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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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Rats... I'm about halfway writing up the next chapter, but I had to take some time to go re-photoshop a few pics, so I might not have it finished until tomorrow morning. 

6 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

Hey, @Just Jim, I have a song prepared for the inevitable boss battle with the Kraken! 

I'm not singing it yet, you'll have to wait until then, guys! 

I look forward to it, and there could be a boss fight coming up fairly soon... so definitely wait until the right moment!  :wink:

On 4/16/2017 at 4:50 PM, MaxL_1023 said:

...and the magic boulders are Easter eggs (in more ways then one).

hmmmm... they do come in different colors... :D


Edited by Just Jim
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Chapter 79
Terror at 20,000 Kilometers (more or less...)

Dedicated to Rod Serling


It had been nearly 2 years since they had departed from Duna, and seated in the very back of their small raptor, Bill and Bob Kerman exchanged worried glances, fearing their friend and companion Valentina was going to lose her mind before they reached home.


"It's OK, Val... everyone has a nightmare now and then," Bob tried to smile and joke. "No-one is going to say anything."

"I... I know," Val whispered grimly. "But I saw... I thought... no... it couldn't be."

"What?" Bill asked, "What did you see?"

"No... nothing... nothing," Val tried desperately to smile, and failed. "It... was just a...."

But just then they were interrupted by Jeb's excited voice ringing out from the cockpit.

"Hey back there, we are now officially in Kerbin space! ETA to orbital maneuver 6.5 hours. How's everyone doing?"

"We're alright back here, skipper," Bill lied. "Thinkin' it might be wise to get some sack time before we get home."

"Good idea," Jeb replied, well aware they were trying to keep Val calm.

But how could Val remain calm, or relaxed? It had been so long... so very long... since her long lost grandmother Emiko had returned. And here was poor Val, stuck halfway between home and Duna, with nothing to do but wait until they could be re-united. And to make matters so much worse, Gene had ordered all radio communications to be kept at a minimum, so now she couldn't even talk to Emiko.

And then, these last few days, Val started to hear things... and thought a couple times she had seen something... something moving... outside the ship!!! No-one else saw or heard anything... but Val was sure of it, impossible as it seemed.

"No...." Val whispered to herself, popping a sleeping pill down her throat and trying to relax. "It's just a dream... it's just a dream."


Val slipped into an uneasy sleep, and again dreamed of faint sounds, like someone walking around outside the ship... and sometime later, she wasn't sure how long, she awoke in a cold sweat.... and realized she could still hear the noises!!!

For a while she sat and tried her best to stare straight ahead, and whispered, "Don't look... don't look.... it's just a dream...."

But she couldn't help herself, and slowly turned towards the window..... and a scream ripped from her lungs!!!




But at that exact moment, Val's screaming was drowned out by alarm's ringing throughout the ship, and Jeb's panicked voice yelling over the cacophony.

"Oh, no.... Bob, Bill, I've got a red light in the fuel system... something isn't right. We're now only 20,000 kilometers from home, and we have only 90 minutes until our maneuver. I need you to find and fix whatever's wrong out there!"



"On it, skipper," Bill immediately replied, reaching for his helmet. "Val, why don't you let Bob and I do this?"

Valentina sat frozen in her seat, trying desperately to contain her panic, and began to pray to herself that it was only a nightmare....

"Yeah... OK. Be... be careful guys."

"We'll be fine... piece of cheesecake." Bob smiled, reached for the hatch door, and climbed outside to find....



"It's all quiet out here, Skipper... Oh... wait... " Bob began.

"Kraken krap," Bill continued. "We have a small fuel line... it looks like it was ripped out... How did that happen?"

Inside Val felt her blood turn to ice, and all she could do was sit and listen.

"Can you fix it in 90 minutes?" Jeb asked from the cockpit.

"Yeah... yeah," Bill answered gravely, "With Bob's help. But it's gonna be really close.... and skipper, we've lost some fuel."

"Damn..." Jebediah whispered to himself, then spoke up. "OK, boys, get on it, ASAP."



For the next 90 minutes Val sat alone and nearly paralyzed in the passenger section of the raptor, desperately unsure if she should say anything to Jeb or not about what she had just seen. Bill and Bob were outside now, and obviously didn't see anything, or worse, anyone, out there with them. But at the same time, what... or who... ripped out the broken fuel line? That wasn't something a micro-meteor, or other collision, could have caused. Not one line by itself... impossible.

"Valentina..... Val.... sweetheart," Jeb's voice cut thru her confusion and terror, and she slowly came back to reality. "Val, are you alright back there? You're being awfully quiet."

