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A beginner's guide to Kopernicus - The basics

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My planet is currently nonfunctional. I am attempting to get textures from Kittopia, but the planet itself does not show up in the map view. 

	name = Amotre
	cacheFile = Planet Amotre/CacheFiles/Amotre.bin
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
		name = Duna
		removeAllPQSMods = true
		removeOcean = true
		Orbit //Orbit properties
			referenceBody = Sun
			color = RGBA( R(133), G(50), B(109), A(62))
			inclination = 13 
			eccentricity = 0.16 
			semiMajorAxis = 59965364371 
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 29 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.5
			epoch = 61
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
			ambientColor = 0.42, 0.15, 0.35, 1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.23, 0.531, 0.5
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			altitude = 35000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 35000	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				fogColorStart = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
				type = Atmospheric
				fadeStart = 0
				fadeEnd = 0
				shininess = 0.1
				specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
				rimPower = 2
				rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.09,0.015,0.04,1
					0.5 = 0.07,0.01,0.025,1
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
			name = HM1
			seed = 3691
			deformity = 6000
			octaves = 3
			persistence = 0.5
			frequency = 0.7
			enabled = true
			order = 2
			name = HeightMod2
			seed = 6949
			deformity = 1200
			octaves = 3
			persistence = 0.5
			frequency = 1
			enabled = true
			order = 3
			blend = 0.5
			enabled = true
			order = 10 //make this number higher than the HeightMods
					name = Lowest
					altitudeStart = 0
					altitudeEnd = 0.15
					color = 0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Low
					altitudeStart = 0.15
					altitudeEnd = 0.5
					color = 0.8,0.2,0.05,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Middle
					altitudeStart = 0.5
					altitudeEnd = 0.7
					color = 0.9,0.5,0.2,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = High
					altitudeStart = 0.7
					altitudeEnd = 5
					color = 1.0,0.98,0.96,0.8
					lerpToNext = false


Edited by Tangle
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On 8-3-2016 at 5:11 AM, saurodye said:


Welp. This is the space center now. Suggestions?

Config = http://pastebin.com/Z9fFKsB3

Please go to the planet's log file, located in: [KSPDIRECTORY]/logs/[PLANETNAME].body'

Could you copy-n-paste the contents of the logfile in a message here? They should show what is happening.

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14 hours ago, Tangle said:

My planet is currently nonfunctional. I am attempting to get textures from Kittopia, but the planet itself does not show up in the map view. 

	name = Amotre
	cacheFile = Planet Amotre/CacheFiles/Amotre.bin
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
		name = Duna
		removeAllPQSMods = true
		removeOcean = true
		Orbit //Orbit properties
			referenceBody = Sun
			color = RGBA( R(133), G(50), B(109), A(62))
			inclination = 13 
			eccentricity = 0.16 
			semiMajorAxis = 59965364371 
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 29 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.5
			epoch = 61
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
			ambientColor = 0.42, 0.15, 0.35, 1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.23, 0.531, 0.5
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			altitude = 35000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 35000	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				fogColorStart = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
				type = Atmospheric
				fadeStart = 0
				fadeEnd = 0
				shininess = 0.1
				specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
				rimPower = 2
				rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.09,0.015,0.04,1
					0.5 = 0.07,0.01,0.025,1
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
			name = HM1
			seed = 3691
			deformity = 6000
			octaves = 3
			persistence = 0.5
			frequency = 0.7
			enabled = true
			order = 2
			name = HeightMod2
			seed = 6949
			deformity = 1200
			octaves = 3
			persistence = 0.5
			frequency = 1
			enabled = true
			order = 3
			blend = 0.5
			enabled = true
			order = 10 //make this number higher than the HeightMods
					name = Lowest
					altitudeStart = 0
					altitudeEnd = 0.15
					color = 0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Low
					altitudeStart = 0.15
					altitudeEnd = 0.5
					color = 0.8,0.2,0.05,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Middle
					altitudeStart = 0.5
					altitudeEnd = 0.7
					color = 0.9,0.5,0.2,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = High
					altitudeStart = 0.7
					altitudeEnd = 5
					color = 1.0,0.98,0.96,0.8
					lerpToNext = false


First off, please specify a template. Making template-less planets is very, very hard. Simply add:

			name = Minmus
			removeAllPQSMods = true

Why this is causing issues: likely your planet is missing various key ingredients for a stable planet, such as surface textures and fallbackmaterials. The easiest way is add a template planet, the template planet's required values will be used, while the PQSMods, the things that shape the terrain, are removed.

Also, the other issue:

14 hours ago, Tangle said:

color = RGBA( R(133), G(50), B(109), A(62))

This is incorrect. I'm not entirely sure how to specify RGBA either. Instead, please enter the numbers of a scale of 0-1. Simply divide the RGBA values by 255. Also, set the alpha channel to '1,0'.

