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Just a little thing, the default syntax "language" for the code blocks is HTML while the majority of uses on this forum are either for .cfg (no formatting) or C# (C syntax). If this default could be changed (preferably to no formatting) it would be quite helpful (random things getting highlighted is rather annoying...)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Seeing as I can't find a better place to put it, I'll mention this here.

Perhaps it's only me, perhaps I've done something wrong or the forum migration lost a setting, but I'm no longer receiving email notification for my followed content.

Let's go over the things I have checked or know about

1) Yes, I'm aware that all the old subscriptions were lost. I'm talking about threads that I have re-subscribed to.

2) Yes, there is new content on at least some of these threads (4 out of the current 23 don't have new content)

3) Yes, the correct email address is being used in my profile settings page

4) Yes, I've checked my Junk inbox and no, there is nothing listed in there.

So, what else is there to check?

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  On 12/3/2015 at 11:46 AM, Exitalterego said:

Seeing as I can't find a better place to put it, I'll mention this here.

Perhaps it's only me, perhaps I've done something wrong or the forum migration lost a setting, but I'm no longer receiving email notification for my followed content.

Let's go over the things I have checked or know about

1) Yes, I'm aware that all the old subscriptions were lost. I'm talking about threads that I have re-subscribed to.

2) Yes, there is new content on at least some of these threads (4 out of the current 23 don't have new content)

3) Yes, the correct email address is being used in my profile settings page

4) Yes, I've checked my Junk inbox and no, there is nothing listed in there.

So, what else is there to check?


Check the Notifications Settings (under the little bell icon at the top right of the forum): there's quite a bit to mess up customize on that page, including what things you (don't) get an e-mail for.

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  On 12/3/2015 at 12:32 PM, swjr-swis said:

Check the Notifications Settings (under the little bell icon at the top right of the forum): there's quite a bit to mess up customize on that page, including what things you (don't) get an e-mail for.


Yeah, those settings are a little... extreme? Strangely, I haven't made any changes to them as they seem to be good and I have just received an email containing subscribed content. It's the first email I've received though, so I'm not sure what happened over the past couple of days. I guess I'll keep an eye on things and see if I continue receiving updates.

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If the announcement was "New forums are (provisionally) up, come try them out" (the old forum is preserved here until the bugs are worked out of the new one), well now, that would be different.

What actually happened was "Hey, the awesome new forums are up, come use them"... HTTP/1.1 502.



We made it as ready as we could, but upon full implementation, some additional problems were discovered. This is going to be the case with just about any non-trivial bit of software, but if you can come up with a way for us to warn people of such issues before they have arisen, please share it with the group. 

Meanwhile, I would ask folks to remember that Squad is still a very small company, and the forum transition is something KasperVld has been doing almost single-handedly. A lot of work has been done, a lot more needs to be done, and he is getting to it as quickly as he can. 

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I was getting the same thing just now after wiping my kerbalspaceprogram.com cookies to re-login and see if it fixes the forum UI problems I've been having (I've been unable to post, quote, or even access the profile drop-down with the log-out button, among other things), which it did, and also to see if I was being stealth-banned for various messages of dissent here (in accordance with the "Squad is evil" thing) while I was at it, which I wasn't. Just yet. I'll keep checking back. :P

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Still getting used to the new format, but I have to say I really like the Kerbal Space Program logo white on blue in the banner across the top.  I think I may actually like it a little more than the original red text on white background!  I also liked the white on black for the 1.0 release and the white on planet for 1.0.5 more too!

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