I made a modified duplicate of the Auxiliary Electronic Navigator's cfg with the Guppy's dive computer module pasted into it, and I call it the Haddock ROV Core.

To reflect that the part has been engineered for aquatic use at depth, I increased its mass, cost, and battery size; I gave it an onboard science container like the HECS-2; I removed the reaction wheel module to make room for the science container and enforce reliance on thrusters and control surfaces for attitude control; and I doubled the auto-trim and vertical speed triggers in the WBIDiveComputer module to reflect a degree of remote control lag (assuming WBIDiveComputer works the way I suppose it does, at any rate).  I put the Haddock in the fieldScience tech node with the same max pressure the Guppy has after it's been upgraded once at that same node (8000kPA), with one further upgrade to 15000kPA at advScienceTech, which will hopefully be enough to get to the deepest places on Gael.  Its max pressure is rather higher than the Guppy's, but that makes sense to me for an ROV because it isn't trying to enclose a bubble of breathable atmosphere at kerbal-safe pressures.

I'm given to understand that I could have accomplished more or less the same thing by installing Sunkworks and slapping a Kommodore Sea 64 on any sub with a probe core, but I find I save myself a bunch of headaches if I let CKAN manage my mods and Sunkworks apparently hasn't made its way there yet, so I took matters into my own hands.  I've only just barely begun to get my feet wet (pun intended) with modding KSP myself, and scratching my itch for unkerballed ROVs by tweaking your Buffalo AuxEN probe core seemed like a good place to start.  If you like any of these ideas you are most welcome to assimilate, incorporate, remix and/or re-kerjigger them.  I may not be the only user of Buffalo who doesn't have Sunkworks installed yet, and if not, some of those others may find an underwater probe core with a built-in dive computer and experiment storage useful, too.

Glad you like the mod. :) Buffalo's diving system is the precursor to SunkWorks. It works, but not as well as the SunkWorks diving system. I believe that if you have Buffalo and SunkWorks installed, then Buffalo will be using the SunkWorks plugin instead of Buffalo's.

It's good that you are making part configs for yourself, that's something I encourage and do myself in my own game. Thanks to KSP being so moddable, that is easy to do. Thanks for sharing your configs! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am absolutely loving this mod but I have one issue and a question.

The issue is no matter what I do the rover is slightly moving. By which I mean even with the brake group activated it keeps jumping between zero and .1 m/s. It doesn’t seem to be actually moving just doing this weird action (hopefully that makes sense). And, while trying to do a scan with one of the scanning arms it interrupts it every time. What all information do you need? (I’m new to reporting issues). And/or, am I doing something wrong with the designs?

My question is do you have any tips or resources for developing Buffalo aircraft and subs? 

Again I really love this mod, all your mods really, and just want to say you do great work

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On 11/14/2021 at 8:00 PM, SpaceWolf2021 said:

Never mind. Hadn't noticed the "sample craft" link on the main page

I downloaded the sample craft and KSP said they were incompatible. I tried brute forcing it by just changing the version in the V-22 craft file to 1.12.2. It then said there are unknown modules. I opened it up anyway in the SPH and tried launching it. It's extremely unstable. Either it will tumble backwards if the rotors are up or it will nose dive with the rotors forward. I've tried messing around with the wings but I can't get it stable. Any advice?

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26 minutes ago, SpaceWolf2021 said:

I downloaded the sample craft and KSP said they were incompatible. I tried brute forcing it by just changing the version in the V-22 craft file to 1.12.2. It then said there are unknown modules. I opened it up anyway in the SPH and tried launching it. It's extremely unstable. Either it will tumble backwards if the rotors are up or it will nose dive with the rotors forward. I've tried messing around with the wings but I can't get it stable. Any advice?

What are the unknown modules? It's possible you're missing a dependency.

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8 hours ago, SpaceWolf2021 said:

Facepalm. I forgot it showed them when I imported it. Here are the missing modules: FlightEngineerModule, SnacksControlSource, trajectoriesVesselSettings, & SoilRecycler

None of those should have a bearing on the issue - those are all part of the Engineer, Snacks, and Trajectories mods.


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On 11/17/2021 at 12:10 AM, panarchist said:

None of those should have a bearing on the issue - those are all part of the Engineer, Snacks, and Trajectories mods.


Yeah. I basically made a crude version of the Boeing Quad TiltRotor and used Throttle Controlled Avionics. It's very slow and only works with the rotors tilted up, but well I'm very bad at aircraft building

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone explain to me how to use the Recycler Arm? I'm thinking of building a spacecraft to clear up my debris and convert it into Material Kits (I'm using several USI mods on this run) but when I try to test the Recycler Arm in practice nothing happens.

I just attached the arm to my Buffalo rover and slapped a USI material kit container on the roof, drove up to a fuel tank, touched it with the arm and fiddled with the buttons - it's set to "recycle", and to recycle to material kits - I press the third button and nothing happens. Is there some other part I need? Or am I doing it completely wrong?