"Yes... yes, I'm fine." Val lied, thankful the ships alarm had apparently hidden her own screaming earlier. "I... I just had another bad dream... and then that alarm went off... It... it wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up from a nightmare."

"I understand," Jeb smiled up in the cockpit. "We have a little time before the repairs are finished, do you want me to come back and sit with you?"

"Yes," Val answered back, then changed her mind. "No.... I do, but you need to stay up there and get us home. I'll be fine... promise."

"OK, but if you need me..." Jeb answered back.

"I know... I know," Val choked. She had grown so very fond of Jebediah, and was eternally grateful he had been with her through the long and lonely voyage back home. He had been her rock, and she couldn't bear to think of how it might have been if he hadn't been there for her to lean on.

For a while neither spoke, and Val went back to pondering what she may or may have not seen earlier, and before she knew it, Bob and Bill were climbing back inside the ship and shaking their heads.

"I don't think we're going to make it."

Inside the cockpit Jeb looked down at the fuel indicator and felt his heart sink... there was no way..... But he had to try, and slowly brought the Raptors Nerv engines up to full throttle.... and prayed.


But there was no denying, they had lost far too much fuel, and much too soon the engines sputtered and died, and they were headed back out into the Kerbol system.


Once the roar of the engines died down, Jeb switch his radio frequency and called down to the Space Center.

"Uhhh, mission control? We have a problem."


In the back, Val was about to lose it again at the thought of being hurtled back into space, and ready to jump ship with a couple extra EVA packs and take her chances, when a far too familiar voice came across the intercom, and froze her in her tracks.

"Ahhhhh, Jebediah Kerman, my old friend.... must we be so... dramatic???"


"Thompberry?" Jeb whispered in horror, the yelled out. "THOMPBERRY KERMAN???? You're to blame for all this?"

"You would blame a harmless old brain in a jar? No, I am not the cause of this unfortunate incident, old friend, I'm here to rescue you!"

For a moment Jeb wasn't sure how to respond, and before he could, the much more reassuring voice of Piper Kerman cut in.

"Ahem.... Picklebrain.... what are we, chopped kraken gizzards???"

"My apologies, sweet Piper. We are here to rescue you... and it looks like we made it in the nick of time... am I not correct, Piper dearest???"

"Shut-up..." Piper growled over the intercom. "You win.... this time"

Just then another familiar and long missed voice rang out in utter frustration.

"Oh, would you two just stop!" Kerenna Kerman scolded them both. "Are you going to help them or not!"


"I am so sorry, Jeb," Kerenna continued. "These two had a bet that Thompberry couldn't put the Pandora in visual range of you within a minute of you making orbit."

"Which I have," Thompberry laughed. "Perhaps it was a coincidence, but quite fortunate."


"Targeting your raptor now, ETA about 40 seconds. Do you want to handle it this time, Piper, my love?"

"Oh, watch me.... my love...." Piper growled contemptuously. And without further ado, she executed a fast, brilliant flip, bringing the Pandora's rear docking port in alignment with the raptor, then rolling 90 degrees before contact.






Inside the Pandora cockpit, Thompberry came over Piper's monitor.

"Not bad, dear, but you're about 2 degrees off."


"Oh shut it....." Piper laughed back... "At least I don't have a computer in my brain to help."

"Are we close enough?" Kerenna interrupted before the two started back up.

"Yes," Thompberry chuckled. "We are well within safe margins."

"Then why did you..." Piper began... again.... 

And for the next few minutes, Jeb, Bob, Bill and Val climbed from the Raptor to the Pandora, and listened to an ongoing Piper and Thompberry sparring match. And Val began to question... again... if she had succumbed to space madness after all.


Once on board Jeb nearly ran to the cockpit, and was overwhelmed at what he found!


"Woah... this... this is amazing!"

"Yes, it is," Piper beamed back. "There have been so many improvements while you were gone... I can't wait to show everything to you!!!"


In the rear passenger area Bob and Bill were settling in and getting antiquated with the Rocklady and Frannie Kerman, and were thrilled when Frannie reached down and pulled out two containers of fresh ice cream, and spoons for all!


And in the mid section, Val was over joyed to see Kerenna strap herself in beside her. Except Kerenna looked anything but overjoyed, and despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, took one look at Val's smiling face and broke into tears!

"Oh... Val... I am SOOOOO sorry.... I... I am Sooo sorry I left all of you at Duna.... Pleeeeaseee don't hate me!!!" she sobbed.

