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What do you feel is missing from the STOCK game as far as parts goes ?

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  On 2/23/2017 at 4:00 PM, The_Rocketeer said:

@Joltout it sounds like you might be making some rookie errors in setting up your aerodynamics. I suggest you open a help request in the relevant subforum with a description of what you're seeing and some pictures of the craft in the editor with the CoM/CoL indicators turned on.


No no, aerodynamics are fine (in fact it handles like a dream), I've just found out that I needed to disable the pitch, yaw and roll of all but the wing tip surfaces, being used for rolling only (with the inner surfaces being used as airbrakes/flaps). The only issues aside from the whole CoM dictating which way the surfaces pull with the original design, was the CoT, which was fixed by raising the wing engines up. And for some reason when it hit 30-40kms alt, if the intakes were still open the plane would hard yaw to one side as if it wasn't getting lift on one of the wings (despite perfect symmetry). The SSTO can get into orbit quite easily after some modifications and designing it like a proper plane vs an SSTO design.

In short, problem solved :D

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@Joltout that would have been exactly such a rookie error as I meant. :D

Your hard yaw is probably caused by a flame-out issue using twin engines. Once the air gets thin, one engine will flame-out first, but when it does it means there's enough air suddenly for the other engine to keep going a bit longer. The resultant imbalance in thrust causes your yaw. (incidentally a related problem happens with RAPIER engines, where one switches to oxidiser and the other keeps going on intake air).

The answer is to switch off/switch modes manually with an action group, or use a single engine.

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  On 2/23/2017 at 2:08 PM, Joltout said:

Tried this, doesn't work. The designs I try to make with this problem in mind don't generally have canards either, but the COM is behind the main wings instead and it doesn't matter if I invert the controls, the control surfaces just act in the one direction, the one that pushes against the tail controls and denies what should be a smooth/easy take off.


I just tweaked the "authority" meter into the negative on my control surfaces and then they act in reverse:/. There might be something wrong in your installation/mod list that you want to take a look at

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  On 2/24/2017 at 4:42 AM, Blaarkies said:

I just tweaked the "authority" meter into the negative on my control surfaces and then they act in reverse:/. There might be something wrong in your installation/mod list that you want to take a look at


Nothing to do with mods, since I just use scatterer, SVE and such, but I did notice it worked after a relog so I guess it was just a tiny bug.

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  On 2/23/2017 at 3:06 PM, Dafni said:

It has been suggested before, but I want to repeat it here again in the hope that Squad listens:

We need bigger landing legs to recover first stages. Please give us Falcon9-style landing legs.

Thank you



Damn right we do. This is what we need the most at the moment. Give it to us now! I want to build Falcon 9 replicas. :(


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A two man capsule. 

A smaller materials bay. Maybe higher in the tech tree so you can stop lugging that clunky Science Jr. Around. 

Airbags to soften landings.

A cargo manipulator arm like in the shuttle.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm game for air-bags to allow Curiosity-style drops of probes and landers.

What I'm still missing is heavy (double axle) landing gear that doesn't have ridiculously high struts to mount the wheels on. Every time you build a plane with a flat bottom, you need to either have the same size of landing gear back and front, or have the nose dig into the runway with a "big in the back, small in the front" configuration.

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I would love to see some propellers in KSP. I would like a variety....maybe a radial, an inline engine and a turboprop? I've always wanted to air launch a rocket using props for some reason. I also would like to be able to assign crew to command seats in the VAB/SPH......that would be really nice.

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MOAR BOOSTERZ! SRBs, I mean. Perhaps 2.5m ones (I know this is suggested a lot) and 0.625m ones for early career/early history rockets. I'm tired of using tweakscale or those separatrons for upper/smaller SRB stages.

Edited by Skylon
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  • 1 year later...

Yay, we got more parts with 1.4.x and MH!

But what is still glaringly missing is an adapter tank in the 3.75m-to-2.5m size (probably already mentioned in this old thread). If we want an adapter in that size that actually holds propellants, we have to use a 3.75m-to-Mk3 tank attached to a Mk3-to-2.5m tank. @JPLRepo, can we please get a 3.75m-to-2.5m tank added to the game pleeeease? Pretty please, with sugar on top? ^_^

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I'd like more fueled adapters, bigger/stronger jet engines, bigger wing parts, and more space station parts. Also @StrandedonEarth if you have the DLC, download Missing History by Snark for a fueled 3.75-2.5 adapter.


Edited by Dfthu
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more electric engines, I am making a space craft that cannot land, and I don't want to have to put a refueling station at every planet, I have my reasons why I don't want to land my ship, for example I have tried this many times, landing it on every planet, with max fuel, it still blows up, plus I can't get it off the planet. If more electric engines were added, I would be happy and people could make more ships the use electricity as fuel.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 11/16/2015 at 5:21 AM, Francois424 said:

Not speaking of mods that adds stuff (such as KAS, life support, and so on) but rather without modifying the stock game, what parts you feel are missing ?
Try and keep the list short, I'm going to try and do the same thing.

Let's see :
- Bigger fixed solar panels (say 2x2 or 3x3... that would correctly attach on wings) and the huge ones from FutureSolar.
- Electric Propellers (I'd say 3 sizes: 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 to fit existing fuel tanks)
- Bigger Nukes (at least a 250 Kn 2.5m)
- Bigger Ions (again, a 1.25/2.5m of maybe 25/100 Kn)
- Bigger RTG ( say an inline 1.25m RTG instead of 4-8+ RTGs on crafts or carrying fuel tank(s) + generator )
- a Nuclear Reactor. That works on Plutonium (only obtainable from KSC so at launch) with very long operating time on a full Plutonium load (Reactor holds maybe 4k PL units and could supply a lot of electricity for very long).
- A 2 man V-shaped 1.25m capsule.
- Maybe a big spherical tank for LF only (Something about 3.5m wide across both vertical/horizontal, with 6 attachment points (N-S-E-W-Up-Down)... More practical (space-wise) than stacking bricks of 10k LF from plane parts.
\--> Don't know how to do maths and calculate how much LF they would hold, but I would use them lots.

So 2+3+1+2+1+1+1+1 = 12 new parts.
Not bad and it kinda takes care of everything I am missing in stock game and constantly need to mod for when a new clean version comes up.

What are your essentials ?

On google I found a site that could calculate how many liters a 3.75m sphere could hold... It's 27'611. Considering the 3.75m cylindrical tank (10m height?) only holds 14'400 I feel this is too much for KSP.
Oh well.


I agree with all of this please add to base game

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Hemispherical tanks (to compose pill-shaped tanks).

Radial-to-stack adapters, more pylons and similar structural parts (to properly mount said tanks).

Longer tanks.

Larger launch clamps (maybe Soyuz-style?).

Beefier struts.

Edited by Psycho_zs
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  • 2 weeks later...
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