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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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17 hours ago, GrubbyZebra said:

I'm having an issue on my career save where the Landvermesser legs won't deploy (I have the option in the VAB but they only move a small amount before returning to the stowed position, and I don't even get the option in the right-click menu in flight scene). The output log is below, you can scroll to the bottom for the messages that start when I press the gear key in the flight scene. Look for the sentence that starts "DragCubeSystem:" and it's that plus the next 20 ish lines.



Has it ever worked for you before? Sorry, you just have a lot of mods installed. I don't know what might cause this just yet

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3 minutes ago, akron said:

Has it ever worked for you before? Sorry, you just have a lot of mods installed. I don't know what might cause this just yet

It works on my test install, so I'm definitely of the opinion that it is some mod interaction causing the problem. 

Anyhoo, no rush, but it was baffling to me so I figured I would post here for a fresh set of eyes.

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What exactly is the SAR 15 synthetic aperture radar altimeter? 

It has a direct antenna...?

It is the same as the high definition radar altimeter from ScanSAT? (The higher 750 kilometer altitude one?)

It is also like the stock big resource scanner...like the M700?

So if I have the ScanSAT settings set to "not do the instant resource scan (I like to scan over time....I think the insta scan is OP) will this obey that setting? Or does it only insta-scan?

We really need a parts manual....or in brackets in the part description what stock or mod parts your parts are copies of....I can't keep everything straight in my head.

I just put a satelite around Minmus yesterday with just the M700 because I didn't realize you provided a copy of the SAR with a built in M700....

Also your parts don't trigger the ScanSAT contracts to do the associated scans when your parts are unlocked....that would help and be a nice addition. 

What's the point of putting a satelite up with the SAR if I haven't gotten the contracts to scan each planet I have discovered with the SAR....because I haven't unlocked the ScanSAT SAR yet to trigger the contracts....?

I have no idea what the CA-KLIR Infrared Spectrometer does....

It says resource scanner but a max altitude of 60000 meters so that won't work on Kerbin or Eve with atmosphere. Is it like a narrow band scanner or the surface scanner? It says surface.....but when on the surface you aern't at 60000 meters.....that would be a REALLY high mountain....I'M SOOOO CONFUSED!

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Where do you have to go to run solar wind science? High orbit of Kerbin? Orbit the sun?

Where do you go to use the Gravity Wave Detector.....to log gravity data?

Ok I just unlocked ANOTHER HIgh definition radar sensor....is that basically the same as the CAE-SAR15 that I just asked about in the prior post except it has no comms dish and no resource scanner......but it's ANOTHER SAR?

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@JoE Smash If the SAR 15 has the right part modules in its config then it can act as either an M700 scanner (stock resource scan), a low res SCANsat resource scanner, or both, depending on your settings. And maybe also a hi res altimetry SCANsat scanner. In any case, the scanning modules attached to that part should be specified in the VAB part icon tooltip.

There are two options related to this in SCANsat. One is to simply disable instant scanning, this will allow you to use the part as a SCANsat scanner, but will not effect the stock functions (disable instant scan here refers to disabling instant resource scanning for SCANsat maps, not disabling it for stock). The stock scan won't affect SCANsat maps in any way with this the instant scan option disabled.

The other option is to disable stock scanning altogether. This disables the stock functions of the M700 entirely, so that you can only use SCANsat to scan for resources (you can still trigger the stock resource scan by completing enough of the SCANsat resource scan, in case there are contracts or other functions related to stock resource scans that you rely on).

For these parts to trigger the SCANsat contract availability you would need to modify the SCANsat contract configs. Specifically the Exceptional.cfg (for hi res altimetry) file, or the Significant.cfg (for the resource scans) file in the GameData/SCANsat/Resources/Contracts folder. These nodes specify which parts need to be unlocked to allow the contract to be offered:

		name			= PartUnlocked_1
		type			= PartUnlocked
		part			= SCANsat_Scanner2

I'm not sure about the specific Contract Configurator syntax required to allow for different part unlocks to allow for the contract to proceed.