But Val just smiled and waited patiently until Kerenna caught her breath.

"Are you quite finished, dear?" she asked gently. 

"I.... I think so..." Kerenna sniffled.

"Kay... Oh my sweet Kay... No one hates you!" Val laughed softly. "You followed your heart, and did exactly the right thing..."

Val paused for a moment, and the sound of Piper and Thompberry arguing could be heard even back in their cabin.

"Well," Val rolled her eyes and grinned, "Maybe the right thing..." 

And for a couple seconds, the sound of Kerenna and Valentina laughing was so loud it even drowned out the sparring match in the cockpit.


Once everyone was secure in their seats, Piper throttled up the Pandora's mighty Viper engines, and towed the raptor into orbit, and on an intercept course with Kerbin Station.... and then home.



A few minutes after their burn, Thompberry came on over the intercom.

"Pardon the intrusion, Kerenna Kerman, but I thought you would want to know we're back in orbit, and will be rendezvousing with Kerbin station in just over 3 hours."

"Thank you, Thompberry," Kerenna replied. "Would you be so kind as to inform us when we arrive?"

"Absolutely, Kerenna Kerman. It would be my pleasure."

After Thompberry switched off Val looked at Kerenna in amazement.

"And you wondered if you did the right thing? How... how did you get him to behave like this???"

"That," Kerenna laughed, "Is a very long story...."

And for the next couple hours Kerenna did her best to fill val in on all the strange events that had transpired in her absence.


"Magic Boulders..." Val shook her head in amazement. "My Gramiko was rescued by a Magic Boulder?"

"Yes.... I know it's hard to believe," Kerenna smiled. "But it's all true. I know... I know because it took me... and Gene... it took us to Laythe!!!"

"What?" Val gasped."Seriously?"

"Yes," Kerenna beamed. "It took us to the most beautiful spot... and then Gene... he..."

"No!" Val squealed. "He didn't!"

"He did! We... we're getting married!"

And for the second time the sounds of Kerenna and Val squealing and laughing rang out thru the Pandora.

"So when's the date?" 

"Well, the thing is..." Kerenna began somewhat slyly.

"What???" Val begged.

"We're waiting to see... if it's going to be a double wedding!"

Val froze, her blood turning to ice. How??? Did Kerenna know about her and Jeb? No... it was impossible... wasn't it?

"What do you mean, a double wedding?"

"Val... love.... you... you may have a new grandpa soon... or should I say, a von grandpa!"

"What?" Val roared in astonishment! Professor von Kerman... and her grandmother? A couple??? Now Val was convinced she had fallen to space madness, but really didn't care anymore. There was no-one she looked up to and respected more than Professor von Kerman, and no-one she could think of she would want more to be with her grandmother, even if this was some weird space madness hallucination.


"But don't tell Emiko I said anything. I'm sure she'll want to tell you herself when you get home."

"I won't," Val promised. "So Magic Boulders are real... wow. What about these Kraken... things. Are the missing people really possessed by... Krakens?"

"Now that we don't really know," Kerenna tried her best to explain. "There are definitely three people missing, perhaps four. But other than in dreams and visions, no-one has seen one up close, so we're not sure what the truth is."

"Well," Val thought back to her previous nightmare. "So long as their eyes aren't all dead and yucky..... Kay.... Kay??? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kerenna had gone totally silent, and looked at Val for several seconds before replying softly...

"What did you see?"

"I...I" Val hesitated, not sure if she should tell Kerenna about her nightmares or not.

"What did you see???" Kerenna insisted much louder now.

"I... I had a nightmare... several actually, right before the fuel leak. I... I thought I saw someone... I saw looking in the ship..." Val trailed off at the concern crossing Kerenna's face.

"What did it look like?"

"It was a woman... a dreadfully old woman, in a battered up space suit... and her eyes.... her eyes... they were terrible!"


"Bruberry...." Kerenna whispered, then reached over and switched on the ship intercom. "Thompberry... Thompberry, come in!"

"Yes, Kerenna Kerman," Thompberry replied almost instantly. "May I be of assistance?"

"Yes, listen. The raptor fuel line wasn't an accident, it was Bruberry. Val saw her peaking in a window."

"Bruberry...." Thompberry went silent.

"Wait... " Val was astounded. "Are you saying it... she... was real?"

"Oh, yes, Bruberry Kerman is quite real." Thompberry said sadly, and then Val remembered where she had heard the name.

"Wait..... I remember that name.... Bruberry... she was... is... she's your mother, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is... but before you ask, there is little I can tell you about her, or her motives. Your grandmother will be better able to explain when you see her. In the mean time, we are approaching Kerbin station, and I believe it's my turn to show up beautiful Piper."

