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Size-0 to Orbit.


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Your rocket is beautifully elegant.  It does have a close resemblance to an N-1 rocket.  That's fine with me.  You got to the moon, landed and returned to kerbin for a clean landing.  Very well done.  Nearly need another level just for Mun runs...  Yours is only the second one to go that far.



A very Kerbal rocket you've got there.  Big, slightly unstable, but still gets the job done.  Very nice.  I especially love the extra explosions during staging and the bent drinking straw look of the rocket.  Bonus for still getting to orbit with your rocket bending and probably wobbling like a wet noodle.  Nicely Done.



If you could find a picture or make a recreation of the craft I'd be eligible for the ssto level.  Only needing slight tweaks.

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Well, I promised a couple of weeks back that I was going to get to Duna and back on just size-0 engines.  I've now done so.  Allow me to present, after working on it all night, the Menolly mission.  (Yes, my missions for this thread have theme naming going on.)

Edit:  Relevant mods in use are KJR, SpaceY (those radial decouplers again), TAC Life Support, RemoteTech, Fuel Tanks Plus, and TweakScale.  I can't remember the name of the mod that let me switch out the textures on the stock fuel tanks in use.  Sorry about that.

Imgur Album


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@Jakalth: I think you'll find that any task proposed, any challenge to which this game's community is put, will reveal a similar level of insanity in some segment of the population.  We, as a people, thrive on it.  Exactly what catches any individual's attention will vary, but in our hearts, we all seek an envelope to push.  Inefficient?  Meaningless!  Pointless?  That's the point!  We do what we do because we can, and often to prove to ourselves, rather than one another, that our own limits lie outside of the boundaries we previously thought them to be within.  You've given those of us participating in this challenge a seed, and we're nowhere near seeing just how far the plant will grow as we nurture it.  I may have pushed my computer to the ragged edge on my last one, but that just means that I need to learn to build and fly more efficiently so that I can achieve more at that ~1k part limit I'm facing.  Others will demonstrate the inefficiency of my designs, I'm sure.  They'll go farther, do harder things with fewer parts than I used, and in so doing will have earned the right to a quiet, evil chuckle (and my congratulations.)

We conquer, quest, and strive for the sake of it.  Never forget that, and never be surprised.  Just when you think that you've seen the limit of what can be achieved, remember this: there is always more.  Where this particular challenge is concerned, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see somebody pull off a Jool-5 or Grand Tour on only size-0 engines before it's all said and done.  For the moment, these are beyond the combination of my personal skill level and hardware, but I know somebody out there has the combination of the two to pull it off.  Consider this my call to those of you out there for whom it's within the realm of 'challenge' instead of 'impossibility'.

Picard Speech out of the way, I'll say this much:  The Robinton and Menolly aren't it for me in this thread.  Anne McCaffery named a lot more harpers in those books, and there are plenty of bodies that I haven't touched down on yet, even before considering various solar-system-expanding mods.  At the very least, I need to do something with the names Piemur, Sebell, and Kasia.  (Okay, technically that last one wasn't a harper, but she married one so I say she counts!)

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Here is my video for the up to the non supplies items. I doubled up with 1 ton of ore. It kinda starts off weird, I did another challenge that ended up really short and this was recorded half way through.


I will be posting a video for the separatrons, I have something attempted I just need to finalize the design.  Also the hyper edit was for another challenge I gave up on, I think eve space program.

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Amen to that.  I agree with your whole list of comments.  It IS what makes this community so awesome.  The collection of "if this can't be done, then how did I pull it off?" stories found through out the forums.  There are so many amazing ideas and people here, and more join every day. :)  And about your naming choice... I thought I recognized the names.  Anne McCaffrey is such a good author.  Her son Todd is getting to be as good as her as well.  Honors to the Harper Hall.


Also, I'm not so much surprised as I am pleased to see how far this challenge can be pushed.  It's good to see that the challenge is being enjoyed.



That's the first successful Spaceplane submitted to this challenge.  Definitely goes in the Spaceplane level.  Being a pure flying rocket seems to be the initial option for size-0 spaceplanes at the moment.  That is until someone cracks the Juno + rocket conundrum. Nicely done.