Why this is causing an issue: it's a bit hard for Kopernicus to add a planet to the map view if it doesn't know the color of it's orbital path.

Also, do not be afraid to experiment a little in Kittopia. I advise adding VertexSimplexHeight and VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight, add them in Kittopia and see what happens...

What will happen:


VertexSimplexHeight will raise some large landmasses, like an asteroid, but can also be used to create mountains or large hills.

VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight will add small hills to your planet for more detail.


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3 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

First off, please specify a template. Making template-less planets is very, very hard. Simply add:

			name = Minmus
			removeAllPQSMods = true

Why this is causing issues: likely your planet is missing various key ingredients for a stable planet, such as surface textures and fallbackmaterials. The easiest way is add a template planet, the template planet's required values will be used, while the PQSMods, the things that shape the terrain, are removed.

Also, the other issue:

This is incorrect. I'm not entirely sure how to specify RGBA either. Instead, please enter the numbers of a scale of 0-1. Simply divide the RGBA values by 255. Also, set the alpha channel to '1,0'.

Why this is causing an issue: it's a bit hard for Kopernicus to add a planet to the map view if it doesn't know the color of it's orbital path.

Also, do not be afraid to experiment a little in Kittopia. I advise adding VertexSimplexHeight and VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight, add them in Kittopia and see what happens...

What will happen:

  Hide contents

VertexSimplexHeight will raise some large landmasses, like an asteroid, but can also be used to create mountains or large hills.

VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight will add small hills to your planet for more detail.


Ah, thank you. I am not really good with the ordering part of coding and I put my template BEHIND the body part. Will edit this when planet functions/some horrifying new problem has knocked at my door. 



Well, I fixed the orbit, and yet it is still not there. I got rid of both the Kopernicus and modulemanager cache files.

		  name = Duna
		  removeAllPQSMods = true
		  removeOcean = true
        name = Amotre
	   cacheFile = Planet Amotre/CacheFiles/Amotre.bin
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
			referenceBody = Sun
			color = 0.52,0.19,0.42,1.0
			inclination = 13 
			eccentricity = 0.16 
			semiMajorAxis = 59965364371 
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 29 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.5
			epoch = 0
			ambientColor = 0.42, 0.15, 0.35, 1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.23, 0.531, 0.5
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			altitude = 35000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 35000	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				fogColorStart = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
				type = Atmospheric
				fadeStart = 0
				fadeEnd = 0
				    //texture = [FILEPATH]/[NAME OF THE EXPORTED COLORMAP].png
				    //normals = [FILEPATH]/[NAME OF THE EXPORTED NORMAL MAP].png
				    shininess = 0.1
				    specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
				    rimPower = 2
				    rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.09,0.015,0.04,1
					0.5 = 0.07,0.01,0.025,1
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
			     name = HM1
			     seed = 3691
			     deformity = 6000
			     octaves = 3
			     persistence = 0.5
			     frequency = 0.7
			     enabled = true
			     order = 2
			     name = HeightMod2
			     seed = 6949
			     deformity = 1200
			     octaves = 3
			     persistence = 0.5
			     frequency = 1
			     enabled = true
			     order = 3
			     blend = 0.5
			     enabled = true
			     order = 10 
					name = Lowest
					altitudeStart = 0
					altitudeEnd = 0.15
					color = 0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Low
					altitudeStart = 0.15
					altitudeEnd = 0.5
					color = 0.8,0.2,0.05,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Middle
					altitudeStart = 0.5
					altitudeEnd = 0.7
					color = 0.9,0.5,0.2,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = High
					altitudeStart = 0.7
					altitudeEnd = 5
					color = 1.0,0.98,0.96,0.8
					lerpToNext = false


Edited by Tangle
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16 hours ago, Tangle said:

Ah, thank you. I am not really good with the ordering part of coding and I put my template BEHIND the body part. Will edit this when planet functions/some horrifying new problem has knocked at my door. 



Well, I fixed the orbit, and yet it is still not there. I got rid of both the Kopernicus and modulemanager cache files.

