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Sigma Dimensions


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48 minutes ago, Marsu69 said:

Hey there.


Continuing playing with the settings I have a bug wich i don't understand :

I've tried to go to 10x scale kerbol system with these settings :

// Base Settings

	Resize = 10
	Rescale = 10
	Atmosphere = 1.714
	dayLengthMultiplier = 4


The problem i have is that space is still happening at 90km just like if i was in 6.4k.

I don't understand why. If i'm correct, space in normal kerbol system is at 70.000 km. I want to put it like RSS to 120 km. So 120 / 70 = 1.714.

Can't figure why it is at 90 riht now. Is there any sort of cache or something that i must delete before changing the settings ?(I've played some time with a 6.4 rescale with GreenWolf config)



I can't help you with this information, but I can check out what's going wrong in your install if you send me the modulemanager cache file

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Thank you for your help.

Here is my modulemanager.configCache.

It's quite huge and i can't send you via the internal mail. The board said that i'm not allowed to do that :-(


Don't bother ! I have tried @MrMeeb idea and it works !

I've got my space limit set at 120 km now.

I just need to tweak a bit the height of the clouds and i think i'm pretty close to get what i want.


Thank you verry much :)


Edited by Marsu69
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@Sigma88 Do you have the pre-release 1.1? Just curious to see if current version of Sigma Dimensions is already 1.1 compatible and/or what the upgrade path will be to get us to 1.1 compliance? Obviously if its going to be a while that means I'll be on 1.0.5 for a while since I don't want to break saves.

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15 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

@Sigma88 Do you have the pre-release 1.1? Just curious to see if current version of Sigma Dimensions is already 1.1 compatible and/or what the upgrade path will be to get us to 1.1 compliance? Obviously if its going to be a while that means I'll be on 1.0.5 for a while since I don't want to break saves.

I didn't download the pre-release, all my mods require Kopernicus, and Thomas said he is not going to release the new kopernicus untill we get an official 1.1 release.

currently, the best SigmaDimensions version, is the development version.

it's basically ready for release, I just want to make sure there are no more bugs to fix for 1.0.5 since the next release I make will be the final one for 1.0.5

I plan to release one last version for all my mods to be used on 1.0.5 because I have developed a ton of fixes and I fully expect a certain number of players will stick to 1.0.5 untill all their favourite mods will be up-to-date with 1.1

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21 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

all my mods require Kopernicus

Add that and Procedural Parts and that's where I'm at.

I did download 1.1 and was pleasantly surprised at the performance increases I saw, even on my 'dev' laptop, but there's no way without at least those two that I would even consider playing for more than a few minutes at a time. To be honest, I am itching for pParts to be updated because I want to check out my textures under the new Unity 5 rendering (is it just me, or does 1.1 look brighter to folks?) but that's the extent of it. Be patient folks, development copies aren't meant for career plays.

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1 hour ago, fallout2077 said:

Thanks, Sigma. I've actually been wanting to give your rescale mod a shot, but I've been intimidated by all of the parameters requiring editing.

no problem :)

the parameters are many, but you realistically need to edit just the four basic ones:

1- Resize   which will change the size of the planets

2- Rescale   which will change the size of the orbits    (most ppl use the same value for resize and rescale)

3- Atmosphere which will change the max height of the atmosphere

4- dayLenghtmultiplier which will change the lenght of the day


the other parameters are just used to tweak the game for ppl with OCD, but in general they can be ignored.


If you want to give the mod a try I would suggest downloading the "Development" branch from github, instead of the current release, because I've added a lot of features and I'm pretty close to release it, so it's very stable.

of course, use it only on 1.0.5 and backup your saves first.

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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

no problem :)

the parameters are many, but you realistically need to edit just the four basic ones:

1- Resize   which will change the size of the planets

2- Rescale   which will change the size of the orbits    (most ppl use the same value for resize and rescale)

3- Atmosphere which will change the max height of the atmosphere

4- dayLenghtmultiplier which will change the lenght of the day


the other parameters are just used to tweak the game for ppl with OCD, but in general they can be ignored.


