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[1.6-1.9] HGR Community Fixes: Home-Grown Fixes for Home-Grown Rockets v1.7.0 (02019 Nov 12)


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  On 4/5/2017 at 6:28 PM, MarcAlain said:

I believe that the Radish decoupler has not been fixed:




It's supposed to go on the other way, I think...

  On 4/5/2017 at 6:42 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Has anyone ever been able to contact the author of HGR?  Very frustrating to maintain MM patches, I used to do it for KWRocketry, but was able to merge all patches since the license allowed.

Be a real shame to see this mod die over time


Yeah, especially with the upcoming localization patch -- it would be much easier to just mush all the changes into the files and be done with it, rather than dancing around the perimeter.  OrionKermin's not logged on here or on Curse since October 2015, but I'll drop him a PM here and there on the off-chance he turned on email notifications.

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  On 4/5/2017 at 6:42 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Has anyone ever been able to contact the author of HGR?  Very frustrating to maintain MM patches, I used to do it for KWRocketry, but was able to merge all patches since the license allowed.

Be a real shame to see this mod die over time


I messaged him back in January 2016 asking him to change the license to something more permissive or turn it over to me to at least baby sit until he came back but never got a response. I was so happy when Kerbas started a community fix for this, I was days away from it myself. And I doubt I would have done it nearly as well.

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And this is why I don't contribute to mods which have restricted licenses anymore.  I've been burned before, where I contributed, the author went away and my work was essentially lost.

I think that this thread, and everyone contributing to this project should be commended,  It's the author who I am blaming

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  On 4/5/2017 at 10:38 PM, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

It's supposed to go on the other way, I think...

Yeah, especially with the upcoming localization patch -- it would be much easier to just mush all the changes into the files and be done with it, rather than dancing around the perimeter.  OrionKermin's not logged on here or on Curse since October 2015, but I'll drop him a PM here and there on the off-chance he turned on email notifications.


 Indeed it is, but when you connect it the proper way it forms the cone the wrong way now. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, if possible, could you reconfigure the black pods have manned variants? Like the Soyuz M-S!


Soyuz MS-01 docked to the ISS.jpg


It would be awesome to see, especially because the white Soyuz is a decomissioned spacecraft (but it was really awesome either way)

Along with that, maybe a two manned Voskhod capsule?

It would be epic to use these in game. Also, just docked a Progress to my station in LKO. The kerbals are very happy :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Patch for the FG90 adresses ModuleEngines but the part only has a ModuleEnginesFX.

And one of the capsules misses a } in the Module Ablator.

Edit: Uh looks like stuff is going to be fully adopted, glad to see this is going places.

Edited by maculator
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Glad this is a thing, may I suggest tho that you change the HGR Link under dependencies to go to a reply, or a place where HGR can be downloaded? The link just takes you to the HGR page but on that page, there are two broken links to download it. Maybe if there is a link posted somewhere in the reply section for HGK, u could make that ur dependency link.


EDIT : Make this link the HGR download under dependencies. 


Edited by ISE
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  • 4 weeks later...

HGR Community Fixes v1.5.2 "20% Draggier" is out!

  • Integrated HGR_Redux and HGRCommunityFixes parts and patches into the HGR folder (so delete your HGR, HGR_Redux, and HGRCommunityFixes folders when updating to this version). Many thanks to Orionkermin for relaxing the license of the parts, and to linuxgurugamer for integrating the patches!
  • Increased the drag of the Spud pod to give it a subsonic terminal velocity.

This release doesn't add support for localization (or the update to the Garlic texture that I promised...) as the integration of Orionkermin's parts and my patches was a pretty serious revision in itself.  Something for you all to look forward to!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some suggestions:

1. Increase the KIS capacity of HGRCFOnionProgress to 1100. Why: So that an SC-62 (or rather, SK-62) container fits.

2. Something like that:

	@name = OnionNewLS
	@description = A variation of the Onion support pod set up for comfort in longer trips, as well as temporary visits to space stations which have tight limits on life support. Has an extra case of board games and an air freshener, instead of the scientific equipment.
	@title = Advanced 0N-2-LS "Onion" orbital module
	!MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleScienceConverter] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleScienceLab] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleKerbNetAccess] {}

		name = ModuleLifeSupportRecycler
		CrewCapacity = 3
		RecyclePercent = .4
		ConverterName = Life Support
		tag = Life Support
		StartActionName = Start Life Support
		StopActionName = Stop Life Support

