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[Official] Forum Feedback Thread


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As stated, I'm going to be brutal with the moderation in this thread. I've deleted some posts and I'm going to point at the main post again. If an idea that you like has already been posted, you're better off clicking the "like this" button than adding a +1 to the thread. If your post disappeared, I'm sorry about that. I'm not removing it because of the ideas, but rather to streamline and keep to the intent of the thread.

So please, keep your suggestions to one liners, and try to limit the idea to one main point per post. This needs to be a list to make it easier to prioritize and fix as things move along.


@katateochi you have valid points. Please update your post accordingly because I don't want to remove it if I don't have to. You are free to post those ideas, but please trim them down to the essentials and split them up. I recommend posting your highest priority first.



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Allow edits within the first couple of minutes without requiring a reason and without marking it as an edit.

Edited by Plusck
AAARGH no please make post merging times shorter - otherwise it is impossible to make suggestings complying with the "one line per post" rule
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Has anyone else noticed that view numbers are broken?  Things with hundreds of replies have 0 views...

  On 12/12/2015 at 2:05 PM, amankd said:

all the links coppied from the foum jsut lead back to the home page. is there anyway t link to a speciic page?

the links were coppied from the top of the page


Links from the old software will do that.

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When I first visited these new forums, there were some difficulties I ran into. I was eventually able to keep up, but there are some things that I'd like to see changed.

Note that these are merely suggestions, and in no way indicate how I really felt about the decision to move forums.

1. In quotes, add a button that links to original post, just as it did in vBulletin.

2. Remove this kind of line spacing, or at least add a way to disable it - For mobile users, it's an impossibility to remove it. There's no Shift + Enter for mobile devices.

3. Increase number of threads per page in a section. I'd like to put emphasis on this, especially considering it is mildly difficult for your thread to get noticed in a forum.

Will add more soon.



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This is probably not something that can be done with the current software, but I'll mention it anyway.

Get rid of the linear threads which plague almost all web forums. Discussions branch naturally all the time, and having to start a new thread for each branch is a sure way to lose the context and confuse the people. In the Usenet news model decades ago, threads were trees or graphs of messages, and each message referenced one or more predecessors. This made following the discussions much easier than in any current web forum.

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I had an idea about the 'likes' which might both use one of their only good qualities, and allow them to coexist with the rep system.

  • Disjoin the 'likes' from the reputation. Reputation has its own "add" button, the lil green plus that doesn't quite do much at the moment. Make reputation work as it did before, but do not remove 'likes'. Instead make the button say IAgreeButton.png and turn it into just what it is intended to be - a quick way for people to agree with the poster without adding another post to the thread (as is used here), and without adding any other significance to it as befits a single-click function.
Edited by DuoDex
This is not a discussion thread.
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I would heartily recommend bringing back the "Forum Rules" sticky at the top of (almost) every subforum. For people who have been on here for a while, the change was hardly noticeable. For new users, however, it's quite important to be able to access the laws of this land at any time.


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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  On 12/13/2015 at 2:49 PM, UpsilonAerospace said:

I would heartily recommend bringing back the "Forum Rules" sticky at the top of (almost) every subforum. For people who have been on here for a while, the change was hardly noticeable. For new users, however, it's quite important to be able to access the laws of this land at any time.



We're debating about this. It's not gone, though, just in a different place.  8wuoGG7.png

Also, overlapping threads merged. 

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It's a small point but not one I've seen posted before. Please could we have a consistent ordering on thread tags? As an example, I've applied three tags to my fanfic: 'writing' (duh :) ), 'backstory' and 'space program history'. I've noticed that any two of those tags can appear at any given time, when I would really prefer to have 'writing' and 'backstory' displayed permanently, with the third or subsequent ones hidden for readers to dig down into if the first two catch their interest.

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Two Bugs/Observations:

  1. Search doesn't always find text in posts that I know are there.
  2. Possibly Related: Activity Stream-Threads I Posted In does NOT show all my posts, I have to edit the stream and set it to check "Content Items, Comments, and Reviews" before it shows older posts I made (esp those made pre-changeover).
Edited by tg626
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Please find a way to enforce spoilers on image heavy posts.

Loading and browsing threads with a lot of images can quickly become a real nightmare even with a decent connexion. (see here for an example). And it's even worse on mobile: pages keeps scrolling up as images load and take more and more space

I don't know if it's me of actually happening, but images seem to load slower with IPS than they did with vBulletin. This and the fact that some posts contain over 15 full-size images (up to 30, I counted) make viewing some threads nothing near pleasant or "user-friendly" or whatever.

So a way for the editor to detect when a post is over a given length or size, and forcing the user to use albums or spoilers when that limit is exceeded would be really nice, if possible.

Edited by Gaarst
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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