If you want to give the mod a try I would suggest downloading the "Development" branch from github, instead of the current release, because I've added a lot of features and I'm pretty close to release it, so it's very stable.

of course, use it only on 1.0.5 and backup your saves first.

Alrighty, thank you for the info, my friend! I have several more questions, if I may. Should we continue this discussion over in the Sigma Rescale mod thread or over IM?

Edit: Oops, I didn't realize the conversation had been moved. Dur.

Edited by fallout2077
My stupidity and imperception
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7 minutes ago, fallout2077 said:

Alrighty, thank you for the info, my friend! I have several more questions, if I may. Should we continue this discussion over in the Sigma Rescale mod thread or over IM?

If you have general questions about the mod or want to give feedback feel free to write here, they may interest evwrybody


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2 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

If you have general questions about the mod or want to give feedback feel free to write here, they may interest evwrybody


Okie-dokey. My first question is a request for suggestions regarding a basic jumping-off point when also rescaling cloud packs.

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I've run into the same issue as Maco223 on page 4. My KSC is floating in air 20-30 km from the shoreline, the diffrence being that I don't use KSC mover (though, I am far from vanilla install).
I did test it on 2 new saves, for now I attach screen of what is going on, if I can supply any other data that can help you to determine what is going on just quote me so I see the notification :)




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8 hours ago, Ja222 said:


I've run into the same issue as Maco223 on page 4. My KSC is floating in air 20-30 km from the shoreline, the diffrence being that I don't use KSC mover (though, I am far from vanilla install).
I did test it on 2 new saves, for now I attach screen of what is going on, if I can supply any other data that can help you to determine what is going on just quote me so I see the notification :)

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Hi :)

Could you try to download the latest dev version and see if that fixes it?

In case it doesn't I will need a list of the mods you have installed and the modulemanager cache file

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5 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

Hi :)

Could you try to download the latest dev version and see if that fixes it?

In case it doesn't I will need a list of the mods you have installed and the modulemanager cache file

I also tried the dev branch from github, the screenshot is done with it 

Will the .ckan file be ok as a mod list?

Nevermind, the modulemanager cache file gave me an idea about reinstalling ModuleManager. I have been previously using x64 mod and it must've messed up the cache file.
After I reinstalled the ModuleManager it is all ok, now I can finally enjoy the game (again [note to self, always backup your 20 days old savegame before moving KSP around on HDD]).

Anyway, thank you very much for a quick answer, it is good to see this mod being so actively supported and developed :)

Edited by Ja222
I can into fixing!
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  • 2 weeks later...

So... I'm thinking of releasing the current dev.version as a "last release 1.0.5 compatible"

before moving to developing SigmaDimensions for 1.1

any particular request for this mod, or bug to report?

if it's quick I might find the time to squeeze it in the last 1.0.5 release :D

Edited by Sigma88
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40 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

So... I'm thinking of releasing the current dev.version as a "last release 1.0.5 compatible"

before moving to developing SigmaDimensions for 1.1

any particular request for this mod, or bug to report?

if it's quick I might find the time to squeeze it in the last 1.0.5 release :D

I'd like to get to see 1.1 version in 1-2 weeks.

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1 minute ago, Sigma88 said:

well, I need the actual 1.1 release AND the compatible version of kopernicus to come out before I can make this mod work in 1.1 :D

I think they said it should be out by the end/start of this week.

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7 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

So... I'm thinking of releasing the current dev.version as a "last release 1.0.5 compatible"

before moving to developing SigmaDimensions for 1.1

any particular request for this mod, or bug to report?

if it's quick I might find the time to squeeze it in the last 1.0.5 release :D

As far as requests go... well, the first thing that comes to mind would be the various reentry heating parameters. Stock KSP has these fudged to be much higher than IRL, so that you get proper shock heating even at the low speeds that you reenter at there. I also know that NathanKell has drafted up fully custom values for RSS.