		  name = Duna
		  removeAllPQSMods = true
		  removeOcean = true
        name = Amotre
	   cacheFile = Planet Amotre/CacheFiles/Amotre.bin
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
			referenceBody = Sun
			color = 0.52,0.19,0.42,1.0
			inclination = 13 
			eccentricity = 0.16 
			semiMajorAxis = 59965364371 
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 29 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.5
			epoch = 0
			ambientColor = 0.42, 0.15, 0.35, 1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.23, 0.531, 0.5
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			altitude = 35000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 35000	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				fogColorStart = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
				type = Atmospheric
				fadeStart = 0
				fadeEnd = 0
				    //texture = [FILEPATH]/[NAME OF THE EXPORTED COLORMAP].png
				    //normals = [FILEPATH]/[NAME OF THE EXPORTED NORMAL MAP].png
				    shininess = 0.1
				    specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
				    rimPower = 2
				    rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.09,0.015,0.04,1
					0.5 = 0.07,0.01,0.025,1
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
			     name = HM1
			     seed = 3691
			     deformity = 6000
			     octaves = 3
			     persistence = 0.5
			     frequency = 0.7
			     enabled = true
			     order = 2
			     name = HeightMod2
			     seed = 6949
			     deformity = 1200
			     octaves = 3
			     persistence = 0.5
			     frequency = 1
			     enabled = true
			     order = 3
			     blend = 0.5
			     enabled = true
			     order = 10 
					name = Lowest
					altitudeStart = 0
					altitudeEnd = 0.15
					color = 0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Low
					altitudeStart = 0.15
					altitudeEnd = 0.5
					color = 0.8,0.2,0.05,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = Middle
					altitudeStart = 0.5
					altitudeEnd = 0.7
					color = 0.9,0.5,0.2,1.0
					lerpToNext = true
					name = High
					altitudeStart = 0.7
					altitudeEnd = 5
					color = 1.0,0.98,0.96,0.8
					lerpToNext = false


I rewrote the config

		name = Amotre
		cacheFile = Planet Amotre/CacheFiles/Amotre.bin
			name = Duna
			removeAllPQSMods = true
			description = Amotre is a small habitable-seeming (although it looks weird!) world. It is thought that its strange orbit is because it was captured by the sun a few thousand years ago, in a catastrophe called That One Time A Star Threw A Planet At Us. They really, really should've had a poet name it.
			radius = 351674
			geeASL = 0.49
			rotationPeriod = 48193.619
			rotates = true 
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 35000 35000 50000 90000 130000 400000 700000
				landedDataValue = 5.5
				splashedDataValue = 6 
				flyingLowDataValue = 6 
				flyingHighDataValue = 5 
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5 
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5
				recoveryValue = 2
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 130000
			referenceBody = Sun
			color = 0.52,0.19,0.42,1.0
			inclination = 13 
			eccentricity = 0.16 
			semiMajorAxis = 59965364371 
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 29 
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.5
			epoch = 0
			ambientColor = 0.42, 0.15, 0.35, 1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.23, 0.531, 0.5
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			altitude = 35000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 35000	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				color = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				fogColorStart = 0.1,0.85,0.88,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0
			    shininess = 0.1
			    specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
			    rimPower = 2
			    rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.09,0.015,0.04,1
					0.5 = 0.07,0.01,0.025,1
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
					name = HM1
					seed = 3691
					deformity = 6000
					octaves = 3
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 0.7
					enabled = true
					order = 2
					name = HeightMod2
					seed = 6949
					deformity = 1200
					octaves = 3
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 1
					enabled = true
					order = 3
					blend = 0.5
					enabled = true
					order = 10 
							name = Lowest
							altitudeStart = 0
							altitudeEnd = 0.15
							color = 0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Low
							altitudeStart = 0.15
							altitudeEnd = 0.5
							color = 0.8,0.2,0.05,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Middle
							altitudeStart = 0.5
							altitudeEnd = 0.7
							color = 0.9,0.5,0.2,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = High
							altitudeStart = 0.7
							altitudeEnd = 5
							color = 1.0,0.98,0.96,0.8
							lerpToNext = false

I think the issue was HeightColorMap: LandClasses are a part of the HeightColorMap mod, they shouldn't be used separately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm Hoping that the 1.1 Update doesn't completely rewrite how planets, Parts and other things are modded. I've learnt so much and it would be annoying to learn all of it again. It shouldn't but they did have to remake alot of things and make wheel physics from scratch so I'm not sure.

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1 hour ago, SAS123 said:

I'm Hoping that the 1.1 Update doesn't completely rewrite how planets, Parts and other things are modded. I've learnt so much and it would be annoying to learn all of it again. It shouldn't but they did have to remake alot of things and make wheel physics from scratch so I'm not sure.

It won't. Altering how planets are modded would require @SQUAD to completely rewrite the PQS-system, which means remaking every planet from scratch, so I highly doubt they would do that. That, and to quote @Thomas P. here:

I havent changed anything related to the config layout yet, but I may add some new stuff I was thinking about

So I think it's safe to assume that 1.0.5 planets will be just fine.

On 10-3-2016 at 11:31 PM, Tangle said:

Thanks! I'm **fairly sure** I can use this in the Kopernicus contest with no detriment to you... 

Good luck! :D

(Sorry for the late reply, I COMPLETELY forgot about this message :blush:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

NVM, fixed it.