Edit: Looking at the part config for the CAE-SAR15 it looks like it has both of the orbital stock resource scanner modules, but only the SCANsat hi res altimetry scan module. 

You could add these modules, or some variant of them, to add the SCANsat lo res resource scan function to the part:

		name = ModuleSCANresourceScanner
		sensorType = 524288
		fov = 5
		min_alt = 15000
		max_alt = 1000000
		best_alt = 150000
		scanName = Resource Scan
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.5
		name = SCANexperiment
		experimentType = SCANsatResources


Edited by DMagic
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57 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@JoE Smash If the SAR 15 has the right part modules in its config then it can act as either an M700 scanner (stock resource scan), a low res SCANsat resource scanner, or both, depending on your settings. And maybe also a hi res altimetry SCANsat scanner. In any case, the scanning modules attached to that part should be specified in the VAB part icon tooltip.

There are two options related to this in SCANsat. One is to simply disable instant scanning, this will allow you to use the part as a SCANsat scanner, but will not effect the stock functions (disable instant scan here refers to disabling instant resource scanning for SCANsat maps, not disabling it for stock). The stock scan won't affect SCANsat maps in any way with this the instant scan option disabled.

The other option is to disable stock scanning altogether. This disables the stock functions of the M700 entirely, so that you can only use SCANsat to scan for resources (you can still trigger the stock resource scan by completing enough of the SCANsat resource scan, in case there are contracts or other functions related to stock resource scans that you rely on).

For these parts to trigger the SCANsat contract availability you would need to modify the SCANsat contract configs. Specifically the Exceptional.cfg (for hi res altimetry) file, or the Significant.cfg (for the resource scans) file in the GameData/SCANsat/Resources/Contracts folder. These nodes specify which parts need to be unlocked to allow the contract to be offered:

		name			= PartUnlocked_1
		type			= PartUnlocked
		part			= SCANsat_Scanner2

I'm not sure about the specific Contract Configurator syntax required to allow for different part unlocks to allow for the contract to proceed.


Edit: Looking at the part config for the CAE-SAR15 it looks like it has both of the orbital stock resource scanner modules, but only the SCANsat hi res altimetry scan module. 

You could add these modules, or some variant of them, to add the SCANsat lo res resource scan function to the part:

		name = ModuleSCANresourceScanner
		sensorType = 524288
		fov = 5
		min_alt = 15000
		max_alt = 1000000
		best_alt = 150000
		scanName = Resource Scan
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.5
		name = SCANexperiment
		experimentType = SCANsatResources


Yeah I understand how to change if the resources scan instantly or not in the settings for scanSAT and changing it. I wanted to know if the setting affects the parts in this mod as well, or only the stock scanners. I'm aware of scanSAT settings, I didn't know if they affect the mod parts in this mod or not.

I also understand about reading the tool tips, but they are unclear. What I'm saying is it would be better if the parts for this mod said in brackets in the tool tip what parts they are a copy of....like (same as narrow band scanner or same as high definition altimeter)

Despite the tool tips I still don't understand what the CA-KLIR Infrared Spectrometer does....

I also still don't know where to use run solar wind science? High orbit of Kerbin? Orbit the sun? Or where do you go to use the Gravity Wave Detector.....to log gravity data?

Lastly I don't know how to do things with module manager.....I'm not a modder for that reason. I know how to install it and that's about it. I really depend on modders like linuxgurugamer to write good mods that utilize module manager efficiently to do things like what you were saying about scanSAT contracts....

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@JoE Smash Ok, lots of questions! I apologize for your confusion, these questions have not come up before, despite some the parts being available for quite some time.

SAR15 - Functions exactly as the stock M700 scanner. If you have SCANsat installed, it adds a high-res altimeter module to it, and converts it into an Orbital Surveyor for resource scanning. The antenna on the SAR15  are just normal short range communication antenna unrelated to the altimeter.