			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.6
		name = ModuleLifeSupportSystem
		name = ModuleHabitation
		BaseKerbalMonths = 0
		CrewCapacity = 2
		BaseHabMultiplier = 1.6
		ConverterName = Habitat
		StartActionName = Start Habitat
		StopActionName = Stop Habitat
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.6
		name = USI_ModuleFieldRepair

I'm not entirely sure of the balance on that, (USI-LS doesn't exactly come with easy to find balancing guidelines) but that lets a fully assembled Soyjuice last through a Minmus flyby with some time to spare, which can otherwise be tricky, because currently supplies (with starvation) are double the hab capability of the Soyjuice even without recycling. And in USI-LS, the stock science lab is set up to be a recycler anyway...

In fact, more mission-specific loadouts of the OM would be handy and don't really require anything except writing a new patch...

Edited by Mihara
Changed the tuning to make hab and supplies match more closely.
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Kerbas_ad_astra , I would suggest patches as below:

1) Change deployment speed of small inline chute - once I have a part (!) destroyed by over g, means it pulled more than 50. 20g is usual case for this chute as it is now :)


2) rescale small inline chute and small LES to match 0,625 node size - now it is purposed only for Radish capsule, but it'll make parts more versatile. Maybe move radish capsule top node down a little bit, so rescaled chute fill fit nicely

3) optional for procedural fairings - remove stock proc. fairing from large LES.

		%rescaleFactor = 1.10

		@deploymentSpeed = 0.12
		@semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
		name = ModuleDecouple
		ejectionForce = 50

		%rescaleFactor = 1.10


	!MODULE[ModuleProceduralFairing] {}


Edited by evileye.x
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  • 2 weeks later...

Found this mod, and I love the Soyuz-like parts and Pumpkin can.

A few patch suggestions, if I may.

1) Add toggleable fuel crossfeed capability to the decouplers, to make them consistent with stock

2) Change RCS Isp to stock values

3) Add CoM offset to Soy and Radish capsules

4) Change cost of 1.875m heatshield to 450 to make it consistent with stock (300 for 1.25m, 600 for 2.5m)

5) Kerbalism support:

  • Habitat volumes and surfaces are way too large now, resulting in insane EC drain.
  • Add configurable supply containers and gas tanks to Onion-Progress module, making it more purposeful
  • (rebalance) reconfigure Soy-Juice pod as 7K-OK configuration (LKO, life support provided by Onion/Leek module, reduced heat and crash tolerance) and Soy-Green as 7K-L1 configuration (Mun flyby, no Onion module, life support included)

6) FAR and RealChute support: remove stock Parachute modules before FAR, otherwise parts end with two parachute modules

7) (rebalance) move decouplers from parachutes to parts supposed to be above them (small escape tower, Onions, Leek)

8) (rebalance) reduce efficiency of Soy service module engine and its fuel tank volume. Increase EC storage to 500 instead. About 900 m/s Soyuz-like craft have in the current configuration seems like too much for me. I changed the engine to Monoprop because current Soyuz versions use the same fuel for RCS and OMS engines.

9) (rebalance) reduce fuel capacity, heat and crash tolerance of Lima module. Progress craft are not supposed to survive reentry.

10) (rebalance) make masses of Soy descent modules closer to each other. Current Soy-Juice mass is even higher than that of real Soyuz descent module, and the real mass includes ablator as well

Here is my current MM patch set (also includes patches from the post above, mass and heat resistance rebalance and some B9PartSwitch fuel switches):

		%rescaleFactor = 1.10

  !MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {}

  !MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {}

		@deploymentSpeed = 0.12
		@semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleParachute],* {}

  %rescaleFactor = 1.10
    ejectionForce = 150
    explosiveNodeID = bottom


  @category = Engine
  @mass = 0.4
  !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
  !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
    @amount = 250
    @maxAmount = 250
    @amount = 500
    @maxAmount = 500
    @EngineType = MonoProp
    !PROPELLANT,* {}
      name = MonoPropellant
      ratio = 0.9
      DrawGauge = True
    !atmosphereCurve,* {}
      key = 0 260
      key = 1 90
      key = 4 0.001
        prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
        transformName = thrustTransform
        emission = 0.0 0.0
        emission = 0.05 0.0
        emission = 0.075 0.25
        emission = 1.0 1.25
        speed = 0.0 0.25
        speed = 1.0 1.0
        localOffset = 0, 0, 1
				modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue
				transformName = thrustTransform
				emission = 0.0 0.0
				emission = 0.05 0.05
				emission = 0.075 0.1
				emission = 1.0 0.5
				speed = 0.0 0.1
				speed = 1.0 0.4
        prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
        transformName = thrustTransform
        oneShot = true
        channel = Ship
        clip = sound_explosion_low
        volume = 1.0
        pitch = 2.0
        loop = false

        name = Hypergolic-OMS-White
        transformName = thrustTransform
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        flarePosition = 0,0,-0.8
        plumePosition = 0,0,0.0
        fixedScale = 0.15
        energy = 1
        speed = 1.44
        @name = ModuleEnginesFX
        %powerEffectName = Hypergolic-OMS-White

