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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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40 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Ahh. That was what I was trying to link, but I got the wrong link. Fullscreen is waaay better.

Those are basically the same thing. And yes, I was talking about that somewhat. I already had seen so many videos from ISS, though, that I knew my way around pretty well even before that came out.

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when you make maze games based around hexaflexagons.


...and when you make a graph using logo that maps a hexagonal grid onto a triangular grid so it is easy to form(although since I don't really know how to program logo,I asked my dad.)


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8 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

When you come up with two equivalent time saving proposals, and then spend more time comparing them to figure out which proposal is most efficient than you would've saved by simply adopting one at random.

When you recognize nerd-sniping yet are powerless against it.

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When you are used to measure:

  • superforce in supernewtons,
  • superpower in superwatts,
  • superjob in superjoules

and then suddenly realize that you have to use the vulgar meters and seconds to convert:

  • 1 superjoule = 1 supernewton * 1 meter
  • 1 superwatt = 1 superjoule /  1 second.

This means that superheroes live in the real, vulgar world, and you can be one of them.

Edited by kerbiloid
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- when you interested in your own growing jowl litl' necrosis and what get out of it of it day after day, i guess body cells, and necrosis cells signed an armistice for now, but cell are feeding & fading each day so i m gonna feed the necrosis a some point and fade away ^^

a few weeks month back, it' was so weird what was gettin out of it, it was changing so fast ; ) i kinda imagined it was like verdun trench ; ) but with cells warmongering in my body insteed biped

could sound weird to many, but i just found that amusing, that we relly on them, toose small living being we can't directly talk with

may be some sort of symbiosis with my cat m8 also, but well ... she was older that me and prolly had her load of brain pain as well

- when you tap on your shoulder, then the 1 - 2 years old cat jump, and you go roller skate in line in the street, with the cat on your shoulder without any sort of harness, when your girlfriend and mother choose to drop the cat in the wild and you ll never forgive that back in the days you naively thrusted them when you should haven't ... and you know girl at each others, i guess it just showed to witch point they are ready to sacrifice anithing on there little comfort road

- when this one name is Selfhi, she was born in the wild, in a farm abandonned sheepfold/stable/barn, when i met her she was a few month old and come to me leaving her sis & bro and mothers, once she also jumped of the window, (3rd floor) when 2 or 3 old and broke a leg falling in a water grid bottom, wich make me a little paranoid afterward leaving the window open too large when at work, self[y] is also my most used avatar name since the 90's

- when all you need to know about Bounty is this:


- when whatever anyone will think about you, you never give a damn about it, it's always on the move ...


Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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