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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  Meumeu said:

Also, by putting it at the top of the list, everyone can see there's a new maneuver.

Good Idea!

  Meumeu said:

By the way, did anybody try it on a not-so-fast CPU? Xytovl and I only tested it on our cores i7, we're not sure how long it takes on other CPUs...

Core2Duo E8400 here, and runs boom like that. The 2nd mode with you choosing the time, takes a bit (i didnt calculate but felt like half a minute), but nothing to crazy.

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Official MJ v2.4.0 for KSP 0.25 is out

- New interplanetary transfer with porkchop plots

- Add EQ DN and EQ AN to Apoapsis maneuver

- Add "Downrange distance" info item to flight recorder

- Ascent autopilot option to limit the angle of attack

- Maneuver to change the surface longitude the vessel will be over after one orbit

- Added Force Roll option to Ascent AP

- Add more options to SmartASS Surface Mode

- Support for external gimbal extension (see Sarbian's signature for KM_Gimbal support)

- Handles engines with spool time better

- UI rescale setting

- Added a button in KSP stock AppLauncher. See settings to hide the menu handle

- Import landing site from KerbTown/Kerbal-Konstructs and RSS.

- Import Landing sites and Runways from users built files (see https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/blob/dev/LandingSites.cfg)

- Don't reenable SmartASS after another autopilot finishes (and an option to disable it in the windows editor Misc category)

- In flight lock of some control while the mouse is over MJ windows

- Replace the arrow selector of some menu with a drop down. Those who don't like it can deactivate it in MJ2 Settings

- Various improvement to engine and gimbal torque information and use

- Various fix

Thanks to those who submited patch for this release : BloodyRain2k, Meumeu, sanedragon, Wetmelon, xytovl

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  Meumeu said:

By the way, did anybody try it on a not-so-fast CPU? Xytovl and I only tested it on our cores i7, we're not sure how long it takes on other CPUs...

i5-4440 3.10 GHz (quad core)

1-2 seconds? I didn't try the limited time one yet. Not sure what that one does. Porkchop is fast though.

Oh, and OH my god... the trajectory it let me do... a solar flyby to Jool.

I'm having a waking techno wet dream here

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That was a fast update for such a huge mod, excellent job to all contributors for this release, you could have done a mere 0.25 compatibility release but nooo you added multiple layers of awesomeness on top of it :)

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A little late but a short update on my issue ... Its working now, all it took was to research additional mechjeb modules.

I feel so stupid now. I've spent hours trying to find a solution thinking it may conflict with some other mod ...

Thank you for your help guys!

Now a question:

Is the porkchop feature only in builds for KSP v.25? Or is there also a version of mechjeb thats for KSP v.24.2 that also has porkchop?

I would really like to play with it but im on 24.2, not yet ready to move to 25 ...

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  Meumeu said:
That's because the thrust from jet engines depends on the velocity, MechJeb doesn't take that in account. There are some plots here to explain how they work.

thanks that explains everything nicely, based on those graphs i reckon i can work the bugs out of my design now :D

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Code99 : Dev #335 was the last one made for .24 and had the porkchop.

dtoxic : Err. I made a mistake in the code. The button is created if the option is true when the ship is loaded, but I don't remove it when the option is unchecked. If you go back to the spacecenter or load an other ship it should remove the button.

Climberfx : it's on the ever growing list of thing I need to work on. First I need to change some code so forcing roll for anything involve less code duplication and then I ll work on Roll program for Ascent AP and a module to keep a specific roll (like keeping "up" aligned with the sun) while other module do their things. But for now I have to work on a project related to MM, and then I'll have a short vacation :)

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  sarbian said:
dtoxic : Err. I made a mistake in the code. The button is created if the option is true when the ship is loaded, but I don't remove it when the option is unchecked. If you go back to the spacecenter or load an other ship it should remove the button.

yes but as soon as i add a mechjeb part it comes again and then its the same story anyway not big issue get to it when you get to it no hurry :)

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After actually checking my code it's even more stupid. I don't check the useAppLauncher when creating the button, and just check it when making sure I can hide the side menu button...

It's a quick fix but I won't do a full release for just that.