New config goes like this:


        name = Ixium
        cacheFile = TerraPlanets/Caches/IxiumCache.bin
            name = Duna
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            description = One Kerbal on the naming committee suggested "Titan", but this planet is in fact not very big.  That, or it may just be very far away.  Or both.
            radius = 500000
            geeASL = 0.45
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 85000 85000 85000 100000 1200000 300000 600000
				landedDataValue = 12
				splashedDataValue = 12
				flyingLowDataValue = 11
				flyingHighDataValue = 10.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 10
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5
				recoveryValue = 10
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 28000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  200000	
            referenceBody = Laurentia
            color = 0.7,0.7,0.9,1
            inclination = 0.2
            eccentricity = 0.03
            semiMajorAxis = 23000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 120
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 75
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
        ScaledVersion //Update scaledspace
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0
				texture = TerraPlanets/Laurentia/Ixium/Ixium_color.png
				normals = TerraPlanets/Laurentia/Ixium/Ixium_normal.png
				shininess = 0.1
				specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
				rimPower = 2 //Atmosphere rim power
				rimBlend = 0.3 //Atmosphere rim blend
				Gradient //Atmosphere rim color defenitions
                    0.0 = 0.50,0.60,0.85,1
                    0.6 = 0.07,0.08,0.13,1
                    1.0 = 0.01,0.02,0.03,1
			ambientColor = 0.50, 0.525, 0.55, 1.00
			lightColor = 0.80, 0.73, 0.66, 1.00				
			enabled = true
			oxygen = false
			altitude = 85000.0
				key = 0		121.59		-1.32825662337662E-02	-1.32825662337662E-02
				key = 3850	70.45212	1.08101766233766E-02	-1.08101766233766E-02
				key = 7700	38.35164	-6.61608311688312E-03	-6.61608311688312E-03
				key = 11550	19.50828	-3.70578701298701E-03	-3.70578701298701E-03

				key = 15400	9.81708		-1.89074805194805E-03	-1.89074805194805E-03
				key = 19250	4.94952		-9.4665974025974E-04	-9.4665974025974E-04
				key = 23100	2.5278		-4.7371948051948E-04	-4.7371948051948E-04
				key = 26950	1.30188		-2.38877922077922E-04	-2.38877922077922E-04
				key = 30800	0.68844		-1.20685714285714E-04	-1.20685714285714E-04
				key = 34650	0.3726		-6.2212987012987E-05	-6.2212987012987E-05
				key = 38500	0.2094		-3.29298701298701E-05	-3.29298701298701E-05

				key = 42350	0.11904		-1.80935064935065E-05	-1.80935064935065E-05
				key = 46200	0.07008		-1.02857142857143E-05	-1.02857142857143E-05
				key = 50050	0.03984		-6.21818181818182E-06	-6.21818181818182E-06
				key = 53900	0.0222		-3.63116883116883E-06	-3.63116883116883E-06
				key = 57750	0.01188		-2.07272727272727E-06	-2.07272727272727E-06
				key = 61600	0.00624		-1.13766233766234E-06	-1.13766233766234E-06
				key = 65450	0.00312		-6.07792207792208E-07	-6.07792207792208E-07
				key = 69300	0.00156		-3.42857142857143E-07	 -3.42857142857143E-07
				key = 73150	0.00048		-2.02597402597403E-07	-2.02597402597403E-07
				key = 77000	0		-1.24675324675325E-07	-1.24675324675325E-07
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15
				key = 0		288.15		-0.008333333766		-0.008333333766
				key = 9240	212.4633208	-0.001180336104		-0.001176697662
				key = 16170	212.4633208	0.001176697662		0.001176697662
				key = 23870	266.5252345	0.0006431355844		0.0006431355844
				key = 43120	266.5252345	-0.0008869198701	-0.0008869198701
				key = 61600	183.9579481	-0.001180336104		-0.001180336104
				key = 69300	183.9579481	0.0006152915584		0.0006152915584
				key = 77000	226.2245352	0.0009020832468		0.0009020832468
				key = 115500	0		-0.0005839079221	-0.0005839079221
				key = 0			1	0			0
				key = 5923.076923	0.5	-0.00007792207792	-0.0001333050649
				key = 6526.656231	0	0			0
				key = 11883.45738	0	0			0
				key = 28045.35461	0.2	0			0
				key = 42527.78708	0.2	0			0
				key = 54071.53228	0	0			0
				key = 77000		0.4	0			0
					map = TerraPlanets/Laurentia/Ixium/Ixium_height.png
					offset = -800
					deformity = 4000.0
					scaleDeformityByRadius = false
					order = 20
					enabled = true
					deformity = 100
					ridgedAddSeed = 123456
					ridgedAddFrequency = 12
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 4
					ridgedSubSeed = 654321
					ridgedSubFrequency = 12
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 4
						key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
						key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
						key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexHeightEnd = 6500
					simplexSeed = 123456
					simplexOctaves = 4
					simplexPersistence = 0.6
					simplexFrequency = 12
					enabled = true
					order = 200
					blend = 1
					order = 500
					enabled = true
							name = Bottom
							altitudeStart = 0
							altitudeEnd = 0.7
							color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Base
							altitudeStart = 0.7
							altitudeEnd = 0.75
							color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Low
							altitudeStart = 0.75
							altitudeEnd = 0.85
							color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Grad
							altitudeStart = 0.85
							altitudeEnd = 0.95
							color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = High
							altitudeStart = 0.95
							altitudeEnd = 2
							color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0
							lerpToNext = false
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				fogColorStart = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

My ocean planet isn't working. Maybe the file nesting is wrong?