    @amount = 250
    @maxAmount = 250

    !atmosphereCurve,* {}
      key = 0 240
      key = 1 100
      key = 4 0.001

  @mass = 1.5

  @mass = 1.3
  @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.95, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
  @CoMOffset = 0, -0.2, 0.04

  @mass = 2.1
  @CoMOffset = 0, 0.1, 0.05

  @crashTolerance = 15

  @mass = 1.2
  @crashTolerance = 15
  %maxTemp = 1000
  %skinMaxTemp = 1500

    %crossfeedStatus = false
    %toggleEditor = true
    %toggleFlight = true

  @cost = 450

  %mass = 0.9
  %maxTemp = 800
  %skinMaxTemp = 1200
  %fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
  %sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
    ejectionForce = 150
    explosiveNodeID = bottom

		volume = 3.30
		surface = 6.87

		volume = 2.50
		surface = 5.29

  @mass = 0.5
  %ContainerVolume = 800
  %PressurizedTankVolume = 84.431
    name = Configure
    title = Supply Container
    slots = 1

      name = Supplies
      desc = Store a balanced supply of <b>Food</b> and <b>Water</b>.

        name = Food
        amount = 0.7224224
        maxAmount = 0.7224224
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

        name = Water
        amount = 0.2775776
        maxAmount = 0.2775776
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

      name = Waste
      desc = Store solid and liquid organic waste.

        name = Waste
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 0.4949706
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

        name = WasteWater
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 0.5050294
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

      name = Food

        name = Food
        amount = 1
        maxAmount = 1
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$

      name = Water

        name = Water
        amount = 0.5
        maxAmount = 0.5
        @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$
    name = Configure
    title = Pressurized Tank
    slots = 1

      name = Oxygen
      desc = Store liquid oxygen

        name = Oxygen
        amount = 809.22
        maxAmount = 809.22
        @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$

      name = Nitrogen
      desc = Store liquid nitrogen

        name = Nitrogen
        amount = 659.4
        maxAmount = 659.4
        @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$

      name = Ammonia
      desc = Store liquid ammonia

        name = Ammonia
        amount = 913.0
        maxAmount = 913.0
        @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$

      name = CarbonDioxide
      desc = Store liquid carbon dioxide

        name = CarbonDioxide
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 601.36
        @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$
        @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$
    name = ProcessController
    resource = _Scrubber
    title = Scrubber
    capacity = 2
    running = true

    name = ProcessController
    resource = _PressureControl
    title = Pressure control
    capacity = 2
    running = true

    name = ProcessController
    resource = _WaterRecycler
    title = Water recycler
    capacity = 2
    running = true

    name = ProcessController
    resource = _WasteProcessor
    title = Waste processor
    capacity = 2
    running = true

    name = ProcessController
    resource = _MonopropFuelCell
    title = Monoprop fuel cell
    capacity = 2
    running = false

    @capacity *= 1.67

    name = Configure
    title = Habitat
    slots = 2

      name = Scrubber
      desc = A dual-bed vacuum-exposing regenerative scrubber that sequester <b>CarbonDioxide</b> from the internal atmosphere.
      mass = 0.01
      cost = 250

        type = ProcessController
        id_field = resource
        id_value = _Scrubber

      name = Pressure Control
      desc = Use <b>Nitrogen</b> to maintain the internal atmosphere at a comfortable pressure.
      tech = engineering101
      mass = 0.01
      cost = 250

        type = ProcessController
        id_field = resource
        id_value = _PressureControl

        name = Nitrogen
        amount = 4000
        maxAmount = 4000

      name = Water Recycler
      desc = Filter impurities out of <b>WasteWater</b>.
      tech = spaceExploration
      mass = 0.05
      cost = 500

        type = ProcessController
        id_field = resource
        id_value = _WaterRecycler

