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1 hour ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Yes, but it won't be a release anytime soon. Not in the next few years. Too many issues, not enough technical support to host it and too much bickering from the community.

Still while they are thinking about it they are looking at the old code with a fresh new perspective.

That should lead to a better game even if Multiplayer ends up having drop dead issues that mean it's never released.

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Who says multiplayer needs to involve more than three or so players? I could definitely see how beneficial it would be to have a few people (like two or three) collaborate together to create something. Just think of the possibilities in EVA! In fact, you could do away with the whole server idea altogether, and simply have direct connections which only support two or three players. That way, small groups can focus on individual projects, and can collaborate on warping. Plus, unless you had a jerk of friend you were playing with, you wouldn't need to worry about griefing either.

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12 hours ago, MDZhB said:

Who says multiplayer needs to involve more than three or so players? I could definitely see how beneficial it would be to have a few people (like two or three) collaborate together to create something. Just think of the possibilities in EVA! In fact, you could do away with the whole server idea altogether, and simply have direct connections which only support two or three players. That way, small groups can focus on individual projects, and can collaborate on warping. Plus, unless you had a jerk of friend you were playing with, you wouldn't need to worry about griefing either.

That's still warping and syncing all the time. I tried to play DMP with a friend a few times. We either spent a lot of time building or flying separately. And then there was time for a few minutes of space encounters and docking (maybe). Multiplayer in a space game that allows time warping is not fun. Doesn't matter how many people play it.

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Why is this still alive? I think at this point, a few things are obvious:

1. There is a MOD that does this ALREADY!!! so why is squad wasting time <now, or later> pandering to a small portion of the population, when again, there is a MOD that does this?
2. No, really, WHY is it Squad is going to at some point pander to a small portion of the player base and make stock what a MOD already does and yet, something that has REAL UTILITY like MechJeb is never up for Stock Candidacy, when it has a much LARGER base of folks who are screaming for it to be stock?
3. It is CLEAR that part counts will be a SERIOUS issue, it is CLEAR some people run subpar machines that barely handle 100 part ships and yet, get 2 people with moderate crafts and you can blow past 200 parts in a hurry, it is CLEAR mods <part mods> will be an issue, say you run BD, I dont. I run NovaPunch, you dont. Will we be able to see each other or will we crash the system? It is NOT REMOTELY possible to plan for and prevent every contingency, issue, or troll.
4. Expanding on 3. What is to stop a player from making a ship and launching 300+ decouplers, launching into an orbit, punching the decouplers into space and repeating this until the sky is a minefield similar to the one seen in either WALL-E or Cowboy Bebop? Whats to stop a player from going into a server and wrecking everything and staying around long enough for the AUTO save to happen, and rewriting the Quick Saves? Seriously, how do you stop this? Answer? IT CANT BE.

Now, I FULLY expect people to come at me saying things like well, servers can be set for so and so and blah blah blah so that WONT happen. Sorry, it can happen no matter how well prepared you are.

Look, its simple. DMP takes care of this. Also, and just as importantly, this game has issues, serious issues. Some are local to the games code, some are on Unity, and until this game is STABLE, yes, its NOT stable. Better, perhaps, but, still bad, and until its not, multiplayer needs to remain a far far 31st century distant thing. And the other things are dealt with, like Gas Planet 2, or heck, CONSOLE stability is now a thing too, and yet people STILL want multiplayer added..  come on folks, its not remotely acceptable for it to be now, or even 3 years from now a thing. 6 to 10 years down the road, perhaps.

Edited by AlamoVampire
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I'm starting to think you might not entirely like the idea of multiplayer.

1. Direct access to the game will always be better than a mod.
2. Because the devs like the idea, and their opinion seems to count a bit more for some reason.
3. Good question.  I'm assuming that there are no other multiplayer games that have mods that we could look to for an idea?
4. Don't play the game with anuses.

Look, it's simple.  If you don't like it, don't use it when it's implemented.  Please read your damn signature line again, or change it.

Edited by razark
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The "there is a mod for that so it shouldn't be added officially" opinion I've never understood. Almost everything in KSP has been done in a mod before being developed for the official game. If you got rid of all KSP content that has been done in mods first the game would be near enough empty. 

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There are lots of people who want a good multiplayer to be included in the game, not because you can race and combat eachother, but because it offers a wildly more interesting world to construct space-objects. I have two friends who play KSP, and we would absolutely love to build up a universe of our own. I really don't understand the negativity in some of the responses here. Maybe you're confusing KSP with a game like CoD, which doesn't really have any off-line value. KSP wouldn't go that way, because it's not built like that.

But anyway, the discussion is pointless, Squad is (thank god) committed to adding multiplayer, and will do it when they think it's time to.

And if all that didn't convince you and you're still foaming with rage because @SQUAD is "wasting energy", consider this: Offline singleplayer is there, alive and kicking, in depth and flawed (and will forever be to some extent). Those who enjoy a good singleplayer (like me) feast on what it is. But that doesn't mean we should be withholding added functionality which will entertain other people, or at least appeal to a broader public. It is a smart thing to do in terms, but it also serves us, the community.

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As i have said before. .. Multi player KSP is not a feature that appeals to me much personally, but in concept I think its a good thing. 