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  sarbian said:
After actually checking my code it's even more stupid. I don't check the useAppLauncher when creating the button, and just check it when making sure I can hide the side menu button...

It's a quick fix but I won't do a full release for just that.

like i said no worries if you get to it make it dev its just annoying thats all :D

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  sarbian said:
Official MJ v2.4.0 for KSP 0.25 is out

- Added a button in KSP stock AppLauncher. See settings to hide the menu handle


I also don't seem to be having the button issue that dtoxic is having.

OK, so is the porchop plot simply informational in nature? I see I can zoom in on various parts of it, and get better detail, but it's not like I can click in the plot and it creates a node. It seems that when I zoom in on the plot and then click create it gives me the best dV for that area. Is that how it is intended to work? Best dV for displayed area, not a clickable node creation? I sometime also get a "object reference not set to an instance of an object" notice sometimes when I click create node.

Edited by EdFred
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Not sure if this has been discussed, but I was wondering if an auto-throttle feature was in development?

I recently got KSP and I'm having hassle designing a shuttle system. The difficulty is that keeping the CoM and CoT perfectly inline as the fuel runs out, and the SRB's are jettisoned, is an extremely tough ask. Obviously this leads to some catastrophic failures! :D An auto-throttle feature that allowed real-time control over the throttle of the different engines would allow this difficult process to be automated. Not sure if this is possible?

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  Illgresi said:
Not sure if this has been discussed, but I was wondering if an auto-throttle feature was in development?

I recently got KSP and I'm having hassle designing a shuttle system. The difficulty is that keeping the CoM and CoT perfectly inline as the fuel runs out, and the SRB's are jettisoned, is an extremely tough ask. Obviously this leads to some catastrophic failures! :D An auto-throttle feature that allowed real-time control over the throttle of the different engines would allow this difficult process to be automated. Not sure if this is possible?

MJ doesn't have a differential or balancing throttle function. You need to build symmetrically, make use of the throttle limiters, use an automated fuel pumping mod like TAC Fuel Balancer or Goodspeed.

There is a mod for separately throttling groups of engines but AFAIK MechJeb will only control one group.

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  Illgresi said:
Not sure if this has been discussed, but I was wondering if an auto-throttle feature was in development?

I recently got KSP and I'm having hassle designing a shuttle system. The difficulty is that keeping the CoM and CoT perfectly inline as the fuel runs out, and the SRB's are jettisoned, is an extremely tough ask. Obviously this leads to some catastrophic failures! :D An auto-throttle feature that allowed real-time control over the throttle of the different engines would allow this difficult process to be automated. Not sure if this is possible?

I don't think something like that is in MechJeb (although I'm not fully versed on all the many extra functions in MechJeb). However, sarbian has another mod, Gimble Auto Trim, that might work for you.

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  Galane said:
MJ doesn't have a differential or balancing throttle function. You need to build symmetrically, make use of the throttle limiters, use an automated fuel pumping mod like TAC Fuel Balancer or Goodspeed.

There is a mod for separately throttling groups of engines but AFAIK MechJeb will only control one group.

Thanks for the reply. I had kind of realised MechJeb didn't have that functionality at the moment, I was just wondering whether it was in the pipeline for development. Autopilot and autothrottle tend to go hand in hand afterall.

The problem with building symmetrically, is that multi-stage shuttles are fundamentally asymmetrical. This was more of a technical exercise to see if I could design a classic NASA style shuttle. I had been trying to use the throttle limiters to balance the CoM and CoT but encountered two problems:

1) Eyeballing the collinearity is inaccurate and pretty difficult and tedious. Plus, the starting point for each stage needs to be ascertained seperately, and changed midflight which is nigh on impossible, without some kind of automation.

2) The CoM constantly changes as the fuel is used, and therefore the CoT must be varied in real-time.

  Jacke said:
I don't think something like that is in MechJeb (although I'm not fully versed on all the many extra functions in MechJeb). However, sarbian has another mod, Gimble Auto Trim, that might work for you.

Thanks! That has helped stability no end. I'm still running into trouble it high altitude, but I think I might be able to control that with a well timed manual throttle limitation! Begs the question why the base program doesn't do this already. Surely keeping you pointing where you want to go is the whole point in thrust vectoring? :huh:

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