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Why do you "Like" things?


Why do you Like things?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. What single event Most often earns your 'Like' in the forums?

    • You agree with someone's post
    • Someone impresses you
    • Someone accomplishes a "first"
    • Cool pictures are presented
    • You are Entertained
    • Your rationale is capricious and beyond mortal comprehension

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I "like" things if;

A) Someone does something I can't do,

B) Someone either does something impressive or persists in their role at an impressive level (RIC),

C) Necrobones designs something,

D) I find myself entertained (Cat, Shan, Jim),

E) I learn something (Snark, OhioBob, Slashy),

F) Someone has clearly put an insane investment of time and effort into an accomplishment they are proud of.


Why do You "like" things, in this amazing, effervescent community we have?  :)

Edited by GarrisonChisholm
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I like thngs when they're Awesome. And when they're pretty good. And sometimes when they just are. (And when my thumb accidentally drags across the Like button while reading on mobile and I'd be too ashamed to unlike something.)


  On 1/15/2016 at 12:30 AM, GarrisonChisholm said:

D) I find myself entertained


(In Russell Crowe voice): ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?

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I wish I could select more options in the poll!

I'll like anything that I find particularly entertaining, informative, amazing, etc. It could be anything from a really nice SSTO design to a particular quote from a movie I enjoy (ahem see Gladiator quote above).

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When something is really well said and thought out, and it's apparent the poster spent a lot of time thinking about it, and didn't just trip and fall on the keyboard - and so it makes me think about it too - and it doesn't have to be something I agree with.

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Whenever something is entertaining or obviously took a lot of time/effort, and is well thought out. And mods I find interesting or use get an instant-like, since making a mod takes far more time, effort, and knowledge than even the longest post on why "mechjeb isn't cheating"

Oh, and I also have to remember the button is actually there. (oddly, I seem to remember about it very rarely)

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I like things that are cool, inspiring, funny, and more. What really determines whether or not I "like" something is if I enjoy it enough that I want to let the person who posted it know that they wrote/made/did something pretty cool, and that they should be at least a little proud of it.

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I know what you are asking... but you know what, this is similar to discussions I have had in the past when a young person says "I love that"...

I have to point out to them that, no, they do not "love" that... they "like" it... love is reserved for very special occasions... like when you fall in love with the woman you expect to spend the rest of your life with...

BUT... to answer your question, I like a post if its witty, funny or both... or its the post is amazing... like a video of something I cannot do... like the 200 (or was it 100 year) tour of the Kerbal system by a lone Kerbal who eventually returns hone.... THAT was amazing and deserved all the praise I could heap on it... (though, at the time, with the old forums, I heaps REP onto the guy...)

So.... I suppose I like a post if.... I like it... a post like this one (what you read now) is nothing special... so, no likes :( BUT... if I had included a video I'd made, then yeah.... what the hell... YOU might find it special then and like it. :)


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Oh no, someone is concerned about fake internetpoints :)

I dont mind receiving them but I also hand them out when I see something awesome, but I am not hunting for them.
Just dont get to overly excited about them.
For my part, I would like to see them hidden like they were in the old Forum ;)

Edited by MalfunctionM1Ke
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  On 1/15/2016 at 6:05 AM, Alshain said:

G) You don't 'like' things because this is a forum, not Facebook.


I like the fact that several people have liked this post.



For me it's a range of reasons

  • Someone gives me a good answer to a question I've answered
  • Someone's done something interesting
  • Someone's achieved something new to them that they're proud off (we all remember our first Mun landing)
  • Someone posts something that I like
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Moved this over to the Kerbal Network, the forum about the forum.

For me, I click "like" when a post:

  • makes me laugh
  • teaches me something new
  • shows off something impressive in KSP
  • makes a good argument (even if I don't necessarily agree with it)
  • does a good job helping someone else
  • is from a modder updating a mod I use or doing good user support

Even if they're one or more of the above, I never click "like" on a post that:

  • is rude to another user
  • is argumentative for the sake of being argumentative
  • violates Wheaton's Law in any other way

I do kinda miss being able to leave a little comment when liking a post, it was a nice way to let someone know exactly why I thought the post was a good one.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 9:27 AM, Evanitis said:

But FB blatantly ripped of many functionalities of your forum... Status updates, walls, likes, etc. I think you should sue them.