KLIR - Gives you 3 things: A biome KerbNet map, a new Infrared science experiment that you can run at any time in space, and stock Ore detection. The 60 Km max altitude is probably a typo and supposed to be 600 Km. I will check and test.

SWIS (Solar Wind Science) - Adds a new experiment that you can run anywhere in space

Gravity Wave Detector - Functions EXACTLY like the stock one, just a different name and fancier looks

H2RS - I think this is the second SAR you unlocked. This one also adds High-res SCANsat altimeter scans along with a high angle range KerbNet map. It does not do any resource detection

There is another SCANsat Radar, mounted on Meridiani dish antenna (Cassini). This one is a low-res altimeter and KerbNet access

Most of my scanners still give you KerbNet map access, as you can see.

So far, my part do not have the ability to unlock contracts. It's never come up. It should allow for contract completion though. @DMagic do I need anything other than this code to complete and terminate DMagic contracts? SCANsat contracts so far seem to complete on percentage of the map, independent of the part.

		@Magnetometer_Parts ^= :$:,ca_magneto2,ca_vor_mag,mer_mag,ca_stereoBoom,sp_juno_mag
		@RPWS_Parts ^= :$:,ca_RPWS,ca_RPWS_STEREO



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1 hour ago, akron said:

@JoE Smash Ok, lots of questions! I apologize for your confusion, these questions have not come up before, despite some the parts being available for quite some time.

SAR15 - Functions exactly as the stock M700 scanner. If you have SCANsat installed, it adds a high-res altimeter module to it, and converts it into an Orbital Surveyor for resource scanning. The antenna on the SAR15  are just normal short range communication antenna unrelated to the altimeter.

KLIR - Gives you 3 things: A biome KerbNet map, a new Infrared science experiment that you can run at any time in space, and stock Ore detection. The 60 Km max altitude is probably a typo and supposed to be 600 Km. I will check and test.

SWIS (Solar Wind Science) - Adds a new experiment that you can run anywhere in space

Gravity Wave Detector - Functions EXACTLY like the stock one, just a different name and fancier looks

H2RS - I think this is the second SAR you unlocked. This one also adds High-res SCANsat altimeter scans along with a high angle range KerbNet map. It does not do any resource detection

There is another SCANsat Radar, mounted on Meridiani dish antenna (Cassini). This one is a low-res altimeter and KerbNet access

Most of my scanners still give you KerbNet map access, as you can see.

So far, my part do not have the ability to unlock contracts. It's never come up. It should allow for contract completion though. @DMagic do I need anything other than this code to complete and terminate DMagic contracts? SCANsat contracts so far seem to complete on percentage of the map, independent of the part.

		@Magnetometer_Parts ^= :$:,ca_magneto2,ca_vor_mag,mer_mag,ca_stereoBoom,sp_juno_mag
		@RPWS_Parts ^= :$:,ca_RPWS,ca_RPWS_STEREO



I appreciate you getting back to me m8....

So the first SAR I unlocked....the one with the comms dish is like the M700....but it is NOT also a high altitude radar? See I thought it was both....oh well...

The other SAR clearly is but it's exactly the same price as the stock one and has the same stats....so it's basically another model....

I really wish I knew about the KLIR earlier....I would have used it....so it's a biome scanner AND an ore scanner? So like the high definition ore scanner. Not like the M700, it like the M4435 narrow band one? If so I REALLY wish I knew that. It does say 60,000 instead of 600,000 so that also really confused me as how the hell to use it.

That's kinda what I was explaining in my prior post....instead of making a pdf guide or a wiki....if you just added text in the tool tip right click menu stating what stock part it is a copy of, that would really help a lot.

Like for the CA-KLIR if it said in the tool tip (Combo of Multispectral Biome Scanner and M4435 Narrow Band Ore Scanner), I would have understood exactly what it was and how to use it....well except for the altitude typo being problematic.