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6 hours ago, Malcymalc said:

Can anyone explain to me how to use the Recycler Arm? I'm thinking of building a spacecraft to clear up my debris and convert it into Material Kits (I'm using several USI mods on this run) but when I try to test the Recycler Arm in practice nothing happens.

I just attached the arm to my Buffalo rover and slapped a USI material kit container on the roof, drove up to a fuel tank, touched it with the arm and fiddled with the buttons - it's set to "recycle", and to recycle to material kits - I press the third button and nothing happens. Is there some other part I need? Or am I doing it completely wrong?

It’s been quite awhile since I used the recycle arm, but last time I tried it was working. You extend the arm, turn on the recycler, and then you should see a small flame effect from the nozzle. That is a visual indicator that the arm is running. Then you drive around until the flame touches something and poof, no more part.

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21 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

It’s been quite awhile since I used the recycle arm, but last time I tried it was working. You extend the arm, turn on the recycler, and then you should see a small flame effect from the nozzle. That is a visual indicator that the arm is running. Then you drive around until the flame touches something and poof, no more part.

Extend the arm how? I just attached it directly to the Buffalo like a lance in my test. No flame.  And when you say "turn on the recycler" - do you mean I need to be carrying a recycling module as well as the recycler arm on the rover?

My previous plan was to have a two man crew (pilot and engineer) and just EVA the engineer to dis-assemble each part to fill the Materials kit container. The recycler arm looked like a good option if I just fitted it to the spacecraft as it would save needing an engineer for so many EVAs.

It's been a couple of years since I last played a KSP campaign so I've not used actuators or any of that stuff - do I need the Breaking Ground DLC for the recycler arm to work? 

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2 hours ago, Malcymalc said:

Extend the arm how? I just attached it directly to the Buffalo like a lance in my test. No flame.  And when you say "turn on the recycler" - do you mean I need to be carrying a recycling module as well as the recycler arm on the rover?

My previous plan was to have a two man crew (pilot and engineer) and just EVA the engineer to dis-assemble each part to fill the Materials kit container. The recycler arm looked like a good option if I just fitted it to the spacecraft as it would save needing an engineer for so many EVAs.

It's been a couple of years since I last played a KSP campaign so I've not used actuators or any of that stuff - do I need the Breaking Ground DLC for the recycler arm to work? 

I've verified that the recycler arm is working in KSP 1.12. To activate the recycler, right-click on the part to open the PAW, and make sure that the Recycler option is On:


That will turn on the flame at the front. That flame must touch the parts that you want to recycle. Next, it's time for Ramming Speed! simply drive over to the part that you want to recycle, run over it with the flame, and it goes poof. You'll receive a list of resources that were recycled. If you have storage room for them in your vessel, then the resources will be added to your collection.


Finally, because it can be hard to reach some parts laying on the ground, you can Toggle Servo GUI to bring up a window that lets you reposition the arm:


All you need to do is play with the UI controls until the arm is positioned the way you want it to reach those hard to reach parts.

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On 12/13/2021 at 7:23 PM, Angel-125 said:

I've verified that the recycler arm is working in KSP 1.12. To activate the recycler, right-click on the part to open the PAW, and make sure that the Recycler option is On:



All you need to do is play with the UI controls until the arm is positioned the way you want it to reach those hard to reach parts.

I'm not getting that - my flame isn't there and if I click on "Toggle Servo GUI" nothing happens - I'm also missing several other buttons that you seem to have:


Thanks for the quick responses!

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10 hours ago, Malcymalc said:

I'm not getting that - my flame isn't there and if I click on "Toggle Servo GUI" nothing happens - I'm also missing several other buttons that you seem to have:


Thanks for the quick responses!

That sounds like an installation problem. I suggest you reinstall Buffalo. If you installed from CKAN, try a manual install from Github

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Krzeszny said:

Hello @Angel-125 I just wanted to ask if there's a chance for you to fix the bugs I listed here:


Nope. In fact, I'm planning a replacement for Buffalo. It's in the concept stages.




I've learned a lot since I made Buffalo back in 2015, and while looking at updating the textures for Restock, it became clear that I'd have to redo a bunch of things. So, rather that doing that, I'm looking at Buffalo 2...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to create a WBI play mode with custom field configurable ISRUs. I've used WBIMultiConverter module and using the template tags to restrict which part can do what and that seems to work fine but I've also tried scaling the converters with the productivity field and that doesn't seem to work (or at least in the ops manager gui). I've also tried omniconverters and BaseEfficiency but that doesn't seem to adjust the ops manager gui ratios either.

Just wondering if this expected for WBITools and or should I be using a different method, if what I'm trying to do is possible.

Didn't know where to post this, not really about buffalo, just WBITools in general but I could not find a topic for that. 

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