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[1.12.x] [BG] HabTech2 | Stockalike ISS Parts | 1.0.0 - The Final Update


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MPLM + Orion SM = All the supplies you could ever need! Launches nicely with the Ares I from ReDirect and has oodles of delta v... if you're into that sort of thing. 66 parts though, which is maybe too many considering it's basically a space panel van ( 40 of those are just handles, so it's easy enough to trim down ).


I don't actually have a station to send it to though.

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Hello @benjee10,

First Thank you for this great mod!


I don't want to bother you, but I'm working on setting up a new install (after not having played KSP for over 12 moths) and I was wondering,

does this great mod support "USI Life Support" in KSP 1.7.3?

Edited by N3N
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Hi all,

First off, I've just been on vacation and am still away from my PC, so it will be a while before I get to check out any bug reports for any of my mods. 

I just wanted to provide a little update as to what my plans are going forward. For me and many other modders, the announcement of KSP2 has really put a bit of a spanner in the works. I'm extremely excited to play it, but I must admit that when it was announced it pretty much instantly killed any motivation I had to continue modding KSP1, and as it stands, I don't intend to continue being a mod maker for KSP2 when it does release. I have a number of reasons for this. I've been modding KSP for around 5 years now, and it's safe to say that it's been a pretty big part of my life - probably the hobby that has taken up the most of my free time. I've loved every minute of it, and that's in no small part down to the fantastic community that this game has. However, it's gotten to a point now where I'm looking to move on. I have a full time job now, and on top of that I'm trying to break into the film industry here in the UK, which in itself is no small task. I'm at a point where I have very little free time on my hands, and I want to use it to the maximum possible effect. I have several short films I'm trying to get produced, as well as a feature film script in the works, and I'm also learning to drive and trying to pick up freelance film gigs in the process. That doesn't leave a lot of time for KSP, and it feels especially wrong to dedicate so much time to it when the community that uses my mods is inevitably going to dry up to some degree and move on to another game in the near future. 

Before I went away it was pretty much my intention to quit entirely and immediately. However, I've thought about it, and I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet. I'm not comfortable leaving my work unfinished, and I have one other (quite small) mod idea that I've been wanting to execute for a long time. My intention is, over the next few months, to gradually phase out my modding work, bring everything up to a point I'm happy with, and let it be. I will release one more mod which will be my last for this game. I'll continue to provide basic support afterwards, and intend to maintain my existing mods once they're finished and ensure that they always work for the latest KSP1 version - but once I say they're done, they're done, and I won't be adding anything more to them. 

What that means basically is that the next update of HabTech will be version 1.0, and it will be the last to add any new content. My plan for the next update is follows:

- Add Habitation Module & Centrifuge Module
- Add structural adapters
- Overall polish of art & configs
- Very basic IVA implementation for all parts (likely using Nert's props pack)
- A couple of other bits and pieces

Unfortunately I will not be taking any feature requests for this update and nor do I plan to expand this list. I'll be posting similar updates on my other mod threads. I am not looking for anyone to adopt/maintain any of my mods and they will remain All Rights Reserved until I state otherwise. 

Many thanks for your understanding,


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I... I thought I was helping...

On 7/12/2019 at 3:57 PM, CocoaGames said:

is there a craft file for the craft seen in the screenshot?

On 7/14/2019 at 5:33 PM, sslaptnhablhat said:


18 minutes ago, Barzon Kerman said:

The question was "is there a craft file for the craft seen in the screenshot?"

The answer was "Nope."

I was only pointing out that the question had already been answered.

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