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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Well, you can add a custom window. Is this not what you're looking for? I'm guessing you mean not using the pre-determined categories from the list and using your own formula? You could possibly find the DeltaV window in the code and plug everything in?

the old mechjeb had lua support.. things seems different now. Trying not to downgrade my environment from C# 5.0 to 3.0 or what ever unity is now at.

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@Bromoc Look at MechJebModuleInfoItems.cs : AllStageStats()

No need to downgrade your env, just set the target version in your project.

@mjones1052 install the last dev version or read this post : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-22-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-1?p=726754#post726754

2.1 has a bug when you use ModuleManager

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i noticed thru out all the parts either stock or mod, reguardless of their size, these values are the same:

maximum_drag = 0.3

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 2

I then tried UbioZur's in-game part welding mod to weld some tanks together, it seems adding up the drag values from the parts i used together. Since then, MJ keep flipping over my rocket which use the welded tank.

So is that intended? If then i'll tell UbioZur not to add these values on his next release lol.


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Does anyone else get the problem with MechJeb that the game freezes for a second to load it, then every 5 seconds or so freezes for a split second?

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Would it be possible to get MechJeb to assume infinite supplies of IntakeAir when computing dV so that we can actually see how far our planes will go? At the moment it seems to see the tiny amount that is stored in the intakes and doesn't realise more will be available.

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a__gun, if you look at the code change of last 3 patch I just did you may see that I could be very upset by your request :) (I simplified the code that handle special resource)

But since it's a legitimate request I just did it.

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a__gun, if you look at the code change of last 3 patch I just did you may see that I could be very upset by your request :) (I simplified the code that handle special resource)

But since it's a legitimate request I just did it.

Sorry :/ checking for zero density was such an elegant solution too. Thanks though sarbian you are so obliging :)

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I then tried UbioZur's in-game part welding mod to weld some tanks together, it seems adding up the drag values from the parts i used together. Since then, MJ keep flipping over my rocket which use the welded tank.

The Drag Coefficient is an acceleration. For combinations of part, it is the drag force that aggregates. Force according to Newtonian physics is mass times acceleration. Hence KSP sums the mass times the drag coefficients of the parts and divides by the total mass to get the drag acceleration. The correct drag coefficient for a combination of parts is the mass weighted average of the drag coefficients of the components (i.e. sum( mass * drag coefficient ) / sum( mass )).

I apologize for getting technical.


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Does anyone else get the problem with MechJeb that the game freezes for a second to load it, then every 5 seconds or so freezes for a split second?

I do have constant stutters with KSP, adding MJ make it even more obvious.

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Is it me, or does the landing guidance auto-warp not work properly?

also, the "land somewhere" feature constantly fails to land my craft.

My apologies if this has been mentioned before, don't quite feel like going through 357 pages

Edited by tommygunner70
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I have another tip for people missing some MJ functions:

Make a sandbox game. Put a MJ equipped rocket on the launchpad. Open all the MJ windows of your choice (They are all there, trust me). End flight. End sandbox game. Go to your career game. Put your MJ equipped rocket on the pad. Presto! All your MJ windows. :D

No need for config edits and KSP restarts!

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@Sarbian: I have noticed that since a few versions Smart ASS gets priority over manouver nodes. In other words, manouvers don't happen when Smart ASS is enabled. Is this intentional? Would you consider reverting that?

On another note, I have been doing a lot of missions to Mün the last few days. When doing a Hohman transfer to Mün, it ends up with a slingshot trajectory out of Kerbin *TROUGH* Mün. I can get Pe right as soon as I'm in the Mün's SoI, but it takes extra fuel to do that. Inclination is also weird after that. Mostly >90°.

Suggestions anyone?

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I sorta like how it's aiming all my Mun transfers for Mun impact. Makes any parts I pop loose after the TMI burn "self cleaning". They all continue on course when I do the circularization burn at the Mun. Some times I even get to see them crash. :)

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@1of6Billion: You have two simple options to correct this issue:

1) perform a mid-course correction with the Maneuver Planner "fine tune closest approach to target" after the Hohmann burn. This approach mimics real missions but costs you delta-V.

2) adjust the maneuver node prior to executing it with the Maneuver Node Editor. You can decrease the prograde delta-V and fly by Mun on the back side to achieve an ellipse around Kerban or in the more extreme cases escape Kerban's influence. Increasing the prograde delta-V allows you to fly by in front of Mun, which slows you down relative to Kerban.

In either case you can maneuver at the periapsis in Mun's SOI to circularize the orbit at Mun, if that is your intention.


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@Sarbian: I have noticed that since a few versions Smart ASS gets priority over manouver nodes. In other words, manouvers don't happen when Smart ASS is enabled. Is this intentional? Would you consider reverting that?

No, it's not intentional. You are sure this was not the case before ? At one point I thought my force roll patch added that bug, but reverting it did not change anything.

Anyway it's one of the bug on the top of my list, I missed a few transfer over it too.

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No, it's not intentional. You are sure this was not the case before ? At one point I thought my force roll patch added that bug, but reverting it did not change anything.

Anyway it's one of the bug on the top of my list, I missed a few transfer over it too.

Well.. It was not an issue until a few weeks ago. Maybe I have started to appreciate Smart ASS more. That could be an option too ;)

@Skips thanks. Probably your option1 is a little "cheaper" dV wise.

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I am using MechJeb in career mode but i dont seam to have the accent auto pilot or rendezvous planner. does it unlock latter or am i doing something wrong?
I have been having the same issue re. ascent autopilot not appearing, and I have not been able to work out how to get it back through some iteration of the custom windows.

The ascent autopilot, landing guidance and spaceplane guidance don't unlock untill you've researched tier 7 "Unmanned Tech". The rendezvouz autopilot and rendezvous, docking guidance are unlocked at tier 8 "Advanced Unmanned Tech". Hope this helps, with a bit of luck they'll add it to the in-game description in the next version.

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