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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

Yes, I visited about 20 years ago, before they had Enterprise on it. And yeah, there's a school break coming up and we're thinking of going to see it--both kids were really excited when I told them about all the craft on display :) 

I visited it before the shuttle, too, but I don't remember how long ago.

The first time my family was there, my younger brother had never seen or heard of an aircraft carrier before. Upon learning that we were going to one, he promptly said "I hate aircraft carriers!" Little kids are so fun.

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Yes, I visited about 20 years ago, before they had Enterprise on it. And yeah, there's a school break coming up and we're thinking of going to see it--both kids were really excited when I told them about all the craft on display :) 

This is one of the few times I'm jealous of y'all 'muricans with an aircraft carrier to visit. We (the dutch) used to have a few, but they met with rather unglorious end a long time ago... :(

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So hey, regarding space doors--I think I might have found a way to get them to do what I want but I need some advice. Here's a shot of the doors midway through the 'opening' operation.


The doors are six stock CRG-25 short Mk3 cargo bays. To "close" them I set the Deploy Limit to 50, and to open them I set it to 100. In the picture, all the doors are "closed" except for the center lower one which has been set to 100 and is "open"

And to explain why I want them to open and close this way for anyone new to the thread here's my Mk2 spaceplane backing into the hangar deck:


Here's a portion of the config file for that door:

        name = ModuleCargoBay
        DeployModuleIndex = 0
        closedPosition = 1
        lookupRadius = 1.5
        nodeOuterForeID = top
        nodeOuterAftID = bottom
        nodeInnerForeID = top2
        nodeInnerAftID = bottom2


So what I'm wondering is this: can I change closedPostion or one of the other parameters such that when I trigger the "Close Door" action it goes to the 50% deployed position? This would allow me to use Action Groups to toggle the doors to the open and "closed" positions as i have defined them. I already tried setting closedPosition = 0 and that didn't do anything. Not sure if @Porkjet ever slums over here in Mission Reports but tagging him just in case--will of course be grateful for any help from the semi-divine or non-divine as well :) 

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3 hours ago, Redhaze said:

This is one of the few times I'm jealous of y'all 'muricans with an aircraft carrier to visit. We (the dutch) used to have a few, but they met with rather unglorious end a long time ago... :(

Did we? I only knew about the one that we took over from the Brits and later pawned off to the Argentinians in time for the Falklands, which in hindsight was probably not what the Royal Navy intended when they handed her over at the time.

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15 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

Did we? I only knew about the one that we took over from the Brits and later pawned off to the Argentinians in time for the Falklands, which in hindsight was probably not what the Royal Navy intended when they handed her over at the time.

Four to be precise. Two merchant aircraft carriers of the Shell company under Dutch flags and navy airforce personnel during WW2. Then came Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman (1) from 1946 to 1948, and Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman (2) from 1948 to 1968.

MV Gadila

MV Macoma

Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman 1

Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman 2

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First, opening the bay is governed by ModuleAnimateGeneric

second, let me check it... I don't see a variable for the other end of the animation, but maybe revClampDirection reverses the roles (you might have to swap the event names in this case).

And if you need more ideas of what you can mess here with, here's the list of Fields (that should be settable through the config file and probably MM as well) from metadata for this module.

    public bool actionAvailable;
    public string actionGUIName;
    public bool allowAnimationWhileShielded;
    public bool allowDeployLimit;
    public bool allowManualControl;
    public string animationName;
    [KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
    public float animSpeed;
    [KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
    public bool animSwitch;
    [KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
    public float animTime;
    [KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
    public animationStates aniState;
    [KSPField(guiName = "Deploy Limit", isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = false)]
    [UI_FloatRange(minValue = 0, stepIncrement = 1, maxValue = 100)]
    public float deployPercent;
    public string endEventGUIName;
    public float evaDistance;
    public bool eventAvialableEditor;
    public bool eventAvialableEVA;
    public bool eventAvialableFlight;
    public bool instantAnimInEditor;
    public bool isOneShot;
    public int layer;
    public bool revClampDirection;
    public bool revClampPercent;
    public bool revClampSpeed;
    public string startEventGUIName;
    [KSPField(guiName = "Status", guiActive = true)]
    public string status;
    protected Animation anim;


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7 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

So, why Intrepid? And why didn't I just say so earlier? The answer to the second question first: I didn't decide on it until just a few days ago. Before that I thought to call it the Galactic (in fact that's the name on the craft files up to 0.80) and before that I wanted to do something friendship/loyalty related, based off the root "fidelis". 

Why Intrepid? I always liked "adjectival" ship names like Indefatigable, Resolute, etc. And this one fits the image of Kerbfleet very well I think. In addition it's the name of an American aircraft carrier that has had more than a little bit to do with our human space program. Anyway, borrowing a name from a US Navy carrier worked out pretty well for a somewhat more famous interplanetary exploration vessel. :) 

Also don't forget that the custom was, back in the day when that CV was named, the custom was to name CVs after important/bloody old battles and illustrious old ships.  The USN had several Intrepids before the CV.  Check out their history at DANFS.

Anyway, good name, and not as ill-starred as HMS Indefatigable (KIA at Jutland) and HMS Resolute (part of which is now in the Oval Office, and thereby hangs quite a tale--see the book of the same name).