Lastly I tried running "solar wind science" from the Xihe Science Boom in orbit of Kerbin, but it said "this cannot be completed at this time" and I didn't understand why. Do I have to orbit the sun to use it, or that was a bug? Or maybe I was still sub orbital and hadn't circularized it yet....I can't remember really I guess. I know it didn't work on the surface, so I tried it in space and it still didn't work, so I was like what does this do and HOW do I do it? I mean if I have to orbit the sun to use it, that's fine, I just need to know because at some point I'll be making a SUN probe for the stock SENTINEL Infared Telescope. I can attach any other solar science on that probe.

I don't know how contract packs work, or how to program, but I do know that whenever I unlock a new ScanSAT scanner I instantly get contracts to use it to scan each planet I have visited so far at least once. It would be really cool if your part copies triggered the quests as well....or instead of, because in most cases your parts are unlocked earlier in the tech tree....

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2 hours ago, JoE Smash said:

So the first SAR I unlocked....the one with the comms dish is like the M700....but it is NOT also a high altitude radar? See I thought it was both....oh well...

If  you have SCANsat installed it is both

2 hours ago, JoE Smash said:

I really wish I knew about the KLIR earlier....I would have used it....so it's a biome scanner AND an ore scanner? So like the high definition ore scanner. Not like the M700, it like the M4435 narrow band one? If so I REALLY wish I knew that. It does say 60,000 instead of 600,000 so that also really confused me as how the hell to use it.

It is not a biome SCANsat scanner. I think we are getting confused on the terminology. KerbNet is the stock KSP map system that they added a little bit ago. All stock probes were given KerbNet access to give them additional functionality separate from what SCANsat already gave through its parts. Similar to SCANsat, KerbNet provides terrain and biome maps, plus anomaly detection. All my parts that do scanning and imaging will provide KerbNet access for those that do not use SCANsat. If you have SCANsat, some of those will be configured to work with it, but they do NOT lose KerbNet access.


That's kinda what I was explaining in my prior post....instead of making a pdf guide or a wiki....if you just added text in the tool tip right click menu stating what stock part it is a copy of, that would really help a lot.

The parts I felt really needed it do have description of functionality, but I only do it on ones with complex or strange setups like optional right-click meshes. I did not want to have big wall of text explaining how each works or what they do because ,to be perfectly honest, I don't think people read them. I'd have to have a description for each mod that changes their functions, so I only do it when it's really needed. For example, the Meridiani dish has a descriptive one that changes if you have SCANsat installed to describe its radar functionality. That being said, I'll try to use more descriptive tool tips in the future along with funny and weird ones


Lastly I tried running "solar wind science" from the Xihe Science Boom in orbit of Kerbin, but it said "this cannot be completed at this time" and I didn't understand why.

You found a bug! The situation mask was set to "high orbit" only, I will correct it on the next patch and review all the rest. 

Good feedback, thank you. This is why I like keeping the mod as an interactive "work in progress"

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3 hours ago, akron said:

Good feedback, thank you. This is why I like keeping the mod as an interactive "work in progress"

Yay I was helpful! Kinda....lol.

So I unlocked the non-boom solar wind science part too....the one that just does that. I'll try that one instead and see if it works. 

I wasn't asking for a wall of text, and I like funny descriptions and wouldn't change them.

I meant add literally the bit I had in quotes maybe after the funny description in brackets or something. Or even on the right side after you right click.

TBH I don't fully understand the stock Kerbnet scanning functionality. A lot of parts say things like "biome"...like probe parts, rover parts, etc....but they don't have an altitude or anything....so I have no idea what it means or how they work. The reason I prefer ScanSAT is because at least it clear. Each part does a thing and has an ideal range, so I understand what it does and where to put it.

The way I see it is getting crap into space how you want it is hard enough to do on it's own. Having to guess what part does what, or having to do stuff all over again because you were wrong and sent the wrong thing up just adds insult to injury....