And with that Thompberry switched off, and Kerenna looked over at Val.

"About Emiko. There's one more thing.... I need to explain about your grandmother's... well... her ghost."

While Kerenna did her best to explain to Val about Sanny the ghost, Piper and Thompberry were at it again, only this time it was Thompberry's turn to remotely pilot and dock the Raptor to the station, which he did with flawless precision.






"Could have done it with my eyes closed..." Thompberry laughed after the Raptor was securely docked.

"You don't have eyes, moron," Piper laughed back.


"Enough!" Kerenna shouted with a laugh. "Would one of you kindly get us to the Diamondback so I can have some peace and quiet??"

"Your wish is my command, Kerenna Kerman," Thompberry chuckled back, turning the Pandora towards the newest of KASA's diamondback series, waiting some 5 kilometers from the station.





Once docked, Kerenna and Val climbed into the cockpit while Jeb, Bob and Bill relaxed in the passenger area. Piper, Frannie and the Rocklady remained on the Pandora, along with Thompberry, and would be heading back to Emiko Station to make more observations.

But before they left, Thompberry radioed over to the Diamondback cockpit one last time.

"Now Kerenna Kerman, I've transferred over every ounce of fuel we can spare. Remember, if that troublesome spirit causes you any problems, there in an emergency override on your left. Any sign of interference, and you can instantly switch to complete manual."

"I understand, Thompberry. Thank you."

"Be safe, Kerenna Kerman."

"You too, Thompberry. Watch over Piper and my friends."

Val just shook her head and sighed while Kerenna undocked the Diamondback and pulled into position to de-orbit.

"Space madness.... definitely space madnesss..."


But despite Thompberry's warnings and precautions, there was no sign of Sanny, and soon the Diamondback was entering the atmosphere in a glorious blaze...


"I love this part!" Val screamed over the roar.

"I do, too," Kerenna screamed back. "Always freaks out the passengers.... good times!!!"



And within just a few minutes Kerenna had the last remaining members of the Duna expedition safely on the ground... and home!




Once the mighty SSTO had rolled to a stop, Kerenna looked out to see a ladder rover already waiting for them.

"Right on time. Has to be Obney," she smiled over at Val. "Good cadet, you'll like him. May be worth keeping permanently."



"Oh, it is so good to be home!" Bill grinned. "But where is everyone?"

"Well...." Kerenna stammered a little. "You told Gene you didn't want a big reception."

"Yeah.... right....." Bill looked over at Bob, who grinned back suspiciously as they climbed into the small rover, and were promptly driven over to the astronaut complex.




As the crew climbed out of the rover, they all stopped and stared at Emiko's Magic Boulder, still sitting next to the KASA flagpole.

"So that's Gramiko's Magic Boulder?" Val whispered...


"Yes, it is," Kerenna whispered back.

For a few moments no-one said a word, until Bob looked around and commented.

"It's positively deserted around here.... So, surprise party?"

"Oh, definitely a surprise party," Bill replied.

"What? Awwww..." Kerenna pouted.

"It's OK," Bob smiled. "We've known Gene a lot longer than you, and we promise to act surprised."


And sure enough, the crew was no more than three steps inside the astronaut complex when a boisterous "Surprise" rang out from every corner, and champagne began to fly everywhere.

Late into the night the party raged, until the moment Val had been most waiting for finally arrived, and she saw a somewhat blurry cadet standing before her... or was there two of him???  It was hard to tell...

"Captain Valentina, Ma'am?" the blurry figure saluted. "Senior Cadet Obney Kerman, ma'am. I've been authorized to drive you out to see your grandmother Emiko, ma'am..."

And with a delighted and slightly tipsy squeal Valentina stumbled out of the complex and towards a waiting rover while the party roared on long into the night....



The Saga of Emiko Station, and the Tale of Emiko Kerman, are far, far from over.....

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Edited by Just Jim
lots of silly misspellings...
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Well worth the wait! A tense rescue, plenty of banter, Bill and Bob get their piece at the end, and (of all the daft things to pick up on) those mobile stairs are one super-cute rover! And they look stock as well.

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And a really great chapter - seemed to tie in a lot of things I was meaning to ask about... :D

Has the diamond back always been that size or has the Pandora gotten a bit bigger? Anyhow, can't wait to see what happens next!

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38 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

And a really great chapter - seemed to tie in a lot of things I was meaning to ask about... :D

Has the diamond back always been that size or has the Pandora gotten a bit bigger? Anyhow, can't wait to see what happens next!

