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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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48 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Also, I have no clue what Jimmy made them from. Was it Plotholeium?

It may be the finest, purest handwavium available in the Kerbal universe. 

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41 minutes ago, Deddly said:

I do believe it was transparent aluminium.

How quaint.

I think we're all missing a trick here folks. The real question is: who is the Porkins in this little caper and who is the Luke?

And on a serious note - Gene gives one heck of a speech. And I just about lost it at "Glide Two - standing by!"

Edited by KSK
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It seems that Kerbfleet pulls on StarTrek(for example, StarFleet) also this new scene pulls on Starwars episode, well, practically any. Though what comes to mind is episode four when they are approaching the death star. But, since this is kerbalized, it isn't a copyright by-pass.  I enjoy it alot now. The series was once about exploration, but now,

Unleash The Dogs Of War!

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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8 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Also, I have no clue what Jimmy made them from. Was it Plotholeium?

If I remember correctly, according to the 4th Trek movie (The Voyage Home,) when the crew is back in the 20th century, Scotty "invents" transparent aluminium..... so if Kerbfleet is somewhat canon, that would be my guess.


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Hmmm, many good questions and even some speculations. I think @Just Jim's observation has some merit because it is EXACTLY what I was going to say... with the exception that in ST: TVH, Scotty didn't invent transparent aluminum in the past, he simply introduced it to it's "real" inventor in the 20th Century. Remember his comments to Bones: "well, Doctor, how do you know he didn't invent the stuff?"

But then again, this is Kerbfleet and anything can happen... :D

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12 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Hmmm, many good questions and even some speculations. I think @Just Jim's observation has some merit because it is EXACTLY what I was going to say... with the exception that in ST: TVH, Scotty didn't invent transparent aluminum in the past, he simply introduced it to it's "real" inventor in the 20th Century. Remember his comments to Bones: "well, Doctor, how do you know he didn't invent the stuff?"

That's why I put the word "invents" in quotes... :wink:


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43 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

That's why I put the word "invents" in quotes... :wink:


Um, I was on mobile then. I didn't see the quotation marks, they looked like junk on my phone screen...  I am sorry about my lack of attention and noticing that.

I really hate the mobile counterpart to the forum. :mad:

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That last panel is the second most awesome thing I've seen all year.

(If you wanted to know: the camera angle on the SpaceX RTF landing)



Now, the question is what will the fleet do when they reach the enemy fleet? As far as we know they have n weapon systems.

I'm going to guess that it's something unexpected that nobody has guessed yet.

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29 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Now, the question is what will the fleet do when they reach the enemy fleet? As far as we know they have n weapon systems.

I'm going to guess that it's something unexpected that nobody has guessed yet.

My guess would be to knock out their engines, stranding them, perhaps by baiting them into overheating their NTRs.  Once they're stranded, rescue them from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.

22 minutes ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

Transparent Aluminum was used to make an aquarium.

Common misconception.  It could take years to figure out the matrix of Transparent Aluminum.  Scotty traded information on it for conventional plexiglass.  Notice, he asked how thick a wall of plexiglass would need to be to contain some volume or mass of water.

Edited by Soda Popinski
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47 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Now, the question is what will the fleet do when they reach the enemy fleet? As far as we know they have n weapon systems.

I'm going to guess that it's something unexpected that nobody has guessed yet.

Note that it's only Gene that's expecting to have to improvise. The Admiral has remained silent, although how significant that is, I'm not sure.  I am wondering though, if the previously noted pointy bits on Enterprise are detachable. Naturally, Kerbfleet only intended them for use as auxiliary boosters for getting Enterprise to orbit. In the event, they turned out to be redundant in that regard - yay Kerbfleet engineering!  However, if they also just happened to be fitted with remote guidance units for the safe deorbiting of potential space debris as per Kerbfleet General Order x (must look that up sometime :) )... well then they'd make a pair of peachy guided missiles.

I'm just speculatin' you understand. :)

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6 hours ago, Alpha 360 said:

It seems that Kerbfleet pulls on StarTrek(for example, StarFleet) also this new scene pulls on Starwars episode, well, practically any. Though what comes to mind is episode four when they are approaching the death star. But, since this is kerbalized, it isn't a copyright by-pass.  I enjoy it alot now. The series was once about exploration, but now,

Unleash The Dogs Of War!

I immediately thought of this:


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16 minutes ago, Deddly said:

I'm hoping that Glide 5 will save the day

(and then everyone forgets about it)

Not unlikely, considering that lots of stuff is mirrored.


47 minutes ago, KSK said:

The Admiral has remained silent, although how significant that is, I'm not sure. 

She could just be letting Gene speak.

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20 hours ago, Torgo said:

It may be the finest, purest handwavium available in the Kerbal universe. 

Don't be ridiculous, surely Shirley would force a poor Enzin to polish the windows until they were perfectly clear everyday. Busy Kerbs are Kerbs not engaging in Shenanigans and Hijinks, as any military officer will likely tell you.

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

They're really just... whatever these are. Looks like something to do with the catapults.

I'm no expert, but based on their position, I tend to agree, they are probably part of the catapults.  

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