I didn't mean that about your parts specifically, I mean in general with any part either stock or from another mod. This game is tricky enough on it's own, just getting stuff done. I REALLY hate it when I get something in orbit only to find out the crap I sent doesn't do what I thought it did, or what I need it to do.

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39 minutes ago, JoE Smash said:

Update: The CA-SWIS Solar Wind Analyzer does not function while orbiting Kerbin either....just an FYI....

So I guess I'm SOL on that science 

At what altitude?

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16 minutes ago, JoE Smash said:

I was at around 130km I believe 

The border for "high orbit" is 250 Km. That's why it didn't work. Like I mentioned, there's a bug with the Solar Wind science and it is not running in "low-orbit"

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4 hours ago, akron said:

The border for "high orbit" is 250 Km. That's why it didn't work. Like I mentioned, there's a bug with the Solar Wind science and it is not running in "low-orbit"

Sorry, I forgot what you said and I was verifying that it happened with the other module. So I guess both are doing it. I'll try to remember it next time I'm leaving Kerbin.

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Can anyone tell me if there's any problems with 0.16.1 in KSP 1.3.1?

(Also, to the moderator that approves this post, can you tell me why it needs to be approved to begin with? I suspect it's because of my low post count, and to prevent spammers, but I'm curious for a surefire answer.)

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3 hours ago, shakuvendell said:

(Also, to the moderator that approves this post, can you tell me why it needs to be approved to begin with? I suspect it's because of my low post count, and to prevent spammers, but I'm curious for a surefire answer.)

Yes, that's why. :) 

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On 7/24/2018 at 5:39 PM, sslaptnhablhat said:

I think I found a glitch, the Pioneer 10/11 RTG attaches to, umm, attachment nodes(?) sideways.

Github issue created, I will investigate.

18 hours ago, shakuvendell said:

Can anyone tell me if there's any problems with 0.16.1 in KSP 1.3.1?

You can certainly try. You'll need your appropriate version of Firespitter and DM Science Animate. I do not foresee any issues, but, however, this is not supported as I cannot maintain 2 versions of the mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/25/2018 at 5:32 PM, akron said:

Alright, I'll wait for you log file and we'll figure it out. I just did a fresh re-install and it works fine for me with latest pre-reqs


In preparation for a 1.4.x patch, I have updated the craft files. Please let me know if you find any issues with them. It should help those who are having issues with Cassini-Huygens

Sample Crafts v0.3:

Download from Dropbox


Currently going through @Gordon Dry's reported issues with Real Plume (Which I haven't used in a long time) and the SRB. Does anyone else have issues with the SRB jettison displaying incorrect ∆v? I have 3 such SRBs by my count, Voyager's Propulsion Module, IUE's motor, and Surveyor's retromotor

Hello, I'm having the same issue as sslaptnhablhat, but the Draco/Huygens part still isn't there. I can't seem to pull it out of the nether like he did using the craft file, either.

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On 8/5/2018 at 7:58 AM, wulf899 said:

Hello, I'm having the same issue as sslaptnhablhat, but the Draco/Huygens part still isn't there. I can't seem to pull it out of the nether like he did using the craft file, either.

I do not have a cause identified for this as it is just not widespread. Please go ahead and post your logs and I'll check them


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On 8/7/2018 at 10:03 PM, akron said:

I do not have a cause identified for this as it is just not widespread. Please go ahead and post your logs and I'll check them


I wish I could, however for some reason or other I can't find any - I checked all the spots where the websites say they should be, but they aren't there - probably because the 'missing' part doesn't actually cause KSP to poop itself. Is there a way to forcibly create a log?


The file for the Draco module is present in the files; I'll put a hyperlink here to its location in Dropbox (a copy anyway), so you can have a look at it and see if it should theoretically work. Might not be worth it, but I thought I should provide at least something that might be of use.

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