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[1.12.x] Editor Extensions Redux released (with SelectRoot merge. StripSymmetry & NoOffsetLimits)


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very strange, there is code in there to prevent it from working on unapproved versions


Oh, I wonder if you installed it BEFORE I put that code in.

Anyway, update, becuase there was a necessary chagne for 1.1.3


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

very strange, there is code in there to prevent it from working on unapproved versions


Oh, I wonder if you installed it BEFORE I put that code in.

Anyway, update, becuase there was a necessary chagne for 1.1.3


Ah yeah could be that. All I know is it worked exactly as before, no issues. I will re-download and install just to be safe. Cheers mate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's at least one keybind missing from the OP, readme, and config, R to toggle symmetry mode from SPH to VAB style (mirror to radial). Had to hunt through old changelogs to find it.

EDIT: As OP said, it's a stock command. Apparently I missed when that left the mod and went to base game two years ago...

Edited by Arnatious
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3 hours ago, Arnatious said:

There's at least one keybind missing from the OP, readme, and config, R to toggle symmetry mode from SPH to VAB style (mirror to radial). Had to hunt through old changelogs to find it.

Maybe that's because it's a stock command?

I added a line to the OP mentioning this, and will add to readme as well

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, hab136 said:

This was mentioned in the Hangar Grid thread, but it might make more sense here.  Vertical snap is awesome, but what I need now is "snap to other part's height" :)

For example I'd like to align my inner landing legs and outer landing legs (shown with an arrow here).  I can do it manually with Hangar Grid, but it's not exact.


Please make a feature request on Github (raise an issue, put in the subject Feature Request"


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/28/2016 at 11:03 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

It's a good idea, I'll look into it in the next week or so.

Whoot whoot!  As the person who kicked off that line of discussion, I'd be stoked to see something come of it.  That one simple feature ("Align this part vertically to that other one") would help SO MUCH (moreso in fact than anything I will now proceed to ramble on about below).

While I'm here... and on another topic... sorry I never got back to you with feedback yet on the Fine Adjust thing.  A few off the top of my head.  Please keep in mind, I sincerely mean this as constructive feedback in a positive light - it's not my intent to criticize!

  • The window collapses and flickers badly whenever you drag ANY window (including itself).  Also flickers each time you press a button on it.  Makes it feel "flakey".
  • You can't get down to small enough increments (at least, for my needs).  And minusing down too far gives you things like 0.007999999 which means when you hit plus to go back up it doesn't take you back to the value that was previously there (i.e. the stairs going down are different than the ones you took going up).
  • Having both "Delta amount" and "Translation amount" is confusing.
  • Takes a lot of clicks (or keypresses) to get it set up to do what you want, and then to actually use it (set correct delta, set translation amount, place gizmo on part, use arrow keys, rinse & repeat).
  • You can't directly edit the values in the textboxes (delta/translation amount).  That one's really annoying.
  • Commandeers more precious hotkeys (although of all the ones you could have chosen, the arrows are a very reasonable compromise, and I like the way you only take over them when the window is open).  I think there's a minor bug where the first time you hit an arrow, it also moves the camera - but you manage to swallow the subsequent arrow events just fine.
  • Just feels kind of unintuitive.  e.g. If I haven't used it for a while, I keep having to go back to the docs to remember how to select a part with it (gizmo), how to move the part (arrow keys), etc.  Admittedly this is a training issue.  But a few buttons on the window (for left, right, up, down, forward, back, etc) might help for "casual" users of it, or better yet a small tooltip at the bottom ("Put gizmo on a part to select it" ... "Use arrow keys and <blah> to translate") which advanced users can turn off to save real estate.
  • Flashing a bunch of the text yellow when it's "active" is strange (there's also a minor inconsistency where the Symmetry Method value stays white, although its label and most everything else on that window flashes).  I think it would be sufficient, and less intrusive, to just make the title yellow (or maybe flash only it).

I kind of feel the stock translation gizmo already covers some of the use cases EEX Fine Adjust offers.  Sure, Fine Adjust lets you move stuff according to a finer grid than the stock widget (which is great!).  But you've got to do it one key-tap at a time, which can get a bit tedious.  I would have tried to implement this use case by overriding the stock grid (or maybe somehow capturing and "rounding off" translate events as they occur during a gizmo drag, to emulate finer grid behavior) so you could just drag a part around by the gizmo handles like you're used to.  Even better if you could select multiple (non-stacked) parts at a time and drag them all around with the gizmo, but now I'm just getting crazy.

