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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Wait... are you going to delete poor murderous Kerbulan, leaving the murderous Kenlie stranded at Eve? What about all the space traffic above Kerbulan? Will that start hunting for a new planet. Or is Kerbin the target here? SO MANY QUESTIONS!


Anyways, I just finally got caught up with reading this and Plan Kappa, and the crossover is quite... interesting. I did like seeing the 2 Jebs talking to each other though. Well done!

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2 minutes ago, Noname117 said:

Wait... are you going to delete poor murderous Kerbulan, leaving the murderous Kenlie stranded at Eve? What about all the space traffic above Kerbulan? Will that start hunting for a new planet. Or is Kerbin the target here? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

Deleting Kerbulus sure would solve a lot of problems for Our Heroes, wouldn't it? But no. That's Kerbin. Whatever continent that is, the city lights would be flipped the other way (or turned off entirely) if it was the other one.

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Dangit. I was hoping I had found the plot twist there. Now you have me worried, but I assume you'll figure something out when Jeb and Bill get swapped back to their respective universes... they will get swapped back to their respective universes, right?

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19 minutes ago, Scotius said:

Oh noes...It means i'm no longer allowed to post funny pictures and memes - does it? But...but...a picture is worth a thousand words. My feels were hit for maximum damage :(

You can post funny pictures, I do it all the time (or I try to :) ) You're just not supposed to post " Messages that only contain images in response to a certain subject dependent to the context of the thread".  (2.3c)

Srsly, am I the only one who reads the Guidelines? For the sake of our wise and dedicated mods, I hope not! :) 

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Mister Blocko's conversations with the Jebs are just exquisite.
I think you didn't just destroy the fourth wall, you obliterated the entire fourth tesseract.

I don't like the sound of "delete the object that's causing the problem..."  Dun dun DUNNN!
I sure hope you and Parkaboy have the deal that I imagine you have.

Now, just how did you get that shot of the anomaly all unburied like that?


Happy Concerned landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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1 minute ago, Starhawk said:

Mister Blocko's conversation with Jeb is just exquisite.
I think you didn't just destroy the fourth wall, you obliterated the entire fourth tesseract.

I don't like the sound of "delete the object that's causing the problem..."  Dun dun DUNNN!
I sure hope you and Parkaboy have the deal that I imagine you have.

Now, just how did you get that shot of the anomaly all unburied like that?


Happy Concerned landings!

I think it's on high terrain detail.

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These monoliths have notorious tendency to change their altitude above terrain (or, to be precise, to stay locked at specific altitude ASL and not follow variations of procedurally generated terrain). Up to the point that you can't sometimes find them at all.

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5 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I can tell you Kerbfleet will definitely have some effects when this is over--I've just been having so much fun with some elements of the Kappaverse that I might not be able to let go of them!




I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment!
And what's this? https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1409/Antichthon:%20a%20Counter-Earth%20for%20Real%20Solar%20System  Don't tell me I'm the only one subscribed to the Kerbalstuff RSS feed for updated mods.

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3 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Mister Blocko's conversations with the Jebs are just exquisite.
I think you didn't just destroy the fourth wall, you obliterated the entire fourth tesseract.

Thanks! And watch out--now you know they're in all YOUR S.A.V.E.s too!

3 hours ago, Alchemist said:

These monoliths have notorious tendency to change their altitude above terrain (or, to be precise, to stay locked at specific altitude ASL and not follow variations of procedurally generated terrain). Up to the point that you can't sometimes find them at all.

Yeah, it's nuts. I actually got it aboveground by reducing the display detail. I didn't mean to do so on Kerbin--that was a consequence of trying to get the one on the Mun somwhere visible. So it was one of those fortuitous things--I had to explain why the monolith suddenly got huge, hence Jeb angering it by asking about the V1.1 release date :) 

3 hours ago, FlyingPete said:

Maybe Plan Kappa's Kerbin must be eliminated so that Kerbfleet's may survive? Causality loops and/or grandfather paradox alert!

Plan Kappa's has been doomed from the start, as far as I know--now this crossover is getting mine as well, and i only have ninety days! Why, oh why did I agree to this weakening of the barrier between our worlds?

1 hour ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

And what's this? https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1409/Antichthon:%20a%20Counter-Earth%20for%20Real%20Solar%20System  Don't tell me I'm the only one subscribed to the Kerbalstuff RSS feed for updated mods.

Cool!  I wonder why they swapped the height map too, though. I guess some people really really want to splash down in an Australia-shaped inland sea?

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1 hour ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:



I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment!
And what's this? https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1409/Antichthon:%20a%20Counter-Earth%20for%20Real%20Solar%20System  Don't tell me I'm the only one subscribed to the Kerbalstuff RSS feed for updated mods.

If I was any good with Kopernicus, I'd make one for Kerbin.

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Ahhh! How many Kerbals can we fit on the [REDACTED]? Which we can't finish without Bill! BILL! BIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!

You only need 1, just make sure he dies.  Then zillions of spores waft away, sprout, and soon you've got a whole new population :D


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53 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

You only need 1, just make sure he dies.  Then zillions of spores waft away, sprout, and soon you've got a whole new population :D


Spores???  Like Pods?  Is this the start of the Invasion of the Bill-snatchers???

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