I'd really appreciate if you could help out, as I hope to enter the Kopernicus Competition with this one.

Edited by Osmium
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Pikachu80911 said:

Just a question - Do we only use one of the PQS mods? Or do we use all the ones listed? 

Which PQSMods you use is completely up to you - there's no list of 'required' PQSMods. Every planet in KSP is a mix of PQSMods, but which mods differs. Minmus, for instance, has been made entirely with the mod VertexPlanet, while Mun has been made with VertexHeightMap and two VoronoiCraters mods. Duna even has both LandControl and ColorMapBlend for it's red coloring.

So in the end, it's up to you to decide which PQSMods to pick, as long as you have at least one color mod, examples are VertexPlanet, LandControl, HeightColorMap, VertexColorMap and VertexSimplexNoiseColor, and even those are not required, although without them the surface will appear black.

If you ever need help with choosing PQSMods, shoot me a private message and I'll help ASAP.

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		name = Laemya
			name = Laythe
			removeAllPQSMods = true
			removeOcean = true
			description = Laemya is a large binary moon for Laephus, which is large enough to classify the Laephus System as a binary planetary system, similar to half the other... Wait.
			radius = 250000
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = true
			initialRotation = 0
			geeASL = 0.7655
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 0 0 0 120000 200000 500000 600000
				landedDataValue = 20
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 10.5
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 10.5
				recoveryValue = 50
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 300000
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 10000
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0
				texture = LarinaxSolarSystem/Laephus/PluginData/Laephus_Color.png
				normals = LarinaxSolarSystem/Laephus/PluginData/Laephus_Normal.png
				shininess = 0.23617
				rimPower = 3
				rimBlend = 0.2
					0.0 = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
					0.5 = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0
			referenceBody = Laephus
			semiMajorAxis = 5000000
			inclination = 30
			eccentricity = 0.009
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
			epoch = 0
			colour = 0.4,0.1,0,1.0
			ambientColor = 0.4,0.1,0,1.0
			lightColor = 0.4,0.1,0,1.0
			enabled = true
			oxygen = false
			altitude = 50000
				key =	0	50.6625	-4.5476E-03	-4.5476E-03
				key =	2500	39.2935	-4.3835E-03	-4.3835E-03
				key =	5000	28.745	-3.706533E-03	-3.706533E-03
				key =	7500	20.76083333	-2.784767E-03	-2.784767E-03
				key =	10000	14.82116667	-2.01725E-03	-2.01725E-03
				key =	12500	10.67458333	-1.4058831E-03	-1.405883E-03
				key =	15000	7.79175	-1.0371E-03	-1.0371E-03
				key =	17500	5.489083333	-7.613167E-04	-7.613167E-04
				key =	20000	3.985166667	-5.000833E-04	-5.000833E-04
				key =	22500	2.988666667	-3.518166E-04	-3.518166E-04
				key =	25000	2.226083333	-2.611E-04	-2.611E-04
				key =	27500	1.683166667	-1.940833E-04	-1.940833E-04
				key =	30000	1.255666667	-1.606666E-04	-1.606666E-04
				key =	32500	0.8798333333	-1.246667E-04	-1.246667E-04
				key =	35000	0.6323333333	-8.44E-05	-8.44E-05
				key =	37500	0.4578333333	-6.588333E-05	-6.588333E-05
				key =	40000	0.3029166667	-5.643333E-05	-5.643333E-05
				key =	42500	0.1756666667	-4.45E-05	-4.45E-05
				key =	45000	0.08041666667	-3.1E-05	-3.1E-05
				key =	47500	0.02066666667	-1.608333E-05	-1.608333E-05
				key =	50000	0	-8.266667E-06	-8.266667E-06
			pressureCurveIsNormalised = false
			temperatureSeaLevel = 350
				key =	0	350	-0.012833334	-0.012833334