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Small mod suggestion, since you're talking about ship names: Nebula Decals. Not updated since 0.25 but still works fine in 1.0+ (might need thermal info added to the configs, I can't remember). Has a variety of flat decals (which look good on the Mk 3 parts) and a curved one. I think TweakScale and Firespitter .dll are dependencies (for re-sizing the decals and switching textures, respectively). I've been using it for a long time and find it extremely cool to have names actually painted on the sides of my ships:



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@Kuzzter: I created a special build of WildBlueTools that will help with your cargo bay woes. You can download it here. This will replace the ModuleAnimateGeneric with WBIModuleAnimateGeneric. You'll get a new sliders called "Open Limit" and "Close Limit". Open Limit is just a renamed version of Deploy Limits. Close Limit determines how far to close the doors. You also have a new context menu button called "Partial Open/Close." Press that to partial open/close the doors. Finally, you have an action group item called "Partial Open/Close" which works just like the context menu. Screenshot:


It's a bit late, so I haven't quite integrated the normal open/close animation. I'll get to that if you decide to use the tools.

If you don't find another solution, Wild Blue Industries has you covered. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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7 hours ago, Hotaru said:

Small mod suggestion, since you're talking about ship names: Nebula Decals. Not updated since 0.25 but still works fine in 1.0+ (might need thermal info added to the configs, I can't remember). Has a variety of flat decals (which look good on the Mk 3 parts) and a curved one. I think TweakScale and Firespitter .dll are dependencies (for re-sizing the decals and switching textures, respectively). I've been using it for a long time and find it extremely cool to have names actually painted on the sides of my ships:

Thanks, I'll try it out--I've been trying to write "intrepid" on the sides using OX-STAT panels, which doesn't look as nice :) 

3 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

@Kuzzter: I created a special build of WildBlueTools that will help with your cargo bay woes. You can download it here. This will replace the ModuleAnimateGeneric with WBIModuleAnimateGeneric. You'll get a new sliders called "Open Limit" and "Close Limit". Open Limit is just a renamed version of Deploy Limits. Close Limit determines how far to close the doors. You also have a new context menu button called "Partial Open/Close." Press that to partial open/close the doors. Finally, you have an action group item called "Partial Open/Close" which works just like the context menu.

Wow! Thanks, that looks perfect--can't wait to try it! Wild Blue to the rescue!

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Bring on the era of supervessels! Carriers like this are one of the reasons I always enjoyed Macey Dean's designs - they have unique engineering requirements that usually break the game or at least push its buttons. Intrepid will no doubt be the first of many such. Looks good. Good name.

And one of these day's I'll get to NYC when the USS Intrepid is actually open. My last time through a transformer exploded and took out the electric and hurt three folks. At least I got to explore Hell's Kitchen and the docks a bit... had a good breakfast and whatnot. (After paying to park in Manhattan I wasn't leaving without at least a glass of orange juice.)

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

@Kuzzter: I've updated the tools this morning, refining it and making it possible to switch between the stock animation and the partial animation. You can download it here.

Here is Lt. Kernel Mitch Kerman to explain how it works:

Thank you, and thank you Kernel Mitch! I haven't had time to play with this yet but I certainly will. Right now am working on a neat little utility probe for Bill's next update :) 

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Some more details on the AG map:

  • AG4 toggles the Intrepid's ventral vernor engines as well as Quadhammer's mains (which will be pointing down, out of the open Q-pod)The idea is that those together constitute the ship's belly landing system. Will it work? We'll find out at the Minmus Flats! :) 
  • AG1 is for "lander only" actions. Those all interfere with each other, which is OK so long as none of them get triggered while any craft are docked to Intrepid or each other.
  • Intrepid will have a light somewhere on the bridge tied to AG9 and AG0. (the master RCS arm/disarm) That way Dilsby (and I) will have a visual indication that all crafts' RCS are off before anyone triggers maneuvering. Will have to remember to hit AG0 as a matter of routine whenever a ship docs, as its RCS will be active at that time.
  • I ran out of groups before I reserved one for the Intrepid's landing gear toggle! I might just do those manually, since landing the ship should be pretty rare, or I'll just tie it to the same group as the brakes.

Did not show the Scansat because it looks exactly like every other scansat. I'll probably carry only 3 or 4 of them, and do Bop and/or Pol with the ship itself. Still experimenting with the Joolbuster, and may end up dropping it in favor of a sacrificial lower atmosphere probe. 

Next I think I'll concentrate on cosmetics--getting @Angel-125's outstanding mod installed and working, designing all my cool decals, and possibly... POSSIBLY... finally making a proper set of Kerbfleet uniforms :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
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The Joolbuster, eh?  Looks interesting.  If you do decide to go with it may it meet a better fate than the Atmospherikdipperkraft.

Well, Bill sure is right about the amount of details to consider.  It's getting more awesome with each update!

Thanks Kuzzter.

Happy Concerned landings!

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:


Still experimenting with the Joolbuster, and may end up dropping it in favor of a sacrificial lower atmosphere probe. 


I think it's definitely better to persevere with the Joolbuster. I'm not sure if anyone's actually retrieved lower atmo science from Jool yet with the new aero. Even better if you could work a 1-kerb command pod (or even a rover seat) into the design for a crew report as well ;) Just remember to 'simulate' it extensively before sending any Kerbals into the green depths- there's no abort to surface option this time! 

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:




Did not show the Scansat because it looks exactly like every other scansat. I'll probably carry only 3 or 4 of them, and do Bop and/or Pol with the ship itself. Still experimenting with the Joolbuster, and may end up dropping it in favor of a sacrificial lower atmosphere probe.


Edited by kerbalstar
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