Which makes me wonder how much of a problem reentry heating is when you scale up the planets and thus obtain a higher orbital velocity. At what point do you become unable to play properly unless you tweak the settings? And could Sigma Dimensions include some advanced settings to help with this? (Note: I've not tried Sigma Dimensions yet, but I plan to do so for my 1.1 playthrough.)


Also, a question: what exactly does the atmoVisualEffect parameter do?

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let's answer the easy ones first :)

37 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

what exactly does the atmoVisualEffect parameter do?

for this you need a bit of background:


The atmosphere "color" (the colored gradient you see from space/landed) is called "AtmosphereFromGround" and it's completely independent from the actual atmosphere (as in, the bits where your ship encounters air)

when scaling a planet, SigmaDimensions, automatically scale this effect to match the new parameters:

for example, if you scale size and atmosphere 10x, the size AtmosphereFromGround will be increased 10x to maintain the same size ratio with everything else.

on the other hand, if you don't scale size, but you change the atmosphere (or vice-versa), the AtmosphereFromGround will be changed to reflect those changes:

for example, if you want a kerbin with just a very slim atmosphere you can use Atmosphere = 0.1

doing that will automatically make a slimmer atmospheric gradient so that the atmo  looks smaller as well as feel smaller.


this process can occasionally goof up, for example if you scale the stock system by 10x but leave the atmo at 1x, you will have an atmo gradient that looks much smaller than in stock.

when you don't like the automatic result, you can use atmoVisualEffect to tweak the result

so, if you use:

Resize = 10
Atmosphere = 1
atmoVisualEffect = 10

the final atmosphere will look exactly the same as in stock, even if it's smaller when compared to the planetary radius


[man, this answer was longer than I expected, better put it in a spoiler]


49 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

the first thing that comes to mind would be the various reentry heating parameters. Stock KSP has these fudged to be much higher than IRL, so that you get proper shock heating even at the low speeds that you reenter at there. I also know that NathanKell has drafted up fully custom values for RSS.

Which makes me wonder how much of a problem reentry heating is when you scale up the planets and thus obtain a higher orbital velocity. At what point do you become unable to play properly unless you tweak the settings?

this is something that I haven't figured out yet,

if you know the math behind those parameters please let me know, what I need to do is find how to change it properly so that the reentry heat scales properly with size and atmospheric thickness

not only that, but I also need to make sure that if a player changes that value (because he wants harder/easier reentry in stock) that those changes will be reflected in the final rescaled system.


and finally:

56 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

And could Sigma Dimensions include some advanced settings to help with this?

if I manage to get the math right I will definitely add one parameter called "reEntryHeating" or something like that to make sure ppl can tweak it to get the desired result. it will definitely be an "advanced" option, since I'm pretty happy with the "base settings" work right now

Also, I will probably move the advanced settings descriptions somewhere else, the OP will contain only the basic ones and a link to a readme.txt for those who wants to see all the features (this way nobody gets scared off by the amount of options available)

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31 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

this is something that I haven't figured out yet,

if you know the math behind those parameters please let me know, what I need to do is find how to change it properly so that the reentry heat scales properly with size and atmospheric thickness

It's a pretty difficult to understand system, yeah. I'm totally not sure of the details either, but I did get NathanKell to write up an explanation about heat convection at one point:

Perhaps this will help you figure some things out. I reckon that the relevant stuff that a rescale config might want to tweak are mainly the AeroFX settings, and the convection settings. And it probably doesn't need to be anywhere near as in-depth as Realism Overhaul does it :P

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2 hours ago, Streetwind said:

It's a pretty difficult to understand system, yeah. I'm totally not sure of the details either, but I did get NathanKell to write up an explanation about heat convection at one point:

Perhaps this will help you figure some things out. I reckon that the relevant stuff that a rescale config might want to tweak are mainly the AeroFX settings, and the convection settings. And it probably doesn't need to be anywhere near as in-depth as Realism Overhaul does it :P

I'll take  look but I don't see any math explained there, and it's a bit difficult to draw  curve having only 2 points :D

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