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Mun discovery or glitch?

Red Shirt

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Normally I would put this under what I did today but this is really cool. First went to North Pole on Mun. Climbed as high as freakiness would allow and planted flag. Bill exploded jet packing back to the ship. Crazy pole Kraken! Next mission was Valentina landing badly at the South Pole. The ship was pretty much toast but pod survived, stopping on the edge of another in a series of seemingly endless slides. Tried to make it to the pole summit but more freakies going on. Smacked the ground slid down the slope. Once stopped saw this floating boulder. Climbed as close as possible and planted flag. Then made the mistake of returning to the crashed pod and reverting - it took the flag with the revert. So I have no coordinates but I do have this picture. Graphics set to half res. It's dark but I think you can see it. If it is a graphics glitch, I am disappointed but it was still really cool. The South Pole summit is in the distance behind the boulder.



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9 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

Floating boulders are a common glitch. Terrain scatter has been WIP for several years now.
Work In Progress? Yeah right. Work On Halt you mean.

Don't think I've ever played an open world type game with perfect terrain scatters/detail objects.

Even AAA high budget games like Skyrim and GTA have floating objects like boulders, street lamps, trees etc...

Cut Squad some slack, this sort of bug just comes with the territory so to speak.

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1 hour ago, pandaman said:

A pity it looks like it's a terrain scatter glitch

I can't hear you, lalalalalalalalalalala

Just crashed Val (again) though the floating rock was still there.

Well poo, I guess that means no Redshirt Rock in the game. Oh wait, there can be in MY game Bwahahaha!

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