Lol, it isn't the fact they ripped it off from anyone, it's the fact it isn't hidden.  The old reputation system didn't broadcast it to the entire community when you gave someone rep.  It was discrete acknowledgement of a great post.  This system says "Look at me I LIKE this."   Sorry, no.  You will never see my name next to that button anywhere on this forum.  Just like Facebook, it is too ostentatious.

Edited by Alshain
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I had to think about this for a while, and I think I'm going to choose "Entertained", because I am so easily entertained by most of the other choices.
I don't really care if people agree with me or not, but...
Show me a cool picture, I'm entertained.
Impress me, or better yet, show me an impressive first, I'm very entertained

And the one not listed, but should have been:
Teach me something I didn't know, I am very, VERY entertained! 

My likes will always go to learning something new first....:wink:

Edited by Just Jim
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  On 1/15/2016 at 5:20 PM, Alshain said:

Lol, it isn't the fact they ripped it off from anyone, it's the fact it isn't hidden.  The old reputation system didn't broadcast it to the entire community when you gave someone rep.  It was discrete acknowledgement of a great post.  This system says "Look at me I LIKE this."   Sorry, no.  You will never see my name next to that button anywhere on this forum.  Just like Facebook, it is too ostentatious.


@Alshain: While I do understand your desire to remain anonymous to all but those you give rep to, I would like to offer an opposing point of view. By not giving rep to those you feel have made a great post, there is no encouragement offered for them to continue to make contributions to the forum. What I mean by this is that yes, there are those that get rep for mundane things, and it encourages them to continue to do mundane things. Then there are those who truly deserve to stand out in the crowd because they are doing extraordinary things, or perhaps they are contributing in broad ways to the body of knowledge of this forum, or otherwise contributing in very meaningful ways to the game. If this latter group is not given the rep they rightfully deserve, then what's to separate them from the mundane who are often the benefactors of rep for making a joke?

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  On 1/15/2016 at 5:20 PM, Alshain said:

Lol, it isn't the fact they ripped it off from anyone, it's the fact it isn't hidden.  The old reputation system didn't broadcast it to the entire community when you gave someone rep.  It was discrete acknowledgement of a great post.  This system says "Look at me I LIKE this."   Sorry, no.  You will never see my name next to that button anywhere on this forum.  Just like Facebook, it is too ostentatious.


There will be my name in some of your posts, however ;)

Anyway, I understand and agree with your analysis, even tho I disagree with your conclusions (i.e., "I will not do this myself"). The way I see it, this system didn't add anything new nor it removed anything old, it just exchanged the ammount of clicks (in the wrong direction, in my opinion and it seems yours, too). Let me explain:

On one hand, you can't add a message along with the Like, as you previously did with Rep. However, as I see it, a message is just a message. You can write a subsequent message telling the person why you liked the post; it's just more work. The previous forum gave you such option then and there.

On the other hand, there's the "Monstah likes this" thing. I could be wrong, but I remember that in the old forum you could dig that information up; it was buried somewhere in the person's profile (a page full of links to the posts that were given rep to, and by whom). Now, however, that information is broadcast on the posts themselves.

So, one information didn't disappear, and the other one has always been around; however, the information I find more interesting (why I repped) is now hidden a few clicks away, so that it feels like a separate task I might not be inclined to go through; conversely, the information which I and you find irrelevant and perhaps invasive is now broadcast for everyone to see. Definetely not what I call a move in the right direction, but then again not something that offends me into not doing it anymore. As adsii1970 just said, if someone says something I find informative, useful, entertaining ro whatever, I feel it encouraging to give them a Like, even though I would prefer to give a Rep (and a message) instead.

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