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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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23 minutes ago, goldenpeach said:

when you take pleasure at making people think that Dihydrogen Monoxide is a dangerous chemical.

Bonus point if you go in front of a metro station and try to make everyone sign a petition against DHMO.


Extra bonus point if you manage to form a protest against DHMO :wink:


Mega-bonus point if your petition get so much signature that your local mayor is required to consider it at the next assembly.


Ultimate bonus point if you manage to convince your mayor to ban water.

x10 points if you can do it all again with hydroxic acid.

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I had a sign outside my office door that read "Warning: The surgeon general has determined that living is hazardous to your health." You should have heard some of the conversations that sign generated.

The day I was told to take it down, a student asked my department chair what she should do to "not" put her life at risk... and of course, I could not do anything but to laugh...

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When you build a working 1:1 scale Starship Enterprise in KSP (and know the blueprints of the actual one by heart). 

When you dress up as Jeb for Halloween. 

When you always answer "what day is it" with the correct Stardate.

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14 hours ago, EliasDanger said:

You know you're a nerd when you spend like 30 minutes trying to dominate the front page of the forum games section of a space game message board.

you know you're a nerd when you yell "DOMINATED, YE FILTHY CASUAL!"



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If you now that the Spectrum's videomemory consists of three parts being filled in parallel, pixel line by pixel line, every character position: in the upper one third, in the medium one third, in the lower one third, upper, medium, lower, so on... Not just one by one from top to bottom.
And you can use its print buffer as an additional 0.25 kb bonus memory.

(Because you'd written your own blackjack)

Edited by kerbiloid
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