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[1.9.1] SLS Part Pack Basic Version - Small update: specular parts & preview of the new Main Core


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Any tips for Orion reentry/landing in the stock KSP system? I keep trying, but I always am going too fast to deploy chutes. I've tried a 10,000 meter Periapsis, 20,000 meter, 30,000 meter, and 40,000 meter. 40,000 just skips over the atmosphere and continues orbiting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just went through testing both Orion Commands and as the above two posts say, this thing turns into a lawn dart no matter what angle I take for approach.  Changed the cfg's around a bit and altered them to be stock size with the 66% of original but doesn't matter much considering it plants Jeb and the crew.  Would love for someone to help fix this because it is an amazing pack.  Its also the Only surviving SLS pack.:(

Thx Sobol for your amazing work man.

Edited by ArkaelDren
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Hi everyone. After a long break, I returned to work on the mod. I fixed the heat shield today. You can download it here:
I'm also working on compatibility with the Texture Unlimited mod. The effects are quite good.
Album /a/NuLMv will appear when post is submitted


Edited by Sobol
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I'm having problems with these parts. The ships that come pre-made explode during physics easing on the launchpad, and adding autostruts just seems to delay the problem. I tried building a partial rocket myself, and it started exploding once I added the boosters. Adding autostrut and launch clamps then prevents my custom ship exploding on the pad, but it then explodes about five seconds after launch anyway. Something is way wrong, the parts seem to be ridiculously fragile despite me going through the part config files and greatly increasing all the breakingForce and breakingTorque values I could find.

I'm playing 1.3.0, here's my modlist:


Edited by NoXion
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try using  kerbal joint reinforcement just make sure to turn it off for launch clamps in the xml and world stabilizer.  what i had to do was load the craft file and then take it all apart and put it back together again. you will just have to try one check the logs rinse and repeat once you get them going though they are awesome trucks for lko

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  On 3/21/2018 at 5:53 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

try using  kerbal joint reinforcement just make sure to turn it off for launch clamps in the xml and world stabilizer.  what i had to do was load the craft file and then take it all apart and put it back together again. you will just have to try one check the logs rinse and repeat once you get them going though they are awesome trucks for lko


Amazing. It seems to be working so far. I didn't do the XML edit and I couldn't find whatever the world stabiliser is, but I did take apart and rebuild one of the smaller supplied craft files which is now doing an orbital insertion burn. Will report back if I encounter further difficulties.

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in the joint reinforcement xml you can tweak ALL of the breaking torque and force with the multiplier settings just dont go too nuts. i use like 1.5 which seems to work pretty well. and i think the launch clamp you just set to 0 to turn it off otherwise stuff may get hung up in the launch clamps. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/27/2018 at 8:15 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

there is a stock dimension of this as well if you guys didnt know

https://spacedock.info/mod/706/Space Launch System Stock Dimension

just have to take the ships apart and put them back together again. 


Yep, only a couple problems.  Missing a few parts like the drogue chutes, better Orion capsule exc.  Even with the lower part count its 500+mb with the RSS version having better textures at 200+mb.  I get it, OP designed and created the pack for RSS.  Wont ever get the love for stock with this being the case.  No big deal, lots of great launcher packs. 

Thx for the Mod pack Sobol. Great work regardless.

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