Sorry if the wording was a bit off, but "Twitch" engines are ok to use.  I consider them to be smaller then the Spark, or at least the same size.  They are 0.625m scale.  Look forward to seeing how you get along with this.  Interesting first try. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my all stock parts submission for the size 0 to orbit challenge.  This was a fun challenge, I initially made a rocket that could make orbit, so I added a few extras to make it meet all level 4 criteria.. plus a Mun landing.  The probe cores are the "snacks"  I had a little fun with the "no SRBs only sepatrons" part :)





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On 11/14/2015 at 5:06 AM, Jakalth said:

Using no engines bigger then 0.625m scale(same size as the new mk0 liquid fuel fuselage), you need to build a craft capable of sending a single kerbal "into space". Yes, that is up too at least 70Km height. achieving orbit is a bonus.

The rules:

1: No engines of a scale larger then 0.625m may be used. So the 48-7S Spark, J-20 Juno, or smaller engines... I'll accept the ion engine if you ask nicely.

2: You may use as many of each engine as you need to as long as they follow rule 1.

3: ANY(yes that means you can use mk3 and the 3.5m fuel tanks if you really want too) parts can be used to make the rocket part of the body and the kerbal doesn't need to be housed inside a cockpit. External control seat is acceptable. Any kind of staging is acceptable as well.

4: No solid rocket boosters, other then the sepratrons, can be used. Jeb took the rest with him to celebrate their Duna landing.

5: Mods are not allowed, to be un allowed. :wink: Any mods can be used as long as no engines larger then 0.625m scale are used.

6: Special Tweak Scale notice: Any engine can be Tweak Scaled down too 0.625m as long as they do not become too powerful or too broken.

7: Most Importantly!!! Have fun and be creative. Thinking outside the box is good, but thinking the box is made of cheese and kracken repellent is even better.

  1. Engines used: Junos (LF), Twitch (LFO), linear RCS (mono), Sparks (LFO), and RCS blocks.
  2. 5x Junos + 2x Twitch + 4x linear RCS for the TIE fighter itself, 12x Sparks for the booster arrays, 4x RCS blocks for the minitug.
  3. Tried to use the smallest parts for everything, 0.675m form factor. External command seat for the TIE fighter and the minitug. Hybrid onion/asparagus staging.
  4. No SRBs of any kind used.
  5. No mods used, pure stock 1.0.5 install.
  6. See 5, no TweakScale used.
  7. I took the box, folded it into a TIE fighter, and had myself some irradiated Goo snacks in orbit. I had fun! :D


I think my entry meets the following levels:

On 11/14/2015 at 5:06 AM, Jakalth said:

Challenge level 1: Simply get to space.

That simple. By any means you can come up with, within the rules, get your kerbal to space.(over 70,000m) Keeping him there is not required.

Challenge level 2: It's not that simple son...

Get your kerbal to space, and keep him there. So get your craft into a stable orbit.

Challenge level 3: And they said there would be snacks...

Bring some snacks up with your kerbal. So that's reach space, get into a stable orbit, and bring at least 0.5 tons of non fuel cargo(aka: snacks) with you.

Challenge level 4: Everyone needs a little help.

Bring a satellite or micro tug to help your Kerbal once they're in orbit. This craft need to come up with your kerbal, in the same craft, and be deployed once in orbit. The satellite only needs power, an engine, "some" fuel and a form of communication. OR The tug only needs to be capable of moving your kerbal around in orbit.

  1. level 1 - apoapsis of 73km, made it to space!
  2. level 2 - periapsis of 71km, stable orbit!
  3. level 3 - brought package of 10x yummy Goo for snacks (10x 0.05t = 0.5t, total a bit higher with support structure and Jr docking ports).
  4. level 4 - brought a satellite slash minitug to orbit, with probe core, RCS, panels, antennae and command seat. Used to deploy the snacks!

At the end, I reboarded and deorbited the main craft, and got it back safely to land.

Obligatory picture album:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I cant find it atm but I made this for another challenge requiring all size 0 parts.


8.8 tons

Mun and MInimus but I was missing snacks :( (I even use TAC life support so I wouldnt have had to hack that to give 50 days of supplies on eva kerbals)

Yes my electric charge is hacked but with 6 1x6 panels the ion can run forever.


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