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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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11 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

When you are the only person in your class to like KSP, everyone else plays CSGO...

Happens to me too. They diss me for being a nerd and playing KSP, yet I get the last laugh when all of them (yes, I mean all of them) fail their tests.

I have no idea why playing KSP magically made me pass the test. But...

KSP 1, CSGO 0.

Edited by TotallyNotHuman_
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bee hoe ring, a yes bene geserit , breeding contest,  fanny mae , diaspora and etc ... ^^ xDr gonna bode well

"i m not here, i did not said this" - david lynch -

lord of the wut, my precious xDr

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
sarcasm, who said sarcasm, not intended prolly but fall perfectly afterward ^^
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of a necropost here, sorry about that :blush:.

But my science teacher thought that the sun, being a medium class star would become a neutron star...


He further said all massive stars become black holes.  



I did correct him on both of his claims by the way.

Edited by munlander1
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1 hour ago, eloquentJane said:

When you learn how to use Excel so that you can make an exhaustive planning sheet for a resource management game.


1 hour ago, 0111narwhalz said:

When, instead of using Excel's esoteric syntax, you vomit up some glorious C#.

When you realize terrible disadvantages and limitations of the most commonly used accounting software creating business models for KSP and Skyrim/Fallout.

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On 3/30/2017 at 7:04 PM, munlander1 said:

Kind of a necropost here, sorry about that :blush:.

But my science teacher thought that the sun, being a medium class star would become a neutron star...


He further said all massive stars become black holes.  

<facepalm snipped>

Dude, I am so sorry for you. 


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When your first-year electronics teacher insists that an SN74LVC1G74 is a level-triggered device, and you annoy him in front of the class that TI's documentation clearly states it's edge-triggered.


<i had to blow the dust off the brain cells with that one!>

Edited by Xorth Tanovar
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