				key =	6000	258.0675422	-0.0018177176	-0.0018121144
				key =	10500	258.0675422	0.0018121144	0.0018121144
				key =	15500	323.7335835	0.0009904288	0.0009904288
				key =	28000	323.7335835	-0.0013658566	-0.0013658566
				key =	40000	223.4436295	-0.0018177176	-0.0018177176
				key =	45000	223.4436295	0.000947549	0.000947549
				key =	50000	274.7825345	0.0013892082	0.0013892082
				key =	75000	0	-0.0008992182	-0.0008992182
				key =	0	1	0	0
				key =	3846.153846	0.5	-0.00012	-0.0002052898
				key =	4238.088462	0	0	0
				key =	7716.530767	0	0	0
				key =	18211.26923	0.2	0	0
				key =	27615.44615	0.2	0	0
				key =	35111.3846	0	0	0
				key =	50000	0.4	0	0
					seed = 48718741524
					deformity = 10000
					colorDeformity = 6000
					oceanLevel = 0
					oceanStep = 0
					oceanDepth = 0
					oceanSnap = False
					terrainSmoothing = 0.100000001490116
					terrainShapeStart = 2
					terrainShapeEnd = -2
					terrainRidgesMin = 0.4
					terrainRidgesMax = 1
					buildHeightColors = False
					terrainRidgeBalance = 0.1
					enabled = true
					order = 100
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 5
						persistance = 0.400000005960464
						frequency = 1
							octaves = 10
							persistence = 0.400000005960464
							frequency = 1
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 0.5
							octaves = 4
							persistence = 0.5
							frequency = 0.5
						deformity = 50
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.550000011920929
						frequency = 1.5
							octaves = 4
							persistence = 0.550000011920929
							frequency = 1.5
						seed = 1
						deformity = 0.00100000004749745
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 0.5
							Frequency = 0.5
							Lacunarity = 0.5
							Quality = High
							OctaveCount = 4
							Seed = 23126
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 12
						persistance = 0.7
						frequency = 4
							octaves = 12
							persistence = 0.7
							frequency = 4
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							fractalDelta = 0.00100000004749745
							name = AbyPl
							fractalStart = 0
							fractalEnd = 0.05
							baseColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 4
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 4
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574
							name = Beach
							fractalStart = 0.05
							fractalEnd = 0.45
							baseColor = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.3, 0.25, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 4
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 4
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071
							name = Grass
							fractalStart = 0.45
							fractalEnd = 0.9
							baseColor = 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.300000011920929
							lerpToNext = True
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 3
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 3
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
							name = Snow
							fractalStart = 0.9
							fractalEnd = 2
							baseColor = 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.400000005960464
							lerpToNext = False
								deformity = 1
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								frequency = 2
									octaves = 4
									persistence = 0.600000023841858
									frequency = 2
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			oceanColor = 0,0,1,1
				colorFromSpace = 0,0,1,1
				color = 0,0,1,1
				colorFromSpace = 0,0,1,1
				color = 0,0,1,1
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 150000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
					oceanOpacity = 0
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0,0,1,1
				fogColorStart = 0,0,1,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