        name = WasteWater
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 5

      name = Waste Processor
      desc = Extract <b>Ammonia</b> out of decomposing organic <b>Waste</b>.
      tech = advExploration
      mass = 0.05
      cost = 500

        type = ProcessController
        id_field = resource
        id_value = _WasteProcessor

        name = Waste
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 5

      name = Monoprop Fuel Cell
      desc = An emergency fuel cell that burn <b>MonoPropellant</b>. Produce <b>Water</b> and <b>Nitrogen</b> as by-products.
      tech = advElectrics
      mass = 0.1
      cost = 1000

        type = ProcessController
        id_field = resource
        id_value = _MonopropFuelCell

		volume = 1.79
		surface = 4.96

		volume = 2.31
		surface = 6.44

		volume = 3.61
		surface = 7.47

		volume = 1.32
		surface = 4.46

		volume = 3.04
		surface = 7.46

		volume = 0.83
		surface = 3.53

  %mass = 1.5
  %maxTemp = 800
  %skinMaxTemp = 1200

	name = LFO80Mono20
	tankMass = 0.000625
	tankCost = 0.00
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.36
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.44
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.25

	name = Mono80LFO20
	tankMass = 0.000625
	tankCost = 0.00
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.09
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 1

	name = Mono100
	tankMass = 0.000625
	tankCost = 0.00
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 1.25

	!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
        !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
        !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
        !MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]],* {}
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
                moduleID = fuelSwitch
                switcherDescription = Supplies
                baseVolume = 200
			name = LF/O
			tankType = LFO
			addedMass = -0.025
			addedCost = -91.8
			name = LF/O/Monoprop
			tankType = LFO80Mono20
			addedMass = -0.125
			addedCost = -91.8
			name = Monoprop/LF/O
			tankType = Mono80LFO20
			addedMass = -0.125
			addedCost = -91.8
			name = Monoprop
			tankType = Mono100
			addedMass = -0.125
			addedCost = -91.8

  @description = The Soy-Juice system was developed as a reliable low cost solution to delivering Kerbals to orbit. That'll show those wasteful Rockomax lovers!\n<i>This is low-orbit pod configuration. Life support systems must be provided by an orbital module.</i> 
  !MODULE[ProcessController]:HAS[!#resource[_PressureControl]],* {}

  !MODULE[Configure],* {}
    %amount = 300
    %maxAmount = 300

    @capacity *= 2
    name = Food
    amount = 31.491405
    maxAmount = 31.491405
    name = Water
    amount = 12.1
    maxAmount = 12.1
    name = Oxygen
    amount = 2978.7
    maxAmount = 2978.7

    @capacity *= 2
    name = Food
    amount = 94.474215
    maxAmount = 94.474215
    name = Water
    amount = 36.3
    maxAmount = 36.3
    name = Oxygen
    amount = 8936.1
    maxAmount = 8936.1

    name = Food
    amount = 62.98281
    maxAmount = 62.98281
    name = Water
    amount = 24.2
    maxAmount = 24.2
    name = Oxygen
    amount = 5957.4
    maxAmount = 5957.4


Edited by Pand5461
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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/12/2017 at 7:59 PM, gunt3rgam3r said:

Any things to avoid when using HGR?


Using Soyuz solar panels as your main antenna and EC source. And i18n, maybe.

And I really recommend to use patches proposed in the latest posts (well, mine nerf Soyuz SM quite a bit, so you may want to remove patches involving SoySvcMod).

And this patch for heat shield (fixes size and mating with the decoupler):

  %rescaleFactor = 1.09
  %node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.059, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

    type = stack_square
    defaultScale = 1.875

Given that it only adds parts, it should not cause trouble.

I have not tested things in 1.3, though.

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  • 1 month later...

Over the weekend I went in and downsized the green 2-crew version of the Soy-Juice to an approx. 1.5m standard. Scaled all the required parts and adjusted weights, tank capacities and engine thrust to match. It's not quite historical, but it makes a really nice middle step between the Mk1 and the Mk1-2 or 3-crew Soy-Juice capsules. It also fits perfectly in a 1.875m fairing.

I use USI-LS, so I kind of justified the reduction by moving a majority of the life support to the green Onion. My stock capsules all have 5 day's of life support while the Soy-Juice only gets one day with a lot more in the Onion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance of a full-on rebuild and integrated set of all these chunks into a single release, along the lines of other big mods, like with a GitHub, spacedock, and .version entries (from which CKAN can become a low work automated integrated update mechanism)?

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