The other big use case (in my opinion) that neither address right now, is the ability to manually edit a part's coordinate.  There are times this would be far simpler and more direct than messing around with delta increments etc. (e.g. when I've manually calculated where I want a part to go, or when I'm matching a non-Y coordinate to that of another part).  Right now the only way I can do that is to save the craft, open the craft file, find the node and value, change it, save, tab back to KSP, and re-open the craft.  Yikes!

At first blush, the way I would implement this in-game is to put an "Editable" checkbox on the existing "Part Position Info" window (e.g. a little guy in the top-right corner).  Part of the reason I introduce the checkbox, is to avoid disturbing the beautifully simple behavior that window already provides (mucking it up with too much complexity would start to incur user wrath).

When the checkbox is on, clicking on any coordinate value in that window turns it into an in-place textbox with focus so you can simply type in the new value (or copy the existing one to the clipboard) to change the part's position.  If that's too complicated, then make the "Editable" checkbox smatter the window with a whole bunch of textboxes (either one for each value, or one for each row allowing you to use commas to enter a tuple/quad).  Although, honestly, the only rows you REALLY need to edit (at least at first) would be "position" and "rotation".  Nice and simple.  If all this sounds too complicated,  forgo the edit checkbox and just stick a couple "pencil-icon" buttons in the existing window, beside those two rows.

A critical thing is the textbox should be populated with the existing value at FULL precision (at least 6 digits; not just 3).  And while we're at it, a button to sweep through all the parts in my craft and zero-out insubstantial numbers (e.g. 2.322723E-9) would be lovely.

Also it would be nice if you could highlight and copy text from that window.  Some of these suggestions might necessitate solving the "click-through" behavior of the window (right now it disappears if you try to click on it, presumably the click is being passed through to whatever is beneath it - I think it would have to capture those clicks).

One last suggestion - it would be great if there were a hotkey to select whatever part you're hovering over.  i.e. CTRL+1 to place the Translate gizmo on the highlighted part, CTRL+2 to place the Rotate gizmo.  It would reduce yet another click.

Community: If there are other use cases I've totally missed that folks are finding the existing Fine Adjust wonderful for, please do chime in!

End ramble.  Hopefully one or two of these ideas will be useful to you!

ps. Since a picture says 1000 words:


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Utterly fantastic mod. I cannot imagine playing the game without it.

ADDIT: figured out what key combo I was doing which inadvertently was causing the "camera lock" I describe below. This might reveal an issue however, as I recall reading a comment in the README I believe that said that a "bug" which caused EER to respond to keyboard inputs while the player was typing in a text field had been addressed in some past version.

Unless what I'm observing is coming from some other mod (or an interaction between EER and some other mod) it may be that this bug has come back?

Explanation: I'm making a part to save in sub-assembly: 6 girders that I'm putting 5 "place anywhere" RCS ports on root node of (so that it can be shortened to as short as one girder as needed). When I drag the part to sub-assembly and the text entry pane to give the sub-assembly a title and description opens, this is when I seem to be causing the camera lock: specifically LShift - 5 (in order to type the modulus sign).

Sorry if this is a red herring, and if it isn't happy to try to help with more details, but in any event, I've figured out how to "unstuck" myself, so my issue for point 1 is addressed :sticktongue:

1. I periodically have this problem that might relate to this bit of the README:


In this version there is also a still-incomplete feature: A part-zoom/part camera orbit - the numpad . key will focus and orbit the
camera around the part under the mouse. hitting numpad . again with no part under the mouse will reset the camera back to normal. Currently
in the focus mode dragging parts gets skewed so it is only good for viewing the part from another perspective, and not editing or moving parts.

Somehow, I manage to get my camera "stuck" in some sort of "zoom" mode (even though I don't think it was with numpad . key I typed) and I cannot figure out how to "unstuck it:" WASD doesn't work, the camera stays focused on one point and all I can do is pan up or rotate around that point.

2. Is there a way to cause "Fine Adjust" to just stay on ALL the time? having to click it in the toolbar, move the values to 1 and 1 and then put the control pane way on the bottom right of my screen has become routine, and just having it run automatically at those values would be preferable.

3. I do not understand what the two variables in the "Fine Adjust" mean. 1 and 1 seem to work fine for most purposes, but would be nice to understand why there are those ranges and why they only correlate in one direction it seems.