That is my new planet for my mod. It is obviously loaded, as using SigmaBinary nodes in it cause it to make a barycenter, but it does not appear and I cannot select it using Tab. I am using the parent planet's textures for ScaledSpace ATM, and I was going to tweak values ingame...

The log from the Logs folder:

//=====  Kopernicus 0.6.3 - (BuildDate: 28.12.2015 20:38:22; AssemblyHash: BsuysXszhzyhhG1by6WXtri2dUw=)  =====//
[LOG 20:08:38]: Logger "Laemya.Body" was created
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Laythe"
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removing mods from pqs Laythe
[LOG 20:08:38]: Creating blacklist
[LOG 20:08:38]: Blacklist count = 4
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding all found PQSMods in pqs Laythe
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight
[LOG 20:08:38]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight
[LOG 20:08:38]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Via surface G, set gravParam to 469347187500, mass to 7.03247209319748E+21
[LOG 20:08:38]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 20:08:38]: LandedDataValue = 20
[LOG 20:08:38]: SplashedDataValue = 12
[LOG 20:08:38]: FlyingLowDataValue = 11
[LOG 20:08:38]: FlyingHighDataValue = 10
[LOG 20:08:38]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 10.5
[LOG 20:08:38]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 10.5
[LOG 20:08:38]: RecoveryValue = 50
[LOG 20:08:38]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 10000
[LOG 20:08:38]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 300000
[LOG 20:08:38]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 20:08:38]: Found Biome: Poles : RGBA(0.000, 0.988, 1.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:08:38]: Found Biome: Shores : RGBA(0.992, 0.678, 0.008, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:08:38]: Found Biome: Dunes : RGBA(0.024, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:08:38]: Found Biome: Crescent Bay : RGBA(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:08:38]: Found Biome: The Sagen Sea : RGBA(0.024, 0.153, 0.976, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:08:38]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target referenceBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target inclination in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target eccentricity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target semiMajorAxis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target longitudeOfAscendingNode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target argumentOfPeriapsis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpochD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target epoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target mode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawMode])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target icon in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawIcons])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target cameraSmaRatioBounds in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target type in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.BodyType])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target specular in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target shininess in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:38]: Parsing Target texture in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target normals in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target resources in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target rimPower in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target rimBlend in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target rimColorRamp in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target Gradient in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Gradient)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target Light in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.LightShifterLoader)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target sphericalModel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deferMesh in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: ============= Scaled Version Dump ===================
[LOG 20:08:39]: Laemya (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (UnityEngine.SphereCollider)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (ScaledSpaceFader)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  Laemya (MaterialSetDirection)
[LOG 20:08:39]:  >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 20:08:39]:     Atmosphere (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 20:08:39]:      >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 20:08:39]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 20:08:39]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 20:08:39]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 20:08:39]:      Atmosphere (AtmosphereFromGround)
[LOG 20:08:39]:      >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 20:08:39]: ===========================================
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target enabled in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target oxygen in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target staticDensityASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target adiabaticIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target maxAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target altitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target atmosphereDepth in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target gasMassLapseRate in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target atmosphereMolarMass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target pressureCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target pressureCurveIsNormalized in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target staticPressureASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureCurveIsNormalized in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureLapseRate in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureSeaLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureSunMultCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureLatitudeBiasCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureLatitudeSunMultCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target temperatureAxialSunMultCurve in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.FloatCurveParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target ambientColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target lightColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target AtmosphereFromGround in (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereFromGroundLoader)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target materialType in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader+PQSMaterialType])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target PhysicsMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PhysicsMaterialParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target minLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target maxLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target minDetailDistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target maxQuadLengthsPerFrame in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deactivateAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target Material in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (UnityEngine.Material)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target FallbackMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSProjectionFallbackLoader)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target buildHeightColors in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target colorDeformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target ContinentalSimplex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target frequency in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target octaves in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target persistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target RuggednessSimplex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target frequency in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target octaves in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target persistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target SharpnessNoise in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target frequency in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target octaves in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target persistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target Noise in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target frequency in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target lacunarity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target octaveCount in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target quality in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[LibNoise.Unity.QualityMode])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+NoiseModWrapper+RiggedParser) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target SharpnessSimplexMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper)
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target frequency in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target octaves in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target persistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet+SimplexWrapper) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target deformity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target oceanDepth in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target oceanLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target oceanSnap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target oceanStep in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Parsing Target seed in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexPlanet) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:08:39]: Exception Was Recorded: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32].SetFromString (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[LOG 20:08:39]: Inner Exception Was Recorded: Value is too large
  at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

EDIT: Oh, too big a number for PQS seed :) 

Edited by RA3236
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On 4/17/2016 at 4:53 PM, The White Guardian said:

Which PQSMods you use is completely up to you - there's no list of 'required' PQSMods. Every planet in KSP is a mix of PQSMods, but which mods differs. Minmus, for instance, has been made entirely with the mod VertexPlanet, while Mun has been made with VertexHeightMap and two VoronoiCraters mods. Duna even has both LandControl and ColorMapBlend for it's red coloring.

So in the end, it's up to you to decide which PQSMods to pick, as long as you have at least one color mod, examples are VertexPlanet, LandControl, HeightColorMap, VertexColorMap and VertexSimplexNoiseColor, and even those are not required, although without them the surface will appear black.

If you ever need help with choosing PQSMods, shoot me a private message and I'll help ASAP.

Thanks a ton, I appreciate it!

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On 18-4-2016 at 7:36 AM, Elowiny said:

I have a little problem : The ocean's collision box appears before the ocean texture, so it looks like my ship is hovering when it should be splashed down. Do you know how to fix it?

I have absolutely no clue tbh, never encountered that issue, let alone even hearing from it. Sorry.


14 hours ago, RA3236 said:

Can you update this thread to 1.1, please? I am having troubles with Kopernicus ATM.

This thread DOES work with 1.1. Sorry if I sound annoyed, it's just that for some weird reason everyone seems to believe that the way configs work has changed with 1.1, I wonder where people have gotten that lie from. If you're having issues with Kopernicus, you've likely installed it wrong, or there is an issue with your config. Could you please describe what issues you are having?

Edited by The White Guardian
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33 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

This thread DOES work with 1.1. Sorry if I sound annoyed, it's just that for some weird reason everyone seems to believe that the way configs work has changed with 1.1, I wonder where people have gotten that lie from. If you're having issues with Kopernicus, you've likely installed it wrong, or there is an issue with your config. Could you please describe what issues you are having?

Sorry, I haven't been thinking straight recently. The planets I instal are ocean ones, maybe that's the issue ThomasP was talking about.

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  • 3 months later...

