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No Man's Sky

Xannari Ferrows

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On 3/10/2016 at 2:59 AM, Octa said:

Then the ships. if i play a space/scifi game, i want the feeling of actually controlling a large ship, not a FPS with 6 degrees of freedom and a HUD that coincidentally looks like a cockpit. I dont know about the look and feel of the Ships in NMS yet. Huge questionmarks that will be answered when it's released.

The cockpits in No Man's Sky have almost the same level of functionality as the IVAs in KSP (yay acronyms!). There's a decent amount of information shown on the ship's HUD, and you have at least 180 degrees of camera control. With that said, I think they've shied away from larger ships because making planetfall is an (almost) essential part of the game, and landing in particular was more feasible with small ships. (The lead developer has stated that it's entirely possible to go through the game without landing on a planet.) There are a lot of sci-fi games with large ships, No Man's Sky doesn't seem to be among them. (That's not a final verdict however, the devs have been very closemouthed; larger ships may be a thing.) 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
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1 hour ago, Xannari Ferrows said:

From rumors I've heard, larger ships are going to be things like battlecruisers and huge cargo transports.

So you might be able to pilot ships around the same size as the big NPC ones?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully that cargo transport thing means there'll be some sort of trading system in the game. Would also be nice if you could hire NPCs to work for you or otherwise affect the economies and relations of star systems and planets. Nothing would be cooler than having thousands upon thousands of players start building their own little empires somewhere in the galaxy, then slowly expanding them until they start connecting with each other and forming larger regions of known and controlled space where all those empires can work with or against each other to reach their goals. Think EVE Online, but billions of times bigger. Space politics on a galactic scale. That would literally be the best thing ever.

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7 hours ago, CaptainKorhonen said:

Hopefully that cargo transport thing means there'll be some sort of trading system in the game. 

Yep. It's actually one of the three main paths that the player can take (trading, exploring, and fighting). There's mining, too. 

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On 05/03/2016 at 0:41 PM, Alphasus said:


The entire Milky Way!!!!!

Elite Dangerous exploration, quite frankly, is space tourist, and you can't even land on planets (unless you have the exp pack, even then only airless), there's nothing to "discover' but pretty pictures. Really, it's just Space Engine minus some things + travel time

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On 3/27/2016 at 8:59 PM, Ehco Corrallo said:

Yep. It's actually one of the three main paths that the player can take (trading, exploring, and fighting). There's mining, too. 

I'm gonna be a merchant! I like the idea of a travelling merchant. That sounds nice.

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What people seem to misunderstand is that a procedurally generated universe still is going to repeat itself. Maybe not literally, but after a certain point everything still roughly feels the same. The interest will wear off after a while because of this. This has been the case in The Elder Scrolls 2, this is the case in Minecraft and will likely be the case in this case.

Regardless, it can be pretty fun. Just do not expect endless fun because the worlds are.

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if there is 14 Quintilian planets with all different kinds of species, what happens when you run out of names for them? you can only have xyz-osoris so many times.. If you managed to get to a super high amount of planets that have been explored, wont it start coming up with names like Gashraimpetiousminorosis the III and whatnot? I'm having trouble describing this in the best way, but do you get what im saying?

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1 hour ago, fireblade274 said:

if there is 14 Quintilian planets with all different kinds of species, what happens when you run out of names for them? you can only have xyz-osoris so many times.. If you managed to get to a super high amount of planets that have been explored, won't it start coming up with names like Gashraimpetiousminorosis the III and whatnot? I'm having trouble describing this in the best way, but do you get what im saying?

I think you described it fine. 

Think about Kerbal names, though. They aren't terribly complex (only two syllables), but I haven't really encountered any repeats. Planet names are probably handled on a syllable basis, and if there's a numerical naming convention tied to that, there'll be quite a few combinations possible. Varying lengths will help to establish variation also. 

