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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 21 pg 28--and the answer to Angelo's question is...

Mister Dilsby

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

 In human history we've seen plenty of non-violent activists willing to die for their cause, or even commit suicide as a form of protest--but none of those sought to take anyone else with them.

I feel doing the latter is rather hard when you're resorting to non-violence.


The conversation from Futurama along the lines of:

"Why do we have to resort to non violence?  Why can't we just kick their S?"

"Young lady, their S is a living thing too...."

Comes to mind.

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Well.........hmm............I really don't think there is a truly non-violent way of dealing with the problem that Gregmore is flying into.

Even grabbing the Kerbulan vessel with a claw and yanking both craft down to Kerbin in a uncontrolled re-entry (destroying both craft) is violent to a certain degree (altho' Gregmore will be rejoiced as "Hero of the KSC" for all eternity).

Gregmore is probably, most likely, going to ram the ship and either destroying it or disabling it. Highest percentage of success.


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Not to backtrack the topic, but since this hit me well after I read it, I suppose it's a qualifying example:

On ‎4‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:37 AM, Brent Kerman said:

The simple fact you have an outline for a book after this one suggests they won't all get killed. #Logic :sticktongue:

Kerbfleet:  The Next Generation.  #FridgeLogic  :wink:

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4 hours ago, Zhetaan said:

Not to backtrack the topic, but since this hit me well after I read it, I suppose it's a qualifying example:

Kerbfleet:  The Next Generation.  #FridgeLogic  :wink:

I seem to remember that at some point in TNG, Voyager, DS9 and associated Films, Scotty, Kirk, Spock and Sulu? (in a Voyager episode, maybe) all appeared, so that isn't quite as appropriate as it could be....

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Although Kerbals in this series aren't really inclined toward such behaviour. My guess is that by "going in" I think may be quite literal, boarding the Kerbulan ship. What he does then I'm not sure but my guess (I hope this doesn't go spoiler territory) is that what happens next is highly dependent on what happens when a G. Kerbulan does when faced with his Kerbal double.



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On 27/04/2017 at 6:12 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

*Still waiting to see what's going to happen to Shirley*

On 27/04/2017 at 9:08 PM, Kuzzter said:

*rolls dice behind DM screen: oh. OH!

SoonTM :) 

So, on page 53 of Eve: Order Zero, there was this little exchange:


On 26/10/2015 at 7:31 PM, Kuzzter said:

While searching I found this neat portrait of the Lord Admiral in modern uniform, haircut and equivalent decorations. Love the robot hand!

On 26/10/2015 at 11:23 PM, GregroxMun said:

Correct! Also, neat modern uniform thing. Cool find. Do you want me to give her robot arms? :P

On 27/10/2015 at 0:35 AM, Kuzzter said:

Ha! No thanks, let's leave her in one piece for now. :wink:


Things that make you go 'Hmmmm......'



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Me: Hmmm.... What am I forgetting from the fanworks? Emiko, Check. Kerny Kerman, Check.. What am I forgetting?
*Kuzzter has commented on a topic: "Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey--CHAPTER 19 pg 20: Gliidus ex oblivia?"*
Me: OH!

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

This was pretty easy for him, after all he used to drive his monoscooter into kwomprats' open mouths all the time in Bicker's Canyon back home.

This is not the Glido you're looking for.

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Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to suffering. (That's the best I could come up with; It's not 10:00 yet)

Also, I just noticed that this has a 4.9 star rating.. WHO WAS THE ONE THAT GAVE IT 4 STARS?! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD 

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