I suspect I'm doing something wrong but I don't see what. My planet won't appear in game.


	name = Alexandria
	flightGlobalsIndex = 810
            name = Vall
			removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
			referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 2.1
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 120000000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.176,0.138,0.023,1
			description = Alexandria 
			radius = 335000
			geeASL = .65
			rotationPeriod = 1
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 10000 20000 45000 60000 70000 80000 90000

				flyingLowDataValue = 8
				flyingHighDataValue = 7
				landedDataValue = 10
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 7
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 5
				recoveryValue = 15
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 5000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 240000
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0

				texture = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_map
				normals = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_normal
				shininess = 0
				specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1

				rimPower = 0
				rimBlend = 0


				map = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_map
				order = 1000
				enabled = true

				map = Extrasolar/ValentineSystem/Solyth/Moons/Hauna/PluginData/alexandria_height.dds
				offset = 0
				deformity = 4000.0
				scaleDeformityByRadius = false
				order = 20
				enabled = true

				seed = 64198163
				deformity = 1700
				octaves = 12.0
				persistence = 0.5
				frequency = 4.0
				enabled = true
				order = 21

				seed = 894651
				deformity = 600
				octaves = 6.0
				persistence = 0.8
				frequency = 12.0
				enabled = true
				order = 12
				deformity = 980
				ridgedAddSeed = 1212
				ridgedAddFrequency = 12
				ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
				ridgedAddOctaves = 4
				ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
				ridgedSubFrequency = 12
				ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
				ridgedSubOctaves = 4
				ridgedMode = Low
				simplexHeightStart = 0
				simplexHeightEnd = 6500
				simplexSeed = 654786
				simplexOctaves = 4
				simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
				simplexFrequency = 12
				enabled = true
				order = 13


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14 hours ago, Nemesis1-1 said:

I suspect I'm doing something wrong but I don't see what. My planet won't appear in game.


	name = Alexandria
	flightGlobalsIndex = 810
            name = Vall
			removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
			referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 2.1
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 120000000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.176,0.138,0.023,1
			description = Alexandria 
			radius = 335000
			geeASL = .65
			rotationPeriod = 1
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 10000 20000 45000 60000 70000 80000 90000

				flyingLowDataValue = 8
				flyingHighDataValue = 7
				landedDataValue = 10
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 7
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 5
				recoveryValue = 15
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 5000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 240000
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0

				texture = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_map
				normals = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_normal
				shininess = 0
				specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1

				rimPower = 0
				rimBlend = 0


				map = Ascension/AscensionSystem/Alexandria/Textures/alexandria_map
				order = 1000
				enabled = true

				map = Extrasolar/ValentineSystem/Solyth/Moons/Hauna/PluginData/alexandria_height.dds
				offset = 0
				deformity = 4000.0
				scaleDeformityByRadius = false
				order = 20
				enabled = true

				seed = 64198163
				deformity = 1700
				octaves = 12.0
				persistence = 0.5
				frequency = 4.0
				enabled = true
				order = 21

				seed = 894651
				deformity = 600
				octaves = 6.0
				persistence = 0.8
				frequency = 12.0
				enabled = true
				order = 12
				deformity = 980
				ridgedAddSeed = 1212
				ridgedAddFrequency = 12
				ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
				ridgedAddOctaves = 4
				ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
				ridgedSubFrequency = 12
				ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
				ridgedSubOctaves = 4
				ridgedMode = Low
				simplexHeightStart = 0
				simplexHeightEnd = 6500
				simplexSeed = 654786
				simplexOctaves = 4
				simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
				simplexFrequency = 12
				enabled = true
				order = 13


I'll log the things I see that could be a problem.

Remove flightGlobalsIndex plz, it's not necessary and causes compatibility issues with other mods.
Kopernicus does not understand ".65", fill in "0.65"
A rotationPeriod of 1 means that a day on the planet is one second long. That's gonna be an issue, trust me.
Please save planet maps in a folder named 'PluginData' and specify the filetype at the end of the filepath, for example PluginData/alexandria_map.dds. For some weird reason you do it right with the heightmap...
I'm pretty certain VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 requires a curve to function.

To be really certain what is causing an issue with a planet, look in logs/Kopernicus/PlanetName.body, in this case, could you open up KSPDirectory/logs/Kopernicus/Alexandria.body and copy-n-paste the contents in a message here? You see, in the .body file Kopernicus logs everything it does with a specific planet, if there's an issue, the .body file will tell what it is.

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On 2/11/2016 at 10:27 AM, The White Guardian said:

Heh, I've been searching the internet for the answer to that very question for months now! I am sorry, but I do not know, and it seems as if the internet does not know either... or I simply have not found the answer yet.

If this is still a problem for you, I found something:


It warps images to fit on spheres so the glitchiness around the poles can be avoided.

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15 hours ago, cubinator said:

If this is still a problem for you, I found something:


It warps images to fit on spheres so the glitchiness around the poles can be avoided.

Thank you so much! I use GIMP though, but know that I know what to call it ("spherical mapping corrector") I have found a plug-in for GIMP that does the same.

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1 hour ago, Potato3478 said:

A little to complicated :huh:

No, they aren't. I presume you just aren't taking the time to look up things that you do not yet fully understand. Mind you, it takes a little background in astronomy.

What would also help a lot is if you'd tell me what exactly you don't understand, I can't help you otherwise.

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