No, everything is the same. This was just the first time I've had the Pandora next to a Diamondback.

3 hours ago, KSK said:

Well worth the wait! A tense rescue, plenty of banter, Bill and Bob get their piece at the end, and (of all the daft things to pick up on) those mobile stairs are one super-cute rover! And they look stock as well.

Thanks! I do like that little rover... lol. It's quite stock. I made it a while back when I realized the Diamondback was much too tall for a ladder to reach the ground, and is based on the one commonly used for Air-force One. It was a while ago... might have been Obama, but doesn't really matter... I remember watching a video of the plane landing, and this cool little ladder vehicle driving up to it so whoever it was could get off, and I thought to myself "I've got to build myself one of those."

3 hours ago, Brent Kerman said:

Oh, wow, you had me fooled at the double wedding line, considering what you said yesterday.

Oh, I'm not done yet... we'll be picking right up where I left off in the next chapter... :wink:

7 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

I was expecting Jeb to try and aerobrake, or perhaps slingshot off the Mun to get a capture. Rescue is far too easy on those orange-suits!

A slingshot would have been fun if the Mun had been in the right position. But I decided this time to let them off easy, and instead focus on this weird love/hate relationship that seems to be developing between Piper and Thompberry. 

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9 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

No, everything is the same. This was just the first time I've had the Pandora next to a Diamondback.

A slingshot would have been fun if the Mun had been in the right position. But I decided this time to let them off easy, and instead focus on this weird love/hate relationship that seems to be developing between Piper and Thompberry. 

[Edited for content by adsii1970 for what I want to comment on]

Oh, Ok... it just looks so much larger since your re-work.

Slingshot would have been fun, but here's the thing - I've sort of always taken it that Thompberry has the capability to monitor everything that's going on through the KerbNet now in his current state. He would have known precisely where the Raptor was... So he would have easily been in the location and position needed to perform a low-risk rescue.  I could be reading too much into Thompberry's abilities!

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5 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

I could be reading too much into Thompberry's abilities!

No, you're exactly right... but apparently Piper isn't going to be out flown by this... this pickled abomination... even if he is tied into a computer network... not on her life!!!  :D

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34 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Oh, Ok... it just looks so much larger since your re-work.

The Pandora is deceptively small, actually. It's just those big radiator panels that make it look bigger. When they're retracted it's a little smaller than a Raptor, but heavier, and far more powerful with those vipers..

Oh, I should say something about the Pandora and her engines for the readers not using mods. The Pandora is built mostly from @Angel-125's parts... mostly his Buffalo mod, but the engines are from the DSEV mod... I think... I'll have to double check that. 

Anyway, the engines are called "Vipers", and are, quite simply, nuclear aerospikes! Yes, I said nuclear aerospikes... They combine the best of both an Aerospike and a Nerv into an interchangeable BadS engine that has quickly become my favorite!! This engine is what makes the Pandora so much more efficient than any of my earlier ships, and quite honestly, is the secret to her success, and why she's been such a joy to fly around.

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

this weird love/hate relationship that seems to be developing between Piper and Thompberry. 

By which you mean Thompberry loves Piper, and Piper hates Thompberry :)

Thompberry, it's obvious Piper doesn't return your feelings. Find a nice girl robot or something, buddy.

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33 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

By which you mean Thompberry loves Piper, and Piper hates Thompberry :)

Thompberry, it's obvious Piper doesn't return your feelings. Find a nice girl robot or something, buddy.

No, I think Piper hates Thompberry, and Thompberry loves Piper's hate. :wink:

Or something. :confused:

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3 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

Or Thomberry's on drugs.

Which would be awesomely easy for a brain-in-a-jar. Couple of milligrams of glucose (or possibly a couple of millivolts of electricity) to the pleasure centres and ol' Thompberry is straight off to Happytime Land. :)


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10 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

By which you mean Thompberry loves Piper, and Piper hates Thompberry :)

Thompberry, it's obvious Piper doesn't return your feelings. Find a nice girl robot or something, buddy.


9 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

No, I think Piper hates Thompberry, and Thompberry loves Piper's hate. :wink:

Or something. :confused:


4 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

I think Piper and Thompberry are going to, uh exchange protocols, if you catch my meaning. :wink:

Honestly... I'm not sure yet how this is going to play out. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize this would be the most likely outcome of throwing those two onto the same ship together and ordering them to get along.


Oh, hey, I'm already out of likes... must have given too many yesterday... so I'll have to play catch-up later.

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