I'm a little fuzzy on the math, so I can't give any concrete numbers, but even if you just took the syllables in "Gashraimpetiousminorosis" and rearranged them, you could get a considerable number of possible combinations. Getting 18 quintillion names isn't a very steep task. Getting 18 quintillion interesting names is only slightly harder. 

Besides, even if there are repeats (even as many as three identically named planets) you won't encounter any. Your chances of encountering a repeat, given that there is one, are about 1 in, well, 18 quintillion, and as I think it's already been established, that's a pretty big number. I'd also like to put things in scale: if you discover one million planets, you will only have discovered one eighteen-millionth of the planets in No Man's Sky.

Look at all these place values! 1 is 1/1,000,000th of 1,000,000. 1,000,000 is 1/18,000,000th of 18,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Correct me if my math is horrifically inaccurate. 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
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On 04/03/2016 at 7:38 AM, Rus-Evo said:

It seems it is essentially single player with myself not likely to meet with anyone.

All too correct. The game should really be narrowed down to only a few hundred stars. There is no point in making it so big.

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On 4/2/2016 at 0:43 PM, Matuchkin said:

All too correct. The game should really be narrowed down to only a few hundred stars. There is no point in making it so big.

From a game design standpoint, this makes sense. No Man's Sky however, is more of an experiment, so do try to cut it some slack if you already haven't.

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11 hours ago, Xannari Ferrows said:

From a game design standpoint, this makes sense. No Man's Sky however, is more of an experiment, so do try to cut it some slack if you already haven't.

I'm not entirely sure what the experiment is.  Many games have done the procedural generation thing.  Space trading / exploration hasn't completely been done to death but it's still a genre with a reasonably healthy back-catalogue, even Spore had the 'reach the centre of the galaxy' goal.

It's a game that will carry a €60 price tag.  People are justifiably going to have triple-A expectations even if it comes from a small dev-team.

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  • 3 months later...

I've heard rumours the hype train is comparable to Spore. I seriously hope those rumours are false. No Man's Sky looks very promising, but so did Spore. And we all know what a disappointment that was. I guess we'll know in a few days.

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Am looking forward to the procedural generation of things. But i last read that it is multiplayer now and online and servers. If i have to register somewhere and be online every now and then to transmit what i do with my game then it is not for me. Waiting for the first reviews is a good idea.


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31 minutes ago, Green Baron said:


Am looking forward to the procedural generation of things. But i last read that it is multiplayer now and online and servers. If i have to register somewhere and be online every now and then to transmit what i do with my game then it is not for me. Waiting for the first reviews is a good idea.


From what I've read you do not NEED to be online for anything other than registering your finds online to get "credit" for them. As far as I can tell, that doesn't even give you anything in the game. That aspect - the total lack of meaningful multiplayer - is one of the most attractive parts of the game for me. It's why I'm eagerly awaiting NMS while I didn't even put Elite Dangerous on my Steam watch list.

I seriously doubt that NMS multiplayer got very much attention during dev time, considering the vastly huge number of people who could play the game for thousands of hours and never ever see another soul. Talk about wasted effort.

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I really, really want to play this game.... But I don't have a PS4 and my computer doesn't even meet the minimum system requirements.

3 minutes ago, NSEP said:

Does this game have planets with no life? It looks like every planet has the same color and life. Or they have just one trailer idk lol.

Apparently 10% of the planets will have life, and of those, 10% will have multicellular life. So those giant dinosaur things you saw in the trailer... 1% chance the planet you're on will support them.

And with upwards of 18 quadrillion planets, there will be variation between them, so I wouldn't worry too much about planets being repetitive...

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16 minutes ago, Mjp1050 said:

I really, really want to play this game.... But I don't have a PS4 and my computer doesn't even meet the minimum system requirements.

Apparently 10% of the planets will have life, and of those, 10% will have multicellular life. So those giant dinosaur things you saw in the trailer... 1% chance the planet you're on will support them.

And with upwards of 18 quadrillion planets, there will be variation between them, so I wouldn't worry too much about planets being repetitive...

Ok, im not that into new video games. So that's why I'm so stupid.

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