4. Does Fine Adjust just not work with rotation gizmo? Or am I failing to turn off rotate by X degrees per mouse movement? I'd like to be able to adjust things in 0.5 and 1 degree increments but after many scores of hours fiddling have yet to figure out how to achieve that.

5. I notice when I build a very complex craft, my RAM usage seems to progressively go up, to the point where delays between user in puts (mouse, or keyboard) and their expressions on the screen become delayed by a matter of seconds, and even to the point where the editor just becomes unpredictable and has to be exited.

Reloading the craft file seems to ameliorate this however.

6. My mod set seems overall to be a bit "heavy" on performance, with easily 5.4 GB of RAM getting used immediately on resuming a start file. But it seems that these spikes in RAM use in VAB and SPH are the main thing that push my performance into the grave and lead to the need for exiting to Space Center if not Main Menu of the game.

Is it possible Editor Extension and one or more of my other mods are fighting each other and this accounts for this? I would love to troubleshoot this as it is at this point, the primary thing impacting playability.

Edited by Diche Bach
1 sub-question solved
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On 8/21/2016 at 8:47 AM, Diche Bach said:

5. I notice when I build a very complex craft, my RAM usage seems to progressively go up, to the point where delays between user in puts (mouse, or keyboard) and their expressions on the screen become delayed by a matter of seconds, and even to the point where the editor just becomes unpredictable and has to be exited.

I get this sometimes too, especially if tabbing in and out of KSP a lot.  Does it happen to you with the stock game (no mods)?  Are you staying in the game window the whole time (no Alt+Tabbing)?

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1 hour ago, Fwiffo said:

I get this sometimes too, especially if tabbing in and out of KSP a lot.  Does it happen to you with the stock game (no mods)?  Are you staying in the game window the whole time (no Alt+Tabbing)?

To control memory increase from Alt-Tabbing, perhaps it could be solved with a full-sized borderless window for KSP.  WIth any Unity game, launch it with the command line option "-popupwindow" and set its resolution to the same size as the desktop.  Then you get fullscreen KSP but not in an alternate video display like with conventional fullscreen.

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Thanks guys, I didn't know that Alt-tabbing out had a negative impact on memory usage. To be honest, I guess I've been spoiled by recent games like Stellaris and Fallout 4 where one nearly has to try hard to cause the game to perform badly, and even then crashes, lag and rendering glitches are rare.

Is this just a consequence of using C## as the basis for the source code (instead of C++)?

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3 hours ago, Diche Bach said:

Is this just a consequence of using C## as the basis for the source code (instead of C++)?

Probably not.  Might be a Unity thing; not sure.

BTW, IIRC using "-popupwindow" does help matters (although from my own experience, eventually it still does get laggy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't seem to get Vertical/Horizontal snap to work at all.  I've tried remapping the buttons and reinstalling the mod and no luck.  I don't even get the text popping up saying vertical snap is enabled, it just does nothing.  I can't seem to find anyone else having this issue, any ideas?  Thanks. 


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On 9/3/2016 at 4:39 PM, steddyj said:

I can't seem to get Vertical/Horizontal snap to work at all.  I've tried remapping the buttons and reinstalling the mod and no luck.  I don't even get the text popping up saying vertical snap is enabled, it just does nothing.  I can't seem to find anyone else having this issue, any ideas?  Thanks. 


Log file, please

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Ok, thanks.

I'll look into it later, but, at a quick look, I didn't see anything wrong in relation to EEX.  However, there are a number of Exceptions from other mods, and frankly, I would suggest you deal with those first.  You really have no idea what effects other mods can have.

Among other things, I see that you are missing the "SpaceTuxGroup", which is causing lots of problems with ContractConfigurator.

Most of the errors are from CC, but there are also errors from ModuleRTAntenna.

Try copying the entire game folder elsewhere, and in the new copy, delete ContractConfigurator and RemoteTech, and see if you can do the snaps to work.

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Very fair point, I just returned to KSP after a long sabbatical and I installed an insane amount of mods, I really need to trim that down.

So I made a clean copy of KSP from Steam - I always run KSP as a copy of the main clean install.  New clean install, new CKAN install, only this mod installed... still having the same issue.  Vert/Horiz snaps do not work, nor does the Strut/Fuel tool.

New log:



I checked the debug console as I was testing, and I didn't see it generating any log entries, not sure what might be causing this.

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