I can see that many players (myself included on occasion) would enjoy being able to do co-op missions or going to war with a small group of friends, or maybe in a large group if you want to put up with the inevitable #*##heads. 

But that is the choice you can make as an individual when you set up or join a group or server (or whatever system is implemented).

Single player will still be there, there is nothing wrong with integrating a multi player system for those that want it.  Yes there are difficulties with time warp etc to be overcome, but that's a different issue. 

I think there are much higher priorities from a game development point of view than multiplayer, but by considering the the idea and it's implementation now then some solutions for some issues can possibly be worked in to the code now to avoid conflicts and bigger disruption later when it actually does become  'a thing'.

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On 2016/7/30 at 3:47 AM, Veeltch said:

That's still warping and syncing all the time. I tried to play DMP with a friend a few times. We either spent a lot of time building or flying separately. And then there was time for a few minutes of space encounters and docking (maybe). Multiplayer in a space game that allows time warping is not fun. Doesn't matter how many people play it.

I think the focus would be on a small group all flying the same mission at once. It could be, say, a Mun mission where you want to put down two or three landers next to each other all at once. Or, an interplanetary mission where you have one person visit moon A and another visit moon B. So, mostly for collaboration rather than independent playing in the same world. That might as well be single player if no one is interacting anyway.

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33 minutes ago, Veeltch said:

If multiplayer ever gets implemented it should look like this ^^^

Well the good thing is, you aren't limited to one kind of multiplayer.  We could have as many types as the developers wish to allow.  I think a "mission control" multiplayer style would be very interesting, however I think a DMP-style would as well.

Edited by Alshain
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On December 16, 2015 at 7:42 AM, egoego said:

If anyone wants to play war, he/she should go and play a war game. But they shouldn't try and make this nice little peaceful building/learning tool, that KSP is, into something violent.


Tell Bahamuto that...

It would be cool if there would be a LAN feature or an easy-to-set-up private server.

Also, what about a player-per-kerbal feature?

Edited by KSP Bros KS
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I find it troubling that people want others to play the game in the way they only see fit. Peaceful, space race, exploration of space. Those are fun as well, but why stop others from enjoying the game differently? Besides, MP would allow them to play their way peer to peer or dedicated server. To each their own. 

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On 7/30/2016 at 3:34 PM, Frozen_Heart said:

The "there is a mod for that so it shouldn't be added officially" opinion I've never understood. Almost everything in KSP has been done in a mod before being developed for the official game. If you got rid of all KSP content that has been done in mods first the game would be near enough empty. 

This was always true, but is even more so now that the console versions are here. "Just Install DMP" is not an option for them.

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On ‎03‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 6:37 AM, kiwi1960 said:

KSP is and always has been a single player game...

If they added MP, then it wouldn't be KSP anymore


Y'know.... just sayin....


They wouldn't remove the single player if they added multiplayer.... you get that right?

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On 8/3/2016 at 1:37 AM, kiwi1960 said:

KSP is and always has been a single player game...

If they added MP, then it wouldn't be KSP anymore


Y'know.... just sayin....


Minecraft with multiplayer...is still Minecraft.

Starbound with multiplayer...is still Starbound.

Saints Row with multiplayer...is still Saints Row.

But, they are more fun for some with others to join in and play with freinds. Keep in mind, we are not talking about forced multiplayer, only optional.

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11 hours ago, Frozen_Heart said:

They wouldn't remove the single player if they added multiplayer.... you get that right?

If they added MP to KSP then it wouldn't feel like KSP anymore, I know they wouldn't remove the single player option, do I look stupid? The point is that KSP was developed as a single player game... it should stay that way... or it just wouldn't be KSP anymore!


10 hours ago, Jatwaa said:


Minecraft with multiplayer...is still Minecraft.

Starbound with multiplayer...is still Starbound.

Saints Row with multiplayer...is still Saints Row.

But, they are more fun for some with others to join in and play with freinds. Keep in mind, we are not talking about forced multiplayer, only optional.

Those games always had MP, and so cannot be used as an example, they were designed to be MP along side SP .. those are the kinds of games more suited to MP... not KSP.

20 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

this. absolutely THIS. 100% THIS. QFT Quoted for TRUTH

Thanks. Glad to see someone gets it. :)


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3 minutes ago, kiwi1960 said:

If they added MP to KSP then it wouldn't feel like KSP anymore, I know they wouldn't remove the single player option, do I look stupid? The point is that KSP was developed as a single player game... it should stay that way... or it just wouldn't be KSP anymore!

Having multiplayer in game wouldn't affect you in any way though. You would never even have to click on the option and there would be no downsides to it being there at all.

It just gives the players who want multiplayer to have the option to play it.

I would probably barely play it at all but I can see the benefit to those that would.

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2 minutes ago, kiwi1960 said:

If they added MP to KSP then it wouldn't feel like KSP anymore, I know they wouldn't remove the single player option, do I look stupid? The point is that KSP was developed as a single player game... it should stay that way... or it just wouldn't be KSP anymore!

It's not a matter of how it would feel but if it would have a purpose. If we get what DMP already offers it will be just a "together alone" experience and nothing else.

It either should be a Telemachus/Houston-like multiplayer or left for another game were warping is not needed (Kerbal Aircraft Program). Or both.

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