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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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I too wouldn't mind seeing some new GPS block II and block III antenna since the Figaro GNSS system hasn't been updated in a while, especially if you can make it compatible with MCE to replace or augment their navigation core. I also would love to see a laser communication 'dish antenna' for use with RemoteTech for long range, high bandwidth applications (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_communication_in_space). 

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46 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

I too wouldn't mind seeing some new GPS block II and block III antenna since the Figaro GNSS system hasn't been updated in a while, especially if you can make it compatible with MCE to replace or augment their navigation core. I also would love to see a laser communication 'dish antenna' for use with RemoteTech for long range, high bandwidth applications (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_communication_in_space). 

*ahem* :3 @akron ? What are your thoughts on Mission Controller Extended?

Also, he has LADEE's LLCD planned already.

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2 hours ago, Tristonwilson12 said:

love this!!

any plans to do any GPS style parts?

Thanks! I am not too sure about GPS parts themselves, but I do have SCANSat parts planned.

48 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

if you can make it compatible with MCE to replace or augment their navigation core.

This is so ironic for, uh reasons...

48 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

I also would love to see a laser communication 'dish antenna' for use with RemoteTech for long range, high bandwidth applications

This is in my to-do list (Part list is available in the OP) I am using LADEE as inspiration


EDIT: Ninja'd by @CobaltWolf!

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8 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

Hope I didn't suggest anything bad or out of place...

Not at all. It has actually been suggested before :)

We have a birthday in the house today so it won't be until tomorrow that I'll get to modeling some stuff. Not all of which will be for the mod. Stay tuned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I just wanted to post a quick heartbeat message. I have not been swallowed by Charybdis! I just have had some RL stuff and just took a little bit of a break in general. I was hoping that 1.1 would have come out this week, encouraging everyone to finalize 1.1 versions of mods to ensure compatibility. The thought was to update the mod to 1.1 since I may be able to remove DMagic's science animate as a requirement using the new 1.1 functions.

I am currently working on additional science, IR spec, UV spec and the Solar wind experiment and a couple of models for a side project. I think I will have some model WIPs today, not textures yet, probably. If I am productive enough, I may release the "science" update this weekend. We'll see.


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1 hour ago, akron said:

Hey I just wanted to post a quick heartbeat message. I have not been swallowed by Charybdis! I just have had some RL stuff and just took a little bit of a break in general. I was hoping that 1.1 would have come out this week, encouraging everyone to finalize 1.1 versions of mods to ensure compatibility. The thought was to update the mod to 1.1 since I may be able to remove DMagic's science animate as a requirement using the new 1.1 functions.

I am currently working on additional science, IR spec, UV spec and the Solar wind experiment and a couple of models for a side project. I think I will have some model WIPs today, not textures yet, probably. If I am productive enough, I may release the "science" update this weekend. We'll see.


Keep up the great work man!

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12 hours ago, Table said:

Keep up the great work man!

Thank you!

I almost slacked off and not get anything done today, but I managed to model and UV map the IR spec. Texture usage is semi-temp, just so you can see what I am thinking as far as colors. I am thinking about using a little bit more texture space to increase detail from now on. KSP 1.1 has turned out to be fairly efficient, so I think I can afford it.


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4 hours ago, Virtualgenius said:

I love these parts and if the author integrates landing legs and some small probe like engines and this will replace AIES for probe parts

I've got a couple of engines planned, and landing legs will definitely be part of the Phase 3 landers pack. AIES has a much more extensive array of engines and fuel tanks, which is not the focus of my mod so you won't see anywhere near as many as @carmics has. For launchers and service engines, I am going to refer folks to Tantares and Bluedog Design Bureau.

5 hours ago, larkvi said:

Glad to see people making nice parts for probes! Going to soften the blow of AIES not being 1.1 compatible.

Much appreciated! 

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Will all current AIES parts break with 1.1? Even just the probe cores? If this is the case, I implore @akron to make the spiritual successor. I can't live without the AIES busses and parts. I know its out of your current scope, if you made some basic parts share the size, shape, look, and dimensions of the current AIES cores (especially the Explon's and square tank addon) I as well as many on here would be grateful.

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38 minutes ago, thunder175 said:

Will all current AIES parts break with 1.1? Even just the probe cores? If this is the case, I implore @akron to make the spiritual successor. I can't live without the AIES busses and parts. I know its out of your current scope, if you made some basic parts share the size, shape, look, and dimensions of the current AIES cores (especially the Explon's and square tank addon) I as well as many on here would be grateful.

I don't think that AIES probe cores will break because they are just parts and the basic part module has not really changed (They will not have tags for searches, but that's about it). AIES Engines and animated parts are another story. Landing legs will be broken and possibly his antennae will be as well. All parts will not be balanced for 1.1 so heating may be a issue or prices... Some of these issues can be addressed via MM configs.

It would feel a little weird to branch of a successor to his mod without knowing if he will return to work on AIES. I have a feeling that the 1.1 release might generate enough of a reason for him to check back. That being said, I am not opposed not making some AIES equivalent probe parts to be included in ProbesPlus if there is a demand for it.

42 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I was actually looking at the AIES thread the other day and trying to think of what parts aren't covered by my or @akron's mods. I personally think it will be nice to replace it, since the visual detail on P+ / BDB is a significant step up in many areas.

It's a good argument for it, but AIES does have its own unique style. I may try to get in contact with @carmics to try and get a final word on his plan or to see if he can allow me to carry the banner, so to speak. We're both from Venezuela so the odds are in my favor :D

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8 minutes ago, Virtualgenius said:

I never really used the launcher side of the house in AIES just the small probe parts rcs  engines and the  multicore tanks solar panels and the like if you where to just do those parts this mod would take over 

I do have some RCS parts planned that I think will cover the need. I will look through the more unique parts from AIES to see what I could *potentially* incorporate. Solar panels are a little tricky because AIES' Suncat panels are not particularly unique (engineering-wise, not art-wise). I honestly compare all solar panels to Near Future Solar to see if it has been done there already. AIES' Suncats are also very OP by comparison with other mods and stock.

I am open to suggestions and/or requests to get a list together, but please note that I do not plan to make any AIES replacement parts until I have at least made a reasonable effort to reach the original author.

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